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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 16 minutes ago, tofutan said:

    I think feminism isn't just about characters being perfect all the time, but having all shades. After all the problem isn't so much that men get portrayed so much more positively in fiction, but there's often way more variety of roles for them. And that includes the villains and pathetic losers as much as the heroes. 

    That's a valid point, and in this case I would agree with you IF the show didn't get on their soapbox so much.  This was a pissing contest between Rhea, The President and Cat Grant.  Very quickly we saw that one was tremendously more powerful than the others.  If they had just showed that, OK.  Had the other two regroup and come up with another plan.  But instead you see a bonehead kamakazi mission by the President, and Cat Grant just opening her big mouth and spewing nonsense.  If you constantly praise yourself for having such a strong feminist vision and are in the unique position of showing women in power deciding the fate of the world and that's the best you can do?  

    • Love 4
  2. 4 minutes ago, Bats27 said:

    So Kara "loves" Lena and Mon-el. You know show, you want to be "progressive," a three-way polyamorous relationship is very rarely done on TV these days. Just a thought.

    Mon-El probably wouldn't mind, LOL.  It kind of fits in to his Daxamite DNA.   But honestly, I don't think the show will ever do anything with Kara & Lena in a romantic way.

    Thought it was a sweet moment between Mon-El and Kara when they were so happy to see each other but couldn't touch.

    • Love 2
  3. 10 minutes ago, tennisgurl said:

    Poor Lena and her terrible mother and mother figures.

    Speaking of figures, Brenda Strong TOWERS over Katie McGrath.  Was she standing on stilts.  Unless Katie is like 5 foot, Brenda seemed about 2 feet taller.

    • Love 1
  4. 25 minutes ago, benteen said:

    This show is pretty much just a propaganda arm of the left and the Democratic party.  When your number one, two and three priorities are to make a political statement every week, your program suffers and is just not entertaining anymore. 

    They seemed to tone it down for the last few episodes, just flicking us on the head occasionally letting us know exactly how they stand, but last night it was like an anvil was dropped.

    • Love 1
  5. 7 hours ago, Dobian said:

    This episode was so full of all kinds of dumb I couldn't keep track.  And even if President Carter's (!) jumbo jet made it through the gauntlet to the mother ship, what was she going to do, wave out the window?  When the writing is this bad, you can't even suspend disbelief anymore to make it work, you just have to treat it as pure camp.  I have to remind myself this is a CW superhero show, if I want to watch a superhero show that's kind of intelligent, I need to skip over to the Netflix Marvel shows.

    Sadly, I have to agree, even though I give a tremendous pat on the back to the show for all the special effects.  That was cool.  That said, the story was so disappointing.  It started out gangbusters, then slowed to a crawl, then amped up a bit, then got stupid.  Where do I start?

    • Man, the DEO got torn apart fast.  As tough as they've been portrayed these last 2 seasons, they were like a house of cards for the Daxams.  And by the way, for as much trash talk as Kara has spewn about Daxam, they kicked ass...hard.
    • Cat was a major disappointment to me (not Calista of course).  There was no sense of urgency.  She acted like an alien invasion of earth happened every day, right between her morning Starbucks and afternoon massage.  I loved her take charge character in the first season, but to me she wasn't really taking charge at all...she was just posing.  Like she was shooting as episode of Bored Housewives of National City.
    • The President is an alien and everyone is fine with it (OMG...face palm).  There's no way Alex, as a government employee AND working for the DEO, shouldn't have arrested her.  She could have been a Daxamite and supporting Rhea for all they knew.  And then she orders Air Force One to take the air and do what?  Get everybody killed?
    •  It pains me how they wrote Rhea.  They had such a good villain in her and then they reduce her to Snidely Whiplash.  C'mon show.  She shockingly killed her husband and would do anything to keep her son away from a Kryptonian.  She was a gold mine of stories for next season but instead she went so overboard she's now just another run-of-the-mill looney-tunes.  I love Teri as Rhea.  Her head in the clouds talking to earth...LOL...reminded me of the Wizard of Oz.   
    • Love 3
  6. 42 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    I think it makes the fact that the show cast an African-American as James even more ironic and interesting.  (Purely a coincidence, I'm sure.)  Because it emphasizes how something completely out of your control can make all the difference in how your life turns out no matter how good you are or how hard you work. 

