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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. 34 minutes ago, Lona said:

    There does come a time IMO when, for better or worse, a DCC has been on the team long enough where she won’t be cut.

    Your comment is interesting in that I think the exact opposite.  I would not be surprised if Kelly/Judy told several veterans through the years do not embarrass yourself by trying out again or you will be cut.  Retire gracefully and keep your dignity.  

    Fans get tired of seeing the same people all the time.  And they also get tired of seeing the same routine.  I know it's their signature, but is anyone else tired of seeing that one where they pound the grass and do the kickline?  The name is on the tip of my tongue but I can't remember.  Anyway, I'd like that to be retired and be replaced by something new and fresh.  

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  2. IF you had to cut one veteran based solely on everything BUT dancing ability (looks, personality, how they "pop" in front of an audience) I would cut one of the following:  Tess, Amber, Madeline (not Maddie) or Alanna.  To me they are practically interchangeable in looks.  And as far as personality/pop, none put out any more or less than the others. 

    I don't know what it is about some of the brunettes that are currently on the team, but I find most of them incredibly boring to watch.  Just my opinion of course, and remember that I didn't base my opinions on their dancing ability.  

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  3. 5 hours ago, Silver Bells said:
    9 hours ago, OnceSane said:

    Personal anecdotes are off-topic for this thread.  Please take your discussion about personal doctor encounters to the Small Talk thread. 

    Sorry I was thinking I was on the Small Talk thread, as I keep going back n forth.  Sorry everyone.  I’m bored with it myself.

     I'm guilty too.

    • LOL 2
  4. 2 hours ago, cinsays said:

    Have you considered getting the tape converted to a DVD?  If the VCR fails you will miss having that tape to watch and that would be awful.

    Can't tell you how many people have suggested that, but Procrastination is my middle name.  One day.....🙂

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  5. 9 hours ago, LennieBriscoe said:

    Me: My story of being on "Jeopardy!" in 1992 (taped in 1991) is remarkably similar---from multi-stage auditions to paying your own way to multiple tapings a day to parting gifts to being recognised later (for me it was one young man in an Acme, haha!), etc.---to the experience of JapMo! Even the "standing on a box"! Throughout I kept reminding myself to smile. Heh. 

    That's cool, Lennie.  Was that with Art Fleming?  He was on a local radio station for years and always said the standards were much higher when he was emceeing the show, and anyone who tried out had to really be smart.

    • Love 2
  6. 3 hours ago, Yeah No said:

    I appeared on TV 3 times in 2010.  They were completely unrelated.  Somehow that year was my year to be on TV.  It did help that I was unemployed at the time.  I appeared as an "audience guest" on the Rachael Ray Show in a segment on menopause, in a commercial for a local discount store chain where I said, "beautiful leather gloves at such a great price!" (Ocean State Job Lot), and on an episode of "Restaurant Impossible" where I was asked how I liked the meatballs at the reopening of a local newly renovated restaurant (I said they were just like my Sicilian grandma used to make, LOL).  I'd love to tell the stories but perhaps will save them for the small talk thread when I have the time.

    When you appeared on Rachel Ray as an audience guest, did they pay you for that, or were you just stopped by someone on the show standing outside trying to get people to come in?

    Years ago on my husband and my first trip to California, a nice person stopped us on the street in L.A. and asked if we wanted to be in the audience for the game show Concentration (I know some of you remember that).  We thought OK, cool.  Little did we know they were taping like 5 shows and we could not leave.  We were stuck there, and OMG all they wanted us to do was clap the entire time.  My hands were red from all the clapping, and we wasted almost a whole day of our vacation being locked in a soundstage.

    1 hour ago, Silver Bells said:

    You guys, today is my wedding Anniversary.  Married 55 years.  And, still going.  Loved him from the minute I saw him.  Yes, I’m that old, lol.

    Congratulations.  Hope you have something cool planned to celebrate.

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  7. 8 minutes ago, endure said:

    That’s  quite the story and I can appreciate how stressful it must have been on so many levels.  I’m a fairly outgoing person but also quite reserved.  Several years ago I was in a drug study and the lead Dr asked if I would do a Tv news interview, he had every confidence in me, I seriously considered it for about 15 min and then said sorry there’s no way I could do it so I know I couldn’t have done what you did and nor could I be on a reality show. That’s cool you have the tape especially with your late husband.

