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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. The show is getting desperate.  You can see it.  There was a lot going on with Tristan & Mia that they wouldn't or couldn't show, so they patched together some ridiculous scene where it's IMPLIED that Mia said something earth shattering about her upbringing and Tristan was so traumatized he had to leave the room like he was going to throw up.  I didn't have the time to rewind it, but I did a double take at the way the show set it up like some kind of major trauma.  I remember Mia saying her father gave her the "death stare".........WOW.  Raise your hand how many of you got the death stare from either your mom, dad, or both every Sunday in church?  IMO Tristan is starting to balk at remaining in their fake relationship, and the producers are trying to squeeze out enough footage to make it to decision day.  Looks like they only have enough for next week.  Which makes me think this is all old stuff and maybe they actually stopped filming them many weeks ago because Tristan didn't want to continue in the marriage (sham). I say that because their life seems claustrophobic.  I think we've seen their kitchen once, but for the most part they are shown either in their bed or on the couch.  We see no other furniture, no TV...no other signs of life.  Neither seems to ever be working.  Is this really their apartment?  Did they even have an apartment or did they break up before that?  This puzzle has too many parts that don't fit.

    • Love 15
  2. 13 hours ago, crgirl412 said:
    On 9/17/2018 at 3:55 PM, JapMo said:


    I think the show needs to be revamped...again.  I like Pastor Cal, Dr. Pepper and whomever the sex therapist's name is, but maybe they need more help at the beginning...when they are at the selection stage.  I know this sounds kind of unethical, but they should have "plants" in the groups of males and females, people who are pretending to be a "contestant" and can infiltrate and get a read on other candidates when they are all kind of bs-ing in the lobby or bathroom or waiting area.  And I've said this before, what's wrong with letting those who weren't selected meet each?  It can't be any worse than meeting strangers in a bar, and yet many/most of these people WANT to get married, so you never know what would happen when you meet like-minded people.

    The Bachelor has done this before. 

    The difference, IMO, is people on this show, for the most part, are really serious about getting married.  On The Bachelor they are just really serious about being on TV.

    • Love 5
  3. 3 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    This year's couples don't really seem to have much communication --except for disagreements, arguments, and sex.


    I think the show needs to be revamped...again.  I like Pastor Cal, Dr. Pepper and whomever the sex therapist's name is, but maybe they need more help at the beginning...when they are at the selection stage.  I know this sounds kind of unethical, but they should have "plants" in the groups of males and females, people who are pretending to be a "contestant" and can infiltrate and get a read on other candidates when they are all kind of bs-ing in the lobby or bathroom or waiting area.  And I've said this before, what's wrong with letting those who weren't selected meet each?  It can't be any worse than meeting strangers in a bar, and yet many/most of these people WANT to get married, so you never know what would happen when you meet like-minded people.

    • Love 6
  4. 9 hours ago, princelina said:

    I don't know how Bobby and Danielle ended up on this show, but to me they are just going through the motions for the cameras (excited to talk to Pepper, tantric sex class, "I love you") and I think they are enjoying being together and waiting this thing out.  As the great David Sedaris once said - "There's a reason regular people aren't on tv - they're boring."  If it were me I wouldn't be comfortable talking about my sex life, having fights, saying I love you, getting therapy from the "experts" either.  But of course I wouldn't be on tv in the first place :). I predict (hope for?) a normal, mundane happy life for them once the shit-show is over.

    I totally agree.  It was Dr. Pepper that planted the idea that Danielle is doing nothing and Bobby is doing everything.  And yet Bobby very firmly said he didn't feel put-upon and he liked doing stuff for Danielle.  I don't think she is a cold person...she's just reserved.  It's like the show has all this drama...more than enough coming from Amber alone, and then throw Mia in the mix with the two guys following...but they can't just show a happy couple, they have to try to drive a wedge in the audience's mind.  I've been watching this show since the beginning.  They kind of remind me of Jason & Courtney in that they took to each other right away and didn't really have any major problems.  I don't mind watching that.  It's better than being blindsided by the couple I was rooting for last season...Mollie & Jonathan.  Boy, she really had me fooled.

    • Love 4
  5. 33 minutes ago, 2727 said:

    I wonder how Danielle would have handled being matched with Dave since they're both pragmatic and emotionally reserved. Bobby mostly seems dazzled by Danielle being "smoking hot" and willing to have sex, so his needs are few.

    Dave & Danielle probably would be at a better place right now than Dave & Amber, IMO, but there wouldn't be any fireworks.  Danielle and Bobby have fireworks.  And I'm not just talking physically. 

