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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. Quote
    37 minutes ago, tricknasty said:

    New viewer here and I have a question. How did Garrick/Flash know what point in time to go to when he grabbed Barry from the future?


    Barry ate burritos for lunch and as usual it reared its ugly head at the worst moment, so Jay just followed the crop dusting into the future and pulled him out.

    • Love 7
  2. Quote
    25 minutes ago, ruby24 said:

    I just don't think it was like that with him and Patty last season, so I'm suspicious of this.

    Their first time should have been a significant moment for them and they didn't even write a scene for it. That's garbage.


    I agree, it should have been significant.  They can redeem themselves by the next episode in January by showing Barry & Iris standing in the living room of their new totally furnished apartment clinking wine glasses and commenting that they never thought this day would come (i.e. they are actually moving in) and never knew buying furniture together would be so difficult.  And then from there, show the whole episode them trying to do it but keep getting interrupted with Joe or Star Labs, and take the last scene to finally get the hot scene we have been waiting for.

    As long as I'm wishful thinking, you just know Barry is going to confide in someone (plural) about the future and Iris being murdered.  He's going to spend every waking minute trying to change that, using everything and everyone at his disposal.  So wouldn't it be cool if Iris overhears him and realizes she's in danger and she does something about it herself or asks an unlikely person (i.e. Julian and/or HR) to help her, keeping Barry completely in the dark.   

    • Love 3
  3. I feel everyone's pain at not getting a "first time" sex scene with Iris and Barry.  I don't believe it's because they are interracial.  Also don't believe Grant Gustin is uncomfortable doing sex scenes.  Gustin is a leading man...he knows what that means.  So if he's asked to do sex scenes, he's not going to say no.  Besides that, the show has already gone against type for him since he's not exactly the typical hunky, smoking hot actor we usually see in that role.  But someone posted above about how the show presents them so PG, and I agree.  Almost every time they've kissed (on the porch steps and at the gazebo at the end of their "first date" comes to mind) they not only film it all gauzy and shiny but the music is almost celestial.   And they are so quick to pull back...most of the time they barely touch lips.  Normally that's a calculated move on shows when they are bringing a popular couple together...they tease the audience unmercilessly until they finally get to that all important scene where they pull out all the stops and the couple consummate.   And 99.9% of the time, the show rewards the audience for their patience and angst.  So why didn't they do that here?  Again, I think it's PG related...or more appropriately...GG.  IMO, Grant Gustin is off the charts with teen and pre-teen girls.  He's got that look (boy band/Justin Bieber) that young pre-adolescent girls love.  And the show knows that and they are not going to offend the parents by messing with that.  This is just my opinion, of course. 

    Kind of related to this, I was totally expecting Barry to come back from seeing Iris die in the future and feel the only way to protect her is to disassociate himself from her and break up.  I was so sure that was going to happen.  So was pleasantly surprised that instead he decided to move in with her. 

    • Love 2
  4. 9 hours ago, ybrik said:

    I think that GG and CP have really good chemistry but I am just so tired of Barry and Iris. And I think there is a couple of problems. First there was the whole growing up in the same household. That started them off on the wrong foot but could have been okay if only Barry didn't annoy me when he is with Iris. His whole I wouldn't be a hero without you bit just seems so over the top but looking back the show has seem to be making it that Barry does seem to constantly need Iris to reassure him for Barry to succeed in whatever problem he gets in during the week. As I said I don't have a problem the actors together because I enjoyed them as Earth 2 Barry/Iris and I liked their chemistry when Iris was into the Flash but didn't know he was Barry at the beginning of the series.

    They need to have some fun together.  They are joyless.  Take last night.  Why wasn't she sitting on his lap and the two of them making out instead of watching Wally?  If they are only going to give them 10 second scenes here and there if/until they hit the sheets or say I Do, have them all over each other like couples falling in love are.  Or doing silly things and wanting to always be with each other.  Get them the hell out of Star Labs.    

    • Love 3
  5. 10 hours ago, scarynikki12 said:

    I randomly decided that I want Alchemy to be Joe's date. 

    yes, Yes, YES!!!   I was thinking that last night...have Alchemy be a woman.  Even if she isn't...she's interested in Joe?  Puhleeze.  I like Joe, but this woman would not be going after older men.  She'd be cougaring someone like...ahhh....well on this show let me think of what hot guys they have.   Can Eddie come back?  Yeah, I know, Grant is a cutie, but I'm talking smokin hot.

