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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 6 minutes ago, ShowFan said:

    So I’m wondering what is the job of a medical recruiter? We see Henry as painfully shy, closed in and introverted to the point where it doesn’t seem that he can even function. But does t the job of a recruiter require a decent amount of social skills? I though you had to go to recruiting events, speak to strangers etc. Does anyone know what they do? If he was an IT guy, I’d understand. But recruiter? Really?

    I worked in Human Resources for many years and went with recruiters to colleges and job fairs.  If you are recruiting for a lot of jobs in the company, then you will be speaking to tons of people and would need to interact with a lot of people.  But Henry may specialize in just one thing.  With my company, we were always recruiting for engineers, yet none of us recruiters could speak on the subject for any length of time.  So it got to the point we would ask one of the engineers to come with us and when someone acted interested or had a lot of really hard questions specifically about engineering, then they would take over and "talk shop" with the candidate.  I could see Henry being able to do that.  Leave the small talk to the front line recruiters but when someone wants to have an in-depth technical conversation, he would probably shine in that kind of situation.

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  2. 12 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:
    19 hours ago, SnarkEnthusiast said:

    I am impressed with how much of a good sport prissy Christina is being with Henry, but it’s like watching someone babysit a five-year-old. It’s a very weird dynamic. That patience is going to wear out fast when they have to move in together and she’s no longer dragging him around the resort.  

    This. I thought she for sure was going to be the problem here, but no, it's him. I give her credit for trying, but it was really unfair of "the experts" to turn her into a de facto life coach. It's okay to match people who are different but compliment each other (like Ashley & Anthony), but expecting one partner to "help so and so to do blah blah blah", just no. That's just code for "you need to fix this glaring personality flaw in your partner." Not fair at all, especially since this person thought they were getting a partner, not a project. And Henry is definitely a project.

    The word "project" is perfect.  Christina was valiantly trying to break through Henry's reserve, get him to loosen up and bring out his personality.  Unfortunately, he's not just shy...he's clinically introverted (I just made that up, LOL).  I really watched him closely, and I saw a man who seems to dread almost all human interaction.  He can't maintain eye contact for any length of time.  He's suffering from crippling shyness, but there's more to it than that...unfortunately I'm not a psychiatrist so I can't diagnose.  I can, however, given an opinion, and I think Christina got screwed by the show.  Henry is not going to all of a sudden develop a sense of humor or become more adventurous .  It would be a miracle if he even got a small degree more comfortable with her.  He won't be coming out of his shell.  This is who he is, and Christina is sadly going to figure it out sooner rather than later.    

    Someone talked him into this.  Someone put this idea into his head and it wasn't his brother.  Does anybody see Henry even watching MAFS much less taking the initiative to fill out a questionnaire and subject himself to extensive, very personal interviews?  I'm thinking it was his friend, Kristin.  She thought it would be a good idea....that's why she went with him to the interview and bachelor party.   I do think Kristin cares about Henry and was trying to help him...but did she bother to consider the other person in this equation?  Christina legally entered into marriage with this guy with all the hopes and dreams of any bride.  Someone she could build a life with and have a family and grow old together.   If they stay together that long, can you see these two after a year of marriage?  Christina wouldn't sweetly be prodding him (c'mon honey...pleeaassse) to go with her to a party/movie/barbecue with friends.  She wouldn't be cheering him on every time he even moved an inch out of his comfort zone.  She would either be demanding that he get his ass out to the car ASAP or by that time she'd already start going to events alone.  And that's not funny...it's sad.  Henry had no business trying out for this show, and Christina deserved a better match than Henry.  This is the first time we haven't seen a bad guy in a MAFS coupling.  It's usually one person (usually the man) who is a dick and isn't trying to make the marriage work.  But in this case, these are two good people....there's no villain here.

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  3. Just thought of this possible theory......maybe when Bennett & Amelia first applied for the show, they didn't know each other, but during the vetting process they met innocently somewhere else and maybe not dated but did hang out, possibly with Bennett's friends.  They had both already committed to the show so they weren't looking for anyone else during that stretch of time before being selected.  Meanwhile they were off-the-charts compatible and the show was ecstatic.  Then the bombshell at the wedding that they did know each other.   The show didn't want to give up on such a great match so they allowed them to go through with the wedding...just not tell the audience the whole truth about how well they knew each other.

