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Everything posted by truthtalk2014

  1. I respectfully disagree. That is way too much work for a wife. If a married man can't keep it in his pants without being watched 24/7- to hell with him. For someone that wants to do something, they will find a way. Remember, Josh is 'sly'. YUCK. I would much rather kick his greasy scummy being to the curb and hit him with a ruler any time I saw him trying to come back in my house.
  2. You know, you let those Duggar children out in the world and on the world wide web and they just make us laugh our asses off. But seriously Jessa, is there something you want to tell us?
  3. I'm on team Daniel as well. What I read was on Jessa's page where she posted a page of the bible regarding forgiveness. Imagine that. Jessa needs to STFU with her BS preachy attitude. It's so obvious. Here are some of his responses because we know she might delete them soon. Daniel Keller :You have to confess and forsake your sin to have mercy. Not sin confess and repeat. Daniel Keller: I know that my sin sent Jesus to the cross just as did josh sin. But think for a min about the victims. Tell me how you would feel if someone cheated on your sister and brought so much disgrace to you and ur family. And when you done that. Go to hell you prik. Daniel Keller: Yes he did because he confessed. Confessing and getting caught are two different things. You want to know what happens when you cover ur sin maybe you should go read ur bible instead of beating people over the head with it. Daniel Keller :Yeah bitch I did. I have been thinking of her and sick to my stomach for her for last few days. Why you got a another bible verse to beat over my head? Daniel Keller :I have told her I would pay for her to move out here w me and pay for her kidz. I don't think josh will see that this is a big deal and be truly broken till that happens. I beat my life on the fact that josh has not co.e to true brokenness yet. Daniel Keller: Oh I know. But my parents are preaching stay w him. There more interested in how there daughter getting a divorce will make then look then they are in trying to truly get josh some help and getting Anna and the kids out of there till he has gotten that help. Daniel Keller: Thanks for praying. I told her I would go get her and let her and her children stay w me. She said she's staying where she's at. But I won't stop trying to get that pig out of our family. Daniel Keller: I was raised by them trust me that is ALL they care about.
  4. Speaking of Daniel Keller. http://www.inquisitr.com/2361787/anna-duggars-brother-daniel-keller-is-trying-to-get-her-to-leave-josh/#TfDuuvLA1qvyVScT.01
  5. Wow! Might have to delete this part of my post too - but many moons ago, I was a bartender and had a creepy guy that would come in and want me to tell him what to do. Don't have that dominatrix gene so I would simply tell him to write me a check. He did many times. I can say that I felt no guilt until the last visit. His check bounced and my friend was the bank manager and told me that he and his wife had an account there for years. I think he was one of those guys. Josh may be as well- a compete opposite of Boob. He might want to be told to hand over money to a woman- for sexual purposes or other. I will go out on a limb, but I can see Josh as the type that really wants a woman to take control. I was so excited to see the posts from Anna's brother! I was shouting FINALLY at my computer. Geez! From the parents, the siblings, the in laws,etc - they seem to all defend the creep. Major kudos to Daniel Keller! And Anna's parents SUCK! They probably did have a clue about Josh but wanted to get Anna out of the house quickly. Zero respect for them at this point. Oh, and nice post Lawson!
  6. I think he is just the funniest one! That is his gentle side hug nature- all the while copping a sly feel from mama Palin. #JOSHDUGGARLOVESMILFS
  7. Does anyone remember what that thing was that Josh and Anna stayed in while visiting Anna's parents? Was it a camper? I can't really remember. Do the Kellers still have other kids living at home? At this point, if Anna wanted a little break from the madness, I don't know if there is room there for the five of them. We are talking a 1200 sq foot area + whatever that camper is. I can't see her being comfortable with the 4M's in that camper. I wonder if it even has air conditioning. Good grief. It's hot as Hades in Florida this time of year. I agree with anyone that said they think Josh has more dirty little secrets to come to the surface any day now. I think it is part of the reason he admitted guilt so quickly. Waiting for the pics and vids to surface and what type of trash he could possibly coerce into being with dough boy. Anyone want to place bets as to if you think dick pics will come to light? lol YUCK! Hey, even Brett Farve did it and he has half a lick of sense. Josh has .00000001. Mommy and Daddy better have some serious anxiety meds on hand.
  8. ETA: When Joshie mentioned 'gentleness' in his profile, I could not help thinking that it meant he could touch you over your clothes while you were sleeping without you ever knowing. Okay- sending myself to the prayer closet.
