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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 23 minutes ago, LilBlueDCCStar said:

    Let alone how the internet works

    I thought that was the dumbest question.  


    44 minutes ago, Route66 said:

    Rachel is open about her conservatism, but it looked more like she was trying to save Claire. I know they're young but some of the girls' knowledge of current events is frightening.

    That's the first time I can remember hearing her talk, but she did a great job covering for the rookie.  That's the kind of thing you would do in real life if you hear your co-worker giving the wrong information out to a customer.

    • Love 16
  2. I rewatched the show and really found it nauseating what the experts think is compatible.

    As a licensed psychiatrist, Dr. Pepper should have realized right off the bat that the last thing Virginia should do is get married.  Rather, she needs counseling to deal with all the divorces she's been witness to in her young life.  She talked quite a bit about how she's afraid to commit....red flags, anyone?  She's a sweet girl but just the little glimpse we got of her, she doesn't seem to be a very mature 26.  By her own admission she likes to party every night and gets drunk a lot.  Erik is a pilot and can't be out drinking the night before a flight.  I hope I'm wrong, but I can't help but think the experts, with this pairing, are setting Erik up for a quick Divorce #2.

    I'm not feeling the same enthusiasm for Brianna and Vincent as some of you.  All experts agreed she has...in their words...a very strong personality.  She admitted she is not overly affectionate...experts said he was touchy feely enough for both.  He said he is too nice.  Rev. Cal gave this flash of wisdom..."maybe he will give her a soft place to land".  O.M.G.  My opinion:  He looks like a pushover and I don't think she will be attracted to that.  I see Miles and Karen all over again.

    The experts found Haley & Jacob compatible because they are both dog lovers (major eyeroll....Brett & Olivia redux).  Haley seems mature enough to handle the 10 year age difference.  The experts mentioned warning signs, and then didn't say what they were.  I'm thinking they have a chance...both want to be married so we'll see.

    Chris...not even going to mention the person's name they are pairing him with because it doesn't matter.  The producers want Chris.  They see him as the breakout star of the group.  He's going to provide the most controversy.  Let's not even get into the fact he should never have been picked.  It was hard enough listening to the experts try to talk each other into it.

    I'm going to pick Clara & Ryan as being the most compatible (so what do I know...I picked Bret and Olivia last season).  Despite the mini hissy fit we saw Clara display at the upcoming wedding, I think these two will be very much physically attracted to each other right off the bat.  Ryan hasn't dated very much and Clara seems to have been around the block several times...not sure if that will be a problem.  Experts said Ryan has never told a woman he loves her and they thought Clara might need some affirmation rather quickly from him.  At first I thought shades of Christina & Henry.  I mean, they're both stewardesses, and one of them is very pretty while the other keeps repeating how hot guys think she is.  But IMO Clara has a lot of confidence in herself, which Christina never did.  When they told her she had a match and is now engaged....she was very excited and said something about I've got somebody and He's my man.  Yeah, if they were just dating that possessiveness would be a turn off, but to me it kind of showed that by knowing they matched her, she is going to be all in, whether he turned out cute or not (though he is very cute).  Keeping my fingers crossed.  

    One comment about The UnMatchables......what's so terrible about having your bed on the floor?  So what?  That means you shouldn't ever be married?


    • Love 5
  3. Two disasters I see right off the bat.....

    1. the guy in the barber chair.  As soon as he opened his mouth I thought please don't pick him.  He's extremely opinionated and full of himself.  Pity anyone who gets paired with him.
    2. The pilot.  He's not bad, but the girl they picked for him seems pretty immature.  She's a giant party girl and he would have trouble keeping up with her (though I'm sure he'll enjoy trying).  In a very short time she will get bored with him.
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  4. 43 minutes ago, Opine said:

    I think you mean Kristin, not Kelcey.

    I think you are right, and I also meant Ashley and not Brianna.  I really messed up the names tonight.

    • LOL 1
  5. 1 minute ago, sATL said:

    Is there ONE place we can see everyone's full solo? Or can we put all of the Instagram snippets (if there is were the  solos links are coming from) in one place - like a thread of its own? It would be easier to follow that way...

    I'd LOVE to see that.

