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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. I like Zach Gilford, so that's why I watched.  It was entertaining and I will watch again.  I don't want to, because I got hooked on Secrets & Lies with Ryan Phillipe...LOVED it...but it ended so abruptly. 


    To me Adam looks a lot older than 18.  One of the saddest parts of the show for me is when the two brothers talk, and the older brother asks why he didn't ever try to run away in 10 years, and the kid says I did run when I had the chance...yesterday. 


    Biggest fail...the relationship between the father and the cop.  Puhleeze....f*cking in an interrogation room?  Get real.

    • Love 3
  2. Harlee & Stahl are smokin hot.  The actors really have some great chemistry.  I love this show, but have to laugh at how little real police work they actually do.  Because they're all on the take, they're constantly putting out fires that keep getting bigger and bigger.  Harlee throwing that coffee cup in the wastebasket with the necklace/wire in it was ingenious.

    • Love 3
  3. LOVED this episode because it had a lot of Winn in it.  Didn't like Siobhan until the very end, so I'd rather this be the crazy chick every guy likes to temporarily hook up with.  Not in agreement with most of you...didn't like the last scene for the very reason Alex was TOO emotional.  This is a kick-ass woman and she was blubbering like a big baby.  With any other character, it works, but for me, it was not consistent with the always-in-control Alex we know and love.  A little emotion was OK, but this was over the top (not saying the actress was over the top, as Chyler did a great job...just didn't think the writing for Alex in this scene was in character).


    Speaking of Alex and Winn...can't help it.  The romantic in me, even though I would love him to be with Kara, was thinking how interesting it would be if the writers went against type and kind of put them together.  I think Alex and Max are hot, but not sure if he is permanently out of the picture.  Could just see it written that Alex and Winn have a secret thing going on, because she's absolutely embarrassed for having feelings for nerdy dorky Winn, especially since she could beat him in probably any athletic event except extreme keyboarding. 

  4. Oh to be a fly on the wall at Ashley's school or at the local bar she frequents.  She is not going to live this down for a long long time.  No one was fooled by her outrageous statements that she had really tried to make the marriage work.  So going forward, Ashley could take the high road like Vaughn and make no comments or ever appear on TV again, or, and since I'm a betting person I'd put all my money on this, she's going to start trashing David big time and saying mean things about him, like he wears holy underwear or sweats too much.  I do not know the woman, but I believe she will react this way. 


    Found the reactions of David's two friends who appeared on this episode very interesting.  Even though they were on TV and were trying to appear supportive, you could tell as he was going on and on about how she was worth fighting for, they just wanted to throw their hands up and tell him to stop fooling himself into thinking there was more to it.  Kind of sad.  And the sex doctor's expression (can't remember her name) at the moment she asks them "are you going to stay married or get a divorce?"  She already knew what Ashley was going to say.  There just couldn't be any doubt among any of the crew or the experts that she had checked out very early on. 


    That's probably the reason why they showed the reveal of Ashley and David first.  However boring this show has been, I would say D&A had the most entertainment value of the three couples, even if it was like watching a trainwreck.  So why not string the audience along another week?  Maybe because they wanted to get Mr. & Mrs. Downer out of the way to concentrate on the two couple that will decide to continue on.  So they might have already tipped their hand for next week.  I would be surprised if Vanessa and Tres don't at least try to continue on with their marriage.  They are both very attractive and could easily fit in with the Hehners and the Carrions to be trotted out as another shining example of success for the show.  For Neil and Sam, she really doesn't want to be married to him but she doesn't want to look like a failure, so she'll be on board to stay.  If Neil stays true to form, he'll wholeheartedly agree to stay married and then turn into a potted plant in the corner of her living room.

    • Love 7
  5. For the first time, I just couldn't watch the whole show.  Everything annoyed me.  Especially Ashley.  If she says one more time how something was awkward, or she was uncomfortable, or she feels pressured, or she needs time to think, I'm going to scream.  This girl probably has to plan when she takes a dump, you know...because she needs time to think about it, she doesn't want to feel pressure, it's uncomfortable.......alright, I know I'm being crude.

    • Love 7
  6. Wow...just wow.  Last night  the Production crew got even with Ashley.  She thinks she was oh so clever and now she's going to look like the victim.  Silly fool...these people are pros and they can make you look bad or good.  And last night, it was payback time.  They let her hang herself with her histrionics and phony outrage. 


