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Everything posted by belligerent

  1. It has been bothering me all season that the queens keep being referred to as "gentlemen" collectively out of drag, but I guess if Peppermint wasn't out to everyone (I'm sure some of the queens knew) then it makes sense they wouldn't single her out or draw attention to something that she might not feel comfortable letting everyone know. I hope they stop doing that now, though. It's interesting to me that Sasha sees herself as "serious." Was the screaming she did in her entrance supposed to be serious, then? Hmm. I like that she broke the fourth wall by mentioning that she had been dead for many years. I didn't think this snatch game was very funny, and I also would prefer it if they weren't allowed to do other queens.
  2. i don't follow the kardashians so this was less funny to me. i agree with everyone who has said that this season seems "off." maybe it's just because i miss katya so much. did sasha have an eating disorder in her 20's or was she just really thin? she said she used to have a lot of people saying she looked "anorexic" but you can be really thin without having an eating disorder. the way she talked about it, she made it seem like she just got accused of having one which she found hurtful, which does suck but isn't the same as having one. does anybody know definitively if she does have anorexia and just misspoke? i find it funny they have so much britney stuff right after the season with derrick's berries.
  3. I still don't understand how that was a dragon. I was pretty sure it was an elephant. If it was an elephant, it's an interesting elephant, like if somebody was like "i want an elephant but i want it done in the style of a japanese dragon," i would totally think that's a cool idea....but if it's really supposed to be a dragon, wtf????
  4. at least two people on this show have. (one of them may not have been a thigh tat but this wasn't the first dave)
  5. Why is sketchy on the finale and why do they keep talking to him? his opinion literally does not matter at all about anything and nobody wants to hear him talk out of his ass. please go away forever. i figured ryan would be the winner since her lack of experience was never mentioned the way nikki's was, even though she hasn't been tattooing that much longer. i'm fine with her winning but i think i would have liked a kelly win a bit more. annoyed that kelly was not top 2, although i didn't like any of the final tattoos since they were all styles of tattoo and subject matter i'm not super into.
  6. Nate reminds me of a big, fluffy orange cat that is allegedly good at catching mice but hates everyone and everything so much that he'll be damned if he catches any unless he wants to. I just took in an orphaned kitten though so maybe I have cats on my mind. Kelly seems like such a nice person. I think Ryan is going to win but I would love for Kelly to win. IMO, I find it interesting that they've been playing up Nikki's inexperience when Ryan's only been tattooing a year longer, apparently. That's why, IMO, Ryan is getting a winner's edit if anyone is this season.
  7. Kevin's gay? Did he mention that earlier in the season or was this the only time other than last week's clip show where he said the word "gay" but in a context that could have been referring to anyone? Also, Nate and Gian's kid didn't look like a toddler. I think Nikki's tattoo could reasonably be said to resemble that kid considering in a few years, he'll be older. Kevin gave somebody a tattoo of a smarmy leprechaun with a rapidly disappearing face. I think Nate's was creepy.
  8. As far as I can tell, he left because he wasn't really into Robert not really being into him. I don't really blame him. If you're at the last episode and you feel like there's two dudes he likes more, why would you keep wasting everyone's time? Better to detach ahead of time than get your hopes dashed at the finale. I initially thought I'd like this show but it got really boring, really fast. Nobody was very interesting. For all its fuckery and its "ha ha let's trick the gays," I think Boy Meets Boy from a billion years ago was a more interesting show for viewers.
  9. I hope it's traced off a drawing he did himself when he was 10 because otherwise, wtf.
  10. I have a browser extension that changes my monitor colors so that it doesn't emit blue light after a certain time of day, for circadian rhythm purposes, so I was wondering if it was distorting her hair color. They grey fad isn't just young women. I have a couple of male friends in their early 20's who have grey hair (intentionally dyed this way), but it doesn't age them as much for some reason. My mom's hair was completely silver by the time she was 40. It was like she had been coloring it to hide the random silver hairs, then she just stopped and it was all silver once the dye faded out. A lot of people thought/think her hair color was intentional but no. I just pull out my grey hairs and hope I take after my dad, who didn't really go grey until recently (he's 65). I'm 34 so I suppose I will find out soon enough. My brother is 27 and his beard turned grey much faster than our dad's and for a time, he had more grey hair than our dad, too... Kids these days!!