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  6. 8 hours ago, vanillagum said:

    Ok, I just watched Kristin's solo on her insta, and I'm getting legitimately emotional. She is so wonderful. She went WAY out of her way to do something devoted to racial injustice, when she didn't have to, for a group of people she knew wouldn't welcome or care for it. That was so brave of her. She knew she was on thin ice with these people (they never seemed to like her, and I'm sure she knows she "barely made the team"), and she did it anyway. She went out of her way to make an actual statement, and they edit it with some garbage track and make it seem like she's some wack job who has no idea how to dance to music. FUCK them. This is actually so amazing to me; I never expected a DCC to do anything like this. 

    I know people will be upset with my opinion, but there's an old saying.....if you got a message, call Western Union.  Kristin is auditioning for a professional, competitive cheerleading team.  Arguably the best in the country.  I've had a lot of complaints about Kelli, Judy, et al in the past, but they were watching 42 or something dancers who each had composed a solo routine with the intention of being judged on it to make/stay on the team and possibly get into Show Group.  And they are supposed to recognize that one woman is using it to make a statement about racism?  Was that all Kristin wanted to do....make a statement?  Or was she also trying to deliver a top notch, quality dance performance that shows off her incredible talent?  Because that's what she was supposed to be doing.  That's what Charlotte, Melissa, Kitty and the others were judging her on, yet now those same people are being roasted for being insensitive and the show lambasted for editing. 

    You're upset that Kristin got a bad edit?  I wonder how Vivian feels watching You Tube for the last 5 plus years and hearing K&J pretty much laughing at her for the original poem she wrote and read to them, or Chelsea, in Groundhog Day fashion, reliving her embarrassing dismissal from TC over and over.  I'm sure Victoria would love to crawl in a hole everytime CMT airs the episode where she got cut from the team and responded with tears mixed with non-waterproof mascara that created black rivulets all the way down her cheeks.  Ever think how frustrating and humiliating it must be for all the veterans who got cut in Training Camp over the last 10 years to know that particular painful moment in their lives is now available to any Pluto subscriber and there's nothing they can do about it?  Unfortunately, if you sign up to be on a reality show, this is the kind of thing that can happen to you.  They want ratings, and they aren't above making people look like idiots to do so.  I don't believe, like some, that Kelli or even Charlotte have any real say-so in the editing process.  They may have the title of Executive Producer, but from what I've read no one gets editing privileges except the owners of the show.  

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  7. Wow....Claire's backstory was featured tonight and there wasn't one death (parent/grandparent/sibling/significant other/favorite pet); major injury or painful boo boo; or OCR (overcoming cheerleader rejection) in the entire thing.  C'mon Claire...get with the program.  What with your parents mentioning the financial burden your dream of dancing has caused them over the years AND the fact you couldn't go to an out-of-state college your freshman year, you had plenty of sob story material to work with.  Yet all they feature of you is a close knit family that worked hard to keep you in leotards.  Pah-thetic.

    Two things tonight......Marissa is my favorite rookie and she just exploded like a little firecracker in front of the judges.  She deserved show group.  Also, even to my untrained eye I'm seeing changes in Hannah.  Taking nothing away from her wonderful solo performance, she just doesn't seem to be putting out that much of an effort.  It's baffling.  Almost like she doesn't care one way or the other if she makes the team.  Oh, two more things.....Kelcey....is she the one who K&J weren't impressed with last week and had such a simple solo performance?  Why wasn't she cut...she deserved to be.  Second, uh oh....Lily's name being mentioned for the first time and not in a positive way, along with camera shots of Brenna and Brianna with voiceover by Kelli about vets having problems.  Don't want to hear that.

    • LOL 6
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  8. Oh Meredith.....don't you ever watch the show?  Kelli has never changed her mind once it got to the point she's going to cut someone.  All the begging for one more week/day/hour never work.  It's also shocking how oblivious Meredith was.  Totally clueless!  This was either the second or third time she was called in, along with several times being called out on the dance floor...once very prominently by Judy...and she doesn't understand why she got the knock on the door.  

    I always liked Meredith, but have never understood how such a beautiful dancer could not pick up the DCC dances.....and she never really could.  Always a half/full step behind.  If I were Kelly, I would have pulled her in the first night vets returned to training camp and read her the riot act.  You barely made the team last year with dozens and dozens of chances afforded no other girl in squad history and you come back looking this bad as a veteran?   

    • Love 12
  9. Kelli said something about having 5 days to cut 7 candidates.  Can someone tell me how long this Covid Training Camp was?  

    On one hand, I'm liking the shorter timeframe; especially the fact that those rookies selected for TC came in knowing quite a few routines.  And if what we saw on screen was correct, there were just a handful of people making the selections, and that's OK by me.  Not necessary to have a room full of people, all of whom are vying to get their face on camera.   

