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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 2 hours ago, Kiss my mutt said:
    1 hour ago, humbleopinion said:

    Kristine has youth on her side...but JamieO is a FameHo and this Lifetime gig helps to pay the bills because Doug is perpetually under employed...so she is doubly motivated....

    My money is on Jamie.  Kristine doesn't have a chance.  Jamie grew up in a trailer park with an absentee drug addicted mother.  She learned from the streets.

    • LOL 2
    • Love 1
  2. 16 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    I think there is trouble ahead for them too but it's currently shielded by all the googly eyed kissing, hand holding and over the moon behavior of two people so desperate to be married that they went on this show.  AJ strikes me as one of those guys that is high strung, laughs in an exaggerated way and is always making jokes to the point that people think he's comical but are grateful that they don't have to go home with him.

    He's exhausting. 

    • Love 4
  3. 16 hours ago, Ms.C. said:

    A bully. He is a bully. I still think he resented her for not remembering him at the skating center. He resents her. From minute one.  

    I don't remember the incident, but I agree with you that from maybe 5 minutes after meeting her, he was totally turned off.  And okay...that happens.  Sometimes people just do not click.  But Dr. Pepper was going to give him an out and he bull-sh*tted his way back into the marriage.  There is something about Kate that really creeps him out.  And just from my own observation, I would bet Luke is highly critical of people in the first place.  He doesn't look to be the type that would be easy on women; i.e. he's probably famous in his circle of friends for his really vicious put-downs of both sexes.  He seems the type that could cut a person to ribbons with his words.  With Kate, he's holding his tongue not because he cares one whit for her or doesn't want to hurt her feelings, but because he already made a mistake when he said kissing her made him feel dead inside.  He didn't count on her telling everybody and all of them ganging up against him.  He knows he's coming off badly on the show, so he's trying to do damage control with his b.s. made up excuse about the booze.  How utterly despicable.  Once the show ends, he will make a bigger fool of himself because he will spill the beans trying to "defend" himself, only making him even more hated.  What is it about her he can't stand?  My money is on personal hygiene.  Something about her personal hygiene, be it how often she bathes/washes her hair/brushes her teeth....even something as simple as maybe she had dirt under her fingernails or chipped nail polish...but something turned the persnickity Luke off from the get-go.  He is disgusted by her.  He's so repulsed he doesn't even want to touch her.  That's why I lean toward something physical about her.  For me, every time she speaks her mouth barely moves.  Plus her monotone, lifeless voice.  Despite that, however, I still think she's sweet and sincere and really trying, so if I was a guy I could probably look past that.   But Luke seems the type that puts a lot of time and care into his own appearance, and is very critical if others don't.  The only thing Luke really seems interested in with Kate is how low of an opinion she has of herself.  He's really fascinated by that...does anybody else notice how interested he is about that?

    Luke deserves someone like Ashley from Atlanta who married David and put even less effort than Luke has into her marriage.  

    • Love 4
  4. On 2/11/2019 at 2:13 AM, Chas411 said:

    As one of the few people who liked Mon El in season 2 (hated how the storyline went in season 3) the above picture makes me miss him on supergirl.

    Ditto.  I loved Mon-El and Season 2, and agree Season 3 was AWFUL...not just because of his non-existent storyline, but the whole Raine crud.  I haven't watched any of Season 4 yet.

  5. 21 hours ago, scoopski potata said:

    I decided to go back and rewatch some of the older seasons today and I started with Boston/Jephte and Shawniece. Wow. He really was never that into her. My husband and I were talking and think that because his dad skipped out, he feels a kind of duty to stick around for his kid in the way his father didn’t. But dude. You can be there for the kid and even support the mother without actually still being married to her. In some cases, it’s better honestly...there’s no way you guys are modeling a functional relationship for that child! It’s always been...ok at best. Children don’t exactly add less stress!

    Jephte just couldn't stand all the crying and drama from Shawniece.  I couldn't either!  Man, the girl can turn on the waterworks.  I knew back then they weren't suited for each other, and really expected them to not stay together.  Totally surprised that they did.  Jephte can say whatever he wants about how he's changed and wants to make a go of the marriage, but he's no more attracted to Shawniece now than he was back then.  

