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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. ICAM. April takes Nova a lot so why not take a Zumba or Yoga class or when she has Nova, a mommy and me swimming class or buy jogging stroller and take Nova for a run/brisk walk.
  2. If ex-con Butch can manage to find gainful employment, what is Tyler's excuse?
  3. I don't know if its been mentioned before but Taylor is one of the coaches for Bentley's softball team.
  4. Farrah may have one of the most horrid personalities to ever grace reality Tv but the girl knows how to hustle. What was up with ordering all of that food for Sophia and I see ahe still looks and acts like someone fed her after midnight when they aren't suppose to.
  5. You're probably right. Something serious happened to make Larry reach his breaking point. I think discovering your son is abusing drugs, his mother possibly knowing this and covering for him and then have him steal from you to feed his habit would likely do it.
  6. Bentley's behavior at Ryan's said it all; poor kid knows Ryan doesn't give a shit about him and here he has to spend time with him on Father's day when he could have spent that time with the men in his life who actually care. I don't think Ryan has some sort of brain damage because Larry wouldn't have reacted the way he did. I don't see Larry riding him about being a bum if Ryan were disabled.
  7. You know that jogger comtemplated selling her house when she realized who it was living across the street from her. Kim knew what she was doing when she outed Cait! Nova wondering toward the gate...that kid just wants to bust out of Casa Baltierra so bad!
  8. Can we have more moments of Juicy with the girls and less Single White Jacqueline! At first I thought she was shit stirring to stay relavant on the show but now I think she is just bat-shit crazy and obsessed with Teresa.
  9. Saw an infomerical the other day for this injectable substance that visably reduces the appearance of a double chin so of course it instantly reminded me of Kail.
  10. Because instead of saying of saying "jail", Amber pronounces it "gel".
  11. Amber knows Matt is using her but she is using him as well. Amber's main goal is to lay on the couch or in bed all day and to hell with anything else. With Matt, she gets to do that without any judgement else he loose his meal ticket.
  12. Amber goes furniture shopping and she immediately zeroes in on couches...the jokes write themselves. My 8 year old has particularly rank morning breath so there is no way she is allowed to go through the day without brushing her teeth(also general hygiene practice). Leah may be the same which led Gary to remark to Amber about it which leads me to believe that Amber doesn't interact with Leah while she is in her care to notice or she does and just doesn't give a shit! 8 years later and you're just no realizing that Ryan acts like Bentley's big brother, Maci?
  13. Not to mention there is no public awareness campaign on how to protect yourself from Strigoi; no list of their weaknesses at all. The CDC, NIH, etc not studying Strigoi corpses for weaknesses? Air Travel in and out of the US not being shut down. People not being screened at airports.
  14. I was the biggest Forever Knight fan back in the day so seeing Nigel Bennett on my TV is always a pleasure.
  15. Yes! My mother would have let her know that water seeks its own level so what does that say about her since she procreated with Butch not once but twice and what does that say about her kid since he won't break off the relationship!
  16. How long do you think it will be before the Wakile's have to put their new McMansion up for sale?
  17. Don't forget Corey. He's maintained a full time job since before 16 and Pregnant and has parented the girleses without complaint!
  18. I always wondered what was so bad about Christina's ex-husband that made her leave the marriage for Gary and now I think I have the answer; she has a bacon grease sweat fetish! lol
  19. One day Nova is going to wonder right out of the door probably in search of food because she has a contact high from all of her parent's 420 moments.
  20. I almost felt bad for Tre having to deal with those two thirst buckets aka Kathy and Rosie begging for more camera ti...I mean a relationship! Glad she pointed out that they're only coming around because she is in the public eye again!
  21. Why didn't Fet tell Justine to close her eyes as tight as she can? OK, the Strgoi suicide bombers still looked very human or is Herr Eichhorst doing thier make up? lol So, Beecher is conscripting people to be cannon fodder? What does he think he will accomplish by giving people shitty weapons and no training?
  22. I take it Taylor is a Top Gun fan or Dallas Mavericks fan (isn't he from Texas) Well, at least Maverick can always go by "Rick" .
  23. So Taylor has a tattoo of Bentley's name along with the other children. Normally, I would side- eye that but Taylor probably has been more of a dad to Bentley than Ryan will ever be!
  24. Surprise, Amber! Your money paid for this surprise party! Did Amber say she is on Klonopin? No wonder why she has very little.motivation to get off of the couch. That stuff robs you of your motivation like nobodies business. My doctor prescribed it to me for anxiety and I stopped using it after a few weeks becuase it robbed me of my energy and motivation. IMO, those were tears of relief coming out of Tyler's eyes becuase he doesn't have to look at Catelynn for the next few weeks. And who the hell is he to talk about Cate not having any aspirations...what exactly is he doing besides sit around all day and bitch about B&T.
  25. That is my number one reason as to why I don't care for her. For her to make racially insensitive comments while simultaneously using POC for come ups pisses me off to no end!
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