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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. There has to be more to the story regarding Jo's income. He had to show the mortgage company something in order to secure a mortgage. Also, someone please tell me how Jo missing Isaac's game and "moving on" ceremony translate into Kail needing to go to CS court?
  2. If I recall from the two semesters of German I took in college, Messer is German for "knife" or "cutting tool".
  3. She is working on every other area except those chins
  4. She'll be selling all of that stuff on Craigslist when the Teen Mom gravy train comes to an end!
  5. I find it odd that pepper spray would have any effect on Eichhorst considering he wears full eye prosthetics. Ok, how can I say this? So after all this time, Eichhorst decodes he wants to engage in deviant tentacle intercourse? I think it would have worked better if it was revealed that this was an established pattern with him.
  6. Thomas Eichhorst: failed radio salesman, Unterstrumfürher in the SS, The Master's Trap Queen and now would-be rapist. I have to say, I was on the edge of my seat. I thought for sure that Fet and crew would arrive in time to see Eichhorst feeding on Dutch and Fet having to kill her.
  7. Wait....I know that apartment she had after leaving her mom's was subsidized but I didn't know she lied to get it! What can I say, I am not in the least bit shocked since the girl is an unapologetic grifter.
  8. Did you catch that last paragraph? What a shade fest! Does Kail Kong realize that without MTV money, she wouldn't own her own home, and most likely wouldn't have stability and structure. " After 6 years...." girl, bye! She acts like she and Jo are in their late 30's, not early twenties!
  9. Evertime I see this, it drives me into uncontrollable fits of laughter. Did anyone catch when Sterling basically confirmed what everyone already suspected, that Kail is moving because of Jo. Did you also catch how Kail quickly cut her off and changed the subject?
  10. I can completely understand Jo not wanting to be around She-Hulk and Labia Lips, but he should show up to Isaac's events and be cordial as possible, if Kail and Javi, want to act a fool, let them. I almost choked on my Wheat Thin when Javi said Jo needed to be a man. Says the guy whose balls are hidden deep wherever his wife stores her gazillion scarves. Is Kaiser crossed-eyed? Seriously, he looks like he is. I guess Jenelle has this woman for representing her in SC and Dustin still represents her in NC. Chelsea, stop trying to force Cole into being a daddy. Corey and Jeremy bitchfest was totally made of win. I am with them, this is about the safety of their children.
  11. Can you imagine if Jo won the lottery for millions of dollars? Kail would be at the court the very next day, ready to file for a support modification.
  12. Vee said something on Twitter but IMO, she kept it classy. She basically was upset that Javi smiles in their face but then takes to Twitter to bash Jo.Also, if Jo doesn't work, why wouldn't he want more time with Isaac? Why would he express being satisfied with the schedule as is with the exception of the 6 weeks in the summer situation. Another thing I wanted to add is that Jo may not work in the traditional sense. He could own rental properties for all we know and live off the income generated from that.
  13. I call bullshit on this. Where is Jo getting his money from then? Jo's Teen Mom check only goes so far and as far as we know, he isn't in arrears on CS. Also, why is he telling Jo's business?
  14. Jo, not only are you dealing with a grifter, you're dealing with a grifter who has jealousy issues. It's not just business, with Kail, it's personal so you need to seek out a lawyer, pronto! Having legal counsel and being informed of all your rights is the best way to keep that vindictive beast from destroying you financially.
  15. I bet Kail doesn't consult Jo about enrolling him in school and activities but now wants him to go broke to pay for said school and activities. Funny how she couldn't cone up with numbers or receipts to support her claims.
  16. Can you imagine what would happen if Kail tried to shake Nipples McRoidrage's head?
  17. Many of my Puerto Rican clients have birth certificates that list their given name and two surnames( fathers last name first and then mother's). maybe the Rivera's practice this and Isaac's legal name is Isaac Rivera-Lowry. Of course Kail would take advantage and just cut the Rivera part out!
  18. Fuck you, Kail! How can you attend a HBCU and tweet that? URGH!
  19. Instead of shopping around,Kail probably purchased the most expense insurance plan for Isaac and now wants someone else to pick up the tab. You think after her being slapped with a bill from the IRS, she would hire a financial adviser, but I doubt it. Not like she would listen to them anyway!
  20. I wonder how much of Jo's hair loss is related to the stress of having to deal with Kail. Oh, and you want Jo to pay more child support, how about you get a damn job, bitch! Why should he kick out more money while you do nothing but go to CrossFit and a gazillion vacations?
  21. So Javi, what are you going to do when Kail goes over to Jo's house when Vee isn't there? Poor Isaac having to listen to Kailzilla screaming at him across the soccer field. Der Kaiser is screwed! His parents basically "watch" him.
  22. I bet Eichhorst has a VIB account with Sephora. Figured Quinlan would meet up with Gus. Out of all of the horrific things to happen on this show, Palmer getting laid is by far the most stomach-churning!
  23. yep, Javi really is a simp because no true Eagles fan would even look at a girl who supported the Cowboys, let alone marry her. LOL
  24. Kail, Jo will not be dropping by unannounced (I am sure you wouldn't be home anyway with all your vacations and hanging out with your girlfriends) because it's quite obvious he doesn't want to be around you anymore than he has to be.
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