    • Love 2
  6. Loved this episode.  So much Iris.  And Iris and Barry.  The show made a good decision making Iris the "boss" at Star Labs.  

    Would like to see Rag Doll again.  I don't think they did enough with him.  Would love for him to slither into his Mom's bedroom so she can see how he turned out.

    • Love 10
  7. Anthony picked a date out of his head and said he didn't want to know the sex of the baby until then.  What if he had said he didn't want to know until B-day?  A co-worker of mine knew her baby's sex but her husband did not want to know until the birth and everyone respected that.  I understand Ashley is excited, but that was a dick move.  Because revealing it early wasn't really for him....it was for HER.  Ashley is not a bad person, but in most cases the woman has the say in pretty much in 99% of everything going on during pregnancy and delivery.  This is one little thing he wanted.  It pissed her off, and so in effect she ruined it for him.  Like someone else said in another post, this will stick in his craw for a long LONG time.  And he will repeatedly bring it up many times over the course of their marriage.  

    • Love 12
  8. Wow, the show is really making Ashley and Danielle look bad. I didn't watch A&A's season that much, so don't know too much about them.  But I love Danielle & Bobby and still believe 99% of this is made up.  And I don't think Danielle realizes how the show is trying to gaslight her.  This whole contrived thing about Bobby doing all the work in their relationship is B.S.  It's manufactured, manipulated, and edited to make it look that way.  Bobby has probably had to fight old ladies pinching his cheeks all his life and people thinking because he LOOKS so young, he needs guidance and help moving into manhood when in fact he already IS a grown man.  Every once in a while, and you saw it last night, Bobby will bristle at people getting into his biz-ness.  And that includes his wife's business, too.  He is very confident in being able to provide for his family and I don't see him making a mistake.  The Fam just doesn't want to see them move, which I can understand, but really...they need to butt out.  

    Regarding Danielle....Bobby & Danielle probably didn't have a clue the show would try to make her out to be some cold-hearted lazy demanding bitch, but that's exactly how they are portraying her.  B&D just got off the first show and it was probably still airing when they began production on this second show (I think).  All Pastor Cal and Sex Advisor Dr. Jessica could nail her back then is that she was able to say the "L" word as freely as Bobby.  Now it's a new show, and from the get-go they've been implying that...well...she's lazy and Bobby does everything for her.  It's like they got a whiff of the message boards (not saying this one) and thought...yeah, let's make Danielle out to be undeserving of sweet wonderful Bobby.  And from Episode 1 people look at them in horror that they haven't had a fight yet.  As opposed, of course, to the 15 or so other couples picked for the show who fought all the time and now are divorced compliments of being on this show, right Cal?  Bobby is not a spineless doormat.  Danielle wants to be a career woman because she probably hates domesticity.  At least she knows her shortcomings.  I don't think Danielle sits around all day letting Bobby wait on her hand and foot.  They are heavily edited, IMO, because even though there's probably room for improvement in their marriage from both of them, I'm still seeing two people who seem to be crazy about each other...not because one waits on the other hand and foot or whatever, but just because they feel they've found their mate.  Sadly, I don't see so much of that with Ashley & Anthony after 2 years of marriage, but there does look like there's love there, so that's good. 

    • Love 4
  9. 39 minutes ago, Yeah No said:
    1 hour ago, crazychicken said:

    Danielle & Bobby - I feel like Bobby is going to blow real soon now the sex has dried up, there is a simmering resentment as he is still Danielle's slave and doesn't even get her company let along intimacy. She works, eats goes to bed and then spends the weekends in bed as well, if she can still work fulltime then surely she can drag her butt out of bed sometimes. The body language on them during the marriage rating session was strange, they both had crossed legs away from each other even Shawneice and Jephte were touching. I get the impression that as long as the world thinks their marriage is perfect then they are going to be the perfect couple in public that ends up miserable when home alone. Sorry if you have lost the intimacy 4 months into your relationship that is an issue especially because it is only going to get harder with a newborn.

    Hah, my husband said the first time they have a real fight it's going to be such a blowout that the cops will show up, LOL.

    I loved the look on Ashley's face when Bobby and Danielle both rated each other a 10.  It was like "I smell BS", LOL.  I agree with you about the strange body language between them.