    If you're taking a piece of entertainment and holding it up to the harsh light of reality, it's never going to make as much sense or seem fair.  But to address your comments, you say Kara telling James he wasn't good enough because he doesn't have super powers, and then you say you believe she then got in to a relationship with Mon-El because he has powers and she thinks that makes him a better person.   Boy...I don't know where you got that.  First off, James flip-flopped between Kara and Lucy all last season, and at least twice went back with Lucy even though he had feelings for another woman.   Mon-El was pretty obvious from the get-go that he was hung up on Kara.  Mon-El wasn't even in the picture when Kara dropped her relationship with James.  It's been said by many on this board....they didn't have any chemistry.  So what did the show do?  They brought a bad boy in.  IMO it wouldn't have mattered if he had super powers or was a rival reporter at Cat-Co.  They are cute together.  James' character was already established as a straight-arrow, by the book, good guy who was boring as hell.  He and Kara's personalities are too similar.  They needed a contrast, so they made Mon-El not the exact opposite, but someone who wasn't sure he wanted to be a hero and wasn't above using his powers for cash and was kind of in the gray area.  If they had not rushed it so fast, the story arc would have allowed us to see him gradually change.  But he has been changing nonetheless.  


    47 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    hy does Mon El succeed where James fails?  It's not from anything in his character. It's the sheer fact that on Earth, Mon El has super powers and that is what gives him everything he wants in contrast to James failing even though he's trying to do everything right, including bringing Lyra back because Winn wants her.

    But James is not failing.  He only thinks he is, because he is not getting the same attention at Supergirl.  To me, this whole Guardian thing has been nothing but him grandstanding.  Oh he said it was about his father, etc., but that's not what I've seen.  I think he was bored with sitting behind the desk at CatCo and needed excitement and an adrenelin(sp) rush.  I think Mon-El is past the point where he's only helping out because he wants to mate with Kara.  He's got to be extremely valuable to the DEO even without his super powers.  He has vast knowledge of nations they've never heard about, including their history, who they're enemies were, etc.  Even if he was out screwing every available woman he could find, by the very fact he was part of the royal family, he was privy to politics and social customs that the DEO would never know.  I think he genuinely wants to do good and help people...he just doesn't fit 100% in Kara's vision of what he should be.  Which is why I like him so much.

    • Love 4
  7. 1 hour ago, JapMo said:

    We're judging slavery by Earth's standards.  But apparently it isn't condoned on other planets.

    ...IS condoned on other planets.  Sorry.  I even looked at it several times.

  8. 34 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    He knew that there was slavery on Daxamite -- did he think that his mother was unaware of it and was a benevolent ruler?  The whole situation arose because he misread his mother, a woman Kara had never met before and had no experience with. 

    We're judging slavery by Earth's standards.  But apparently it isn't condoned on other planets.  And who judges what a benevolent ruler is?  Mon-El has been sheltered all his life.  He had no basis of comparison until he met Kara.  I don't think he misread his mother....he's been very vocal from the get-go that his parents aren't the best people.  But most people would never believe that one of their parents would murder the other, no matter how much they hated each other, which wasn't the case with his parents.  And yes, Kara had no experience with Rhea, but that didn't stop her from pushing her Pollyanna attitude off on a very reluctant Mon-El and insisting that all people were inherently good, and all they needed to do is explain to his mother that her son was choosing his Kryptonian girlfriend over his life as heir to the throne.  Mon-El told her they wouldn't change, but Kara always thinks she knows best.   