    • Love 2
  6. I haven't liked Tom all season, but he just seemed happy at the reunion.  So more power to him.  I hope they work out.

    Nick & Sonia were my favs from the beginning, but it's been hard to root for Nick with everything he's done.  For a guy who seems to have promised himself he would not do anything or reveal anything on camera that would embarrass him, he turns out to be the one that blurts out something unforgiveable...all on the record.  I have never understood how a guy so buttoned up could have lost control like that.  It still makes no sense that someone that introverted would sign up for a reality show.

    That said, he seemed more relaxed and actually happy 6 months later.  When he was barbecuing, he seemed totally at ease.  I know people think Sonia is crazy and desperate and settling, but from the very start she seemed to dig him and from what I observed last night, that hasn't changed.  Maybe she was very lonely in her single life and instead of looking at it that she's settling, maybe she's still trying to see if they have a fit.  Both of them are, I believe, 34.  You're not so picky at 34.  You're not so quick to throw in the towel.  I think they have a chance.  In real life Nick may be a lot different than what he presented on TV.  So I hope they do make it.

    Lastly, I like the preacher and the sex gal.  They have faults, but they came across as more real than Dr. Celona ever did.  You could see how much they cared.  So I want them back for next season.  Can't believe we've actually gone through 4 seasons of this.  I got my sister hooked after the first one, LOL.  It's cheesy and phony at times, but think about standing in the middle of the street and a total stranger walking up to you and that's who you are going to marry.  That risk taking for a chance at happiness is what keeps us all watching this show.   See you all next season (figuratively).

    • Love 9
  7. Quote
    11 minutes ago, RandomMe said:

    I was enjoying Julian too, but couldn't he have softened toward the Flash but not Barry? I liked the idea that somebody, somewhere wouldn't fall prey to Barry's charms. He needs a foil. Not a villain, but a foil in his everyday life.

    Hear, hear.  I wanted snarky Julian to go on at least another 5 episodes.  Then gradually show his backstory. 

    • Love 2
  8. This episode was perplexing.  The "Monster" turned out to be a hologram from the evil mind of a bullied teenager?  Eyeroll.  I could have accepted that, but there was so much other stuff going on.  It was like someone told the writers they had to address Julian's backstory, Caitlyn's mother, the introduction of HR, a scene about Joe and a potential love interest, something about where Barry is living, give Iris a few scenes, etc etc.  There was no cohesiveness, IMO...it just seemed like random scenes all piled on top of each other.  What was the point of the lab assistant turned weird crazy guy?   

    • Love 5
  9. Didn't really see any chemistry between Alex & Maggie, but I may not be the best judge as the minute I saw Maggie, I thought...oh no...it's that Bridey chick from The Family that was such a loudmouth pushy broad and she's playing the exact same role.  Yech.  Actually did see something going on between Kara and Lena.  Now that wasn't forced, like A&M IMO.  It just happened naturally.  I'm pretty sure the show won't act on it, but just sayin.   

    Not really liking the CW version of Supergirl so far.  I liked the episodes with Superman in it, but Kara is acting too giddy and silly.  She was always a little like that but it's been amped up several decibels and Melissa Benoist doesn't seem comfortable with it yet...she hasn't figured it out.  So it looks over the top, and she looks like she's acting.    

  10. 2 hours ago, Katydid said:

    While I think Winn is a good fit for the DEO, I really hope we see more depth to him this season rather than just 30 seconds every week of him blurting out nerdspeak while trapped at the DEO.   JJ is capable of so much more.

    I'm still hoping for a nerd/asskicker hookup between Winn & Alex.  If they are not going to do anything with Kara in a romantic way right now (and hopefully not EVER with Jimmy), they could start up a slow build between these two characters that are stuck in a character rut right now.  Never in a million years would you see these two as a couple, which makes it so challenging.  Alex is tightly wound and distrusts everyone.  Winn seems like a wimp but we've seen him stand up for himself and be the voice of reason when everyone else is in panic mode.  I could see him being the one person Alex can let her guard down with.   Could you see her getting all girly and nervous when she's around him? 

