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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 25 minutes ago, Alexander Pope said:

    I agree with this to a point. I think we would see a difference in both their personalities if they had different partners. Olivia flashed that brilliant smile plenty at her wedding before she truly knew her husband. If she had a match like AJ, who doesn't use his sarcasm as a weapon against his bride, then she might be a happier version of the woman we see now. 

    Oh I highly doubt Olivia would be happier with AJ.  There's not many women who could stay in the same room with that guy for more than 5 minutes.  He has to be the center of attention at all times.  Stephanie is a saint, honestly.  

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  2. I have a couple of theories:

    • I don't remember seeing Brett on the half hour show with Jamie Otis, but I don't watch that show all the time.  But if he has, it's not as many times as the others.  From reading other posts, it appears Jamie and the other spouses (and apparently Pastor Cal) have been attacking him on camera.  My theory is that Brett somewhere down the road realized Olivia has no intention of having kids and coupled with the fact they have other big issues like money, he basically called it quits before the final reveal.  Brett seems like the type that once he makes up his mind, he rarely changes it, and no threats from Production is going to force him to come on Jamie's show.  Just my opinion.
    • After watching how introverted Henry is, many of us have speculated that someone else talked him into coming on the show and it was not something he came up with on his own.  I throw this out for a possibility......perhaps it was his friend that used to be on Real World that contacted the show, and MAFS went crazy over the fact they could get a "celebrity" to appear on the show so they arm twisted the experts.  Because as much as we criticize the experts, they are highly trained, and there's no way they should have EVER considered him, much less pick Christina as their little lamb to the slaughter.  There's no way on paper, on cardboard, on dirt that these two have anything in common.  At least Brett and Olivia have the cats.
    • Love 3
  3. 4 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:

    The last thing a man wants to hear is “ have a conversation”.  Olivia goes on and on like a record.  I don’t even get her point, so how is a guy going to?  Too much talk about feelings and insecurities on this show.  It’s getting boring.  Express it once what’s bothering you, then shut up.  Olivia is a broken record.  Face it, he’s just not into you.  End of story.

    I remember her saying once he won't tell her what his goals in marriage are.  Major eyeroll by me.  Olivia is getting heartsick over the prospect of losing the lifestyle that she loves.  She doesn't want to compromise on any of it, so she keeps finding fault with everything he does, says or doesn't say, while still acknowledging she likes and is attracted to him.   What a conundrum.  

    • Love 3
  4. 6 minutes ago, MyTwoCents said:
    1 hour ago, cinsays said:

    i find brett attractive physically and i think his constant sarcasm is a cover for lack of confidence and feeling uncomfortable with olivia and the situation. 

    Agree his constant sarcasm is his cover. But I still don’t find anything about him attractive. His beard is blotchy and mangy and looks nasty; his complexion is terrible; large in-your-face flared nostrils. Add in that personality and I find him quite repulsive.

    I have tried to figure out what I find unattractive about Brett, and the best I've come up with is that it's something about his teeth and mouth.  I don't think he has caps, but his mouth doesn't seem the right size.  His teeth are fine, not gross looking, but when he smiles, so his face kind of has to stretch and it causes his nose (nostrils) to elongate.  The beard doesn't bother me.  Oh good grief, that sounds really mean, LOL.  

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  5. 3 minutes ago, Neurochick said:

    This proves something though, at least to me.  All this matchmaking stuff is nothing more than a crap shoot.  Matches may look great on paper, but mean nothing if the people don't feel that "something" that has nothing to do with anything rational.  People aren't robots.   

    I agree 100%.  My grandparents were matched by their parents.  Though not strangers, both were the oldest in their families and while my Grandma was attracted to the younger brother, the two fathers got together and said the eldest children should marry, and so it was, and they remained married UNHAPPILY for over 50 years. 

