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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 13 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I think you are absolutely right.  Mr. Yeah No worked as a service manager in a Mercedes dealership for a couple of decades and he said that what Vincent does is "not a real job" in the sense that it doesn't make that much, it's straight commission and it's spotty at best.  I saw his new wife try to hide her disappointment when she heard what he does.  She's smart enough to know better.  Then she proceeded to lie that what he does is optimal for her. 

    Yeah, I caught that too that she made a good rebound from her initial doubtful, questioning look about his job description. to ...."well good for you" kind of applause for being an independent businessman.  Isn't Vincent the one who said he broke up with someone because she didn't support his career plans?

    • Love 6
  2. 1 hour ago, ByTor said:

    And further to your point, "pretty face" is really subjective.

    How many times did Kelli go on about how beautiful Meredith was?  "She has such pretty eyes".  

    Hey Kelli....most people aren't sitting in the first 15 rows.  People up in the nosebleed section couldn't tell what color her eyes were, but they could very easily tell if she was out of step or out of formation.

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  3. 2 hours ago, Ena355 said:

    The whole audition process and being cut confuses me. Full disclosure  - I'm not American and know nothing about American employment law, but what role does Human Resources play? I know this year has been different and the dance sections are different as it is more subjective. However, I've never participated in panel interviews (either as the interviewer or interviewee) where there has been no HR presence. This is to ensure that the same questions or same standard of questions are asked to everyone. This ensures a fairness for all. I know we probably don't see the whole panel interview but unless HR are there in the corner somewhere they are definitely missing. This would have stopped the question about Kat's dress from a few years ago.


    Also, there should be HR presence at the cuts ensuring each girl has been given the same amount of opportunities to improve - either written notes or face to face. I also think as director Kelli isn't really the one who should be doing the cutting. It should be someone from the team who sees the girls every night. Ive never worked anywhere where a director would get involved in firing someone. Of course they would be notified but directors tend to be figureheads rather than doers.

    I've worked in Human Resources for 20+ years.  I agree with your comments, but in the U.S. there's a different standard in the entertainment/sports industry, which is basically what the DCC are.  And the standard is surprisingly simple.....whatever the coach/advisor/casting director decides.  Kids whine all the time that "the coach doesn't like me".  Parents scream that their little Sonny or Sunny is so much better than the rest of the team,so why are they always riding the bench?  People try out for football teams or singing groups and have to perform in front of people who may or may not even have any experience in that field.  And yet those people are in charge of selecting whoever they want based on their perceptions or their preferences or sometimes just if they fit in the uniform.  Selecting who is the best candidate is a subjective process, and that is where they get away with things you know would/should not happen in a normal office environment (although don't get me started on the do's and don'ts of interviewing people for a job...it doesn't matter how many procedures a company puts into place, it's still based on how the hiring manager feels on any given day).

    We've seen K&J cut people because they didn't have the DCC "look".  How much more subjective can you get, but they get away with it because in the entertainment business your look is just as, if not in many cases more, important than your talent.  If K&J were sued and had to go in front of a judge and explain what the DCC look is, they'd probably say thin but healthy body type, pretty face, teeth and hair, bubbly personality, good dancer.  How many girls through the years who didn't make it past the audition process could hold up their hand and say 'that's me'? 

    HR usually isn't present if a TV show or movie is being cast.  But in a big organization like the Dallas Cowboys, they don't want any discrimination suits filed against them, so that's why they have so many people involved in the selection process.  That way when someone complains, they can say it was a group decision.   They have stuck their head in the sand for years, however, over complaints they aren't diversified enough.  The media attention finally got hot enough and this season they look like they've tried to address that.      

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  4. 15 minutes ago, EricaShadows said:

    Thus, it was most likely NOT performance OR technique related, no matter what Kelli says.

    You mean it wasn't pom technique?  I've gotta say, I've never heard Kelli ever use that excuse before.

    • LOL 2
  5. On 1/15/2021 at 2:19 PM, klh25 said:

    I know it isn't a popular opinion but I really liked Morgan and Breelan.  I remember them more than many of the other girls, some who have been on the team longer.  