    I don't think I actually ever really believed we would ever get selected, since the odds were so astronomical, so I went into the auditions just thinking it would be cool to play against other people and see how I did.  

    I worked in Human Resources for 20 years from a company I just retired from, and my department was just 4 women.  The Culture Dept wanted to tape us talking about what we did in our jobs, to sort of identify the face behind the voice since 99% of our job was talking to active and retired employees with problems they were having with their benefits.  They wanted me to explain on camera the rules of our tuition reimbursement program...just talk naturally and no big deal.  I was terrible.  Just awful.  I'd get 99% finished with my speech and flub it.  They rerecorded 4 times, and then finally said take a break and we'll return in a few days to do it again.  They never came back, LOL.  They scrapped the whole idea.  I appeared on national TV but couldn't manage to complete a tiny video that was only going to be seen by the employees of the company.

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  8. 1 hour ago, Neurochick said:

    I have said this every season, and I'll say it this season.

    It's dumb luck that any couples on this series stay married.

    I don't think it's that easy to pick people for this show.  For one, they need to find people who....

    • Are the age range the show is looking for
    • Are willing to get married at first sight.
    • Are willing to be filmed for X number of weeks and won't get into any trouble with their employers
    • Have the support of their families, if they don't, they need to have friends who support them
    • Are camera ready and physically healthy (no drug addicts or alcoholics, though some might slip in)
    • Not outwardly fame whorish (no cosmetic surgery addicts)

    So the pool of candidates is limited, it's a wonder anybody stays together.

    The show always refers to the fact arranged marriages were common 150-200 years ago and they worked.  What they don't say is most of the time it was the parents putting the couple together, and there was no saying no.....you did what your father and mother told you to do, whether you liked it or not.  And people were less educated and less sophisticated. Most women didn't work outside the home so they didn't have a frame of reference of what their peers were doing.  But you are right...it's a crapshoot. 

    I know the experts are sincere and really want to match people who have a lot of things in common, but they lost all credibility with me when maybe in the second season they began picking people that were complete opposites in the hopes one of them would boost the other up or calm the other person down or bring someone out of their shell, and this was not just unsuccessful but a tragedy for the hopeful people who really wanted to get married.  For a while they stopped doing that, but I can unequivocally say they are back at it this season with Christina and Henry.  Never have two people had less in common.....OK, maybe Lisa Marie Pressley and Michael Jackson, and that ain't even true because they at least had the Elvis worship going on. 

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  9. 1 minute ago, endure said:

    Same goes with the drama between Miles and Karen, the producers are so manipulative it’s ridiculous.  I just assume the ones with issues are probably not going to make it in the long run.

    I think Karen really regrets not sticking with her initial feelings about Miles when she saw his Facebook page and tell the producers she didn't want to go through with it.  Now she's stuck, and her frustrations are getting harder to hide.  I feel sorry for her because she knows Miles is a great guy............for someone else.  She is not attracted to him at all, and she knew it for sure when she met him on the altar.  Unless in the next 2 weeks or whenever D-Day is she comes to some realization that he's someone she could learn to love, her best option is to end the marriage, do some serious reflection of what kind of guy really attracts her and why, and then try to find that person.

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  10. 29 minutes ago, Ilovepie said:

    I get why people dislike him, I really do. I just resent the spin and Olivia not being called to account for her behavior. Or maybe it's just me - everyone hated Dave and I liked him, so there's that too 😜

    If you mean Dave & Amber, I liked Dave too.  But Dave was done early on IMO by Amber's histrionics and would have pulled the plug sooner if he could have.

    Olivia is going to find out when all the shows finally air that a lot of people think her whining and complaining and finding fault was a serious factor in the marriage breaking up.  