    Yet their body language with Pastor Cal when they were all 3 eating supper was very affectionate and cute.  The show has made this HUGE deal out of the fact these 2 don't argue.  So what?  Hey experts...I'd rather see two people who get along than the manipulation and mind games the other two couples this season were playing.   If I were Danielle & Bobbie I'd tell everyone to f*ck off.  I don't think Danielle is lazy or taking advantage of Bobbie and I also believe Bobbie likes to do things to make his wife's life easier.  What's wrong with that?  I'm sure Bobbie is plenty capable of saying enough is enough if he feels she's taking advantage of him.  And IMO, it's obvious Danielle loves Bobbie.  She lights up everytime he's there.

    • Love 10
  10. I was very disappointed.  The entire setting was something out of Smarmy-ville.  This is not the MAFS "brand".  That's why I like it over all The Bachelor crap shows.  Do these people live near each other?  I know the one couple does, which was purely coincidental I think, but I don't think the others do.  So how realistic is it to uproot yourself (probably moving and quitting your job) for someone you've known for 3 weeks?  

    The whole concept of MAFS is to be matched with someone "on paper" you have a lot in common with, and try to make a go of a relationship.  Whether you're attracted at first sight to the person or not (JAIME).  Instead, they put these people on some dumb island, totally copycatting Bachelor in Paradise type shows, and go for connections that are based truly on chemistry.  Would Ashley have given Anthony a second look if she met him on one of these shows?  These people say they are serious about getting married and you put them in this cattle call?  

    Instead of a dumb island and scaring everyone that if they don't match up in 24 hours they will be booted, bring them all together and let them meet and talk, then give a schedule of "dates" they go out on.  They must spend some time with each person of the opposite sex.  And not going out to lunch or at a bar.  Go out grocery shopping together and prepare a meal.  Go apartment hunting.  Spend time doing something a married couple would do together that isn't fun and glamorous, and then something that is fun.  And then every night there's free time where you get to hang out again with everyone and mingle with who you want.  At the end of a week or whatever, then you make your selections on paper as to who you would like to get to know better.  You can name more than one person.  If the other person also chose you, then it gets more narrowed down.  

    • Love 13
  11. 12 minutes ago, Lovecat said:

    My husband and I very rarely argue, in fact the "worst" arguments we've ever had were during the wedding planning process, and always about the stupid flowers :)

    Ha ha....my husband and I argued for 32 years until his death about what the first song was that played at our wedding.  We never resolved it.

    Want to say that I think Amber's shock at Danielle being pregnant is that it was just so soon.  I don't think there was any jealousy.  Yeah, Amber wants a baby too, but IMO at that moment it was just pure shock because they were so newly married.

    For some reason people hate Samantha Harris.  I don't know why.  I don't think she did a bad job last night.  

    • Love 4
  12. 2 hours ago, Lovecat said:

    He was only returning from a brief trip backstage, not from 'Nam.  Though one could compare being married to Mia...hey-oh!  I'll be here all week; try the veal and tip your waitress.

    OMG I almost spit out my water, LOL.

    • Love 5
  13. 4 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    The hostess was a no for me...her feigned enthusiasm was too over the top for a basic cable TV show.

    Nobody could be as over-the-top as Jaime.  The girl hardly takes a breath the entire episode she's so "on".

    • Love 1
  14. 13 hours ago, zoltana said:

    I really got the impression that Dave has already started dating.  He just had this look on his face like, yeah, we won't be getting back together because I've got so many numbers now....  

    I thought the look on his face, when Amber said she wanted to go to counseling, was like....'what the hell, Amber, we TALKED about this and now you're pulling this stunt to force me to be the bad guy.'  I went back and forth all season on Dave, but I think he was gentle to and about Amber and still was able to convey a hard line that they would not be getting back together.  Amber surprised me over the fact she was taking the blame for everything and STILL wanted to continue in hole-ly Matrimony.

    • Love 7
  15. On 10/16/2018 at 8:12 PM, ursula said:

    OK did anyone notice that Joe never left that coach? It got to a point that I'm wondering if Jesse Martin is injured in a way and couldn't shoot a scene standing. 

    I absolutely thought the same thing.  

    • Love 2
  16. 13 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    How did JamieO let another person host the Finale? 