    And they both got cut at the audition stage....they didn't even make it to TC the next year.  I remember how dumbfounded Morgan looked.  It was like she just wanted someone to tell her why.

    I can only speak for myself on this.  I'm an adult....I understand this is a TV show and the whole purpose is to entertain.  And by trying to accomplish that, the show sometimes manipulates things.  Like focusing on certain girls through the entire Training Camp and featuring them in a way that the audience is compelled to root for them.  And I'm thrilled when they make the team against all odds.  It's silly but I can't help but think my support somehow helped them.  Then fast forward to the beginning of the new season, and now all of a sudden the Morgans and Breelans and Lilys and Merediths can't seem to do anything right in K&J's eyes.  Though I am no expert, it still seems like they blow up even the most minor thing.  Yet they don't seem to have a problem with other girls who are making the same mistakes...sometimes a lot worse.

    And then they get cut.....fairly quickly, and the excuse is usually they came to TC in lousy shape (yes, Breelan was not in as good a shape as she should have been) or the rookie candidates are sooooooooooooo much better this year.   But I always ask myself....how good were they for their rookie year?  Were they great...really just needed confidence and performed excellently after they made the team...or did they struggle all season and made one mistake after another out on the field during games?  Because if it's the latter, why the hell didn't you say so in January at the end of the season and strongly discourage them from trying out again?  Tell them to retire gracefully.  Because what it looks like to me, when I've invested a whole season rooting for Lily and I keep seeing her picture below the top 36 the entire time, is that you used her for ratings and then threw her out like last week's trash.  Like hey audience, thanks for sticking with this cheerleader all year, but now we want someone new so we're kicking her to the curb.   

    • Love 22
  6. 23 minutes ago, CountryGirl said:

    I have been a manager of almost as many directs as they have on their squad for over a decade, but still far less time than Kelly has been at the helm, and how they handled themselves was completely unprofessional and I would be, at minimum, coached, if not written up, if I had handled a termination in that fashion.

    This!  I've had to fire a few people in my career, and I still can't believe after all these years Kelli is so bad at it.  If she does her job properly, and she's already discussed the problems with the candidate two times - once to inform them of any problem(s) and the second time to tell them they are on very thin ice, or just once if they are pretty bad and then just say you get called in one more time and you're out, then it shouldn't be a surprise to anyone that they are being cut.  You don't call a person in 3-4 times like Meredith last season and not cut them.  You also don't call a person in to be cut and then hem and haw around and tell them they were your favorite choice at the very beginning of auditions.  Shame on Kelli for doing that.  You maintain eye contact, you don't shuffle your papers, you get to the point and deliver the bad news then close your mouth.  DO NOT take the easy way out and tell them they should try out again next year.  If they ask, then give an honest opinion, but do not offer it.  Then cut short the pleading and/or blubbering and stand up, indicating in no uncertain terms that the meeting is over.

    If it were me, I'd change Training Camp around.  No one is cut for at least two weeks.  In those 2 weeks Kelli should be very scarce.  Come in at the beginning of class, say hi, then leave.  Let Judy have more responsibility to work with the girls at the beginning and give them a chance to get more comfortable and confident without freezing up because Kelli is there.  Judy is going to see right away if someone has the potential to make the team and be really honest with the girls whose kicks are not nearly good enough or who fall out of their turns, etc.  They might be able to avoid the drama down the road if Judy can kindly and gently get those girls to realize they don't have what it takes and drop out.   

    Kelli should never call the girls into the office after a practice unless it's for performance related reasons.  That way no one should wonder why they are being called in.  Any other announcements should be made before practice or by texting.  And does the announcement have to be in front of everyone?  And does everyone have to hang around and wait to see what the verdict is?  I, for one, would not want everyone to know.  I'm aware it's a tradition to be supportive of your teammates, but IMO that tradition needs to be retired.  Text who you want to remain behind while practice is still going on.  And anybody else needs to get their butts in their cars and get off the premises.  Ain't none of their business who's staying late to meet with Kelli.

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  7. 5 minutes ago, klh25 said:

    I know it isn't a popular opinion but I really liked Morgan and Breelan.  I remember them more than many of the other girls, some who have been on the team longer.  