    • Love 1
  11. I think the experts get blamed a lot, but this year I see a marked improvement.  This season is closer to the first season in that everyone seems to really want to be married and the experts are in contact with the newlyweds a lot sooner than they were in Seasons 2-3.  As far as choosing the individuals, on paper I think Derek & Heather and Nick & Sonia fit.  I wouldn't have chosen Tom as a mate for someone because his choice of lifestyles, to me, would be difficult to match up.  But lo and behold, so far, who seems to have hit it off first?  Tom and Sonia.  What I'm saying is that no matter what people say are qualities they like and find attractive in a mate, when it comes down to it there's no way to gauge how important or how much of something a person likes/hates.  For example, maybe they say they like someone with a great sense of humor but in reality hate practical jokes and bathroom humor.  Or they like cleanly people when in reality they mean you better be able to do open heart surgery on your kitchen floor.  They prefer an extrovert but hate people who have to be the center of attention.  That magical combination that makes people attracted to each other is really something that can't be dissected and calculated, even though it can help a great deal in weeding out the misfits.  Nick & Sonia are quiet people who seem to be willing to get to know each other and are interested in finding out how each other tick before they come to conclusions.  Derek & Heather seem more prone to go with their gut.  

    The show is fascinating for most people because we would never take a chance like this...but it was common less than a hundred years ago.  My grandparents were arranged.  People had less expectations then.  Probably if you surveyed people back then, they would have very little expectations...maybe "has to be a good provider" or "has to be a good cook".  They didn't have big dreams and high hopes.  You got married and that was it.  But in present day, people are more sophisticated, more educated, more complicated.  To even have one success out of this would be amazing, and they've had 2.  And I got a feeling there's going to be a successful couple this season too.  

    • Love 5
  12. "She's better off having her independence."

    I'm sure she and her cats will be happy together."

    LOL, oh Jack, it's nice to have a male viewpoint around here.  I can remember many times in my married life that I wanted my husband to just get the hell out of my sight, but as a widow of 12 years, it's hard being alone.  Yeah, I like independence, but I want someone to go to the movies with and cook for them.  Can't help it if that doesn't fit in the modern women way of thinking.

    • Love 3
  13. This was pretty hard to watch.  Before I get to the negative, kudos to the show for getting their experts in there quickly when there's problems.  Finally they are realizing you can't let these people flounder for 3-4 weeks before you come a calling with a welcome basket.  And the pastor was a no nonsense butt kicker.   I don't care for Tom, but I like Lily...she is adorable.  Love Nick & Sonia, and while I don't think Nick is gay, I think he takes a long time to get the fire burning.  But if she can wait for it, they stand a good chance of working out.

    Heather & Derek were sad to watch.  I cringed when Derek said what he did about her age.  He looked like he immediately regretted saying it, and it does seem all about the fact she's not attracted to him.  We've talked endlessly about if he's a pot head.  I didn't see any signs of it tonight but I'm not a good judge of it. For arguments sake, let's say he was clean.  I've been siding with Heather but I feel she showed this episode what is really sticking in her craw.  She is not attracted to him at all.  It's disappointing after believing her b.s. that she really wants to be married and will do everything to give it a chance.  I didn't see that tonight.   She went on and on about how exhausted she was the whole trip.  Exhausted by what, Heather?  Trying to come up with silly nitpicky things to pin on Derek?  Derek was being an alpha male jerk about the hand holding, but it was a defense mechanism to her hurtful rejection of him.    All she had to do was assure him she wasn't flirting.  We women have had to do this crap with our guys for years.  We all know how to play the game.  It's better to stroke their ego than have them sit in a corner moping all night.  I don't fault Derek for getting pissed about the cave.  If it did go off as he said and as it appeared, how ignorant of her not to just come over to him and say 'hey, we're holding up the line here...we need to leave' rather than just walk away and no one knows what you are doing.  

    My real disgust of her was when she encouraged him to chug the beer.  All week she's been Miss Stick Up Her Butt and now it's "chug it chug it".  You could tell Derek was totally taken aback by her actions.  If she was truly drinking as much as the show wanted us to see, it was about 3 times as much as Derek.  So what is that saying?  That Heather was trying to get bombed so she could tolerate her husband?  She called him childish?  Pot meet kettle.