  11. Is it just me or did they do this same flash challenge before on a different season, right down to the stupid cartoon bees? Sketchy saying that he only gets one strike where everyone else gets four is a good illustration of someone unable to see that he gets his own unfair passes. He needs to go away and I hate that he's done mediocre drawings and skated by with a shite attitude. also fred durst called and he wants his look back. The tone of Ryan's hair throws me off because on my monitor, it looks like it's greying, so I always think she's a lot older than she really is. edited to ask how many times do we have to see this dude's ass on TV? Eric should go just for not doing a good enough tattoo to save us from this dude's butt. Could they not have photoshopped out a skin blemish or two? blugh. also LOL at von's suggestion of putting the eye more over to the left. Yeah, move it into the dude's crack. ????
  12. It seems less that they're working as a "team" and more like, Nunez picked this half to win and Peck picked this other half to win, so if one of theirs wins over the other one's, they get bragging rights or something. Sketchy can go home anytime. Preferably weeks ago.
  13. Yeah, I can't believe Katya didn't win anything. I mean, she won our hearts, yeah, but she already had those and you can't buy shoes with them.
  14. I don't know if there's a better place to put this , but Hurricane Bianca came out a few weeks ago apparently. I bought it on amazon (after hurricane matthew was done having his way with my power) and I didn't have any expectations going into it, but it was funny and cute, and more heartwarming than I expected. There are a lot of cameos from other RPDR queens and such. Willam is in it and I think he steals every scene he's in.
  15. I don't have logo so I've been watching this elsewhere but whoever uploaded it has it slowed down to avoid being detected, which makes them all sound hysterically sedated. This show is already kind of slow but this makes it much worse. I agree. Justin is kind of the one that has the least amount of complicated other stuff (that we know of) and I think he'll probably win. I don't know how long they'd stay together, though. Justin is more interesting than Robot. Edited to add that initially Robby was a bit much but he grew on me by being somewhat interesting. I'm glad none of the guys left seem to be giant dicks or starting drama. I hope the prediction about friendships being set aside is wrong.
  16. I've always been team katya (#teamkatya???) but after alaska's hissy fit about how she needs to go to the final, I'm also now on #teamlower48 because wow, entitled much??????? I'm sure it's an "under stress" kind of thing and she is human, but that was kind of gross. I really wish detox had had the balls to send alaska home for it. I didn't like Alyssa much in her season because she was so poisoned by the coco rivalry that it offset her charming weirdness, IMO, but she really was endearing this time around. Most of the queens I ended up liking more this time around or at least didn't like LESS, save for phiphi and now alaska. ugh. I feel bad for Roxxxy since as others have pointed out, she's stayed longer than other people who are popular. I don't know how the final works but if there's another elimination and Katya goes home before her, that would be pretty uh detrimental even though she had nothing to do with staying so long.
  17. The only thing I was really left wanting in this episode was more Katya. Since they brought everybody back, I feel like we got less of her. Otherwise, this was pretty great. I didn't think Roxxxy did SO terribly as the host and I appreciate the salad puns. When Roxxxy is not actively melting down and being a bitch, I find her very likeable. She also gets points from me that she owned her bad behavior in her season instead of blaming editors and tried not to do that this time around. Phiphi's exit was bizarre and uncomfortable. She didn't want to hug Alyssa but made sure to sing as she left. Weird. My uncle's stepson is a drag queen in Chicago and I was drunk at the time so don't remember totally when we talked about it last year (I don't see him very often since I live in NC), but he knows phiphi and I want to say he didn't have a terribly favorable impression of her. There were a couple others he doesn't like, but he has apparently met Ginger or worked with her before and loves her, and thankfully he loves Katya which means the next family gathering won't be awkward.
  18. I thought the Lil Poundcake thing was brilliant the first time and even moreso when Alaska brought her back. One of the most resonating kinds of jokes is a callback to something funny that was brought up before, because people are familiar and in on it, and because that was originally a moment that happened on this show, it was the perfect reference. Ru is also all about references to other funny things (note the showsquirels line callback to phiphi's go back to party city where you belong line), but if you haven't seen the same things he has, it doesn't work as well. It was a smart choice on Alaska's part, and probably the smartest move anybody has made on drag race, imo. I love katya unconditionally and am going to continue to root for her, but alaska is playing to win and I'm in the camp that thinks the crown is hers to lose.