    There's been a slow but gradual change in the simplicity or innocence or sweetness of the show that I remember in the earlier years that isn't really there anymore.  I like seeing more experienced dancers, but Kelli used to take girls with limited dancing experience back then if they had the look or she thought they had the raw talent to improve enough by the end of TC.  Remember the Drill Sargeant guy (can't remember his name)?  He used to put the girls through their paces and it was a big honor to get one of his physical fitness awards.   

    • Love 4
  8. 8 hours ago, WoofDCC said:

    I think 'DCC Making the Team' and maybe K+J are overlooking or at least are not aware of how invested fans are with the veterans, especially the last 3 years.

    Oh, it's been longer than 3 years.  I went to Wikipedia and pulled up DCC MTT.  They show every year since they began airing, who made it, who retired and who was cut.  I was surprised at how many rookies get cut the very next year.  They don't distinguish who made it to TC and then got cut and who didn't make it past the auditions, which would be an interesting fact.  I remember rooting so hard for Morgan and Breeland, which was maybe season 2013-2014.  Morgan wasn't an experienced dancer and really looked a lot older than what she probably was, but she tried so hard.  Breelan wanted it so bad.  That's what the show does.  They suck us in.  There's so many rookies, especially in earlier seasons, that breezed through and you hardly even knew who they were.  At the time I just thought they didn't want to be on camera that much, but now I realize the show wants us to get behind one or a few girls and get invested in them, because then we will start rooting for them which means we will keep faithfully watching the show.  So yes, the organization and the tv show know how invested we fans are with girls we've followed ever since they were rookies. 


    8 hours ago, WoofDCC said:

    Fans would rather see Hannah and Brennan and Lilly than a weak rookie. 

    I couldn't agree more.  There was no excuse for Meredith and K&J should have read the riot act to her after the first practice about how poorly she was performing after a year of being on the team.  I didn't think Lily was that bad, honestly.  And after she was talked to, I thought Brennan danced fine.  Hannah seemed very lackluster at practices but really killed it with her performance for Show Group, so I agree that someone like Alora Rose should not have been picked over either of these 3.  JMO.

    • Love 7
  9. 1 minute ago, Spunkyyy said:
    2 minutes ago, aeroluv327 said:

    They could have had a great season of MTT with focusing on returning veterans.  We could have gotten some time with each of them: what was their journey like with DCC so far; what do they do to prepare for auditions; what struggles have they had that they need to work on; what do they do to stay in shape during the off-season; how do they balance DCC with a job/school; etc.

    But I kind of doubt CMT would renew the show for the season if this were the case. 

    Now that's something I could have gotten on board with, but it depends on what agreement they have with the show.  Not going through the audition and TC process might have been a breach and put the organization in a legal situation.  

  10. 3 minutes ago, RoxyMoron101 said:

    Its a service where you can basically pay celebrities for personalized messages. 

    Oh good lord.  For $299 you should at least get 5 minutes of direct one or one contact by phone or Zoom.

    • Love 5
  11. 37 minutes ago, pasdetrois said:

    ETA: I'm shocked Kelli is on Cameo. I'm surprised the Cowboys organization allows it. Unless they are getting a cut of the fee.

    I held off asking as long as possible, but could someone please tell this old lady what Cameo is?

    • LOL 5
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  12. 5 minutes ago, Tuxcat said:

    If the show had edited things realistically this season, their attitudes would have made sense to the viewers. 

    Exactly.  As Kelli was cutting the 3 vets and they were showing their displeasure, I kept hoping Judy would step up and say something.  If it was edited out, then shame on the show, because in regards to critiquing their performance, Judy's opinions carry a lot more weight, IMO, than Kelli's.  At least in regards to being cut.  Kelli told Brennan she was performing at the level she did her rookie year.  How is Brennan supposed to react to that?  Exactly the way she did, arguing that she had worked very hard to improve and was in tip top shape and felt her dancing was the best it's ever been.  This is when we needed to hear Judy's comments.  Judy can drill down and really explain what was lacking in their performance to get to the point they had no other choice but to cut them.  It still hurts, but the girl (and the audience), gets a better idea of what they were seeing rather than just assuming Kelli doesn't like them. 