  9. Oh he probably has a few accounts on there as well. Josh befriended himself. Laughing myself silly!
  10. MEchelle needs to make sure her next lesson at the SOTDRT is BURNER PHONES and BURNER CREDIT CARDS. Yes, I am shouting at you MEchelle. Stupid stupid Duggar!
  11. Remember, Josh was schooled at the SOTDRT. He probably thought he was being really clever. Use a basic name like Smith- add son and there you have it. Brilliant Joshie! Brilliant! At that very point, he got an honorary degree from whatever university he claimed to have graduated from on Cupid! Mods- how is it going? Are you guys getting to come up for air at all? Hoping it is not as bad as the original JOSHGATE - but still. :)
  12. I know everyone talks about Anna packing up and leaving and moving into the trailer with her parents - BUT- why does she have to go any place. He needs to leave! Anna is probably comfortable in AR. She lived there for many years. I am assuming they have moved into the house they bought. Josh would have to pay child support and alimony (and probably at the level of his last job). Honestly, she could get a job at Hobby Lobby or ChicFillet or any of those other super fundie places and leave the grand babies with MEchelle when she works. You know MEchelle just LOVES her grand babies. (Kidding on that one because I wouldn't leave my dog with that crazy woman.) All I am saying, is that if she were so inclined, she would not have to go anywhere. I'm sure she will stay- but if she does, she should make up her mind that her husband will never be faithful.
  13. I'll take Jordyn and Jenny. I live in horse country so Jenny would be happier than a Duggar eating tater tot casserole. Is no one taking Grandma Duggar? Surely someone has a stack of laundry out there. ETA: Did I read somewhere that they think Amy is the leak to People? Too much news too fast and I can't remember.
  14. I was typing the same thing at the same time as you! (on the Josh leaving Anna thing). Crazy. Great minds think alike you know.
  15. I know everyone keeps saying that Anna should leave Josh. I'm quite the opposite. I think Josh should leave Anna. He's obviously not happy with himself and the life he has created. I agree with all that said he didn't get to sow his wild oats like most guys. He obviously wants something different and he should not make Anna and the kids suffer because he didn't figure this crap out BEFORE he got married and had four kids. It won't get better. Men that cheat typically will do it again. I learned that valuable lesson with my first husband. Took him back the first time and later, he did it again. I finally got the balls to kick his to the curb. Best decision of my life. I just don't think Anna ever will. I don't really care how much he watches porn. That's not a biggie. He's an unfaithful dough head and most likely will be one for his entire life. I know we are all focusing on the AM site and OK Cupid but I have a feeling Josh hired an escort or two or even prostitute off the street when he wasn't getting any action online. No telling what will come out next.
  16. I'm just sorry for the poor woman sitting with the footlong and jello. No way in hell she got to finish it before this story broke! ;)
  17. Another Duggar blessing of course! I don't think Josh even knows what a condom is. Oh wait, it's a tool of the devil. Rand, you must feel really embarrassed about now. I'm sure he's online typing as fast as he can't to delete all the other profiles.
  18. I'm sure Josh set it up to not get paper bills in the mail. I don't get any statements in the mail. I view them all online. With most of mine you can print statements from a few years back. So, I don't think Anna would have ever had a chance to see the statements. And you know Josh pays all the bills because he's so smart and a man. Josh in the near future. http://stream1.gifsoup.com/view2/4016849/jimmy-swaggart-crying-o.gif
  19. I pity the poor girl that met up with Josh for casual sex and thought she was getting that guy. Just imagine the moment that dough boy walked in. LMAO.
  20. Lets say someone got a card under his name -not easy- and had it sent to the old Duggar house in AR, why would this person be looking for women in DC? They would be searching in AR. And if someone were trying to set him up, they spent over a year doing it and just so happened to shut it down right around the time that the Josh scandal broke. A little too suspicious. I'd place my Vegas bet on it being true and that at least a couple of women will come out in DC for the money. Well it seemed that in the OK Cupid, he was pretending to not be married unless I read it wrong. I've known a lot of fundie types that think oral sex is wrong either way.
  21. MODS, just when you thought it was safe to go back in the water. lol Bless your precious hearts! https://www.flickr.com/photos/127769341@N03/shares/0t72h2
  22. Same here! Crazy bad pictures. Yes. Gothard rules. Not about the wedding, but that JR woman is an insane lunatic. I read the bathroom blog and wish I could forget how ignorant one woman and man can be. I think my worst nightmare would be to be banished to a town that this couple lives in. Actually, on second thought- if I did ever come in contact with them, I would purpose to be their next blog topic.
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