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Posts posted by JapMo

  1.  I'm a Karamel fan, and I know there's not many on this site, but tough.  I'm going to rant.  Their ending was written shitty (I usually substitute an asterisk for the "i" when I write that in a post but this called for the full blown word).  The writers really dissed the fans after teasing us over the last 3-4 episodes with tons of Kara/Mon-El angsty will they/won't they scenes.  Yeah, I read the spoilers that Mon-El was going back to the future.  I prepared myself and was sure they would give their fans ONE scene where they declare their love for each other before parting, one kiss...some sign of affection.  Especially after the Mon-El/Imra scene where it seemed they were definitely breaking up.  Instead, Mon-El gives Imra, and Kara gives Winn hugs, but there's no touching WHATSOEVER in their scene on the balcony.  What the hell?  Speaking of that scene, Chris acted the hell out of it.....Melissa not so much.  She looked like she was saying goodbye to the janitor.  Maybe she was told to downplay it, I don't know.  Anyway, what a crappy way to treat the fandom.  I know there were a LOT of viewers that didn't like Mon-El, and I think the show was scared off by the negative comments, but they also had their share of fans, and the show owed it to us to at least write a decent farewell scene.  I mean, he was forced to leave at the end of Season 2, but we all knew he would eventually be back.  If he is now written off forever, I don't think they conveyed that very well in their final scene.  They should have professed their love, said they would never forget each other, wish each other a long and happy life, and kissed or hugged.  But the way they did it, there's a question mark for me...might he be back?  Did anyone else feel that way?  Stop giving hope, writers, if there's no hope.  

    • Love 4
  2. On 6/16/2018 at 8:49 AM, Chas411 said:

    I really feel they balled Mon El up by making him so serious. At least last year he had humour. This year he's such a dud.

    Thank you!  I love Mon-El, but if taking all the fun out of him is what the writers felt was the easy way to "redeem" him, then they should have never brought him back.  The writers had a specific plan to change him...I get it....but bringing him back married wasn't the smartest thing.  All the angst...yikes.  


    On 6/16/2018 at 8:49 AM, Chas411 said:

    Also Kara is 1000000000x more obnoxious and annoying this season.

     But....but...she's such a powerful female role model (eye roll) who doesn't need a man to complete her.  

    • Love 1
  3. I just don't think it would work as a spinoff without Roseanne.  

    So disappointed.  Today I read something about her being in a Twitter war, and didn't really read about it, and now I'm reading her show is cancelled.  I hope she is ashamed of herself if for nothing else all the people she put out of work.  Lacy hasn't worked in years, and I don't think Michael Fishman has done anything in front of the camera since the first show ended.  John Goodman does not have to work on TV.  He's always in movies.  

    Man, this sucks.  I'd like to defend her, but I can't.  I'd like to come up with some alternative, but what would it be?  Suspend Roseanne Barr for a few episodes?  She just really made it impossible for ABC to do anything else.  

    • Love 9
  4. On 5/23/2018 at 8:05 PM, Macktor said:

    If only that were true. She gets kicked around and beat up on a regular basis. Kara is the most non-super Kryptonian I think we’ve ever had on TV. Can we just call the show “Moderately Super Girl”?

    I think this has been one of the worst things for me about Supergirl this season (and I have a whole list).  When a viewer believes she deserved to get her ass kicked and her face pummeled AND SHE'S THE HEROINE, there's something wrong with the writing.   One of the most telling scenes relating to this came early this season, and I know you remember it.  When Morgan Edge made Supergirl "blink".  He looked at her sinisterly, and then laughed in her face.  She's got superpowers, but he's the one that made the hair on the back of my neck stand up.  Now if this scene would have been used for a reason, such as she had hit rock bottom in her confidence and her life sucked, or this incident made her spiral even more over the edge and doubt herself, whatever...it could have been used to advance her and maybe make her grow, which IMO she has not moved one iota the whole season.  But instead it was a one and done scene.  It would have been cool to see her stand up to her full height and give him such a menacing look that we would clearly see him shaking in his boots, realizing he'd overplayed his hand.  But instead, he totally controlled the situation and she meekly slunk away.  