    Regarding David's indiscretion (if you could call it that)......how come last year Basement Ryan had a girlfriend on the side the entire time and it was never shown?  The only way we found out was when Jaclyn finally mentioned it during the update show.  He was clearly cheating, and they show nothing.  Now there's some text that could be interpreted either way, and it's blown up like Bill Clinton & Monica Lewinsky.  Didn't you love the self-satisfied look on Ashley's face when she was talking to Jamie..."texts don't lie", and she shows it to the camera.  She really thinks she's going to come out of this smelling like a rose.  Snarky comment - she really slathered on the makeup for her one-on-one with Jamie, didn't she?


    Loved Tres' ideas for a How To book.  He is really cute.  I'm not saying he's not intelligent, but I just don't think he's very deep.  What you see is what you get.  He's very laid back and is a go-with-the-flow kind of guy.  Some might see that as lack of involvement or caring in the relationship.  I guess we'll find out in 2 weeks.  I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for them.  I do agree with another poster that Vanessa didn't really seem to be very enthused by his gifts, although I thought her basket was lame.  There was nothing personal in it.  Tres cleaned up and made food.  Let's face it...there's not a lot of husbands that would do that.


    Neil and Sam are pretending.  There is nothing going on between them.  Not now, not 2 weeks from now, not ever.  Sam looks at Neil like a pet.  "Oh, look at the cute thing he did".  And then she slides him back in to his cage when she's finished with him.  Neil wants his reward for putting up with her for 6 weeks, but sorry fella, you're not getting any.  I'm actually going to look forward to hearing the b.s. that will come out of their mouths when they say they want to stay together and watch the look of phony delight from the experts who think they put one over on us.  And I'm slow on the take, but my "gay-dar" was going off like crazy with Sam and Sammie's little exchange.  Poor Sammie looked so bereft at the thought Sam might be continuing on with the slug.  If there's anything I'd like to see come out of this, it's Neil doing some serious introspection and finding out why he had such low expectations and was willing to put up with so much in order to stay married.


    Finally, Jamie managed to insult Doug several times when she was supposed to be interviewing other people about themselves, not her.  How embarrassing for Doug to hear her say "I'll say it...our first time was not romantic".  And don't forget the knowing eye roll she gave David, I think, when something was said about not being attracted to their partner.  Oh thanks Jamie....I'm sure that will make Doug feel like the stuff you scrape off your shoe.

    • Love 5
  7. Loved this episode.  There was something going on all the time.  But especially loved how Winn was written.  Would love for him to tell Ms. Grant to f-off and go work for the DEO.  He could interact with Kara more.  I'm still holding out hope on those two, but for now I'd just like to see him involved more in the storyline like he was last night. 


    Speaking of Ms. Grant, Calista Flockhart is fabulous.  I can't imagine any of the actors wanting to be on screen with her as she steals every scene she's in.  Also thought Melissa's interpretation of Hank pretending to be her was hilarious.  When "Hank" finally resorts to crying to get out of dealing with Ms. Grant, even she called BS on him, LOL.

    Loved this episode.  There was something going on all the time.  But especially loved how Winn was written.  Would love for him to tell Ms. Grant to f-off and go work for the DEO.  He could interact with Kara more.  I'm still holding out hope on those two, but for now I'd just like to see him involved more in the storyline like he was last night. 


    Speaking of Ms. Grant, Calista Flockhart is fabulous.  I can't imagine any of the actors wanting to be on screen with her as she steals every scene she's in.  Also thought Melissa's interpretation of Hank pretending to be her was hilarious.  When "Hank" finally resorts to crying to get out of dealing with Ms. Grant, even she called BS on him, LOL.

    • Love 1
  8. I have never seen anything about Tres that makes me think he's insincere.  Of course, I said the same about Ryan D for weeks and weeks when people were zeroing in on him at the altar, but whatever.  I've never understood the true definition of a Player.  Is a guy that dates a lot a Player?  Tres seems to have a very easygoing disposition.  You can tell he is the apple of his family's eye and was probably doted on, probably even more so to compensate for his mom's absence.  But I'm not seeing a sense of entitlement from him, or any particular arrogance or vanity.  He's refreshingly straightforward in his discussions with Vanessa about how they need to communicate better and their goals.  He admits he liked to party but last episode he also said he was also thinking for awhile how he'd like to find someone to settle down with.  The thing about Vanessa and Tres is they do seem to like each other and apparently think each other is attractive.  I don't buy from what I've seen so far that he's about to jump ship, or he's getting bored with her.  Maybe the show is covering things up because these two hit it off so quickly and the show really needed another hit a la Jason & Courtney.  If that's the case, I will be disappointed, because I think these two are nice people and probably could make a go of it together once the cameras go away.