    4 minutes ago, qtpye said:

    n all honesty, both Olivia and Brett have their pros and cons. However, the horrible relationship was at feet of the experts. There was no way these people would ever make a good couple:

    • Olivia has a high stress/high paying job and believes you should try to go for the brass ring career wise
    • Brett has a well paying/relatively low stress job which gives him plenty of time to do the things he enjoys
    • Olivia works hard and plays hard
    • Brett wants a lowkey life where he can save his coin
    • Olivia wants to travel and experience fine dining
    • Brett wants to stay home to tinker with his projects and work out
    • Olivia rents in a posh/fashionable area
    • Brett owns a modest home in a more Podunk part of town
    • Olivia is not sure about kids
    • Brett wants to have kids as soon as possible

    Even their cats were different:

    • Brett has a giant orange cat who seemed to have a pretty outgoing personality.
    • Oliva had a cute little dark slinky cat who seemed to keep to herself (I think she had another cat we did not see).

    A simple Google search would probably of turned up that these two were not right for each other in any way. I am sure that the experts will explain away this pair with an "opposite attracts" bullshit.


      I think the cats give this couple just enough of an edge that they are not THE WORST COUPLE THE EXPERTS MATCHED THIS SEASON.  Maybe just second worst.

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  11. 3 hours ago, rlc said:

    I get that we only see what the editors show us, but I’m shocked by the amount of Brett support on these boards. Regardless of what you think you see in him, or whatever faults you find in Olivia, there’s no denying that in the first episode he definitely showed himself to be a total f*ck boi, and probably not actually looking for marriage.

    See, I made the effort to try to get past that and give him the benefit of the doubt that he wasn't a total jerk because of that one incident and maybe not write him off from the get go.  God knows the show has been trying to sway everyone's opinions against him.  

    Brett was sarcastic and many times dismissive and abrupt, but he to this day has not said anything bad about Olivia and has tried to protect her (and himself) from the not-very-hidden-agenda that the show has that if there isn't any dirt to dig up, they will manufacture some.  Olivia on the other hand complained, whined, and psychoanalyzed their marriage to death, and constantly see's herself as Little Red Riding Hood and Brett the Big Bad Wolf. 

    Olivia was more than capable to dealing with Brett's sarcasm and getting him to stop being such an ass and maybe they could have had a chance, but not when they were diametrically opposed on the subject of children.  And where to live.  And how to budget and how much to spend on entertainment and travel.  

    • Love 17
  12. 34 minutes ago, seacliffsal said:

    I think that Olivia may have bought into the "happy wife, happy life" nonsense that so many people seem to support.  I think she believed that once married, it should be everything she wanted-hence all of the "discussions" because she could not get Brett to act in accordance with her desires and perspectives.  I really liked the phrase "happy spouse, happy house" that Pastor Cal used in one of the episodes because it indicates a more equitable scenario.

    I don't think Olivia realized until she was already married how important it was to her to continue to live where she does.  She didn't even think about that.....she just assumed that her new spouse would automatically want to move in with her.  She also probably didn't put any conditions on the financial situation of said spouse.  Instead of lower income Brett, she could have just as easily been set up with someone who made a higher income but had children and had to provide for them, which even with a comparable salary as hers wouldn't be able to travel as much as she wants.  And of course major major major.....she talked herself into checking the box "Not Opposed" when the questionnaire asked about her interest in having children.    

    Olivia did what I think a lot of MAFS candidates do....in order to be compatible with as many people as possible and thus increase her chances of being matched, she cast her "net" out as wide as she possibly could.  That means keeping her dealbreakers down to a minimum.  And she knew if she put down she didn't want children she would be narrowing her chances considerably.  She didn't lie exactly.....she kind of talked herself into agreeing to maybe have children someday.  Likewise she didn't put restrictions on where she wanted to live or what income level a spouse should have.  As far as the travel thing I'm sure she emphasized how she really liked to travel, but those type of questionnaires probably don't go into that category that much.  I mean, who doesn't want to travel?  Everybody checks "Yes" when it asks Do You Like to Travel?  They don't ask How Many Times a Year?  It was up to Olivia to convey to the experts exactly how important traveling is to her, and considering they matched her with Brett, if she did tell them they didn't listen.