    On the other hand, and I can't believe I'm saying something so trite....yech....the heart of the show is missing.  We never see the girls do anything but dance.  The girls never really interact with each other.  Many times in the past you catch something going on that was actually in the background of a shot.  You don't really get to see the nervous nail biting as they get called in by Kelli and Judy or be able to see the whole group dance together and not be chopped up with the same rookies pushed up to the front every time.  I know the producers have tried to do the best they can to protect everyone and put out a quality show, but the sweetness, camaraderie, differing personalities, rooting for one over another....whatever you want to call it...I'm not feeling it and that might be why I'm not really as invested in the show as I have been in previous years.  And I feel sorry for the girls to have worked so hard and have to wear a mask all the time which covers their identity and personality and makes them somewhat invisible, which is the last thing a cheerleader should be.

    • Love 4
  10. 13 hours ago, SMP637 said:

    Even some of the senior vets seemed off.  Wad it my imagination or was Maddy messing up a lot?

    Nope, not your imagination.  I was shocked how off Maddie was.  

    But could it be the location?  Maybe the room is smaller than we think, and the girls aren't used to being squeezed in like that.  I don't know, but whatever the reason, Kelli should have blown her stack about how bad the vets looked.

    • Love 2
  11. 2 hours ago, Mardo2044 said:

    She reminds me of that dancer that was kicked off for being "toxic" about weight comments Chelsea?, which is funny because I adored her she had a big personality. 

    I loved Chelsea too, and still despise Kitty for being such a tattletail and getting her bounced.  However, in rewatching those few episodes for her second season, it didn't seem that Chelsea was taking it too seriously.  She either shrugged or laughed off any criticism.  As Kelli said to her, she just barely made the team the previous year.  But I still feel her comments to the other girls wasn't bad enough to be cut.  

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  12. 2 minutes ago, DallasDiva243 said:

    I really like how well the girls are taking the cuts this season. So well spoken and mostly composed! I think Kat and Meredith are beautiful but they both should have been cut. 

    Yes, how refreshing that we haven't seen the waterworks from previous seasons.  No "could you give me one more week (day/hour) to prove I can do it"?  Not a single "all I've ever wanted since I was a little girl is to be a DCC".

    Although we've seen Kelly be pretty brutal to vets at auditions in years past, I think she tries to give them more time once they are in 
    TC, and maybe that's why she didn't cut them last night.  She should, however, have called both of them in and laid down the law.  If what we saw was correct and not camera angles and tricks, they both really looked bad.   

    • Love 11
  13. 11 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

    omg annabelle handed her cut so well. she's so beautiful. classy girl. i'm shook at kelli liking her SO MUCH tho. to the point of CRYING? why? is she secretly your daughter? lmao

    Kelli's reaction to cutting Annabelle was a little more emotional than we normally see, but it does show that she isn't completely heartless and having to cut someone isn't an easy thing for her.

    Oh Meredith...yikes.  Did you not practice at all off season?  i like her, but had to shake my head at Kelli's comment that Meredith was not showing what she brought to Training Camp last year.  What???  She was always on the fence last year.  I think she was called in at least 7 times. 

    Love Melissa Rycroft and glad she's back for another season.  Charlotte surprised me with her insightful critiques.  She's not just a figurehead.....her observations were spot on. 

    • Love 10
  14. On 9/25/2020 at 11:41 AM, Joe Hellandback said:

    That's unfortunate I liked this show. They should replace it with one about Powergirl and reuse some of this cast. Let the hunt for a young Pamela Anderson lookalike begin! 

    So, how would you end it?

    Mon-El returns and she goes off with him.  I've been waiting for this since the disaster that was Season 3.


    18 hours ago, RyL said:

    I saw Maddie M mess up a couple times oop

    Even to my untrained eye, it was more than a couple.  She was way out of step with the rest of the girls.

    Am I the only one who noticed that Maddie is a little...ahem...heftier than last season?  Her face is much more rounded.  I'd say in the neighborhood of 15 lbs.

    On 12/9/2020 at 8:03 AM, vanillagum said:

    YOU COULD TELL THEY WANTED SHANNAN TO SOB AND GROVEL LOL but she didn't give them shit, queen! and i loved that. why does nearly every single girl have to act like their life is literally over if they don't make this team?

    LOVED Shannan's blase' attitude about being cut.  That's a first.