    • Love 1
  5. 1 hour ago, KirkB said:

    Kryptonians are Earth do tend to think of themselves as better than everyone else on some level,

    I think that's what Mon-El and Mom & Pop-El were saying all last season.  That Kryptonians think they are so above everyone else...so superior morally and intellectually.  It doesn't, it seems, have anything to do with them coming to Earth.  Apparently that's how their species was all along.   And you can kind of see it in Kara.  Everyone must be "redeemable" and if she tries hard enough, she will get through to their good side.  Even if putting blinders on and refusing to see/hear the truth has caused other people to get hurt/die.  

    • Love 2
  6. 4 minutes ago, UNOSEZ said:

    Ive generally liked Mon-el the character... Not so much what was done to the rest of the show to feature him... But the guy himself was never that bad to me... And  tho he's more mature now.. This whole thing with Kara has been a bad look... And worse super predictable 

    I've always liked the Mon-El character.  I thought he was a breath of fresh air last season and Chris Woods was really adept at the comedy.  But this season the writers, in trying to appease the Mon-El haters, have just ruined him.  Coming back married?  C'mon, show.  Having to apologize over and over for every stinking thing he did which really wasn't out of character for the way he was written?  Just lazy writing.  It's great he's more mature and heads up the Legion.  How about seeing more of that than pining away for Kara.  This won't end well.  And speaking of that, if they brought him back just to send him away again permanently, I'll probably stop watching the show.  Cause I ain't watching it to see Miss Oh So Super Perfect, that's for sure.  I watch it for Mon-El, Winn, Lena, and sometimes Alex and James.  

    • Love 3
  7. 3 hours ago, BooBear said:

    I am so ready for this plot to be over. I am so sick of Reign and Ruby. 

    I don't know what they bothered to bring brainy in for. He and Winn are sort of the same character. But both need to take a back seat to Melissa's boyfriend, Mon-el. 

    Totally agree about R&R.  Unfortunately, ever since the writers pulled something right out of their asses and had Alex blubbering all of a sudden about wanting to be a Mom, I don't think it's too hard to figure out Ruby will feature prominently next year.  Already over it.

    Uh, excuse me about Winn & Brainy taking a backseat to Mon-El.  Whether Chris is Melissa's boyfriend or not, he does a great job with what he's stuck with (and he's really easy on the eyes).  Except for less than a minute in the first episode of the season, he didn't reappear until episode 7.  And it's only been since after the break that he's gotten more than a few minutes per episode.  The writers had all that time to give Winn some good material, and J'onn, and James.  But instead they've devoted every spare minute they aren't featuring Kara AND Alex to building up every guest star and glorified extra (talking about you, M'yrnn).  I mean, think about how many new characters they have introduced this year.  That's where all the air time is going.

    • Love 2
  8. 18 hours ago, Winston Wolfe said:
    18 hours ago, Macktor said:

    More and more I find myself wondering why the show is called “Supergirl” because more and more she... isn’t.

    In a hypothetical match-up, Wonder Woman mops the floor with Supergirl, despite the disparities in power sets.  Diana, at least the movie version, just seems so much tougher than Kara.

    That's because the actress is just not believable physically.  You can have tiny girls playing the role that can pull off tough....Melissa just can't, IMO.  When she has to punch something, she looks like my 4 year old grandson.  Don't get me wrong, I think Melissa is a fine actress and can play vulnerable and naive, which this show seems to want.  But she can't scare a fly.  When she tried to get tough with Mason (can't remember his last name...Lena's nemesis)...he totally laughed in her face.  Yes, I realize that's how it was written, but I totally believed that actor.  Melissa....not at all.