    • Love 1
  9. - I really liked this episode.  Loved the ending with all the spaceships.  And of course loved Rhea/Teri Hatcher.  She is so elegant as Rhea.  I'm sad that she killed King Hercules because that means she won't be around in the future.  But I totally get why she will do anything to keep her son away from a Kryptonian.  

    - LOL that Mon-El told Kara that on Daxam they would just stay drugged up to avoid anything painful.  Dude, we do that on Earth, too.

    - Alex says she got nothing from the boy even though she basically interrogated him for hours!!! (and ate a cheesburger in front of him, LOL).  I know it's the DEO, but shouldn't someone from Social Services been there to represent the kid?  Especially when they actually put him in a cell?  Talk about trauma, not to mention a lawsuit in the making.  I know, it's not real life.

    I thought all the acting was great, but the very first scene with Kara and Lena...it just seemed false to me.  Like the writers were making fun of the fact that there's been all this talk that they have so much chemistry.  Too much 'we're friends, miss you', blah blah blah. Had to laugh that Lena said she would give all exclusives to Kara, then threw out a lot of technical terms that went right over her head.  Sure Lena...give all your new development announcements which you hope will lure in new investors to an inexperienced reporter that doesn't understand anything you do.   

    • Love 2
  10. 8 hours ago, BkWurm1 said:

    I am really sick of James's petty jealousy of Supergirl.  I've never seen someone so butthurt.  I HATE that expression but nothing else seems to express the sentiment better.  I also can't stand that he needed a full on pep talk in order to go talk to a scared kid.  

    I totally agree, Bkwurm.   The very first scene you see him staring up at Kara with a look on his face like...why bother?  Then he tells either J'onn or Winn that all he does is go in and punch people.  Isn't that what you wanted, dude?  I liked that Mehcad actually got some screen time, but why the all or nothing?  He gets nothing for episodes on end, and then he gets too much this episode.  It was totally ridiculous to make James head of CatCo AND The Guardian.  He's not really qualified for either.  If they had focused on just on his job at CatCo, there could have been interesting things they could have come up with.  I still think they should have paired him with Lena and had a real power couple to write for.  

    • Love 1
  11. 7 hours ago, Trini said:

    I knew this was going to be a James-heavy episode, but I think it also has the least amount of screentime for Kara/Supergirl/Benoist in 2 seasons.

    LOL, it was pretty heavy on James, but for the most part everyone had some scenes.  Then I realized it was Kara who hardly had anything.  But you guys can't blame it on Mon-El this time.  

    • Love 1
  12. 1 hour ago, legaleagle53 said:

    Once again, that's getting into Greek-tragedy territory.  Orestes had been given a similar assignment by Apollo (avenge his father Agamemnon's murder by killing the one responsible for killing him -- his mother Clytemnestra).  During their final confrontation, Orestes hesitated precisely because it WAS his mother he was seconds away from killing -- and she knew how to use that fact against him as her best defense.  It was only after his best friend reminded him that Apollo had commanded her execution that Orestes finally ended Clytemnestra, albeit still somewhat reluctantly. But even then, the conflict didn't end there -- Orestes was forced to stand trial before the gods for killing Clytemnestra, with the Furies (and Clytemnestra herself) as his prosecutors, Apollo as his defense attorney, and Athena as judge and jury.  Fortunately, he was acquitted.

    If my hunch is correct, your Greek synopsis hits close in some areas to what I think might happen at the end of the season.  I keep reading that Mon-El is going to the Phantom Zone, which if I remember my comic book reading as a kid, is a type of prison for the worst of the worst.  The murder of a king might be just cause to send someone to the PZ.  Mon-El might find out Rhea killed his father, and to keep her from going there, he confesses to it.  

  13. 2 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    They have showed more of Kara's elitist attitude this season. First, with James becoming a superhero, then with Mon-El and his attempt to be a superhero but also judging him right off the bat for being a Daxamite, and now with this whole Maggie situation. So at least they have set this issue up. 