    I'd say a better formula would be Who Wants to Really Really Really Be Married?  Put all the "contestants" that said they do in a room together for 30 minutes and say 'when you leave, go to the left together and you will be married by a JP, or go to the right and leave alone.  And then follow those that did get married to see if just 30 minutes of face to face contact and a strong desire to be married will up the success rate.

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  6. 1 minute ago, Silver Bells said:
    11 hours ago, ECM1231 said:


    As soon as he’s with Christina, he starts twitching.  He doesn’t do that with the guys. He’s under pressure with her, and it’s not a good thing.

    But think about it....what's he under pressure about with her that makes him uncomfortable?  S E X.  I would bet Henry has never had a relationship with a woman (since high school) that's lasted more than a month or so.  That's why he has all these female friends he hangs around.  There's no pressure for him.  He's the strong shoulder to cry on/be supportive/be another type of support when falling down drunk/the designated driver etc etc......everything but the guy who will eventually try to make a move and ruin the friendship.  He will never make the move.

    It's not about Christina.  Most guys don't think with the head that rests on top of their neck, so they don't care that a woman is a meanie and rude or was in a toxic relationship right before they met her.  They are not going to reject a woman that has pretty much come out and said 'whenever you are ready'.  Most guys would "do" Christina in a heartbeat...I mean, let's be honest here...they would.  Only the guy who is petrified of intimacy would have a problem.  


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  7. I've been supportive of Brett from Wedding Day because he was such an a-hole at the Bachelor Party and I could see the show was definitely trying to make him out to be the villain early on, when in previous seasons they at least wait a few episodes before assigning that mantle to someone.  I see things about him that I can understand why he's not married: 

    1. Very very blunt...it's off-putting (Olivia expresses concerns and he says 'you're very insecure')
    2. Uses sarcasm as a defense (Olivia mentions his house is too far away, he immediately shoots back something like 'sorry I didn't know earning equity was wrong'.  
    3. He has a sense of humor, but doesn't tone it down during serious conversations, which makes serious people like Olivia read it that he is making fun of/dismissing them.

    That being said, I believe Olivia is very capable of toning him down.  I still think AJ is a giant a-hole yet Stephanie has softened him considerably.  Some of you will say....'why should Olivia have to do all that work?'  Well, for one thing I think Brett is really trying to make a go of the marriage.  Considering MAFS track record with douche husbands, I would have sworn Brett was not attracted to Olivia at the altar.  Yet the few times he's talked to the camera, he's said he really likes her.  Usually by this time the douche husband (DH for short) has already made it very clear they are unhappy with who the experts picked for them.  Brett and Olivia seem to have talked more to each other about their likes and dislikes and what they want out of a marriage than any of the other couples.  I was impressed that they said on their wedding night they talked about religion to the extent Brett was able to meet with her family the next day and confidently say they'd worked out their differences.  They recently laid on the couch and talked for an hour and a half about things.  That was without the camera being on them.  So it appears Brett is still invested in trying to make things work.  Usually by this time the DH has already checked out. 

    I'm just saying I don't think Brett is the monster everyone thinks he is (at least from what we've seen so far).  I do think he went on the show for the right reasons and he really wants to be married.  He's proud of what he's accomplished and, if you think about it, he really doesn't have a lot of dealbreakers like Olivia seems to have (travel extensively, must live in young, hip part of city).  If not for his strong desire to have children, they might have been able to work through their differences and have a fairly happy life. 

    • Love 18
  8. 7 minutes ago, endure said:
    5 hours ago, Jaclyn88 said:

    Brett and Olivia just hate each other and need to call it quits . Brett is a sarcastic asshole , but Olivia has zero personality and Always wants to have serious conversations . Has she ever even had a lighthearted convo with him ? She’s just so rigid and angry all the time . 

    She did say he is different on camera so we are probably seeing her frustrations and anguish.

    On camera he's coming off pretty bad.  Off camera they cuddle and talk for an hour and a half.  So what's her frustration?  He's showing his worst side on camera.  