    Kelli makes me mad, but I grudgingly understand she has a pretty tough job.  Not only does she have to answer to Charlotte and the Board of Directors, but a million women want her job and one or two in particular (KaShira and yes, I'm saying it....Jinelle) are breathing down her neck.  Not to mention but I'm going to every former DCC who expects special treatment for their little darling who's planned their whole life since they were in the womb to following in Mommy's footsteps.  What started out as a sweet little reality show that didn't have a problem giving girls who had no dance experience at least a chance, has now become a huge ratings bonanza and gives the Cowboys organization the kind of free media exposure a company can only dream of.  Kelli's title may say she runs the show, but for a long time now it's Charlotte and the Board, as well as the Making The Team Producers, who make the big decisions.  I don't think Kelli would have kept Meredith or Kat last year but was told she had to.  

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  13. 10 minutes ago, ElectricBoogaloo said:

    More nonsensical COVID protocols - after Judy announced the first triangle formation and they ran through the roll off counts, Kelli was the ONLY person wearing a mask. WTF? Also ridiculous - Kelli was wearing a mask when Phil came on the field with a mask pulled under her chin. Her reaction to an unmasked person was TO REMOVE HER MASK. So she needed protection while she was talking to the team from a distance but she didn't need protection when Phil arrived? Okay then. And then they told all the girls to remove their masks so that Charlotte could hand out uniforms to the rookies from less than six feet away. You know that Phil and Charlotte didn't quarantine at the hotel with the girls so this just highlighted what absolute bullshit the mask theater of this training camp was.

    This!  So many breaches yet they act like they've done such a great job keeping everyone safe.  Phil brings the rookie uniforms out and the girls come up one by one to get theirs and then stand in a line, probably 2 feet apart, without masks.  One second masks are oh so important, and the next they are all removing them at the same time, sitting so close they are practically touching shoulders, to receive the surprising (eyeroll) announcement that they made the team........and as they quietly squeal with delight, each and every girl instinctively (double eyeroll) keeps their hands and arms to themselves so they won't contaminate their fellow cheerleaders.  

    • Love 12
  14. Wow....just wow.  Even though I knew from reading spoilers that this was going to happen, it was much worse than I thought.  I've watched this show since the very first episode, and I don't recall ever fast-forwarding through a single minute, but tonight I did.  Especially towards the end.  Just couldn't handle seeing Phil and remembering he usually comes out during happy times.  Reveal day is always the highlight of the season, but not this time.   

    I could have easily found 3 rookies to dump over Lily, Hannah and Brennan.  For sure Alora Rose.  Sydney didn't impress me much either (though I loved her makeover).  Speaking of rookies, can Kelli be any more dense to gush to the one rookie (can't remember her name) that she had been everyone's favorite out of all the candidates......at the time she was giving her the boot???  Talk about crass.

    Based on her solo performance alone, Hannah should have aced a spot on the team.  No ifs ands or buts.  You could see poor Lily hoping against hope at the beginning of the Zoom call that she was being singled out to discuss problems, but quickly realized she was being cut.  Meredith was called in twice before her cut, I think, and both Brennan and Hannah were talked to at least once, but I don't remember Lily being given that courtesy.  If I'm correct, that stinks, since they did that already once to her.  

    Even though I'm not a fan of Kelli's right now, I think it was kind of crummy for Charlotte to waltz in and take the one big moment of announcing the girls made the team away from Kelli.  This was a really stressful and complicated year administratively, and Kelli had to do a lot of the dirty work too, so it's only fair she get to give out the news the girls were anxiously waiting to hear.  I'm pretty sure Charlotte has done the same thing before, but I still don't think it's right.

    Judy seemed really stressed out directing the girls on the field.  She was practically screaming at them.  I'd like to scream at her for yet another bad pick for point.   What is their fascination with Maddie?  Yes, she's a good dancer and teammate, but lint is more exciting.