    • Love 4
  9. Tres is a typical guy....he knew something was up regarding the love comment only because Vanessa made it apparent she was pissed.  But he did not pick up on Vanessa's jealous behavior towards Jenna, or her total rudeness "disguised" as being friendly.  But Jenna saw it.  Every woman in the room (and every female watching on TV) knew what was going on.  It's a female thing...we know each other's tricks.  Same with the phony sick dog reason for being angry.  Tres fell for it.  All the women in the audience knew it was BS from the get-go.  Women can fool men most of the time because guys take things at face value.  But we can't fool another sistah.

    • Love 9
  10. It's always been evident that Ashley is not attracted to David, but we all have commented about the fact she doesn't even try.  And it's not like he's a troll or anything.  Maybe the reason Ashley is soooo completely and totally turned off is more than just a physical connection.  Maybe from Day 1, she saw him as low rent.  Not in her league socially, physically or financially.  Things she's said about never hosting a party...maybe in her circle they hire people to do that.  The fact he's never met any of her friends.  A person who feels she married beneath herself would NOT want her friends to meet the schlub.  David is a great guy but he's beer and pretzels all the way.  


    Regarding Tres and Vanessa, I think when Tres said that to her about being abandoned, Vanessa really saw the error of her ways.  I hope.  Because I think these two have the best chance for happiness.  I laughed at how clueless poor Tres is (like any man) when he made that comment about love and instantly saw Vanessa shut down.  He's like, what did I do?  Oh Tres...you are going to learn through the years that when you see THAT look......you just did something that is going to put you majorly in the dog house. 


    Last night, the scene was being set for Sam and Neil to somehow transform into the happily married couple by the time 6 weeks are up.  I don't buy it for a minute.  Sam could never be truly happy with Neil.  He's way too passive a personality.  Neil on the other hand could probably be content with just about anyone, his standards are so low.

    • Love 4
  11. I like Winn and think maybe in the future he and Kara can hook up, but I'm totally done with Jimmy.  And I really liked him when the show first started.  He was one of my favorite characters.  But his wishy-washy attitude is annoying.  He's attracted to Kara, then he pulls back.  He's going to break up with Lucy, then he changes his mind.  He's lame now.  Supergirl producers....pick a guy for Kara and stay with them.  This triangle is too confusing!

  12. I think one of the reasons this season is so boring is because Ashley and Sam have made up their minds so quickly.  Neither of them are attracted to their husbands.  One is taking the path of a mute; the other a psycho.  The psycho is more entertaining, but just for shock value.  Both these women are probably now experiencing or will shortly find out what it feels like to be social pariahs.  I can't imagine what Sam's co-workers and customers at her bank must think of her.  Likewise, Ashley is going to know what it feels like to be labeled at first sight by people for a long long time.

    • Love 10

    My guesses:


    Vanessa and Tres: yes, might even make it to the reunion show

    Sam and Neil: yes, but will flame out before the reunion show

    Ashley and David: no way, never, not in a million years


    That's about the way I see it, too, henrysmom.  I also predict we'll see some total about face on the part of Sam when they are at the "reveal" and we will be asked to believe she suddenly realizes Neil is a great catch and she'll beg him to please give her another chance and....well it's Neil...of course he will.

  14. okerry wrote...

    "She is uncomfortable doing such things with DAVID because with guys like him, responding to a kiss on the cheek means he's going to have his tongue jammed down her throat in the next three seconds. Responding to hand-holding means he'll have his arm up her shirt or down her shorts in the next five seconds. I hate to be so blunt, but this is what "nice guys" like David do because they have zero idea of how to please a woman or get her to respond. They are frustrated and often angry about their lack of success and honestly believe that there's something wrong with these women, so they have to move fast if they get the slightest chance. And then they get whiny, bitchy, and nasty if she doesn't like what he's doing, which she never does.."