  19. Charlie was the one I found the most attractive so of course he gets the boot right away. I wanted to see him shirtless during the pool party, but of course not. This show is severely lacking in bears. Can they do a bear version next? I was half expecting Robby to turn out to be a transman, since when you look at him compared to the other guys, his physicality and proportions aren't as tall and adonis-like as all the other guys (his facial features are less masculine, as well), but then they showed pics of him on the football team when he was younger, and they showed him shirtless during the pool party and he doesn't have top surgery scars. It would have been a twist for sure but it would have raised a lot of questions and controversy I'm not sure LOGO really wants to explore with this show... I thought I was going silver but Robert has got me beat. We're the same age so that makes me feel a lot better about myself. I'm also glad that all these guys are around my age because it makes me feel better about my own failure at the relationship I tried.
  20. I feel like Ginger's main draw in her season was that she represented one end of a spectrum- a "real" performing drag queen who had paid dues, wasn't necessarily conventionally attractive or fishy, and puts on a show, vs. a young, inexperienced queen whose idea of drag is putting on makeup and posting selfies on instagram (an intentional generalization since I know some of them actually do more than that). Without the "old face vs new face of drag" storyline to boost her, I'm not sure Ginger is as interesting. Here, she's among a lot of people who are just as polished, and she didn't really try for the "big girl" angle. I don't dislike her, I just think she's playing on a more level field this time. And if it's a choice between her and Katya, I'm going to choose Katya every single time, but I love Katya unconditionally and am super jealous of people who know her personally and can hear her commentary on things more than once a week in an edited setting. I am very biased.
  21. Knowing that Derrick thought his mother would accept him when he came out and that he was surprised when she didn't explains a lot about him, I think, and why he can come across as so detached. He wants to be open with people but seems to misinterpret other people's level of openness and keeps violating that, and then he mistakes other people's caution for hostility or criticism toward himself, which he has a hard time not taking personally. He does seem like he's trying, and I don't think he's a bad person, but he could probably benefit from some self-reflection. A competitive environment was probably not the best place to show off his warm side. I rewatched the rest of the season while working on some stuff and in the beginning, he's really trying hard to connect with people but doesn't seem to know how to do that and it comes off as awkward. Then eventually, he just closes himself off because he doesn't seem to understand that he's the one making it all awkward. He's socially tone deaf. Acid Betty also seems socially tone deaf, but I think she cares less about what other people think of her exterior than Derrick does. Derrick really WANTS people to like him, whereas Acid Betty is herself and if people like it, that's cool, but if not that's also cool. I'm glad for the Sylvester song since this season has been pulling out all my karaoke jams. I'm also glad BOB killed it. I really like everybody in this final four. They all bring something different, and I like all of those things.
  22. I think this is a good metaphor for how Thorgy's been in the competition. She's been so focused on the other queens not beating her that she hasn't been focused on her winning. If you win, you beat everybody by default. If you're worrying about other people beating you, you really are not in the mindset to be a winner, even if you have the skills. What Thorgy doesn't seem to realize is that you don't need to worry about someone overshadowing you if your own star is burning brightly enough.
  23. That lip sync, though... The fact that Thorgy knew there was nothing she could do with like a minute left. Wow. I didn't think I would like Chi Chi so much and yet here we are. I'm not sure I've ever yelled at my tv so hard for a drag queen to put their competitors away. I feel like I'm watching march madness or something. Also BOB stealing from the pit crew was one of the funniest things I've seen on this show. I'm not sure who is really competition for BOB at this point. Maybe nobody. However, if he and Chi Chi ended up in the bottom for some reason, I am not sure he'd be able to win the lip sync. How tall is Naomi that Kim Chi is 6'4" and Naomi is still significantly taller? I noticed during the mini challenge that they all seem fairly tall aside from Derrick.
  24. I think Derrick's outfit looked like something you'd see on People of Walmart... Robbie had to go at some point so might as well be now, I guess. The rollerskating LSFYL was everything but she hasn't performed at her supposed level since then (or before then, really).
  25. I think he's very good looking, but I also really like strong features.
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