    On 12/9/2020 at 10:42 AM, Retired at last said:

    I couldn't believe how Meredith was still saying how she was getting better, but still needed time. I still can't believe she was selected last year.

    I've never understood Meredith.  You can tell she's a dancer.  She's mentioned she's worked professionally.  For a professional dancer not to be able to pick up the DCC routines after all this time is ridiculous.  

    23 hours ago, vivianspoetry said:

    That said, this rookie class really does appear to be strong, which is much needed. 

    There are several strong ones, and it does help that they all came in to TC knowing the routines.  Think of the wasted hours allowing girls to continue in TC when they can't even lift their legs high enough for a DCC kickline, or keep having problems with the choreography after 3-4 weeks (not to mention listening to the same b.s. about stretching more or they just got lost in their head on the dance steps....whatever).  Kelli needs to take advantage of this good idea that came out of scrambling to accommodate the Coronavirus and change the whole audition process next year.  Instead of allowing anyone who shows up to audition, only allow girls who signed up in advance to try out.  Once they sign up, Kelli sends them a Welcome to Tryouts DVD which shows the minimum qualifications a candidate must have.  Throw in a simple 15 second routine and the height their kicks y must be, and tell them they will be tested on this as soon as they get on the property and if they can't do it, they will be sent home.  No meeting Kelly, Judy, or any of the veterans.  And especially no getting on TV!  And then stick to that.

    18 hours ago, RyL said:

    Honestly, if they have 11 cuts and no time for it, there's no reason to keep extending their stay when certain ppl just aren't going to get the dances.

    A perfect example is Annabelle.  Despite Kelly's love of her cows, she never should have been invited to TC.  Her audition video was peppy and sweet.  It lacked one thing, however.  Any real dancing ability.  She should have been the first to go.  Yet she's still there, clearly outmatched by everyone else.

    Wouldn't you love, just once, for a candidate to go to Kelli and voluntarily ask to be cut, saying they can tell their dancing is not of the same caliber as their competition?  How refreshing that would be.

    • Love 9
  16. 11 hours ago, KickPretty said:

    This episode was boring.

    Couldn't agree more.  I fell asleep twice.  I'm thinking it's because the girls are hardly ever together as one big group so there's no real interaction with the girls.  If you think about it, the only time the girls are actually seen talking to each other is right after a routine.  And it's in a very small area right outside the door to the practice room.  The poor cameraman has no room so all the shots are looking down on 2-5 girls (tops)...most with their back to the camera. 

    I need to see the cattiness.  You know what I'm talking about.  When the girls have to sit there and watch others perform and you watch the sick, about-to-puke looks on less talented dancers who you know are just realizing they are toast.  And then the fake clapping and rah rah encouragement when you know they are actually thinking yes, Cyndi Sue just got called to the office by K&J.....I hopeIhopeIhope they make a cut tonight.  Yeah, I miss that. 

    • LOL 4
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  17. 2 minutes ago, vanillagum said:

    It makes no sense. They go on and on about how precarious and unknown and short all of this is but they take more girls than ever? Ok. 

    Also lol a number of them are/were easy cuts, give me a break

    Does anyone know how many episodes of the show they have for this season?  I really can't see any more than maybe 5-6.  Yesterday the rookies were already in the standard uniform.  That usually doesn't happen in a regular season till like week 6 of TC.  

    It's gotta be disappointing for the girls who made the team to have to wear a mask all season.  They are recognized by people everywhere, but especially all over Dallas.  With your face hidden most of the time, less people will be able to identify them.  That's one of the best perks about being a DCC...being recognized and people making a big deal over you.

    • Love 2
  18. 3 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

    I wonder if group 4 had a few snitches in it.. every veteran cut this season came from that group.. 

    You're right...I never realized that.  Was Gina the leader of that group?  Doesn't look good for the leader that so many of the members of the group were eliminated.

    • Love 1
  19. 45 minutes ago, NC-CFD09 said:

    Lisa, Alanna and Kristen all baffle me, because none of them seem to have the "DCC look" and I personally don't think any of them are stand out dancers. Briana is gorgeous but I forget she is even on the team. 

    I was surprised that Lisa made the team just because she's not the typical body type they choose.  I can say the same for Taylor (the girl who quit after her rookie season last year).  Sweet girl, but there was nothing about her dancing or looks/personality that made her stand out.  If Julia hadn't done the unthinkable and express ambition to possibly use DCC as a career move (gasp) I think she would have definitely been chosen.  She had the looks and despite nothing but negative comments from Kelly once she was alerted by a snitch of Julia's "gaffe", I thought she was a pretty good dancer and head and shoulders above Lisa and Taylor as an all around package.