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  15. Commercials for the show are saying next week is the finale.  If that's true, don't they need to pair down by 4-5 people to keep the squad at 36?  The commercial showed the girls on the field and Kelli saying to perform like it will be the last time they ever step foot there.  Usually by the day the squad is chosen, there's only 1 or 2 cuts that K&J are agonizing over.  Then there's another show where we see the girls performing at a football game.  Now they have to cram it in to one show.  Too bad they wasted the current episode with so much filler.

    If it's true about next week being the finale, looks like it will be a bloodbath.  

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  16. 10 minutes ago, kalibean said:

    @ShellyB has posted pay info in the DCC questions thread, but IIRC it’s $500 per game flat fee and $12 an hour for rehearsals, CMT camera time, working camps, etc. There’s another tiered flat fee schedule for appearances, but I imagine that hasn’t been a good source of income for anyone this year. 

    I’m curious how time cards worked for the pre-camp learnings, tho! Every part time employee gets reminded that even reading emails is work activity and hourly employees just submit their time. Or was it a “here’s some info, you’re free to wait until paid at training camp or you can practice on your own for free until Then.”

    As Erica W’s lawsuit pointed out, lots of room for gray area for labor law issues as a DCC. It would make more sense IMO to give a flat rate for the active football season and then pay extras like Camps or Appearances as bonuses. Because no one cares how many hours a salaried employee has to put in! At least not in the vast majority of states. 

    I stand corrected.  I thought the $100 a game was the result of the lawsuit and before that they were making a measly $25.  

    The Fair Labor Standards Act is a slippery slope, and most companies don't even know they are violating it.  I was a blackjack dealer for a few years, and worked the day shift.  The casino wanted the players to be able to come in and immediately be able to play as soon as the doors opened for the day (this was not Vegas so at the time they weren't a 24 hour operation).  However, it takes a good 15 minutes to open a table, as you open 6 decks of cards under the scrutiny of a floor person and check them out for any imperfections (yeah, new decks of cards can be tampered with), integrate the 6 decks altogether and make sure you've completely mixed them, and then count the chips out that's in the rack.  Because this couldn't happen immediately at 8:00 AM, the casino ordered all dealers to be at their assigned table 15 minutes early.  Well, someone made a complaint to the FLSA that the company was getting 15 minutes of free labor because they made our starting time 7:45 but only started paying us beginning after 8:00 AM.  The company had to pay us all back pay and boy, were they pissed. 

    • Love 13
  17. 10 minutes ago, kalibean said:
    17 minutes ago, WoofDCC said:

    Anyone else think that the reason the calibre of rookies is better this year is because with Broadway closed, concerts cancelled... frankly DCC is the only paid performing arts show in town.

    Yup! It’s a way to stay in dancing shape and get a paycheck at the same time. And Dallas is way lower cost of living than NYC or LA while waiting it out. Plus it does boost their social media profile, and plenty have a side hustle that benefits from that. Some even legit ones vs a shady MLM (looking at you, Alora-Rose!) 

    Wow, I didn't even think of that.  Every year Kelli says her standard blow-off line that the rookie candidates are so good and vets are in real trouble, but this year it's really true.  From the beginning, when all 20+ candidates came in and knew many routines already, I was like...whoa...what's going on here?  I question how many girls would really pick up and move to Dallas for the opportunity to make...what....$100 a game?  I don't think they get paid during TC, do they?  Even so, it's a small amount.  But the amount of airtime these rookies are getting, IMO....that exposure might be worth it.  Cause I'm not hearing the "I've dreamed of this all my life" from Sydney, Claire, or a few of the others.

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  18. I was pretty disappointed in how bad this episode was.  Just one eyeroll after another, especially the gal at the prison.  How many cell phones does she have?  And how about the phone not being tapped in the hospital?  One thing after another just conveniently fell into place.  I know it's just a cop show, but this episode strained credulity to the max for me.

    • Love 5
  19. 11 minutes ago, WoofDCC said:

    I appreciate seeing more of the vets this year. I think the show is listening to fans. We don't just want to hear from the rookies. We're invested in the vets too.

    I'm just not seeing that.  I wish I did.  To me, the rookies are constantly in our face.  They are in the front of every line, which in the past wasn't true.  Maybe it's because It was all rookies for the first 2 episodes....that wasn't like that in the past.  And then when the vets came, the only time we hear from them is when they're being called on the carpet.  