    That's Samantha Harris formerly of Dancing With the Stars (till Tom Bergeron got her kicked off).  I always liked her.

    Wasn't Tristan clutching a blanket when he was talking to his Mom?  He basically lives in two spots...the couch and the bed.  The guy is a walking advertisement for Serta.   

    Dave should have told Amber....'you go first and end it, and I'll be the dumpee so you don't look bad'.  Instead, she pulled a fast one and he was forced to pretend he wanted to stay together.  I know this didn't actually happen, but in my mind I could see it.  I will be interested to learn how long they stayed together.  I can't think it would even have been a month.  The way Amber sashayed in on the previews like 'Don't F*ck With Me, Dude' tells me Miss Amber got a eye-opener when she watched the show and saw how badly she came off.  She's blaming Dave for everything. 

    • Love 2
  17. 26 minutes ago, Ottis said:

    The show's willingness to address them so bluntly was what made it so ground breaking. And that's what I hope The Connors do. If The Connors is just a  lightweight comedy, then I'll pass. There are enough of those already.

    Where?  Please tell me.  So many shows on now think they are Western Union and have to put out a message.

    • Love 5
  18. 8 minutes ago, AgentRXS said:

    It's the overwhelming focus on Darlene that is going to bug me. This episode was fine but next week looks like overload. We know everything about what happened to Darlene in the past 20 years but still have no clue how Original Recipe Mark died, how Becky ended up where she did, what happened to Andy and how that's affected Jackie.  That is the part that bugs. If Sara would take the focus off her character for 5 minutes to give the audience a chance to find out what is going on with everyone else, it would greatly help.

    I'm not bitter towards Sara because it is understandable that as EP, you're character would come first. To skip over glaring details about other characters that are important to long-time fans is what drives me insane.

    AMEN!!!  Neither Darlene or her kids interest me.  

    • Love 7
  19. I have mixed emotions...some of the episode was OK, but a lot wasn't.  And I really missed Roseanne.  There's a big hole in the show without her, and if I'm seeing what I think I'm seeing, that big hole is going to be plugged by the only character on Roseanne I could never stand....Darlene.  So not sure about my commitment to the show just yet, though I want to see Juliette Lewis when she comes on as Blue, Darlene's ex's (forgot his name) girlfriend.

    Instead of the snarky 5 second exchange between Jackie and Bev, I would have loved to see them opening up to each other a bit over their shared grief.  It could have been written sad and funny.  A missed opportunity.

    One thing that truly bothered me.....Jackie blabbing about Roseanne's autopsy to not only Dan but Roseanne's daughters!!!  In real life, what sister would do that?  Let them think she died of a heart attack.  Okay, I'm over it...not real life. 

    Mary Steenburgen....wow.  I actually thought she might have had a stroke recently.  She seemed to have a hard time speaking. 

    • Love 4
  20. 10 hours ago, blugirlami21 said:

    I honestly wish that it was opposite. I often feel that Iris gets the short end of the stick in general. Seeing Nora crush her enthusiasm to be close to her was hard to watch tbh. Especially when she gives it away to Barry so freely.

    I actually think it's a very interesting scenario.  The writers can do so much with this.  And they didn't beat us over the head with it.  It was subtly awkward between mother/daughter...the curtain is pulled back just slightly and the audience sees at the same time as Iris that Nora for some reason is standoffish with her.  And once we find out Barry died when she was a baby, it's heartbreakingly obvious why she wants to be around her Daddy so much.  

    I've always felt The Flash and Arrow are the two best written shows of the Arrowverse.  Their tone is totally different, so it's hard to compare the two.  Arrow is very dark and brutal while Flash is noted for it's comedy.  What I like about the writing on Flash is how they've matured Barry.  He's come such a long way from the geeky love struck nerd in Season 1, and Grant also deserves a lot of credit for fine tuning Barry Allen.  A good example is when Nora threw her arms around him.  He reacted like most dads would...surprised, kind of backing away, not sure how to handle this emotional girl who says she's his child.  

    Yeah...this was an excellent season opener.   