    Brett has said repeatedly he thinks she's pretty, she has beautiful eyes....any guy that is married at first sight and already sees a special smile he likes about his wife isn't all bad.  Olivia is angry because she doesn't want to move into his house; she might not be able to take as many vacations as she wants; and she might have to produce an heir which she said she was willing to do but was lying.  Brett is extremely sarcastic and does, at times, seem very dismissive of her complaints.  Problem is she's constantly psychoanalyzing their relationship.always complaining.  Brett hardly ever says anything bad about her.  He jokes around a lot...she's the original Old Stoneface.

    I also give Brett credit that for a guy who has dated a lot, he's been pretty patient about Olivia's no-touchy policy.  St. Miles gets nothing but praise from everyone but he's repeatedly brought up on camera that Karen has held him at arm's length regarding sex .  I commend Brett for never discussing anything about their sex life on camera except for the first time tonight...not even with the guys.  

    • Love 15
  9. During Brett, Olivia & Dr. Vivianne's conversation, I yet again saw that familiar deer-in-the-headlights/about to vomit expression Olivia always gets on her face regarding the subject of children.  She does not want kids with Brett or anyone else, yet she continues to says she would entertain the idea with the right man. 

    Olivia no more wants kids than the Little Old Lady That Lived in the Shoe.  Why she continues to pretend that she does is contemptible.

    • Love 9
  10. 1 minute ago, Racj82 said:
    5 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Henry has been a Tinder-er since 2013... Am sure he’s had sex with more than a few who swiped right....he is a well mannered, well spoken, attractive man who plenty of women would drop their panties.

    Are we still talking about Henry here? 

    This Henry? From this show?

    Hahahahahahahahah....good one, Racj.

    • Love 1
  11. At some point in that extremely uncomfortable visit between Dr Vivianne, Henry and Christina, I am pretty sure I saw the moment Christina realized she does not have a real marriage with Henry nor will she ever have one.  Oh, she'll continue to put on a good show till d-day but she's thrown in the towel.  Henry pretty much conveyed, IMO, that he's never going to be sexually aggressive.  She will be forever whining, complaining, threatening, crying, pleading with him for sex maybe once or twice A YEAR!!!  I'm not trying to be funny.  All his little tics and insecurities came to the surface during that meeting.  For all of you that think he just isn't attracted to Christina or he's turned off by her meanness, I submit it has nothing to do with her.  The guy would be acting like this even if he got his "petite wife".   It has something to do with physical closeness and intimacy...something is not functioning correctly there.  It would be easy to say he's gay, and I thought at first he might be, but he's not.  I'm not going to presume to diagnose what's going on with him but I do think he should have raised a LOT of alarms with Drs. Pepper and Vivianne.  Why they misread him as just being shy is beyond me. 

    I've been refuting posters declarations since day 1 that Henry should have been paired up with Olivia, but after seeing how cold and repressed she is, maybe everyone was right.  

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  12. 46 minutes ago, Ginger said:

    Miles and Karen - Love Miles. Karen, despite her age, is a bit immature when it comes to relationships. However, she is just not attracted to him despite what she says. That's the thing about chemistry (see Amani and Woody above) - you put up with a LOT when you are physically attracted to someone. The whole thing about "sex with my wife" was a little annoying, but come on,  you were not unsafe. He was attracted to you and you were not attracted to him. That being said, I like them both and hope they work out.

    I'm over Karen.  I gave her slack for awhile but she hasn't been honest about her lack of interest in Miles and keeps piling on phony excuse after phony excuse.  She's Ashley and he's David from Season 3.  The audience sees she's not in to him, the experts see it, and if he would stop being a doormat so would Miles.  I don't think they will stay together in the long run, but I believe Karen will be too afraid to end it at the final reveal and she will give Miles more hope, only to finally pack her bags and go a few weeks later.