    • Love 2
  6. 44 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    Bobby is acting like a guy who has just made love for the first time. I wonder if he was a virgin before marriage...not that it matters. The thing is I think Danielle WANTS to be into Bobby because he is being so awesome, but she just isn't feeling him the way that he is into her. This happens...peoples emotions do not always travel at the same speed. It will be interesting to see how their life will be like once she gets a new job and does not have such a long commute.

    I think it's sweet that he's so over the moon about her, but I would be taken aback a bit if someone said they loved me just 30 days after meeting.  Now these kinds of situations do happen, and sometimes the couple ends up still ga ga over each other 40 years later, and people who date for several years, have a long engagement and marry unhurriedly break up in less than a year.  You never can tell.  But I can't hold it against Danielle that she couldn't say (on camera at least) the "L" word.  But if you watch her face when he says he loves her and he is talking to her right after on the bed but we can't tell what he's saying, and if this happened just as it was shot and not edited and cut to pieces, the dazzling smile she gave him said it all, IMO.  She really really likes him a LOT.  They seem so thrilled with each other, like they are the luckiest people alive.  I get that from him AND her.  They seem good for each other, and I'm just not buying that the relationship is uneven and he is doing so much more than her.  They're editing it that way to manufacture drama.  

    I've defended Dave but his comments last night would have pissed me off, too.  Amber says he's the first guy she trusted and he says that's concerning?  To even comment on the fact she's talked baby then jumped to them being 5 years old, like that was a red flag, what the hell?  Amber really wants a baby so I'm sure she understands what that all entails, as we all did when we thought we knew and then actually had one and thought...what did I get myself into?...and then survived it and did it all over again, LOL.  Amber is ready to be married and she's ready to have kids.  But not with this guy.  As I've said before, Dave needs someone more laid back and confident in themselves.  Amber reads something into everything he says, though his unnecessary asides and mutterings really drive her up the wall, and by this time he should know that.  In a nutshell, Dave isn't the type to hold her in his arms, wipe the tears from her eyes and say "there there".  And that's what she needs.  

    Oi vay....here we go again...Tristan and Mia swaddled in blankies the entire episode.

    • Love 9
  7. 9 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    I have never seen a husband as smitten with his wife on this show like Bobby. It is almost like he has fallen madly in love and just lives to do things for her and make her happy. I doubt anything Pepper will say will take the shine out of his eyes. Good for them...don't let these stupid experts mess you up. He even loves her eyebrows...the same eyebrows that got her into debt...enough said.

    They are both adorable.  At first I thought Danielle looked way older than Bobby even though she's just 2-3 yrs older.  I mean Bobby's a tough act to follow with that baby face, but she's making great strides.  I see less intense eyebrows, and she's lightened her hair.  She's dressing more casual.   What I like about them is that yeah, there was an instant attraction and they really dig each other, but they are also both so damn THANKFUL that they found each other.  That's so sweet to watch.  Bobby may talk about it a lot more than Danielle, but she has also said many times how she couldn't have asked for a better husband and he's everything she's been looking for.  

    Then there's the other two couples.  Where do I begin?  For starters, I call b.s. when Amber stated she hadn't cooked in awhile and was a little "rusty".  Knock it off, Amber.  You don't "forget" how to cook.  You may forget a recipe or not know what every spice in the cabinet is, but for the most part once you learn cooking techniques you don't forget them.  She couldn't even figure out which pan to use and had to ask Dave.  These two shouldn't continue on.  Really.  They have a fundamental problem.  Amber is too high maintenance for Dave, and Dave is too everyday, laid back, casual to appeal to the sophisticated, hot mama image Amber has of herself.  She requires/demands too much attention, and that drives a guy like Dave up the wall. 

    Is there ever a moment Tristan isn't laying on a couch, chair, bed, pillows wrapped in swaddling?  Or Mia isn't hanging on, under or around Tristan's arm, underarm, leg, neck, etc?  Tristan is a young man, yet he looks like he hasn't slept in weeks.  

    • Love 7
  8. 6 hours ago, Meowwww said:

    ristan keeps saying “a light lunch”.  

    He means a casual lunch.  A light lunch is a piece of toast and maybe a banana. 

    I noticed that too.  Just because someone is eating light for lunch doesn't mean all conversation must strictly adhere to discussion about your health or the weather.

    • Love 5
  9. 13 hours ago, peaceknit said:

    Amber is too high maintenance for Dave.