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  4. I still can't forget Bennett's statement to the minister and friends/family when he saw Amelia for the first time...."we've met before".  It wasn't said excitedly.  More like oh crap...not her.  Did they reshoot the scene?  Cause I know what I saw/heard and he didn't sound happy.  It was more like she was a giant pest that he had a hard time shaking off.

    Yet now, they love everything about each other.  Nothing that comes up is an obstacle.  He thinks having children is unethical with so many people in the world, yet he immediately offers up the option of having children with Amelia if she wants that.  That's a pretty big change of values to just flip so quickly.  Amelia is going to be a doctor and would rather have a husband that doesn't work and stays home to take care of the kids.  Wow, Bennett kind of fiddles around if you want to call it work.  I'm not knocking him, but how convenient that here's a guy that fills that bill exactly.

    I think they are a cute couple but I've had this nagging feeling since the wedding that they knew each other a lot better than just talking for a few minutes at a party.  There was something about Bennett's friends' reactions when they saw her.  To me they looked shocked and kind of like uh oh....you guys already know each other...that's against the rules.  

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  5. 10 minutes ago, humbleopinion said:

    Brett has the absurdly flared nose holes and a sneering grin caused by his upper lip that is curled up on dry Front teeth

    I've noticed something odd about his smile since day one, but I can't figure out what it is.  His teeth are decent.  

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  6. 16 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    I'm on the team that thinks that Olivia should have been paired with Henry and Christina with Brett.

    I keep seeing similar statements in post after post.  Based solely on what we've seen of the four individuals since they met their respective spouses at the altar and tied the knot (and not counting any "previews" of scenes coming up this season that we don't know the context of), I have to ask why Olivia is better paired with Henry?  Olivia and Brett match up on paper pretty well,...Olivia was ticking off their compatibleness almost from the minute they said "I Do".  What does she really have in common with Henry other than they are both "nice" and kind of quiet and laid back?  Why should Christina be with Brett?  He loves cats.  Does Christina have any animals?  She loves to travel and because of her job can do so on very short notice...not conducive for a pet that needs to go potty or needs their water bowl refilled.  She didn't say she loves physical activity like Olivia did.  Just because Brett was a douche at his Bachelor party and Christina forgot her new husband's name doesn't mean they automatically should be matched.    

    No, the truth is the experts should have passed on Henry as a candidate altogether.

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  7. 2 hours ago, gonecrackers said:

    Brett's comments about Olivia feel forced to me.

    I didn't get that feeling surprisingly, and I watched him real closely.  He seemed genuinely happy with the experts' choice for him.  And he was honest with Olivia's parents about his attitude towards religion.  Considering how strongly some people feel about the subject, his answer could have created a very tense atmosphere.  But surprisingly, he said they had already talked about it and Olivia was OK with him being agnostic.  I'm wondering if her ambivalent feelings about children will be a problem.  Olivia is already 30 and Brett a few years older.  She wants to wait a few years before trying, if at all?  Hope he's on the same page with her about that.  The experts can ignore some things when trying to match people up, but if one spouse wants kids and the other doesn't, that is a deal breaker.

    I know I'm going to get reamed for this, but IMO Olivia could have put a little more thought into her choice of attire for her honeymoon night.  Even though they weren't planning to have sex, her pajama selection was just blah.  Amani wore a simple pink (I think) full slip, and it was very attractive.   

    Nothing attractive about yet more air time for Brett's obnoxious brothers.  He has a sister too.  Why can't we see her for once?  And Henry's pop....what an a-hole.  Please, show....no more of these loathsome relatives.  



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  8. 1 hour ago, Yeah No said:

    I actually think Doug got lucky with Jamie.  He would likely never have found a woman that attractive who found her niche on a TV show as a regular cast member and brings in the bucks while he continues to "find" himself or whatever it is he does besides take care of the kids.

    I definitely agree that he was attracted to her looks big time.  But I don't think Doug would be that upset if they weren't on TV anymore.  He seems to go along with it for Jaime, and yeah, their TV income has afforded them a much better lifestyle.  I remember Doug was trying to find himself 3-4 years ago, but I think he's got a job now, in software sales, I think.  At least that's what I remember...but it was a year or two ago.  They showed him taking a meeting from home.  It probably doesn't pay anywhere near what being on MAFS does, but like I said, I don't think he would be heartbroken if the show ended and they started living a normal life.  