    Speaking of snitches, they sure have a lot of them at the DCC, don't they?  That weatherman/tv personality guy, Kitty, Judy's daughter, even the 4-5 leaders that Kelly calls in for opinions on who they should pick for the team.....if you want to be a DCC you have to glue your mouth shut so you never express any teeny tiny concern or criticism for fear it will get back to Kelly.  

    • Love 6
  20. 1 hour ago, LilyDutch said:

    All I saw when I first got to see this picture was Rachel's gorilla-pose with those long blue front sleeves/paws... I simply cannot "unsee' it, which is a shame as I really like her... 

    I have to really focus to see what you are seeing.  Rather, I keep seeing Lexi and Ashley's hands laying there so flat and elongated.  Totally unnatural looking.

    • Love 1
  21. 3 hours ago, EricaShadows said:

    Morgan, Breelan, Meredith, and SO many other girls have been one-and-dones BECAUSE they can't manage the dancing despite being given every possible chance to learn it. 

    It's a Catch 22 for me because I remember Morgan and Breelan and they wanted it so bad and worked so hard and I really rooted for them.  That's how the show hooked me in because back at the beginning, it seemed there were way more girls auditioning that either didn't have any formal training or took dance classes for a few years as a kid/adolescent, but weren't in any shape to compete against professional dancers.  But they were still able to pick up the choreography and at least get into Training Camp.  And they also incorporated the sob stories of some rookies and followed them and they got lots of exposure.

    Because of that, real dancers saw they could get on national TV and possibly advance their careers by being a cheerleader for a year or two, so the quality of contestants kept getting better and better.  Now if girls don't have a lot of training, they shouldn't even try.

    I liked it the old way where some girls were just soooo close and just needed Judy and Kelly to trust that they would get better and give them that leap of faith (Brennan, Lily), but I also have to say that since the level of dance has gotten so high now, those dancers that are still struggling after say the 3rd week should be cut, plain and simple.  The show kind of did this to themselves and there's no going back I'm afraid.    

    • Love 8
  22. 4 minutes ago, sATL said:

    I too have kinda wonder what exactly does her job entail.. But we've all worked for managers who were good at telling others what to do, yet they could not do the job themselves..

    It's not like Kelly listens to her suggestions.  Judy wasn't impressed by Kat's dance ability one iota, yet Kelly picked her for the final team anyway.

    • Love 8
  23. 13 minutes ago, sATL said:

    Add that field entrance to the list. I am getting tired of Judy teaching it - kinda just going through the motions. Job security at its finest.

    I think when they started the kickline-jumpsplit, it was an advanced dance-gymnastic skill. something that HS, or college would never attempt to do. Now that think elite HS teams do the moves. they would have to find another skill , of equal to or higher value to replace the move.

    And it seems like the dances are tied to the songs. DJ EJ plays a song and they dance to it. So wouldn't it also song to go out of sty;e (ie no longer top 40 on its respective chart) for a dance to also go?

    Oh yeah...you're so right about the field entrance.  Year after year that gets sooooo much attention from Judy, especially the last 2 episodes.  And it's so boring.  And the kickline/jumpsplit, which causes so many problems, has long since outlasted its shelf life.  So many other NFL cheerleading teams are doing the same thing.  It's even tiresome how they come out on the field high stepping it and shaking the pom-poms.  Switch it up and kill that awful screechy violin(?) music that assaults you when they first take the field.  

    And speaking of Judy, she's supposed to be the choreographer but do you EVER see her working on new routines?  I mean, you never see her scribbling down ideas on paper, talking to Kelly about the new dances she's thought up or pulling a few girls aside and asking them what they think of a particular move.  I'm sure Judy is still in good enough shape to be able to explain the dance to the girls by doing it in front of them, right?  

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  24. 5 minutes ago, Lona said:

    And to be honest I do appreciate new and fresh, but I do like unproblematic "new and fresh" (Amanda, Kelcey, Chandi, Bridget and Hannah (when they joined) etc.) than the maybe "too-fresh" (young, a bit immature) ones like Marissa and Victoria.

    Weirdly enough, I don't ever remember hearing Hannah speak.....and I've watched every season of Making the Team.  She's just always in the background.

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