    For sure it was an elitist attitude with James, though she couched it with her fear he could get hurt (and after seeing Winn and his girlfriend making out and ignoring The Guardian's back in the last episode, I can see why).  For Mon-El it was out and out racist, as she's clearly told anyone who will listen how lazy and worthless the entire Daxam people were and how far superior Krypton was.  So yes, they've set up the issues through these characters.  But I don't feel Maggie's anger was set up at all.  She just unloaded on Kara.  We've seen Maggie a little bit as a cop, but for 95% of her on-screen time she's been playing pool and knocking back liquor at the local alien watering hole.  If just once during that time she'd had even a 30 second conversation with Kara addressing this or made a comment to Alex that it's irritating how Supergirl tramples all over investigations in progress, I might have been able to accept her anger and frustration.

    • Love 3
  14. 6 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:

    I guess I was the only one who was bored then, huh? I thought the Lena scenes were great, although I don't know how Rhea got so knowledgeable about Earth she could pass herself off as a human. 

    No...not the only one.  I didn't think the episode was very good.  But I loved Queen Rhea...Teri Hatcher is so wonderful to watch.  Can't wait for when she tells Mon-El he's now the king.  I want to hear what lies she tells about his father's death.  Like 'his heart failed him...just ignore that stab wound in his chest.'    

    • Love 1
  15. 3 hours ago, tennisgurl said:

    I thought the conflict between Maggie and Kara was really understandable, and I understood both of their sides. I can see where Maggie would be pissed off at Kara jumping in to save the day (and cause injuries and property damage) after several hours of hostage negotiation, and that Supergirl chasing down criminals and causing property damage and possibly leading to defense attorneys using Supergirl as an excuse to get criminals out would be a pain for cops to deal with, even if they appreciate her help. I can also understand why Kara would be confused as to why Maggie would be upset with her, when she managed to save people at the bank, and she doesn't really have to deal with the aftermath of her crime fighting like Maggie does. She just flies in, stops bad guys, and leaves. She really just wants to help people, the consequences just didn't occur to her. Of course, Mon-El had to be an asshole at the dinner about how the city doesn't need cops, when Maggie THE COP is sitting right there. I like Mon-El better like this, in small doses, but shit like that is why he makes me roll my eyes.

    You think the attack by Maggie towards Kara was understandable, but you have a big problem with the one comment Mon-El said, which in effect was praising his girlfriend?  Maggie was the giant asshole.  The nameless, faceless DEO agents who are on the front line in every episode yet watch silently as Supergirl gets all the praise have more of a beef than Maggie should.  If they had written this a little better where Maggie had made comments in previous episodes that she didn't like superheroes butting in to police work, or they had addressed the fact that Kara was causing too much property damage, her tone would have made sense.   But she blindsided Kara and I was surprised that not only did Alex not try to defend her sister, but after Kara stalked out, she told Maggie she (Alex) had to go smooth things over with Kara because they were BOTH stubborn.  No Alex...you tell your girlfriend she went over the line and better apologize to your sister.  Period.  

    Posters have referred to Barry Allen, and I agree that Barry had a cocky attitude and blew off any constructive advice Oliver Queen was trying to give him, but remember that was very early in the first season.  He's grown tremendously, and while Kara has, too, she was never shown as being insensitive or disrespectful to the local jurisdiction, and there's never been any foreshadowing that the police were unhappy with her help.      

    • Love 6
  16. 3 hours ago, Jediknight said:

    Don't turn Lena evil, please don't turn Lena evil.

    YES, turn her evil.  She has the genius mindset of Lex, who, before Gene Hackman turned him into a buffoon, was always a very worthy nemisis to Superman.

  17. 14 hours ago, Dovega said:

    Mon El was ok, it's kind of sad because I can't get over my dislike of him to fully enjoy him when he is being fun. I don't get why he couldn't have been a fully nice guy all the time instead of making him a douche who rehabilitates for Kara.

    Then he wouldn't be interesting.  He'd be like James.