    Jaime had a LOT of baggage she brought to that marriage.  Her upbringing was chaotic, while Doug's was very stable.  Doug and his family have provided a calming influence on her, and finally experiencing motherhood has fulfilled her biggest dream.  She got pretty lucky with Doug.  

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  9. 10 minutes ago, Jeanne222 said:

    Personally  I think each couple had to come up with a theme to be part of this show for big paychecks and this was what she came up with.   Greggs not real into fun so he probably had nothing to offer. 

    From what I've consistently read about reality show paychecks, the "contestants" don't really get that much money, and MAFS in particular is very cheap.  Probably the only couple that gets decent cash is Jaime & Doug.  But as far as the Couples Cam, it's practically zero dollars for the show.  Yes, they supply the cameras, but they don't have to have a production team or a camera crew on site, which means no money going out for hotels and food.  They edit everything, so that's where most man hours are.  The Cam couples probably get enough that they can get a better place to live or put a down payment on a house.  

  10. 4 minutes ago, KateHearts said:

    And then there's Elizabeth and Jamie- constant fighting and insulting, yet they stay together.

    Season 9 was the only season I never really watched.  I don't know anything about them or Deonna & Greg except what I see on Couples Cam, and from just that I'm totally turned off by Deonna and the whole baby crap.  The doll she made Greg carry around and the lessons on anatomy from last week...puhleeze.  It makes Greg look like a 4 year old.  Maybe that's what she's aiming for.  Make him look more and more childish till he's got the maturity level of a baby.   Then she doesn't have to go through labor.

    • LOL 2
  11. Let's be honest....we all make instant judgments about people every day, and most of the time we are pretty much on target, but there's times we are totally off base about our impression of someone.  I thought the following MAFS couples seemed to have a good connection and a good chance of staying together, and look what happened:

    • Davina & Shawn (they really seemed to be into each other right away)
    • Jessica & Ryan (physically they were a very attractive couple)
    • Vanessa & Tres (I thought he was adorable and Vanessa was really lucky)
    • Sonia & Nick (both nerdy, very socially awkward...they remind me of this year's Amelia & Bennett)
    • Jaclyn & Ryan (they looked sooo cute together)

    Look who I missed?

    • Jaime & Doug (thought for sure they'd break up)
    • Lillian & Tom (though now divorced, I NEVER saw them together)
    • Ashley & Anthony (I didn't see any physical spark between them)
    • Danielle & Bobby (he was in love at first sight, but I didn't see the reciprocation from Danielle for a long time)
    • Stephanie & AJ (didn't see it then....don't see it now.  He's a major handfull)
    • Kristine & Keith (It just seemed like she could do so much better...now I think they are adorable)

    If I was standing behind the preacher at the altar and watched some of this current crop come walking towards each other, my instant judgment would have been the following:

    Karen/Miles - No, sorry....she's way out of his league physically

    Amani/Woody - His smile could light up a room....she seems sweet

    Olivia/Brett - They look OK together

    Amelia/Bennett - Yikes....he needs to run for the hills

    Christina/Henry - He's attractive...she's not bad.  Maybe.


  12. 19 minutes ago, cardigirl said:

    As for Olivia and Brett, I'm hoping against hope that somehow he softens up. This show never goes for subtle though, so I doubt they're going to do it this time. 

    I'm with you on that.  I've been hoping he's not the dick he showed everyone in the first episode.  He does OK with Olivia, but there's times he looks like he's just going through the motions and really isn't attracted to her.  That has me worried.  But he's said several times he thinks they are well matched.  On the previews for this season, it appears he walks out on her.  I don't know....that scene bothered me.  I thought about it and wondered if perhaps he could have been leaving temporarily because he might have been exposed to the virus.  For whatever reason, the show is painting him the villain pretty early on.  They usually don't do that.  Of course, you can see they are trying to create drama with Bennett on whether he will move if Amelia has to do her residency in a different town.  I'm not falling for it.....she would quit doctoring if it meant losing him.