    • Love 5
  21. 19 hours ago, humbleopinion said:

    Married at First Sight: Second Wife Switcheroo

    Peek the behind the scenes as assistant producers rush to do a deeper background check, Tristan's mother rolling her eyes when she has to don her fancy hat for wedding #2, the lackluster middle of the week wedding at The Lucky Spur, the other 2 couples front and center for the new wedding ceremony to plump up the crowd since people work and don't have time to take off for another wedding so soon, another staycation Dallas honeymoon for Tristan....

    The new Mrs. Thompson is reassured in every TH that it was a higher being's will that she was the strand of spaghetti that was destined to stick to the wall as the metaphorical handful of pasta was flung....

    Everyone politely forgetting Mia ever existed....

    LOL.  It would not surprise me.  I hope they are over and don't have another stay of execution.  I'm so sick of Mia and Tristan I'm willing to forego hearing what they really have to say about each other on Decision Day.  Like many of you, I've watched this show from Day 1.  

    Speaking of being sick of people...there's Amber & Dave.  I'm 100% convinced they are going to decide to stay together.  Amber will say how much they've grown as a couple and she really wants to spend the rest of her life with Dave...and when asked if he wants to stay married, Dave will just shrug and say "Sure, why not."  And then we'll read shortly thereafter that they have filed for divorce.

    • Love 5
  22. 9 hours ago, Neurochick said:

    When I was a child, there was a show on NBC called "Occasional Wife" where a man had to pretend to be married in order to get a promotion at his job.  Today, that would be a cause for a lawsuit, but in the 1960's it was normal. 

    I loved that show.  The actors who played the fake couple got married in real life, but got divorced after a few years.  It was lame but it was cute.

  23. 10 minutes ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    I get it that she has difficulty expressing her feelings. --But just like Amber had to learn to think before freaking out and assuming every word of criticism from Dave was the ultimate rejection, Danielle needs to "defrost" a little bit and deliberately say those kinds of things, for the health of their relationship and because Bobby needs to hear how she feels.

    If anybody remembers the last shot of the 2 couples leaving the park after their games, Danielle put her arm around Bobby and he then did her.  Amber and Dave just walked side by side.  I thought that was telling on Danielle's part.  She may not be totally in love yet with Bobby, but she's getting there.  The show wants drama and keeps picking on her being "cold", but I don't think she is.

    • Love 11
  24. I can see Mia not wanting to put Tristan on her insurance.  If she has a high deductible plan, the premiums are small but your out of pocket is huge.  If she's on, say, a $1500 plan just for herself, it probably doubles to $3000 if she adds even one dependent.  So now she's on the hook OOP of $3000 instead of $1500 before the insurance kicks in.  That would make many a person give pause.  I'm sure many a person would be upset if they lost coverage, but you don't kick someone out of the house....unless, like it was stated by someone else, this is what he was staying in the relationship for.  And then out came Pastor Cal and they had a pow-wow where he assured Tristan the show would get him health coverage, and lo and behold all of a sudden he says on camera that he loves Mia.  I just can't take these two anymore.  They're lying, the show is lying.....it's so obvious.

    How lame was that "garden"?  They put 4 boring plants together in a boring planter.  Gee, don't strain yourselves.  Their dialogue was phony and forced.  Dave almost looked like he was reciting off of cue cards.  I hope Dave has conveyed to Amber in private that he doesn't think they are a good match.  I would hate for Amber to be gobsmacked.  Dave doesn't seem the type that would be that callous.  I think he thinks she's a sweet person, but he doesn't have anything in common with her.  And Amber said it all...'I signed up for Married at First Sight to have a baby'.  No mention of a husband....just that she wants to have a baby.  Hope you get what you want, Amber, but it's not going to be with Dave.  

    • Love 9
  25. 2 hours ago, qtpye said:

    Dave will only stay married to her if there is some financial incentive involved, otherwise, I think he was done after the honeymoon.

    Once he made the connection that Amber was the woman his gym friend had talked about, I have to believe it was hard for Dave to get that out of his head, whatever it was.  That's why I was kind of surprised they actually showed up at the gym together (and Dave was in regular clothes and not hiding his face under a hoodie or something).

    Speaking of Amber, I thought she looked really cute and very athletic and coordinated when she was keeping up with all the steps in the exercise class.  And then she ruins it by getting irritated that Dave spoke to her (brunette) friends.  

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