    Maybe it was always that way and I just didn't realize it.   

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  20. 5 minutes ago, parrotfeathers said:

    At least Judy finally found a box of Kleenex on the floor or somewhere not on the table.  Yes I know I am hung up on tissues for the girls with tears.  I guess it wouldn't make as good drama with Kleenex handy.  Even a roll of paper towels would have worked.

    They should go to Costco for tissue supplies.  They know these girls are going to cry.  It should be mandatory that tissues be stocked in all areas where K&J observe/talk to the girls.  

    Oh how I long for girls like Shannan who, instead of begging in between hysterical sobs for just one more nanosecond to prove themselves, ask Kelli....."are we done?"  LLLLLLOOOOOOOOLLLLLLL.  

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  21. 1 minute ago, Mardo2044 said:

    Im confused was it really a 1 week training camp?  I guess I missed that.

    I thought at the beginning of the show last night Kelli said "day 13 of TC", because I was doing the arithmetic that almost 2 weeks had gone by, and isn't normal TC 10 weeks?  But I think it has only been a few days for the veterans.

    6 minutes ago, sATL said:

    Show the vets (29+) going through the summer learning any new routines and polishing / improving from last season, as they awaited ruling from the NFL and state's COVID regulations.

    That would have been a great, because people were really hungry for new programming.  They could have been filming girls individually starting in May and aired it every week during the summer.  They could have done a Where Are They Now show and interviewed Bret, who always displayed grace and class when speaking about the DCC, and then on the other spectrum, talk to Malena, LOL.  I'm sure she would have a few things to say about Miss Kelli and the show.

    • Love 9
  22. I like Alora Rose, and think she really listens to criticism and tries 1000% to make the team.  That being said, she blends into the woodwork.  She's cute, but she just doesn't have the spark of the other girls.  So I have to question Kelli's comment that her eyes were drawn to her over several others, including veterans.  Seriously?

    She'd need a major makeover to make the team, IMO.  Either go big as a blonde or a redhead.  And that's just looks.  I don't think she should make the team over a veteran.  Not this year. 

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  23. 1 minute ago, Tuxcat said:

    For goodness sakes- if its this close to have to have a dance off (which I don't believe) - the nod should always go to the proven and stable vets who are wholly invested in this team. Especially when this is a one week audition in the midst of a global pandemic! The rookies on the line, who still need teaching (according to Judy) can come back next year. It's not like this was a 10 week training camp. 

    I so agree.  I know it was all about money, but after watching this season with most of the girls' faces covered up, I just think it would have been best to make an announcement way back in March that they weren't going to offer tryouts for 2020 but instead were just keeping all the veterans for another year without auditioning.  As it turns out, they're not even on the field hardly at all.  Of course, hindsight is 20-20, but when were the auditions?  In a normal year, don't they happen in August?  By then, it was already very dicey if there would be any football.

    • Love 9
  24. I agree with the posters that think this episode was padded out considerably.  It wasn't necessary to show everyone taking cover in a storm unless the storm became much worse, which it didn't.  The footage didn't need to make the show about someone's temperature coming in a little high.  I know it's all about money and this is a profitable show for CMT, but good grief.  There wasn't enough decent footage to put out a 30 second PSA much less an hour show.

    Claire getting all choked up was nerves, pure and simple, but it was a classic eyeroll moment nonetheless.  Judy was just being sincere and acknowledging how hard the whole pandemic has been for everyone, and probably just forgot everything they do (including that candid moment), has a good chance of getting on the show. 

    Last week I did think Brenna was a little off, but once she was spoken to by K&J, I thought she did great.  Didn't see anything out of place when she danced...likewise Hannah.  Lily danced fine, IMO, but still can't control her deep-in-concentration facial reactions.  Crazy enough, she appeared more relaxed during game highlights I caught last year on You Tube in which she performed for thousands of people than she does in front of K&J. 

    Did anyone think K&J were not already aware that Brenna had contracted Covid?  They sure pretended like they didn't know when they called her in for a meeting.  Could the person who's temperature spiked be Brenna?  


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