    I would be very surprised if Brett turns out to be another Luke or that guy from last season that constantly demanded they turn off the cameras.  He never gave that poor girl any chance.  

    Something about Olivia I find weird.  She kept thanking everyone for coming to the wedding.  She thanked Brett at least twice for going through the program with her.....so basically thanked him for marrying her.  She thanked his brothers for showing up, little knowing they would crawl over ground glass for an open bar and open mic.  I just thought it odd that you would thank your groom and his family.

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  13. 10 minutes ago, DrewPaul2010 said:

    I can't think of any couples who stumbled this poorly out of the gate and end up righting the ship.

    Jaime and Doug.  The woman practically said it to Doug's face on the altar that she thought he was an ugly troll.  I believe her exact words were "there's nothing there to work with".  The ship got righted because Doug had the patience of a saint and Jaime, who had a terrible upbringing replete with drug addicted mother and unknown father, wanted a family so bad.   After 10+ years and 2 kids, Doug has really changed a lot and even though he still gives in to Jaime too much, he isn't the lapdog seeking crumbs of attention from Jaime anymore.  And she has calmed down once she got those kids and I think realizes Doug is the best man for her since no one else would put up with her sh*t as much as he does.

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  14. 40 minutes ago, ramble said:

    I wonder if Henry thought doing this show might wake up whichever one of his honey bees he has buzzing around him that he desires and they’d suddenly realize he’s more than “just a friend”. Ain’t going to happen dude. 

    I had that thought too.  It's pretty obvious to me Henry is crazy about the brunette, Kristin, whether he admits it or not.  So why would someone so introverted and who secretly carries a huge torch for another woman sign up for Married at First Sight?  Dare I say it.....Kristin had a hand in this?  There's no way Henry thought it up on his own.  Just no way.

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  15. 3 minutes ago, Koalagirl said:

    Now I see why they aired these last two weddings on the same episode.   Bennett/Amelia lightened the mood, which was sorely needed as a relief from the supremely uncomfortable interaction between Henry/Christina.

    Let's face it....Henry wants the hot "friend" that Brett was hitting on at the bachelor party.  He'd jump on her in a millisecond if she would give him any encouragement.  But she's not only done the second worst thing ever to do to a guy....put him in the friend zone....she's also doing the worst thing.  If you're a woman you can see it clear as day.  She knows he's got the hots for her and she's digging that adoration yet she isn't attracted to him in THAT way so she just uses him as a convenient escort (buffer), plays along and gives him a couple hugs and kisses on the cheek to keep him happy, all the while checking out other dudes.  If nothing pans out, she doesn't have to sit alone by herself at the bar and look pathetic.  He's always conveniently there.

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  16. 2 minutes ago, Adeejay said:

    Just because it can't be said enough: "they should have paired Henry with Olivia".  Christina seems the type who would stand up to Brett and put him in his place.  When one of his friends asked him how he feels about having sex with a stranger, his response was that some of the best sex he had were with strangers.  What a jerk!

    No....Christina doesn't need to be foisted off on anyone.  And I think Olivia is perfectly capable of standing up to Brett and putting him in his place.  Also, Henry isn't the biggest prize either.  The guy literally let his "girl friends" interrogate his new wife and he just sat there like a lump.  He seemed uncomfortable but he never stepped in when their fangs were coming out and said "enough...quit harrassing my new bride".  

    The sex with strangers thing, I think, was said to his brothers.  You can see Brett has a habit of saying stupid things (wasn't it said by one of his brothers that he has no filter?)...especially when he's with that moronic bunch.  I'm still not ready to give up on Brett (although what do I know...I was still rooting for Jessica/Ryan from Season 2 right up until she filed a restraining order, LOL).  I just think Brett is a dope who thinks he has to act like a stud, but in actuality he's not really a bad guy.  Just needs to be "guided" like we all do with our husbands.


    1 minute ago, OnTime said:

    None of Brett's three brother's look anything like him or each other.

    But they all share the same brain.

