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Everything posted by FlowerofCarnage

  1. After she decorated her house to look like the 5 circle of Pinterest hell! Lol
  2. I just spit out some very expensive Starbucks laughing at this. Lol She really looks like a blonde version of Maui:
  3. Reaching!!!!! Funny how he never seemed to have an issue with the values of the newtork when they were paying him.
  4. Exactly. Her hair sits on her head like a bad toupee.
  5. In all honesty, Janet probably didn't and still doesn't like Kail. I know I wouldn't want my teen son to date someone like her. However, Janet put whatever dislike she had aside to make sure Kail had a roof over her head, food in her belly, adequate medical care, etc. That says alot because at the end of the day, Janet did not owe Kail or Isaac shit since they were solely Jo's responsibility.
  6. Chris probably told her to get another Mercedes. Lol I don't understand why she bothers responding at all. ETA: so, I heard that Kail mentioned Janet on her most recent podcast. She was asked about her current relationship with Janet to which she responded that they are civil. She also added that she felt Janet never really liked her and was being fake for the cameras. Hmmmmmm.
  7. Teflon Teen Mom! Jesus, nothing sticks on this girl!
  8. Lol! I know exactly where that picture was taken.
  9. My God! Barb and Doris joking about which one of them David would shoot first isn't funny at all. Barb, fuck this show! You need to make it your maIn mission to cut off Jace's contact with Jenelle or restrict to supervised visitation only. Yep! I firmly believe what Brianna said about Kail being hit in front of the kids is true. Notice, Kail has yet to deny it. Kail never says, "why would you spread lies about me and my children?", it's alway " why do you feel comfortable saying..." in other words, "why are you putting my business out there?" Kail knows the game Javi is playing but continues to participate? Sorry, you can't claim to be a a victim of manipulation this time around. You chose the role you wanted to play in Javi and Briana's storyline, it wasn't a good one! Deal with it! Kail, it's not meeting one on one when you're surrounded by security who are there to make sure you don't fight each other! Lol You know everything Brittany said to Briana flew right over her head. Put me in the camp that believes she has some sort of cognitive issue.
  10. I wonder how much money Chris convinced Kail to spend on him?
  11. No wonder Lux likes to mean mug, he has to look at his mother and father's shitty tattoo work all day!
  12. So you've had knowledge for years that Javi was a famewhore so why did you act like a fool when he went after Brianna to remain relevant?
  13. Lol I don't understand why they're taking the show in that direction since the cast is spread out in different states. The whole point with the HW shows is to watch drama unfold amongst the cast in a particular geographic location.
  14. I wonder if her supplies include the mini-pharmacy of drugs she and Lurch like to take. Lol And speaking of that, according to Jenelle, David doesn't have a thyroid which would mean he needs to take replacement hormone pills...for life! How does he plan to obtain these in an apocalypse? Lol
  15. Lol! Doesn't she know that ride or die, struggle love, about it life leads to nothing but, heartbreak, misery, STD exposure, outside kids and financial ruin. Lol
  16. Sorry, Lurch but we've seen Jenelle's goodies and there is nothing sexy about about a vagina that looks like day old Arby's roast beef.
  17. Brianna started nothing! If anyone is a troublemaker, it's Javi because he pursued Briana to remain relevant on the show. Kail and Javi are divorced, they owe each other nothing in regards to relationships they engage in after their marriage has ended. Their only obligation to each other is in regards to co-parenting Lincoln.
  18. It's ok for for blogs and tabloids to spread baseless accusations about her and CL because she gets paid to post links to articles produced by them but Brianna does it and all of a sudden it's DEFCON 1 and "my kids...my kids!" I am really starting to think there is some truth to what Briana said. You don't flip out like that over something you know is true and said by someone's who reputation is less than stellar.
  19. The tabloids and blogs are the ones who first reported that Chri beat Kail, if he needs to sue anyone, it should be them. Also, Bristol Palin is reportesly being being paid 250,000 for her first season, why pay her so much and only pay Brianna peanuts?
  20. Line of the night: " you can't go fighting in your chanclas!" Dammit! I have a soft spot for Brit. You can see she has self-awareness and understands how to play the reality tv game. I think if she could get out from under her toxic family, she could really flourish.
  21. And she wants to break into the entertainment business? Production isn't your friend no matter how many Starbucks they buy you or much they appear to kiss your ass!
  22. Significant other??? He was deadbeat who cheated on you a few months ago! Honestly, Kail continued to breathe life into a comment that should have been dead and buried. If known it isn't true, then why devote all this energy to it?
  23. How are you better than Briana again, Kail? Briana and Britt are trash for getting physical but you're what...juat defending your honor?
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