    • Love 14
  14. Quote

    Once you grow up you realize the dream of "true love and rainbows, flowers and magic stardust" may not happen, and that if it really is MARRIAGE you want, you need to look for a good, solid person who can work with you, not against you. In the end marriage usually ends up very much like a partnership.  If heart-throbbing love comes with the deal, all the better, but sometimes love comes later, and it's a truer, finer type of love, one based on respect, positivity and compromise.  Heather seems stuck in a childlike pattern of anger and self sabbotage. For her sake I hope she grows up a bit and learns to look within herself before looking for a husband.

    I would expect that from someone in their 50s...not people under 40.  Especially women.  All 3 women are under 35, and one is under 25!  I feel they all understood it was quite likely they wouldn't have strong feelings at first for their spouses, but that doesn't prevent them from secretly wanting love at first sight.   Nothing wrong with that.  I believe Heather was willing to give Derek a chance despite the fact she probably was disappointed there wasn't some spark to begin with.  But like we all know, we aren't seeing the whole picture...just what the show wants us to see. 

    • Love 1
  15. I do think Heather has probably been in a lot of bad relationships and that's why as soon as she sees one sign of trouble, she's ready to throw in the towel.  Maybe she promised herself she wouldn't do that this time, and maybe that's why she decided to go on the show...because she would actually be married and not be able to get out of it so easy.   I think she is very guarded and maybe she can fake great customer service as a stewardess and appear to be a very fun-loving, bubbly extrovert, but deep down she is very jaded.  Not going to blame men 100% on that.  She's a big girl and got into bad relationships on her own accord.  But despite that, I truly believe she wanted to find someone to love and was willing to work hard.  Did she find him attractive at the altar?  I don't think so.  No, she didn't act utterly repulsed a la Jaime Otis, but I don't think she felt any spark, and we can all understand that that's a bit of a letdown no matter how understanding you are of the situation, but I think she kept telling herself he's a nice guy and she was going to give him a chance.

    And then this whole smoking thing happened.  I'm going with weed, because of his comment last night that she acts like she's from the 1940s.  That suggests to me that he's putting down her intolerance as being prudish and old-fashioned.  But whatever.  I'm going out on a limb here and predicting that he asked her either at the reception or the wedding night if she'd mind if he smoked a joint.  And since I'm predicting, I'm going to say she was probably taken aback, and was fairly shocked that he would ask it, but didn't want to sound like said prude so she quickly said "fine" but really thought "what the f*ck?"  And then one joint turned into two, then four, then he's excusing himself to go smoke every hour or two.  And so deep down she knows she absolutely can't accept someone who does that, she's telling herself she can't throw in the towel on her marriage so quickly, so now everything he does has secret meanings or he leaves his wet towel on the floor and it becomes the most vile thing anyone can ever do.

    I feel sorry for Heather.  I liked Derek, but if he is really a pothead, he should have put on his application many times that his ideal partner would be someone that goes along with his lifestyle or tolerates it.  And I doubt he did that.

    • Love 11
  16. Tom & Lily - yes, they do seem to have hit it off fast, but so did Courtney & Jason.  I don't see insincerity in either of them.  By that I mean I don't think there are any ulterior motives between them for being on the show.  They both seem to want to be married, and couldn't be happier at the selection.  The one drawback that we keep hearing and seeing is the bus issue.  I see it more as Tom's whole lifestyle.  He loves living right on the beach, surfing everyday, and having a bus is the way to do it.  In my experience, not a whole lot of women would want to live that way.  But they could compromise.  The show keeps alluding to the fact that Tom won't compromise.  So I guess we have to wait and see on this.  I think Lily is adorable and Tom looks like he is pinching himself for being so lucky to get her.

    Sonia & Nick - they have been my favs from the start, and I see real potential with them.  The fact they stayed up so late on their honeymoon night just talking is cool.  Nick told his buddies at the wedding that he didn't expect them to be intimate right away.  I don't see Sonia as super emotional.  The things she must see as a Social Worker would surely have toughened her up a bit.  But yes, she does show her emotions more than Nick.  If they can understand and accept the differences in each other and still want to be together, they will have a real shot at a successful happy marriage.