    • Love 1
  9. 1 hour ago, srpturtle80 said:

    I’m about as over the Reign storyline as I am the Devoe storyline on the Flash (though not quite as much). I am getting tired of watching Odette Annabelle scream. 

    I am in the total minority in that I like Mon-El and want him to stick around. It may have something to do with the fact that I like looking at Chris Wood for an hour each week (Melissa is one lucky girl lol). Jumping out of the shallow pool though, I just don’t see how they are going to get him back to Kara without making him look like an ass. 

    Move over...I'm with you on both topics.  The writers took on waaaayyyyy too much with this World Killers thing.  Maybe it wouldn't be so bad if they didn't try to stuff Sam's whole backstory complete with annoying daughter on us at the same time.  About the only thing I'm interested in that whole thing is who is Ruby's father?  And can he come and take custody of her and move her out of National City?  Because the vibes I'm getting is she's going to be "adopted" by Alex, and I really don't want to see how that plays out.

    I like Mon-El and REALLY like Chris in that costume.  He is hot.  Mon-El is the writers' whipping boy.  Any bad character trait they can't put on little Miss Perfect Kara or Alex or James they stick on Mon-El.  And then they decide he's going to change, but instead of showing us they just have him walk around apologizing to everyone.  But then they couldn't help themselves so they throw in that he's now married.  Whatever, writers.  

    • Love 1
  10. 23 minutes ago, Lady Calypso said:

    I like that the show is focusing on the women, since Arrow and The Flash can't seem to be bothered with their female characters.

    They are doing a very nice job with Iris over on The Flash this year.  It's taken a long time, but she's finally got an important role with the group, and without having any special powers.

    • Love 3
  11. I'm disappointed because I kind of gave up on Supergirl for a bit this season because they were inserting so much politics in their shows, but it appeared they listened to their audience and were, if not eliminating it, at least toning it down.  But this No Kill b.s. is the same exact thing they did on The Flash just a few episodes ago.  Why?  There's a lot of violence on Arrow and Black Lightening and I don't see them getting on their soapbox and pontificating.  I can only think the CW sees Supergirl as a women's show and The Flash as more of a comedy, and they want to keep them light and unoffensive to anybody.  How lame.  I can think of at least 2 occasions where Kara killed the bad guy.  Nothing was said.  These are comic book characters, CW.  It's escapism.  The audience just wants to be entertained. 

    IMO when the CW started trying to focus so much on this being a women's show about a female superhero, that's when the show really started to decline.  And I'm a woman, so it's not that.  James and Winn and Mon-El are intelligent, strong guys yet the show is determined that they must be a bunch of pussies.  Winn can't get a girl, James runs a huge conglomerate yet puts his balls in his sometimes girlfriend's purse, and Mon-El has to be the resident jerk....they can't cut the guy any slack.  He's either constantly apologizing or constantly singing Kara's praises ad nauseum.  Now I know some of you might say that's how women were treated on shows and in comics in the past, but that doesn't make it right.  These guys are important to the show.  I mean, I don't know if anyone else agrees, but IMO Kara is the dumbest one on the show.  She's a naive Pollyanna that probably still falls for "Hey, what's that behind you?" while the bad guys get away.  CW needs to stop typecasting this show.     

    • Love 2
  12. 10 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    She needs to tap out and get Arrow over to Earth 38, problem will be solved in minutes.

    THIS!!!  No BS with Oliver.  You're a bad guy your dead...no talking, no rationalizing, no preaching....buh bye.

    • Love 3
  13. 9 hours ago, Xander said:

    Honestly. It made no sense and appears to have been written specifically for the vocal fandom because these things happened before she and Mon-El were together and she always called him out on everything.

    They aren't even clever about it, Xander.  The writing is so heavy handed they might as well have an arrow sign pointing at him with letters blinking brightly HE'S SORRY...HE WAS A JERK BUT HE'S CHANGED.