    Karen should be honest with Pastor Cal and tell him she's not attracted to Miles and ask for his help in telling him.  

    • Love 6
  13. 2 hours ago, StatisticalOutlier said:

    ChristinA has a strange sense of humour - that pregnancy joke went over like a lead balloon.

    Good.  I hate "jokes" like that.

    I think that joke was thought up by production and Christina, who's had her rude behavior pushed back in her face recently, was reticent to tell them 'no way, this is stupid'.   Because it was, and I just don't think it was her idea to say it.  

    I don't think Christina & Henry will remain friends after the final.  As Christina starts watching the show play out, she will see how weird Henry is and legitimately be pissed off at both the experts and Henry for turning her first marriage into a divorce.  Because they did.  Henry shouldn't have applied for the show and the experts shouldn't have foisted him off on anyone.  

    Something about this season feels off to me...does anyone else think so?  Too much discussion about "Production" on camera...they were loathe to show anything behind the scenes and the couples would hardly ever make mention of the cameras following them in past seasons.  Now Christina tells Henry if he will be honest about his feelings she will make him look like a golden child on camera.  Also, too much interaction with the other couples.  A few times OK but not every episode.  And that ties in nicely with why Amani is now Julie McCoy, the Cruise Director on the Love Boat.  Don't they have experts to ferret out if couples are getting along or not?  I love Amani, but she needed to MYOB and not get involved with Henry & Christina's marital problems. 

    Finally, I refuse to believe Amelia & Bennett were a happy coincidence.  They just do not ring true to me.  Friends and loved ones, like we see them do for untalented American Idol Contestants, would have told one or both they were too "quirky" meaning weird to match up with most people who apply for that show.  But wow...there isn't anything these two crazy kids do that the other just doesn't luv.  You match either one of them up with 99.9% of all contestants who've ever applied for MAFS and it would have been a disaster...even Neal!  I think the show helped or arranged things in advance so they would both be selected for the show.  I'm not saying Bennett & Amelia are not a real couple...just that how the show brought them together is suspicious, IMO.

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  14. 9 minutes ago, brilliantbreakfast said:

    1)  I'm sarcastic. I know what sarcasm is.  Brett isn't sarcastic, he's cruel.  And so are his brothers, and I'm guessing everyone in his family is too.  Rather than resolving conflicts, they resort to what they insist is "sarcasm."  By the way, "I was only kidding" is part of the gaslighting that narcissists do.  Just sayin'.

    I'm sarcastic too, and that's why IMO he's not cruel as much as flippant and dismissive of other's opinions.  I can totally see how that happened once I saw his family.  But by the same token, I don't think he's a liar, so I do believe him when he says he really likes Olivia.  But unless there's something going on behind the scenes we don't know, I doubt these two will continue on after the day of reckoning.

    Somebody mentioned compromise with these two regarding travel.  I don't see that.  My take on what Olivia has repeatedly said is that she wants to travel several times a year.  One big trip every other year just won't cut it for her,  And she wants to go first class.  Even if Brett had the money, he just doesn't think big vacations are important.  I don't think it's necessarily cheapness.  

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  15. 4 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:
    16 hours ago, JapMo said:

    I actually couldn't stop laughing at Brett this episode.  I totally relate to his type of humor. 

    Me too. And I would rather hang with someone who is ready to joke around than someone lacking a sense of humor. But he needs to understand time and place like when to answer seriously because there are times that being a smartass is not acceptable. I keep wondering if he is doing this because he wants to screw production and give them nothing, and maybe they have had serious conversations without the camera?

    I do think Brett is determined not to discuss anything personal on camera.  That must really piss off the show.  Last week they kept focusing on him drinking beer like he was knocking back one right after the other, while Olivia was in the bedroom complaining to her friend about him.  So I guess if they can't get him to admit if they've had sex or done anything salacious, they will manufacture something like put a seed out there that Brett might have a drinking problem.  I have been impressed with Brett and Olivia in regards to their communicating right from the start about their likes and dislikes.  Although we didn't actually see it, they both said that on their honeymoon night they talked about religion.  Brett discussed that with her family at brunch.  And when they were exercising together at the honeymoon site, they discussed children. 