    Derek & Heather - Derek has me stymied.  He seems like a really great guy, but my gut feeling is he's not 100% sincere.  I like that Heather is aware of her tendency to quickly find fault, but even with that knowledge she went overboard last night (from what we were allowed to see, of course).  To me she was over the top as soon as they landed when he looked out the limo window and saw a casino.  Right away her antenna goes up and she thinks he LOVES gambling.  Calm down, lady.  As far as smoking, I would not be surprised that she smelled it on him as soon as they met.  Surely when they were dancing at the reception.  Smokers find cigarettes calming...so there's no doubt in my mind that Derek lit up right before the wedding.  So why not talk about it right away and ask him upfront instead of some silly subterfuge about what traits they need to improve on.  She could have asked how many times he tried to quit to see if he was even trying to kick the habit.  I don't despise Heather.  She really wants to be married and she is very pretty except she is holding back on him.  Somebody said it somewhere else...there's no light in her eyes.  No excitement.  Something turned her off on him pretty quickly and I don't believe it was his looks.   

    • Love 2
  17. If that is really true about Ashley using the show (and David) to make her ex jealous, that's despicable.  Years and years ago on The Tonight Show when Johnny Carson was still on, he had Helen Gurley Brown - editor/publisher of Cosmopolitan - on as a guest.  He asked her what a person should do if they can't get the one they love to commit and propose marriage, and she said the same thing!!!  Marry someone else to make the person jealous.  Johnny could not believe it.  Helen thought nothing of it.  Sadly, if true, Ashley is not the first woman to think of using a man in this way.

    • Love 8
  18. If this is really true about the pot, I feel sorry for Heather.  People I have been around in my life that are daily pot users...usually you can smell it on them, even if they haven't lit up for a few hours.  It's in their skin.  Heather may have smelled it on him at the wedding, who knows.  And again, if it's true that he started smoking on the honeymoon with possibly the camera crew around, that tells me he's pretty hooked, for lack of a better word cause I know it's pot and everyone says it's not addictive (whatever).   How devastating for Heather. 

    I hope it's not the case, cause I really liked what I saw about Derek, but most of the rumors/spoilers that are about this show have turned out true. 

    • Love 2
  19. I kind of had hopes for all of them until I saw the season's previews.  In years past, they would do everything to make it appear the couples stayed together, where tonight, and maybe it was just me but I don't think so, it appeared they did everything to make it appear they would not stay together.  Tom really surprised me...I did not get a good vibe on him last week but he seemed over the moon with Lillian.  But then...dum dum dum....they show the bus.  Could it have been any worse?  The outside is atrocious.  Just can't see the inside being much better, I'm afraid.  If he turns in to the kind of guy that will not budge on living elsewhere, I will be pissed at the experts.  Because as someone else said, that's what happened to Davina and Shawn.  As for Derek and Heather, I'm thinking they both want to be married enough that they will work things out, hopefully.  Their biggest problem will be her airline schedule.

    Finally, Nick and Sonia.  They were definitely my favs last week.  Nick seems like the kind of guy that does not like to say or show his emotions in public.  He seemed really uncomfortable standing up at the altar (or whatever it was), but who of us isn't/wasn't when we had to do it.  It's tremendously stressful.  Found Sonia's attack of nerves a little contrived, or maybe they just edited it that way and had it sound like the preacher had to prompt her several times.  But when it was just the two of them he seemed very relaxed.  I think he's super shy instead of just being extremely laid back, which is how it seemed.  It gave the false (IMO) impression that he wasn't into her, when I think he does find her pretty.  He should have said something though, since she was complimenting him so much (hint hint).  Mom needs to keep her nose out of it.   

    • Love 8
  20. I was pleasantly surprised at how much they got done in that one episode.  They are already about to say "I Do".  It took like 3 shows last season before they got to the altar.  As for the matches, the only red flag at this time that I see is Tom and Lillian.  I agree with another poster that at age 24, she is too young to give up on alternate avenues to find love.  This is for people older who have been around the dating scene for a long time and haven't found "the one".  I believe Vanessa from last year, who married Tre...she was around the same age, and I questioned it then, too.  Got the same vibe others did about Tom.  He seems inflexible about his living arrangements.  I don't see him giving up living in his bus by the ocean.  There are a LOT of women who would absolutely love that lifestyle, but I don't think Sonia will.  Although Tom is the youngest guy, he looks and acts (at this point) like much older than everyone else.  Sonia reminds me a little of Jessica in Season 2, but maybe it's just their physical appearances. 