    We only have a perspective from what we've all seen on TV.  No one here has stated they know these individuals.  No one who was at the tapings have come forward with any insight.  You have a right to say whatever you want, but your comments about David are a generalization of men rather than about what you and the rest of us have seen from him so far.  I've tried to give Ashley a fair chance.  I DO think there's something going on with her that is causing her to be so shut down, but I don't think it's David.  That said, she has portrayed herself on TV to be very cold, uncommunicative, and unfriendly.  David has portrayed himself to be friendly, a nice guy, someone who truly wants to be married and is willing to work at it and compromise.  If he is not that, then we will all find out at some future point.  But I don't understand how you can make the leap from someone going in for a simple kiss on the Ferris Wheel to being labeled the guy who will in 3 seconds have his tongue jammed down her throat and hand up her blouse. 

    • Love 12
  15. "And lets face it, Neil is kind of "big bang theory" which might actually just fine once you accept it and learn to like it."


    LOL...OMG Eclectic...that is the perfect term to use for Neil. 

    I would seriously question the moral values of someone who would actually marry someone for the cash.  I know, I know...that's what the term "goldigger" is for, but seriously.  It's not that much cash, is it? 


    But then again, I can't imagine anyone being married at first sight.  It's like you walk outside, look around, and imagine anyone on the street randomly being paired with you.  How crazy would that be?

    • Love 1
  16. I think one of the biggest complaints I have of Ashley is she's not been honest on camera.   She's lying when she says she's so shy, that she needs extra time, that she feels so uncomfortable and doesn't know how to behave as a wife.  That's b.s.  She's not THAT shy...she's not THAT introverted.  I might be able to swallow this act if she was 15 years old and going out on her first date, but this is a 30 year old woman in the 21st century acting like Melanie Wilkes or Aunt Pittypat inhaling smelling salts and hiding behind a fan.  I don't think David has done ANYTHING to pressure her (from what we've been allowed to see), but even if that were true, she seems to have done a good job of maneuvering out of any potential sexual situations with him.  Some of you act like it was bordering on rape when he lobbed her on to the bed.  Poor delicate little flower Ashley....her sense of decorum was sooooo offended.  I'll eat my words if he turns out to be a major sleaze, but IMO she's been using all this "he's a stranger-I'm just not ready-that makes me uncomfortable" crud as an excuse to put in the least amount of time that she can. 

    • Love 19
  17. I guess I'm missing something, o'kerry, but I don't see all this whining and complaining that you claim David is doing constantly.  I think at the wedding, on the wedding night, on the honeymoon, and through most of their time together he has been more than accommodating to her touch-me-not behavior.  But above everything else, I and many posters feel something happened either right before or right after the wedding with Ashley and the producers that made her unwilling to even try.  It could be that she took one look at David at the altar and said "no way" and the show pushed, prodded and promised that everything would work out but soon,probably during the honeymoon, she felt she'd been tricked.  I think her real anger is with the show, and while she's not attracted to David, he's caught in the middle because she won't capitulate and she and the show are at an impass.

    • Love 13
  18. Maybe it wasn't the smartest move, but I don't think badly of David for pushing Ashley down on the bed.  Maybe there's a lot more of this kind of thing than we've seen, or maybe not, but just from what has been shown, I don't think he was overly aggressive.  Just frustrated.  Like Snarklepuss said, he is a salesman. He's got that charismatic personality that wins people over very quickly, and he's been shut down at the starting gate with Ashley and he doesn't know what to do next.  Remember on their honeymoon...he was in the bathroom, I think, and you could almost see him trying to figure out why she wasn't responding to anything.  If I fault him for anything, it's trying too hard.  He should have seen right away that he could not be with someone that closed off.  Even if Ashley opened up considerably, I don't think it's enough for such a fun-loving friendly guy like David.  She would always be a killjoy. 


    Did anyone else see the 5 minute clip last night right before Cocktails with Chloe (I refuse to pander to the Kardashian "K" fetish)?  It was a new clip about next week's show...not the one where Tres is holding a bottle of wine and a canvas.  Anyway, it only showed Neil and Sam.  Nobody else.  They decide to do something on a list that was suggested by one of the experts.  It's that surefire marriage fixer...the one where you sit very closely to each other and look into each other's eyes without looking away for a certain amount of time.  Well, if you didn't see it, Sam reverts to her ridiculous behavior at their wedding.  Neil is serious and trying, and then all of the sudden she crosses her eyes, sticks her tongue out, and just keeps laughing.  In the voiceover Neil is not happy.  He is upset that she didn't take the assignment seriously.  But, yet again, he doesn't tell her that.  I got the distinct impression that was a turning point for Neil. 