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  13. 2 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    Once Brett & Olivia started getting to know each other's differences, which started very early on, they both developed an attitude. They supposedly filled out tons of information regarding who they are & what kind of match they wanted. How were they matched? They both have cats. I bet as they discovered more & more issues they couldn't resolve (or at least not easily) they were both, understandably, pretty pissed off at the show. I think Brett was especially pissed, & is why he wouldn't 'play their game', got bitchy on screen therefore alienating Olivia, & causing production/the 'experts' etc., even much of the audience, to hate him. It's a shame he & Olivia couldn't discuss what they felt had happened to them (bad match for good teevee), teamed up & played it through somehow, or just agreed to split amicably. They could've done this so much better, but I can also understand if they're resentful, however, they just should've used the anger against the show, instead of each other.

    Even though being cat owners might be the only reason they were matched, I still think the experts put waaayyyy more thought into Brett & Olivia than anything they did with Christina & Henry.  I mean, I can't see any reason they matched those two.  Christina is very social but insecure and needy, so they pair her up with someone extremely shy who barely communicates and has problems initiating any kind of intimacy.  Way to go, experts.

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  14. 45 minutes ago, Mollypup said:

    I am no fan of Olivia.  But it did pull at my heartstrings when she asked Brett if there was a chance that things could turn around.  For a brief second, she had a pleading look on her face just before he told her no thanks. 

    I'm sad that they are getting a divorce and she looked so dejected once he left the apartment.  Nobody else may believe it, but I really do think Brett was attracted to her and she to him.  However, after thinking about their main issues, I came to the realization that Brett was stuck because he really can't compromise on too many things.  Yes, you read that right.  I'm trying to be as fair as possible.  In order for them to have even tried to make it work, Olivia would have to be the one to make most of the changes in her behavior/lifestyle. 

    Problem 1 - Children.  That's easy...there's no compromise on children.  He wants them and despite what she's said, she doesn't.  I'd stop right there because that's a dealbreaker, but indulge me.

    Problem 2 - Living Arrangements.  Brett owns a home.  Not sure how much equity he has in it, but it would be silly of him to sell it just because Olivia gets the heebie-jeebies and red marks all over her neck whenever she sets foot in the place.  He could rent it out, but we don't know what condition it's in or what his payments are.  The going rate for rent might not cover or just barely cover his monthly mortgage.  So for the most part there's no real flexibility on living arrangements. 

    Problem 3 - Salary/Lifestyle.  Finally there's the difference in salary, and it's a doozy.  From what was inferred, I'm going to take a wild guess and say Olivia makes $105,000-$115,000/year, while I believe Brett tops out between $55,000-$65000.  Olivia has made it crystal clear she wants to travel.......frequently.  And she wants all the trapping that entails...fancy hotels, expensive restaurants. She works hard, makes good money and deserves to pamper herself.  Nothing wrong with that, except a big part of why she wanted to get married was to travel with her spouse and see the world together.  Even if Brett wanted to, his budget could never match Olivia's expectations.  And she's not willing to share her money with him so he could be her traveling companion.

    Unless Olivia is willing to make all the compromises (have children, live in his home, and supplement Brett's salary for travel time), I see no other solution for them than where they are headed right now...Splitsville.


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  15. I wonder if there really wasn't any food left in the pantry after Brett vacated the apartment, like Olivia said.  If you've ever had kids, how many times do they hang on to the refrigerator door and proclaim 'there's NOTHING to eat' when they're staring at cheese, bread, salad fixins, etc.  As far as the pantry, there's plenty of things........they just have to be made in most cases (Kraft boxed spaghetti, soup, cans of tuna fish, Jello instant pudding).  I had a friend who had been unemployed for 10 months and was to the point of selling blood (she was no loser....her company shut down and try as she might she couldn't get hired anywhere, though of course when she finally did get hired she had 2 job offers in the same week).  Anyway, she decided she wasn't going to purchase food until there was absolutely nothing left to eat in her pantry.  She lasted almost 2 weeks.  The final thing was a can of boiled potatoes...yech....but by God she ate 'em.  I've often wondered how long I could last.....I do have a lot of stuff crowded in my cupboard.

    • Love 7
  16. 17 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:
    49 minutes ago, configdotsys said:

    Henry is a wuss. "There's so much more to learn," was horseshit. He has no interest in Christinar and is too much of a spineless jellyfish to say to her what he said to Cal. Bleh.