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  17. No matter my feelings about Brett, I cannot BELEIVE that Jaime showed that clip about Brett's antics at the Bachelor Party to Olivia.  Whatever possessed the show to do that? I'm not blaming Jaime...this was the producers trying to stir up sh*t.  What a crummy thing to do.  Yeah, I know she would have seen it eventually, but it's the kind of thing you just don't do.  It's so smarmy.  Is the show that desperate for ratings?  And then to have two other strangers commenting on it in front of her.....how humiliating for Olivia.

    Speaking of Olivia, she looked very subdued on the pre-show tonight.  It could have been nerves, but I'm inclined to think things are already going south with Brett.  Very sad. 

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  18. I really thought Woody and Amani were adorable.  I especially liked the fact that Woody, as soon as he found out Amani was an intern recruiter at her work, pitched hiring some of the disadvantaged kids he helps out.  Shows he doesn't just talk the talk....he truly cares about the kids.  These two will clash due to the fact he's very outgoing and she seems pretty laid back.  And they will drive each other nuts for a while until they figure out how to work it out. 

    Brett's bullying, attention seeking brothers should have been forbidden from picking up a pen or microphone to convey what kind of person their brother is.  Instead of saying one simple nice thing about him in a tribute or toast, those adolescent frat boys turned it into a comedy roast.  Hey a-holes....did you notice who wasn't really laughing?  Your brother.  Because you embarrassed and humiliated him in front of his new wife and family.   I don't give a crap that that's how they normally treat each other.  There's no more sarcastic, put-down artists than myself and my siblings, but there's a time and place for everything.  Brett needed their support, especially when his own parents refused to attend the ceremony.  I don't agree with other posters that because they didn't say one nice thing, that there was nothing good to say and Brett is a total write off.  I hated Brett after last week but watching him this week, I think he genuinely does want to be married and got into it for the right reasons.  Olivia is very sweet, and while not ravishingly beautiful, she is pretty.  She's also down-to-earth and didn't come into this with stars in her eyes.  I think they have a chance.

    Amelia.....you KNOW you aren't everyone's cup of tea.  And because you are meeting your new husband and his family for the first time, why not consider dialing it back a little until you see the lay of the land?  Amelia needed an older sister type to come in, take one look at her and her bridal party, and put the hammer down on the dimestore cheap eye makeup, the ridiculous bird nesting in her hair, and the cringe worthy bridesmaid attire and unicycle.   It must have been a loooooonnnnnngggg day for the entire group once Amelia and Bennett recognized each other.  Filming surely shut down immediately and the producers were probably simultaneously grilling both A&B about how they knew each other AND in contact with Reverand Cal, Dr Pepper, and whomever else to get guidance on how to proceed.  My opinion, and feel free to offer your own, is that IF A&B actually dated/met somewhere alone/were introduced by friend(s)...even just once....they would have been scratched from the show.  That's the whole premise of MAFS...that couples meet for the first time at the altar.  No...I think it's more like Bennett and his friends were out at a bar/eatery and one of his friends saw Amelia and brought her back to their table to BRIEFLY introduce her.  Or one of his friends went out with her and introduced her to Bennett, and in all instances it was briefly.  Not a lot of interaction between A&B.  However, judging from the wide ranging looks of shock, goofiness, whatever on the faces of his friends when they saw her, I think it might be a situation where Bennett knows more of her because of things one of his friends said.  Like maybe his friend dated her, introduced her to all his nerdy friends including Bennett, dated her a few times and relayed to his friends how cray cray she is.  And that's why Bennett sounded less than thrilled when he announced he met her before.  



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    -I was soooooo expecting Brett to continue his God's gift to women routine at the wedding and therefore validate my low opinion of him, but he really surprised me.   While he did write out his "marriage vows" to Olivia, he didn't read directly from them.  He actually seemed to have put some thought into what he was going to say.  

    -There may have been one point at the reception where I have to agree with other posters....he didn't look like he was in to her.  But for most of the time he was on camera he seemed interested.  

    - Bravo that he liked and appreciated the wedding gift Olivia gave him.  

    - If ever there's someone who loves and craves attention, it's Brett's brother Stephen.   What.  A.  Douche.     

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  20. 6 hours ago, OnTime said:
    19 hours ago, Ilovepie said:

    I am annoyed at Jamie and Doug because I find it completely tasteless that they chose to give lifetime the rights to something so momentous and personal. I am annoyed at Lifetime for including that much footage of the birth in the show.