    I'm keeping my fingers crossed on the other two couples.  Feel the best about the social worker & Nick, though I was very surprised how she transformed herself for the wedding, with so much makeup and the red hair dye.  Her natural brown hair was very becoming, and made her look much younger, IMO.  Just got a good vibe with these two.  Think their quiet personalities will be compatible.

    Not sure if people were thinking 30,000 showed up in MIAMI for the show, but I believe they said 30,000 have applied for the show since Season 1.

    • Love 3
  21. I love John Cena too.  Think he's been great as a host.  I've also enjoyed this show tremendously, and again was on the edge of my seat during the circus.  Even though Cam said his ankle was hurting, somehow I thought the big guy was going down.  It is absolutely AMAZING how Goldie goes into a Zen-like state and can endure so much.  I almost think she's going to be the surprise winner next week.

    Always liked Haze, but thought that was a dirty trick to play on Cam.  And at least she had the good grace to look ashamed when he said he would miss her and hoped they saw each other again.  I don't think Cam is as naïve as he was portrayed, but I do disagree with the poster above that people were trying not to laugh at his Cam Clown thing.  I think they were embarrassed for him.  Totally inappropriate when you are trying to intimidate your competition.  Oh well.

    Don't know what the ratings are for this show, but I think the premise is good. 

    • Love 3
  22. It was surprising to me that K-Joy just announced "I quit" to end the competition, because everyone else either passed out or slipped or physically you could see just could not do another second.  Not to say K-Joy was exhausted...I'm sure she was. 

    I wasn't on the edge of my seat this week during the circus.  I think it's because the challenge was so similar to the one a few weeks ago where that women from the green team lost.  For next year, I think the show needs to change the layout of the obstacle course every week like they do the challenges.  Yeah, I know it's based on Navy Seal training, but the Navy didn't plan the circus around audience interest.  A TV show must provide entertainment, and seeing them run this same course is boring.  Most of them, just by watching the others, have figured out how to shave seconds off their time by cannonballing down the ropes. 

    I don't really mind Cam and Haze's flirtation, but what was up with her taking him to another room and just kissing?  She's said many times she's horny (not in those words, of course) and you know he's horny...he's a 21 year old man.  They've kissed many times right out in the open where everyone could see them.  I thought they were going to take a shower together or do the nasty, and then she announces they're finished.  Yeah, whatever. 

  23.  Every week I'm on the edge of my seat during the elimination and last night was no different.  I like this show because there's no real a-holes.  No Pucks or Omarosas in the bunch.  For 3 people to squat like that for over an hour was incredible, but I agree with the above poster that it wasn't my favorite elimination challenge.  To me it served no purpose for anybody to bust their butt to come in first.  Goldie took it easy, and I wouldn't be surprised if she was told to do that.  So what if she goes first.  The only advantage the other two had were an extra minute or two, and both of them looked exhausted while Goldie looked fresh as a daisy.  Someone correct me if I'm wrong but I think the very first week's challenge, where Jim, Goldie and that obnoxious dude were competing, the first one to complete the obstacle course got like 5 minutes to refresh themselves.  Now to me that's a real advantage...not a minute. 

    At first I was wondering why Cena was lifting weights with Noah's group and issued that challenge.  He lifted Big Show (a wrestler who's over 7 feet tall and weighs almost 450 lbs) over his head in the ring many times.  But I think it was to show Noah's athleticism in spite of his handicap.  That was one great performance by Noah. 

    • Love 2
  24. I'll throw this in the mix and see what you think.  How about Adam is the father of Jane's child...not Doug?  Jane was lonely, Doug was gone a lot, Adam has grown up....1+1=3. 

    Agree, Kiki, that things are oh so convenient for Nina.  She just happens to be wandering around some fairly secluded area, and hears a gunshot.  I loved how she's running at breakneck speed with her gun out, in a RURAL area where it might actually be some hunters shooting at game.  Another thing about that whole scene....it couldn't have been 30 seconds after the shot that she stumbles on all that blood.  There's one huge spot where the "hit" happened, and then a series of blood spots that are laughable they are so straight.  Doug would have had to walk an incredibly straight line to the tree, while bleeding profusely, in order to make that path. 

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