    7 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    And I woulda really liked for James to get some stuff of his chest...

    Oh that would have been cool.  James walks in to the DEO and gets whammied and runs right in to Kara and lets her have it...right after his balls have been squished by Lena.  

    8 hours ago, UNOSEZ said:

    And now he's back a much better man actually teaching her stuff

    Yeah.......somehow I think Kara is going to have issues with Mon-El being smarter and/or stronger at something than she is.  Did you see how pissed she was that he was actually beating her?  I don't think that had anything to do with J'onn's father.  She came in pretty cocky and got knocked on her ass.  Repeatedly.    

    • Love 1
  14. 31 minutes ago, Iceman91 said:

    I was left perplexed by the Kara/Mon-El part of the story, Kara talking about Mon-El's time at Catco or their first training was very random as these events all happened at the beginning of season 2 way before they were even dating, it's not a good look for her character. If the writers wanted to take a good honest look at their relationship maybe they should have made them talk about things that happened while they were in a relationship.

    I know....I thought the same thing.  He was probably just weeks on the planet when she insisted he get a job.  He didn't even know how to answer a telephone yet she whines that she vouched for him and then he turns around and has closet sex with Eve and never even apologized.  So that in turn prompts Mon-El to yet again apologize.   Instead of it all being about her, and how poor innocent Kara was hurt, I'd love to hear a little criticism from Mon-El.  Like how he told her not to initiate Daxam Orr (spelling?) and challenge Rhea or trust her.  Instead, she insists she will defeat Rhea, and when it blew up in her face, he had to leave earth.  With just the clothes on his back.  For 7 years.  So yeah....I'd love to hear a conversation that includes both sides and not just hers.

    • Love 6
  15. 1 hour ago, iMonrey said:

    I'm sorry but I'm just not interested in J'onn and his father and their emotional turmoil.

    THANK YOU.  I thought I was the only one.  The story is so boring.

    1 hour ago, Lady Calypso said:

    We know this secret needs to be exposed to Supergirl because then they won't just be trying to kill Reign right off the bat. Of course, the problem also lies with Lena not knowing about Kara being Supergirl; if she did, she'd probably be more inclined to tell. So, Lena isn't devious or evil, but she is stupid for choosing this lie over getting more people to help Sam. 

    Here's a story idea I would like to see.  At the end of the season, Reign dies.  Her two besties, Lena and Alex, both want Ruby.  Ruby wants to go with Lena, but the judge sides with Alex due to the Luthor reputation.  Then Lillian tells Lena that Kara is Supergirl.  Lena starts to go evil because she feels betrayed by the sisters.

    • Love 1
  16. 14 hours ago, Lady Calypso said:

    Either way, this was the weakest part of the episode...as well as the bland James/Lena romance. James really fits nowhere on this show. They're trying harder this season to fit him in than last, but that's the issue here. He disappears for episodes at a time and he's not missed for me. I think it's best to give him a heroic sendoff by the end of this season and be done with his character.  

    The writers would screw the send-off too.  They messed him up ever since the CW took over.  One minute he's the heroic Guardian, fighting crime with the best of them, the next minute they've pussified him (if it's not a word I'm claiming it) in which he spends an entire episode waiting for his girlfriend to answer his messages.  Last night he pathetically brings food to her work practically begging for any crumbs because she's been AWOL in their relationship.  What's next, holding Lena's purse for her?  This guy took over ALL of Cat Grant's conglomerate, which should make him a big time player in National City, yet instead all we see is him at a bar singing karaoke and checking his cellphone.    The romance may not have any chemistry regardless, but the writing hasn't helped it.  I see the same bad writing with Mon-El.  They wrote him a very specific way last year, and viewers didn't like it (I was in the minority...I liked his goofiness).  So instead of writing their way out of it this year, they just have the character constantly apologizing to everyone and saying he's changed.  