    Unless Lifetime get complaints, nothing will change. Sadly, Jamie and Doug don't stop short of much to make money.

    I've always liked Jamie and Doug, and I don't fault Jamie for trying to make a buck.  It's just that I question her motives for the at home birth.  Being a trained medical professional and having to go through the schooling she had to in order to become a nurse, not to mention but I will that she's had several heartbreaking miscarriages, I can't wrap my head around the idea.  She's seen first hand what can happen when a home birth has unplanned problems and the patient has to get to the hospital right away.  I'm not putting down midwives, but you can't tell me that doctors and nurses don't look down on midwifery and try to talk patients out of it.  If nothing else, that's their livelihood that's being infringed on.  And yet Jamie stabs them in the back and goes home birth for what I can see as the only major reason....so she can control the situation and sell the event to Lifetime.  

    Also, Jamie's moans took me back 41 years to the birth of my first child and how it felt to be in such intense labor.  I recognized those moans.....she was holding back how much pain she was actually in, and I will give her snaps for that.  However, for me, it brought back bad memories.  I thought Lifetime showed too much.  Doug was so busy trying to cover Jamie's private parts (has ANYBODY ever prepared for labor wearing a lacy bra and panties?) I don't know if he even held the baby right away. 


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  21. On 6/19/2020 at 7:02 AM, SabineElisabeth said:

    AJ and Sexy AF Steph still confuse me, as I can't for the life of me figure out what she sees in him. However, they seem consistently happy together, so hope whatever it is continues to work for them...

    That's exactly what I thought during their original season....that he was just too high maintenance.  He had a quick temper and seemed to crave the spotlight and the center of attention whereas Stephanie's very laid back and private.  Whatever she did since their season seems to have worked.  AJ's calmed down a LOT.  He seems to realize he's got a good thing with her.  I could empathize when he talked about how useless he felt not being able to go to work.   

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  22. When I saw Grodd in the title, I thought...uh-oh.  There has not been one single episode having anything to do with that ape that I've liked.  And last night's episode stayed true to form.  Sooooo incredibly stupid.  Iris and Joe were wasted.  And the dumbest scene in the history of the show, and there have been many candidates that tried to claim the prize through the years, but this one takes the cake.  Sharknado unselfishly gives up a chance to return to human form.  Because he owed everyone for being really mean to them.  Whatever. 

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  23. 23 hours ago, psychoticstate said:

    To me, at least, he clearly does NOT want to be in the "marriage" and has no intention of making it work.  That's a mixed message, at least IMO.  He should man up and either peace out, or really try to make it work.  But accusing Kate of having a drinking problem and going out with your buddies on your anniversary is not trying to make it work.

    He's too afraid to say what he really doesn't like about her because he knows it will make him look shallow.  So instead he does an absolutely despicable thing and continues to act like she's some raging alcoholic.  That is not a man in my book.  

    Let me lay out the scenario that I have in my head about what turned him off.  He sees her coming down the aisle, he's nervous and excited, and then think of what a screeching car sounds like.  That screeching car is Kate.  He recognizes her.  His heart plummets, because he remembers her, and whether they even spoke at all during the dating thing, he already had labeled her as someone totally beneath him and not worth his time.  She's blushing and giggling and introducing herself, and he's desperately trying to keep the phony smile going for the cameras, but as soon as they get outside, he makes a point to say he's seen her before.  And I remember thinking when I first saw that scene that he didn't look very happy.  I don't think it had anything to do with her not remembering him.  I just think Luke is the type that is very critical of people, and his standards for allowing anyone to be his friend, much less his wife, is very rigid and unbending.  And Kate, who maybe is more a couch potato and doesn't have a strict exercise regimen would turn him off completely.  He'd totally dismiss her as a lazy slob.  You could see his snarkiness come out on the honeymoon about the yogurt and drinking 3 cups of coffee.  Nobody else would give a sh*t about it but that REALLY BOTHERED HIM.  You drank 3 cups of coffee before 10AM?  You have no self-control.  You eat yogurt?  Disgusting...I can't even sit at the same table with you much less be called upon to hold your hand or even worse....yikes...kiss you.  He will not put out any effort to save the marriage because, let's face it....Luke thinks Kate has cooties.

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