    • Love 2
  18. 1 hour ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    You must not watch soap operas then!?

    Both the characters of Sonny-the-worst-mob-boss-murdering-whiny-Corinthos and Victor Newman, from General Hospital and The Young and the Restless, have been eating their shows for over two decades now, but their is no end or relief in sight. I finally broke the cord and stopped watching GH a year and a half ago, but I have friends who still watch.

    I don't watch anymore but I remember Sonny.  We're going way back here when John Bernadino was still alive.  He played Dr. Steve Hardy.  And he complained that they were ruining the show with all the mobster stuff.  Yeah, you either liked the new GH with all Sonny and Jason or you stopped watching.   Y&R was one of the few soaps I never watched.

    • Love 1
  19. 1 hour ago, stealinghome said:

    My comment wasn't about overacting or eating on the show. "Eating the show" referres to the way that Mon-El this season has taken up a disproportionate amount of screentime--especially in episodes that should focus on other characters, like 2x14--and the way Kara hasn't had a storyline this season because Mon-El's arc has been prioritized and focused on instead of hers (and her "storyline," insofar as she's had one, has been reacting to him).

    Never heard the term before.  Heard 'chewing scenery' but never 'eating the show'.  OK, I learned something new.

  20. 3 hours ago, MarkHB said:

    "Starling".  It was a reference to the flock of starlings that inspired his "fix" for the Biomax or whatever it was.  I was surprised that it wasn't Lena's birthday.

    Thanks.  I watched it again and was able to hear what she said.  But I still can't understand what Mon-El said when he took Jack's security badge.  Right after Kara said "What did you do?"  Something about shenanigans.


    11 hours ago, legaleagle53 said:
    On ‎4‎/‎25‎/‎2017 at 9:28 AM, JapMo said:

    I'm scratching my head on this statement.  If anyone eats all the time, it's Kara, shoving potstickers in her face, slamming back ice cream all the time and eating cupcakes.   I can't recall Mon-El eating that much.

    It's a figure of speech. It doesn't refer to literal eating, but to overacting in such a way that he dominates everyone else.  A similar (and more familiar) expression is "chew the scenery."

    Hmmm....I think it was literal, since I've not seen any comments on this board or others that they think Chris overacts.      

  21. 15 hours ago, statsgirl said:

    I'm glad Kara is back working as a reporter because "I have Mon El and I have my blog, I don't need anything more" was not only lame, it's not a sentiment I want my daughter to see.

    I would rather my daughter watch someone expressing love to another human being and working hard on something original and something she cares about, than show a completely unqualified person getting a job that in the real world she would be laughed out the door.  Kara chastised Mon-El for swiping a security badge but had no problem using it for her own advantage.  Same thing when earlier in the episode, as Supergirl (and I really cried foul on this), she basically tailed Snapper and used her super hearing to listen in on his conversation with a source.  Oh yes, in the end she wound up saving their lives, but she was there hoping to hear something that would further her story, and she wasn't above spying on a colleague to do that.   I'm sure her cousin would really disapprove of something so unethical. 

    • Love 1
  22. 11 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    So because Lyra threw a hissy fit because Winn tried to explain why she couldn't be on Team Guardian, Jimmy changed his mind? Oh and that Winn was sulking, to boot. Whatever.

    I know, right?  This is the first time I didn't like Winn.  And I haven't liked Jimmy in a long time but I liked him last night.  He should not have apologized to Winn.  I don't like the character of Lyra and feel they've wasted way too much time on her. 


    13 minutes ago, GHScorpiosRule said:

    What's worse is Kara suddenly being the only reporter that could be trusted because she asked that one question about FDA approval or some such. She wasn't a reporter long enough to prove her being trustworthy or a good reporter. One blog does not a good reporter make.

    The term reporter and Kara do not mix.  She gets the incredibly lucky break of asking the first question in a room full of reporters, on a new medical technology that, just from watching Jack cut his hand and the bugs healing it is fascinating, and what does she ask?  Did you get FDA approval when you crossed state lines?  Wow, riveting Kara.   