    • Love 3
  17. 1 hour ago, Winston Wolfe said:

    With the last two episodes the show-runners are salvaging what was looking to be a lost season.  Kara and the whole cape thing?  Hey, she shoots lasers out of her eyes, has freeze breath and can throw in the occasional thunder clap.  Why, oh why does she need cape tricks?  Mon-el I get, he's severely limited.  He needs a gimmick.

    But did you notice how easily those gimmicks were taking her down?  Kara needs training because she has no finesse.  She's not a smart fighter.  She doesn't think things through...she just goes in and bulldozes over most of the weak aliens that come her way by mostly just using her heat vision, but Reign is pure power.   And think about Rhea.  The woman was much older than her but was a very formidable opponent.  I actually liked all the scenes with the capes. 

    Also liked the argument/fight between Winn and the other tekkie.  Kara just punches Mon-El real hard, but Winn all of a sudden pulls out a gun on the guy, LOL.

    • Love 7
  18. 9 hours ago, ottoDbusdriver said:

    Mon-el really needed to be called out on some of his shitty behavior during his first tour in the 21st Century.  At least he owned up to it.

    Wish Mon-El had the opportunity to get mad.  Would have LOVED hearing what he would have said to Little Miss Perfect.  

    Speaking of Mon-El, I have to repeat what Kara said when he stepped out in that uniform.....Wow.  Chris was rockin it.

    • Love 4
  19. I may be in the minority here, but this season above any other I feel all the participants really wanted to find a mate.  Heck, Jon even gave up his job to be considered a viable candidate, though it could have been a crappy dead-end job anyway for all we know.  And except for Shawneice & Jepthe, whom I just don't think are well suited to each other, I think the experts did a good job from the information and impressions they got from the participants in pairing Jon & Molly and Jackie & Ryan.  On paper, and from what Jon and especially Molly repeatedly said, they really had a lot in common and could see why the experts paired them up.  Jackie & Ryan seemed to hit it off right away, and what I saw from them and still see, that I didn't and don't see from the other two, is a lot of PDA.  They are always holding hands and touching each other.  I don't think any of these people are bad or came in for the wrong reasons.  But in Molly's case, I think it was sexual.  Whether she wasn't attracted to him from the get-go or she's extremely inhibited or cold...she seemed no closer to wanting to have sex with Jon on day 58 of marriage than she was on their wedding night.  Ryan loves his life and thought it would be complete with a wife, but he didn't plan on having to change anything about his own life to make room for her.  Is that selfish....no, that's a guy.  Even though he's said and done a lot of things wrong, there was one incident early on that I wonder was more important than the show is revealing, and that is when he found out Jackie had a serious relationship with someone who suddenly died.  I just remember he seemed stunned by it.  Maybe there is a lot more to that like some posters have said and the show just doesn't want to address it.  He may see Jackie is just not over this guy.       

    • Love 1
  20. 1 minute ago, humbleopinion said:

    I nominate Anthony D'Amico to replace JamieO....

    I don't have a problem with Jaime other than she talks way too fast on camera.  It's like stop...take a breath.  She bites off half her words.  I chalked it up to nerves the first couple episodes but she's still doing it.

    • Love 2
  21. 10 hours ago, Yeah No said:
    12 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    We the viewers have the right to know exactly why Molly got so turned off by Jon.  Can it be so terrible that it can't be revealed?  All the others are saying what is bothering them.

    I somehow have a feeling that even if she told us what it was it would still smell like BS.

    When you mention smell.......I went out with someone years ago, he was fun and funny and we hit it off fine, but it was his personal smell.  It wasn't bad or odorous at all, but he had a distinct smell that just turned me off.   Kind of cinamonny with a pungent grease monkey smell.  And I knew no matter if he doused himself in cologne, that was his personal scent and I would never be able to handle it.  We went out twice and then it just faded away.  Now....how would you say something like that on TV?  It sounds so shallow, but I was actually repulsed by it.  It was the only thing about him that I didn't like.  And my guess with Molly is she was instantly not attracted to him, because she hardly ever kissed him or held his hand, yet kept saying they had so much in common.  I have to hand it to her....on camera she did not give a clue to what she really felt.