    • Love 4
  19. I am exhausted over these people.  Everyone except Tres.  He's hopeful, sweet, lovable, and just plain nice.  I don't get any playboy vibes from him.  But the rest of them.....yech.

    - Ashley - she could have handled this so much better.  But rather than be honest with David from the get-go, she decided to remain totally aloof and indifferent in the hopes he would get the hint and back off.   Ashley probably has always held out for the best looking guy in the room, and even though David is no troll, he won't ever be that, and to her it's all or nothing.  So even though his personality is a 10, she refuses to even give him a chance.  I now have more respect for Jaime because at least she tried when faced with a man she was physically repulsed by. 

    -David - He should not have agreed so quickly to Dr. Cilona's suggestion of no touchy feely until Ashley is ready.  He instead should have turned to Ashley and said 'I want an honest answer - is there ever going to be a time you are ready or is this just another excuse to keep me at arm's length?'  I know it hurts to be rejected, but she's given him a LOT of hints.  This shouldn't have come as any surprise.

    -Sam - She's in the same boat as Ashley in that there's no way she will ever be attracted to Neil.  But unlike Ashley, Sam has no social graces, so instead of the robot treatment, she blows up because she's frustrated and doesn't know how to express it.  Neil's passiveness really bugs her.  It would for a lot of women.  Nothing bothers the guy.  He's like those bouncy toys that keep rising up after you clobber it.   I would imagine that was what Sam meant when she said she wanted someone to put her in her place.  Not a caveman, but someone who speaks up for himself and will say NO once in awhile.  On another note about Sam, I don't think she's a lesbian but she is freaky.  I bet she's run off a lot of guys before the first date is over.  Does anyone remember their wedding?  I could swear I saw looks of relief on her family's faces when they were pronounced official.  They probably thought no one would ever be stupid enough to marry her.........and then Neil came along, LOL.

    -Neil - Dear, pet rock Neil.  Stick him in a corner and he'd probably stay there until you told him to come out.  Forgive me to those who think he's precious, but IMO he is pathetic.  Even more so than David, who at least has a spine.  He was totally taken aback when Logan asked him what HE wanted and was looking for in a mate.  He said in wonderment 'I never thought about it'.  Of course not because he never has any opinions about anything.  He never considers his feelings as important enough.  I would venture to guess he didn't have a lot of "deal breakers" as far as the perfect mate.  His threshold for happiness is so low he truly thinks they are making progress.  Wow.

    -Vanessa - She should have married a plumber because she sure runs hot and cold fast.  I feel sorry for Tres.  Every word or action on his part is scrutinized.  She's going to ruin it, plain and simple.  She said she'd tried everything to find the right one, and was willing to go this route.  So how about backing off for a bit and allowing Tres in a little.  Geez.  I need these two to work out.  They're our only hope.  Any suggestion at the end of 6 weeks that anyone else in this group is going to make a go of their union is clearly fictitious, and any similarity to Ashley and any person living or dead is merely coincidental.

    • Love 8
  20. I do remember it took a lot for Jimmy to get Winn to admit he has feelings for Kara. He kept denying it and saying they were just friends, until Jimmy basically said he was moving out of the picture so there would be no competition.

    I agree, Miracole, that they've had Jimmy (and Kara) running hot and cold about their feelings for each other. More in the beginning, it was heating up by leaps and bounds every episode. Then Lucy came into the picture and they now show Jimmy kind of pining for Kara and Kara seeming confused by mixed signals.

    Also agree with you about Alex & Hank. I think there could be something there. But for sheer jump off the screen passion, IMO, it's Alex and Maxwell.

  21. Love this show and don't get too much involved in the inconsistencies, etc. I've been waiting for them to acknowledge the chemistry between Alex and Maxwell Lord. They could melt the chrome off a Rolls Royce. Speaking of hot, I like Kara, but c'mon Jimmy. You'd pick her over Lucy Lane? That's like choosing a cocktail weenie over filet mignon.

    Finally, I guess I'm one of the few who likes Winn and think he and Kara are cute together. I don't want to see the character go, but if the writers intend to eventually put them together, they need to start working on a foundation now. I'd rather not see Kara tiptoe past him and act all awkward and uncomfortable whenever they bump into each other. They need to be put into situations where she starts to look at him in a different way. It can work if written correctly, but it has to have a slow build.

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