    1 hour ago, Mellowyellow said:

    Kara and Mon El were so cute with their shenanigans this week.

    They were/are adorable, and I think they've had tremendous chemistry from the get-go.  But someone, please help.  What did Mon-El say?  I could not make out anything but "shenanigans".  I also could not understand the password that Kara used to break in to Jack's computer.  Did anyone else do an eyeroll here?  Jack is in medical research.  Hasn't he ever heard of corporate espionage.  I didn't quite hear the password, but I know it was just a word...no numbers, letters, symbols.  Puhleeze.  Even the smallest most insignificant companies require stronger passwords.

    13 hours ago, stealinghome said:

    It was such a novel experience to watch an episode that Mon-El didn't eat.

    I'm scratching my head on this statement.  If anyone eats all the time, it's Kara, shoving potstickers in her face, slamming back ice cream all the time and eating cupcakes.   I can't recall Mon-El eating that much.

    • Love 1
  23. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    First, Kara has had other storylines this season. They may not have been handled all that well, and they've been overshadowed somewhat by the Mon-El romance, but they've been there.

    Couldn't agree more.  Kara's defense of Lena and all her scenes with her this season have had nothing to do with Mon-El.   Everyone has their own opinion about Mon-El.  But IMO, I have watched the show since the beginning, and I think Kara has grown tremendously this season over last.  Calista/Cat Grant actually, if you think about it, was the star last year.  The writers gave her the royal treatment, giving her the best lines so she outshown anyone else in any scene she was in.  Loved her, and would love to have her back, but last year Kara was a timid cowering mouse, letting Cat Grant bulldoze over her, and this year she's coming into her own. 

    On a separate rant, the one thing I'd like to see change, and it started last year and it's still going on, is how badly Kara gets her ass kicked in any fight.  She always wins, in the end of course, but not without what appears to be some major bruises and pain.  Maybe it's my recollections of all the Superman comics, tv shows and movies, but he rarely got hurt.  He was invincible, and nothing really affected him.  Kara, on the other hand, is always shown as hurt, always on the ground stunned from some punch or weapon zap, barely able to pull herself up to defend herself.   She's invincible too, right? 

    • Love 7
  24. 42 minutes ago, stealinghome said:

    Honey, it's your mother you gotta watch out for, not your dad, who looks like a kitten in comparison!)

    Oh LOL, since I'm pretty sure Teri is coming back at least one more time, I just had a mental image of Queen Rhea trying to (pretend) "fit in" on earth so she can stay with her son.  Hot housewife...err Lois...I mean the Black Widow Queen of Daxam gets a job serving drinks at Mon-el's bar, having no problem with slits, cleavage, or trampy outfits, all the while insulting the clientele and roughing up anyone who dares give her a crappy tip.  In her free time, she turns all stalker on Kara, messing with her tires and steering wheel and prank calling her all night.

    • Love 2
  25. Oh Teri Hatcher....you know they are going to find a way for her and Jeremiah to meet.  And hey...Queen Rhea did some fancy moves on Kara.  She's a kick-ass b*tch.

    Finally!!!  Mon-El is in some scenes without Kara.  How refreshing.  The writing did not reflect why Mon-El would think badly of his parents.  Even though his mommy was a bad-ass, you could see how much they loved him.  Mon-El has made comments that they weren't great parents, but then you see how much they want him to come back with them...mostly because they love him and want him to take his rightful place as ruler (and stay away from any Kryptonians).  Can't blame them for that.  The heartbreak on Queen Rhea's face when Mon-El says they'll never see him again was palpable. 

    I never watched Hercules, but I keep reading that Kevin Sorbo is a lightweight in the acting department, but I didn't see anything wrong with him. 

    I can't quite define what accent J'ohnn had when he told Kara..."He's WID his family".  New Jersey by way of Mars???

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