    • Love 1
  22. On 4/17/2018 at 8:42 PM, Neurochick said:

    He wants to be married but doesn’t want to put in any effort.

    That's kind of how I see it too.  He doesn't seem to want to change his lifestyle at all.  I believe they will decide to stay together, and I'm also inclined to believe Ryan is somewhat of a victim of bad editing.  They really want to focus on his bad behavior and make her look angelic.  In the end, I don't believe he's that bad, and I do think he realizes Jackie is a good catch.

    I just can't imagine any guy being able to put up with Shawneice for any length of time.  Jepthe is too laid back for her kind of dramatics.

    Please forgive me, because I normally don't comment on people's appearances, but in at least the last two episodes Jackie's hair is so bad.  Could be the hot lights...it does look like she has thin hair...but it just looks like she needs to wash it.  Or pull it back away from her face.  It's so scraggly and greasy looking.

    • Love 3
  23. On 4/16/2018 at 8:01 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    Also, speaking of Mon-El, they're doing a better job with him. At least he finally apologized for his shit, well sort of, and wanted to be honest. I'm still frustrated with their so-called epic romance that they're trying to portray, but they're doing a better job than last season. Congrats, show. For the first time, Mon-El was useful, AND also not as much of an annoyance.

    I don't get what the writers are doing with him, honestly.  It's one step forward, two steps back with the character.  They bring him back as part of a comic book famous Legion, make him all brooding and serious and have him and other characters constantly say HE'S CHANGED, yet write a scene where Kara finds out he's married in the douchiest way and show him pining after another woman while sweet angelic Imra, his wife, is standing right next to him.  Enough with the lousy writing, writers.  Has he changed or not?  Is he a hero or a dirtbag?  Stop having characters tell us and show us.  This back-and-forth is making me dizzy.  

    • Love 1
  24. On 4/17/2018 at 5:49 AM, Quark said:

    I don't think I've ever heard Mon-El apologise for anything before and he couldn't stop this episode.

    Are you kidding?  That's all he ever did last season was tell Kara how wonderful she was and apologize to her.  It's every woman's dream man, LOL.


    On 4/16/2018 at 8:01 PM, Lady Calypso said:

    I realized even during that scene that I didn't miss Lena, Sam, or any of the other newer characters.

    People complained all last year that Mon-El took up too much storyline from everyone else, but he's not been on this season much at all, and James and Winn still aren't on hardly at all.  Why the show felt it was important to give this whole backstory to the bad guys err girls, confounds me.  I don't care about Sam or her daughter, don't buy the "friendship" Sam has with Kara, Lena and Alex, and think the time they've wasted explaining Purity and the other World Killers is what has kept James and Winn from having anything.  Heck, even Lena, who was a very interesting character last year, has been MIA a lot of the season to make room for these new characters.  The only character who hasn't suffered is Alex.  She's everywhere, in every scene.

    • Love 3
  25. 12 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    You must be a different era...unless I had some compelling reason to chat with another woman I'd be in the dog house for sometime to come and my wife wouldn't want to be introduced. If my wife thought I was looking at another woman too intently that would draw negative attention. I don't think my wife is overly jealous like most married couples were supposed to be paying attention to our mate. Molly paid little attention to her husband but engaged in a conversation with another man. I don't know on what planet that would go over well.

    A couple is at a bar and one starts talking to someone else..........if they know what's good for them, within no more than two minutes they better be introducing their spouse by saying "hey, this is my wife/husband/whatever."  That does 2 things.  Gets you out of a jealous tirade and/or the freeze-out, AND if the person was hitting on you they know instantly wifey/hubby is not going to allow it and they'd better just move on down the bar.

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