    The thing is, during their conversations Olivia hasn't conveyed exactly how much she wants to travel, and not to city-wide parks, etc., but out of the country for weeks at a time, and she really hasn't told him how much she doesn't want children.  She's left the door open a crack on both issues, but you see the sick look on her face whenever she discusses it with friends or other MAFS.  She wants to travel and remain childless, and she's never going to be happy with a compromise.  


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  16. 22 hours ago, princelina said:

    If this show hadn't so blatantly sold out on its original premise - 2 people who had tried everything to find love and were now giving this a try to see if "experts" could do better than they had - then I would say she was lucky to get a nice spouse who wanted to try.  I think we tend to say that someone on this show is lucky because we are harking back to that original premise.

    Correct me if I'm wrong, but I believe Olivia told Brett she hadn't dated since she moved to NOLA 3+years ago, and just decided to sign up for the show and let the experts find someone for her.  Brett expressed surprise at that.  Olivia is 30...that means she was maybe 26-27 when she had her last date.  No available doctors someone could fix her up with in all that time?  

    I actually couldn't stop laughing at Brett this episode.  I totally relate to his type of humor.  Olivia doesn't get it and I don't fault her for that, but what I do hate is her constantly repeating this blueprint she has in her mind of how they should be discussing everything to death and going places together and being together all the time and blah blah blah.  Maybe if she would have shut up for 2 mins when they were laying in bed together, reading the show's dumb questions, she would have gotten into the whole silliness of it like Brett did and had a good laugh about it, and maybe relaxing together could have turned into something intimate.  

    • Love 3
  17. 22 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    I'm starting to kind of tire of the Bennett and Amelia show. People who are that far out quirky, both just happened to apply for this show on a lark had me raising an eyebrow from day one.

    I so So SO agree with you on this.  IMO there's more history pre-MAFS between them than the show wants us to know.  Also, I like Bennett, but I get the vibe that he's been protected by his family his whole life and very likely they could still be supporting him financially.  Families do that all the time, I know....but it's usually with the hope they will fly out of the nest eventually.  I don't think his family believes he will ever be able to fly on his own.  Bennett's happy in his own skin and I don't see him ever changing, so as long as Amelia is always thrilled with that, they should be OK.  But they could also just as easily turn into Sally Field and Robin Williams from Mrs. Doubtfire. 


    23 hours ago, configdotsys said:

    I agree that Christina showed her true colors before the wedding when she was a snippy bitch, but I think she totally feels ripped off by the show having hooked her up with Henry so the anger is intensified. He's like a jellyfish and I could relate to her saying, "You have to help me out here. I shouldn't have to do everything." It's almost like she wants to do a Cher "Snap out of it!" slap.

     I'd be surprised if Henry saw that many occasions when Christina was being bitchy, or otherwise the show would have jumped all over it.  So from what I see, he's never given her a chance.  The only way Henry would have been happy is if his saw Kristin at the altar.  That's who he crushes on big time.  

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  18. 1 hour ago, Lona said:

    AH yes ... the annual "Why isn't Gina point?" discussion! 😉

    To me, I wouldn't mind one bit if Gina were point. I find her to be attractive and her dancing to me is top notch. However, sadly it's my belief that if K&J wanted to put Gina at point they would've done so already.

    I agree, and unfortunately her time with the DCC is drawing to a close.  She has 1-2 more years....3 at the outside....before age/injuries will inevitably take their toll.  With this year a throwaway for the most part, I don't see her ever really being given the chance at point.  On top of that, she now has competition from a teammate for that ultimate honor.  Someone who is younger, fresher, and already almost as dance proficient, along with being more malleable for Kelli to control.  Of course I'm talking about Amanda.