    ChristinA would deserve him walking out, but as much as I like Henry I do agree he doesn't have the strength to 'be the bad guy' (or good guy in this case) & end it. He could do it classier then Brett but he's just not up to it - maybe he can get his bff girl to do it for him. 😏

    I saw something last night that kind of surprised me.  Mr. Perfect Henry was a little snide, a little nasty and mean.  Also, he was twitching a lot when he was talking to Pastor Cal.  Maybe because he was this close to being honest with Cal and saying what we all know:  I HAVE NEVER LIKED CHRISTINA AND CAN'T WAIT TO GET OUT OF THIS MARRIAGE.  But as posters have said previously, he didn't have the courage (say what you want of Brett but he knew it was never going to work and had the guts to end it).  

    I know most people blame Christina and she does have a lot of hang-ups.  But her living arrangements at the time they got married should have been discussed.  When Henry realized early on that there was something not quite right about where/how she was living pre-wedding, he should have questioned her about it.  But he never did.  Like he failed to mention to her but never had a problem telling Amani that he thought Christina was rude to production.  Christina doesn't find this out until several weeks into the marriage.  Now after 10 weeks he tells Pastor Cal that she's been "dishonest".  The dishonest one is you, Henry.  Again, Christina has too many hang-ups to go in to in just one post, but IMO at least she's tried.  Henry has NEVER tried.  EVER.  He took one look at her and he was done.  

    I have contempt for Henry because he's a liar.  His reasons for getting into this in the first place is because one or several "friends" talked him into it.  Can anybody on this board honestly see Henry ever even watching MAFS much less deciding that marrying a stranger was something he should do?  The man who by his own admission has a lot of problems even speaking to women and needs a LOT of time to get to know someone before even holding their hand much less be intimate?  Speaking of his friends, I have no respect whatsoever for Henry when he mentioned while talking to Christina last night that several of his friends had mentioned red flags about her job and her living arrangements.  I'm sure they also gave him an earful about Christina being rude right before the wedding. He's probably seen her frustrated and snippy to the crew throughout the filming, but  instead of giving Christina the benefit of the doubt that part of her behavior might have been pre-wedding jitters and fear of having a camera in her face all the time, he's used the rude angle against her from the get-go, making no attempt to ever address it with her and continuing to hold it against her from day one to the present.  

    Again, IMO he's been extremely dishonest in this whole relationship, if you want to call it that.  Constantly making excuses that he needs more time and he's slow to warm up to intimacy.  Whatever.  He never gave Christina a chance.  Even though they still would have been incompatible, he didn't even try.  Again, she's no prize either, but you can't say she hasn't tried.

    Whew, didn't mean to make this so long.  One more thing since I'm already on a roll..................did COVID mess up something with Dr. Pepper's skills as a relationship expert?  She gave absolutely zero good advice to Christina.  Hold Henry's hand when you talk to him?  Hey Dr. P....they're way beyond anything like that helping them.  Pastor Cal wasn't great but he was miles ahead of Dr. Pepper.


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  17. 21 hours ago, Adeejay said:

    It appears as though Brett would rather hide behind, "preserving their privacy", instead of acknowledging that they are an actual couple.  I can understand why this would anger and frustrate Olivia. I see shades of Nick with Sonia (Miami) and Luke with Kate (Philly). 

    PLEASE don't compare Brett with Luke.  From the wedding night when Kate was too tired to take a shower, Luke was constantly making snide comments on TH about her hygiene, culminating in his very calculated attempt to make the audience think she was a very heavy drinker.  Brett is nothing like Luke.  I've watched since Day 1 and Luke is by far the worst person they've ever chosen to be on the show.  A truly horrible human being.

    I actually thought Nick and Sonia had a chance until he broke down and told her in a pretty despicable way that he didn't find her attractive.  I thought that was awful then, but now I think that's what Henry should say to Christina.  You know, get it out in the open, rip off the bandage, get the blood flowing and allow the wound to heal.   

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  18. 17 minutes ago, gonecrackers said:

    Also some might find the hauling her onto his lap & telling her to kiss him endearing, but to me that's domineering behavior.

    They were just playing around.  Pulling her onto his lap and asking her to kiss him is being affectionate.  Couples do that all the time.