    EXACTLY!!!  He is low key, doesn't like a lot of drama...he'd probably fit with a lot of women and he does seem to be trying.  But they stick him with Amber...who definitely is trying, if you get my play on words.

    • Love 10
  10. 10 hours ago, OnTime said:

    Interesting how all  decided to keep and live in the guy's places.

    Not just that.  All the guys seemed to be secure financially (owned their own homes, had a tidy savings) yet two of the women either were in a lot of debt or admitted to being pretty frivilous with their money.  Surprisingly Mia owned her condo...good for her...but she has a lot of legal baggage hanging around her.

    • Love 6
  11. 11 hours ago, Gem 10 said:

    Tristen is so enamored with Mia after one night.  I just don’t get it.  It’s like he never had a woman before.  I fast forward when they come on.  I don’t think she’s sincere.

    I fast forward too.  I wanted to give them the benefit of the doubt, but last night....I just find it hard to believe either of them.  He's so affable and touchy-feely.  It's like....really?  Where are all these feelings coming from?  You've been married a week, and two of those days your new wife was in the slammer.  

    • Love 8
  12. 11 hours ago, JAndy said:

    I hope Ambers comment ln the previews is taken out of context because that’s super bitchy of her if it’s not 

    It has to be, don't you think?  What newlywed would say they don't want to meet their spouse's friends?  Especially when he has their pictures plastered all over the place.  That should be an indication how close he is to them.

    • Love 4
  13. 4 hours ago, Crazy Bird Lady said:

    "Bobby and Danielle. Danielle is going to get bored with him as soon as the show ends. The marriage may last a few months at that."

    I guess I must be the only one who really likes Bobby and Danielle. Regardless of how imperfect their clothing and makeup may be, or how boring they may seem, they appear to be smitten with each other, happy to think of spending their lives together.  I find that refreshing.

    Count me as one of Bobby & Danielle's fans.  I don't care if they are boring.  I think they are cute together.  You have to have some hope...this season is like pulling into a dirty truck stop.  One look at the menu and you are not impressed.  You try to remain optimistic...until you find a surprise in the bathroom stall.  And just that fast you're ready to flush it all away until the next season.  

    • Love 6
  14. 19 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

    I am so disgusted by the "experts", particularly "Dr. Jessica". I cannot believe this is the same woman who, last season, was raking Molly over the coals and telling her to STOP LYING! But this season, what happens with Mia, who is not only lying but is a freaking criminal -she gives her a pass!

    I so agree with this.  I was shocked how namby-pamby she was with Mia after she went all hard ass on Molly.  "First thing...how ARE you, Mia" with just the most worried expression.  And Pastor Cal....c'mon, this guy has a built in bullshit detector, and he's meekly going along with her story?  I know it's easy to blame the experts, and they were doing some MAJOR CYA last night, but I don't for a minute believe they bought her story.  No way.  They were probably furious with her and scared to death for the show.  It was Tristan, IMO, that bailed them out.  He doesn't want to look bad.  That, and she gave him some tail.    I am being generous that she goes 3 more episodes before another lie is discovered, and at that point he will bail.

    • Love 5
  15. 2 hours ago, Booger666 said:
    On 7/11/2018 at 1:31 PM, retiredviewer said:

    First I think Amber will be very high maintenance.

    Second I think they should take all the singles who apply and are not accepted and have a big mixer so they have a chance to meet someone who is ready for marriage.

    This is an awesome show idea!!  The non-selected would be our “placebo” group and we could get monthly updates about who is still dating.  Would be interesting if more marriages came out of that then the so called experts’ selections.

    I've always thought this.  Why not just call the "losers" back and put them in a big room.  And remind them that they all have one thing in common......they want to get married.  So don't necessarily count someone out because you've never dated that "type" before.  Leave them alone and let them mingle and then in 6 weeks or whatever the same time period the finale is, check back with these people and see if anyone made a connection and how it's working out.  Many who they show on air that aren't selected seem like very nice people and just want to find love.  MAFS producers could squeeze out another show just on them. 

    • Love 13
  16. On 6/19/2018 at 2:50 AM, Chas411 said:

    I thought the opposite - they took everything likeable about Mon El last season and turned him Into a depressing whine. 

    Im actually shocked to hear them say that this was his planned arc as it was so badly done. 

    Amen.  He was a funny, sweet guy in Season 2 and positively grim in Season 3 (oh, I'm sorry...he was "mature").  That tiny little scene in the van where he pretends to be a doofus and reverts to goofy Mon-El....I LOVED that.  

    I call B.S. that this was his planned storyline.  But if so, how crappy can you get?