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  19. 1 minute ago, Itswhatisaid said:
    3 minutes ago, Cowgirl said:

    So, can anyone tell me when Season 15 is to premier on television?  I have been trying to figure that out, with no success.  

    My hope is never. Keep this year’s trash ass team off the tv 🤷‍♀️

    I hope for the girls the show does air, no matter how abbreviated.  It sucks to lose a whole year (especially if you are getting towards the end of your career as a DCC cheerleader).  These girls are athletes no matter what we think of them as individuals, and athletes have a very short shelf life. 

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  20. 6 minutes ago, JapMo said:

    Gina is the entire package and I don't understand why she isn't point or right behind point.  She has great showmanship.  Every look, every toss of the head...the girl knows how to work it. 

    Has anyone ever quoted themselves, LOL?  I'm doing it, because I should have expanded on my Gina lovefest.  The reason Gina stands out so much more than the other girls and deserves to be point is she knows how to work a room.  That room could be a tiny cabaret with 25 people in it or a stadium of 50,000.  People's eyes are just drawn to her...you can't help it.  And that's why I called it the "it" factor.  You can't learn that or fake it.  It's there or it's not.  With KaShara, that's all you saw...KaShara.  All eyes were focused on her.  Amy as point had it to a lesser extent, and it was fine for what they needed.  But Maddie, I'm sorry, but to me she just completely disappears into the woodwork.  People will naturally look at her first because she's in the front but shortly after will start looking elsewhere.  I mean all the girls work as a team, I realize that, but point is special.  You have to have a star at point, and Maddie, or Tess for that matter, are not it.    


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  21. 2 hours ago, DCCland said:

    The good thing about this season is that there won’t be field shows since cheerleaders aren’t allowed on the fields only those deck performances so I won’t have to be bored to death watching Maddie and Tessa rotate point and then hopefully next year they’ll be back on the field and Gina will be point with Maddie and Tess retired!!

    Gina is the entire package and I don't understand why she isn't point or right behind point.  She has great showmanship.  Every look, every toss of the head...the girl knows how to work it. 

    I loved Amy and was fine with her being point, but not Maddie.   I just don't find her impressive.  Now this comes from someone who doesn't know anything about dance, so I could never critique who is the best dancer on the team.  But Maddie IMO doesn't have that "it" factor, which doesn't necessarily equate to being sexy.  Amy was never really sexy but there's a girl-next-door cuteness about her that people like and respond to.  KaShara could be sexy and cute. Gina can never be considered girl-next-door, but she looks approachable, she definitely can pull off sexy AND dance wise she's so good you can't see her actually "working".  She puts in a lot of little touches to her routine that no one else does but it really makes her pop.  I could see Gina having no problem being a dancer in a Broadway show or being a Rockette, or at the very least getting down to the final audition.  She's just that good.  

    • Love 16
  22. 3 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    I still think Karen is just not attracted to Miles.

    She wanted so bad to say just that to Rev Cal last week, but she doesn't want to hurt Miles.  I just don't think she's going to ever warm up to him in a sexual way, but it wouldn't surprise me if after 8 weeks her decision will be to stay married.  She likes Amani and Woody so much that their friendship might be a big factor in her temporarily staying married to Miles.

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  23. 1 minute ago, Neurochick said:

    She has no patience for Henry.  When I was younger, I'd be just like Christina, "WTF is wrong with you!" would be how I'd feel.  Now that I'm older, I can see the good in someone like Henry.

    Henry is a good guy, but why did they pair him with Christina?  Where is the fit?  She's a world traveler (according to her) and he seems to have only been to his brother's house in another state.  From what she's said about herself, she's no stranger to sex, yet I've wondered since day one if Henry isn't still a virgin.  She's extroverted and doesn't mince words.  He's extremely shy and can barely carry on a conversation.  


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