    She actually seemed to like it, and for once looked happy.  

    • Love 21
  19. 7 minutes ago, Silver Bells said:
    1 hour ago, seacliffsal said:

    Olivia can dish it out to Brett but sure can't take the slightest hint of criticism.  She really revealed herself when she told Pastor Cal that she easily trusts people and when he questioned her about what Brett had done to cause her to not trust him, she had nothing.  I think her image of herself skews her perspective of what she is experiencing.  Brett was absolutely correct when he stated that her calling him disingenuous puts him in a position of not being able to defend himself because she will call that "disingenuous."  And, her telling Pastor Cal that when he said she was insecure is something she can't get over.  But, Brett has to just accept disingenuous and live with it.  I believe that she totally wants to control whatever relationship she is in and the fact that Brett is his own person really bothers her.  I also think she may be someone who will always find fault with others.  I have no idea why the show is trying to make Brett the villain in this relationship (based on earlier episodes and Unfiltered).  

    Christina also seems to have a different view of herself than others do.  Is she the one who watched t.v. to see how relationships should be?  

    I skipped quite a bit of this episode.  All the playbacks of the weddings, Bennett's meeting with his sister (really, do some of these people ever do anything without having to be the center of attention or to prove how quirky they are?), conversations with friends, etc. I would think that being on t.v. would be enough for some of the participants, but then again there are others who are seemingly trying to prove their "more special than anyone else in the whole entire world" quirkiness.

    Just what a man loves.  She has that sad look on her face, always questioning him about “feelings”, deep conversations, whining, etc.  Like that’s going to make him care for her.  

    For someone that won't shut up about feelings and analyzing everything their partner says or does, Olivia could not verbalize what her problem(s) is/are with Brett.  I waited...watched the constipated look on her face while she thought about it....and then...nothing.   She likes the guy off camera but not the one on camera.  And that's a bad thing why?  The cameras will soon go away, so wouldn't you want the off camera guy for the long term?  Sheesh.  

    Kudos to Brett for trying to protect his and Olivia's privacy and not look like jerks on camera.  That might be why the production team doesn't like him, and it might be why he's been assigned the villain role so early on in the show.  They can't get anything juicy out of him.  He won't play nice.

    Next week should be interesting.

    • Love 15
  20. 2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    The moment I see Amelia or Bennett do something quirky or bring a quirky friend around. Skip.

    The moment I see them I skip.  They just seem so phony to me.

    2 hours ago, Racj82 said:

    When someone starts a sentence with "the reason why I signed up for married at first sight" skip.

    I'll add to that when one of the experts starts with "this is a real marriage"...skip.


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  21. I don't know how many times I said to the TV screen "Olivia, SHUT UP".  The woman is so tiresome with her constant complaining.  

    Brett came off as mature and affectionate, and I think that's the real Brett.  Olivia's face was all pinched and she couldn't really even explain to Rev. Cal why she thought Brett wasn't really really deep down to the very core of his being sincere and not fake.  Whatever.

    • Love 14
  22. Olivia & Brett have been hard to read because they have done so many things contrary to what we usually see on this show.  They seem to talk a lot about serious issues in a marriage.  We've never really seen them actually argue.  We now know it's Olivia that has put the brakes on sex, yet apparently these two made a pact and actually honored it that they would keep their sex life private.  That's contrary to Karen and Miles and most any couple in previous seasons.  For all the negative people post about Brett, you'd have thought he would for sure have said something so everyone knew it wasn't him that didn't want sex.  But he remained mum.  They still maintain they are attracted to each other, even to pointing out things they like about each other.  

    I wish they didn't have so many dealbreakers (kids for him....endless things for her) as I think they might have had a chance.

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  23. On 9/26/2020 at 11:52 AM, Blissfool said:

    Brett and I would be a perfect match. We'd spend the whole day out-sarcasming each other and laughing til our sides hurt.

    And, yes, there are people that can't handle sarcasm. They get all butt-hurt and I've had HR meetings over it. (Just 1) 🤣🤣🤣🤣

    LOL, I'm sarcastic AND worked in HR 20 plus years.  There are a lot of women who could handle Brett's sarcasm and throw it right back at him.  

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