    • Love 1
  17. 12 hours ago, AudienceofOne said:
    15 hours ago, mommalib said:

    It's exactly up their alley which is why I can see it playing out that way.

    At which point I will be out. The only thing that has kept me watching this show is that every now and then they surprise me and don't opt for the most-cliched trope. I'm one bad episode away from dropping it as it is. I've already dropped Flash and LoT and the Arrow has a lot of work to do next season to convince me not to drop it too.

    I would be interested in seeing the reveal only, where Lena discovers Kara and Supergirl are one and the same.  I wanna see the anguish on Lena's face when she realizes her bestie and her boyfriend have been keeping a giant secret from her.  And if this is the only reason they are keeping Mehcad on, to be stuck in the middle and be referee, then I feel sorry for him.

    Other than that, I'm not interested in the storyline at all.

    • Love 1
  18. 1 hour ago, Chicago Redshirt said:

    I've never seen writers seem to get as bored of their Big Bad as these have seemed to get bored of Reign. 

    Well, think about it.  They took on an enormous task for themselves.  It wasn't just Reign that was connected to this whole thing....not only did they create Reign, they also created an entire life including backstory on Sam, Ruby, and to a lesser degree Pestilence and the other two, which I forget their names now.  That's a lot of  characters that were involved in the whole Reign storyline.  People complained about DeVoe on Flash, but it was just him and his wife.  In this you had the witches, the whole cult thing and Sam's foster mother that the writers piled in to the clown car.  You'd have to assign one, two writers at most to focus on nothing but the Reign characters, and you might have been able to pull this off.  But when you have an ensemble writing team who has so many other distractions including appointing themselves the voice of feminism and politics, then you can see why they got bored and this story became so scattered.

  19. 3 minutes ago, BooBear said:

    Wynn is missed but they didn't know how to use him. Never quite understood why he was off limits for Kara to want to have a romance with him. As her former BFF he was a natural choice even if she didn't realize it right away. 

    I thought Winn and Kara were soooooo cute together in Season 1.  It really disappointed me when she said she didn't have feelings for him.  Winn had a lot to do in Season 1, and a good amount in Season 2 as he learned his DEO job.  Somehow this season they turned him into a snarky little smartass, and at that point I'd say yeah, they didn't know what to do with him.  As far as James, I liked him in Season 1, but he really was wishy washy with Kara.  He pined for her, then would go back to Lucy.  He did that like 3 times.  You really couldn't blame him.  Melissa is cute, but she's never gonna take a guy away from Jenna Dewann Tatum.

    Sorry, but I just don't see ANY chemistry between Jessie Rath and Melissa Benoist.  They don't even look like they fit age wise.  She looks much older than him.  

  20. I said on a different episode thread that if they write Mon-El off, I was going to stop watching.  Then on some other message board someone said if you are a fan of the show, then you aren't being loyal to the show if you stop watching just because something happens you don't like.  Well, I've watched this show from the beginning.  Can't say I've watched every episode clear through, especially this season, but I am a fan.  I don't fault anyone else for saying they won't watch it, but I'll probably give Season 4 a try, even though my 2 favorite characters, Winn and Mon-El, will no longer be on.  

    Here are just some observations by me: 

    • I didn't like that this year the show was overrun with guest stars that took up so much of the air time. 
    • I like James, but of all the male characters, HE's the one who is staying?  The show totally ignored him in S2, and this season for the most part he's just there to hold Lena's purse.
    • If having a baby becomes Alex's main focus, this is a mistake, IMO.
    • It's also a big mistake for the show to shout from the rooftop that this is a feminist show.  It's not necessary to constantly label it in every interview.  Instead of hiring women just because, try to tell a good story and everything will follow.  In other words, show....don't tell.  This is just my opinion, but I believe it's OK for the show to mention she's a female superhero and the show is about how she deals with that.  But to eliminate or place male characters in the background for no reason other than only the women can be shown as strong is doing the exact same thing that they are railing against.  The show needs to get off the preachy kick.  OK, ending my preachy stuff.
    • Get rid of CatCo, or make it relevant again.  
    • Love 2
  21. 19 minutes ago, statsgirl said:

    The plan (so they say) was to have Mon El on the show for two seasons only.  Beats me why they wrote Mon El as such an OTP for Kara when they knew he was leaving.

    Once they brought Mon-El back with a wife, that's what I began to think, too.  Whether that was how it was always planned, I don't know.  

    2 minutes ago, mommalib said:

    They could go some interesting places with the Gaurdian stuff.

    Really?  It's never been interesting, so why would they start now?

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