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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. LOVED the final scene where she flips off the FBI. Again, I didn't think they could do that on network TV, but I guess I was wrong.

    When Harlee made that gesture with her hand flipping back her hair, I, too, had a feeling there was something more to that. Very interesting watching her as a new cop. I was interrupted and didn't catch some of it. Did Woz suggest that she had framed her ex-husband/boyfriend by planting evidence at a crime scene?

    Also, think there's going to be something happening soon between Harlee and the FBI guy. Their hatred towards each other is palpable....and you know where that always ends up. They look hot together.

    • Love 2
  2. There has to be more to the story of what is up with Ashley. First, she's only directly said two or three times that she's not attracted to David. On camera we've never seen her tell him that to his face. Her mannerisms at the wedding didn't once betray that she was unhappy with the match. She didn't fall on the floor and say how disappointed she was a la Jaime. So for her to have shut down so completely and so fast is very mysterious. Could it be that she tried to get out of the deal but it was too late and she had to go through with it? Could the show force her to marry someone....I didn't think they could. Or maybe right after the wedding she could tell he wasn't for her and wanted to stop it there but they waved the contract in her face and said she had to at least go through the motions for 6 weeks? Because it looks like she's figured out how to put in absolutely the least possible effort. She does keep saying, almost in wonderment, about what a nice guy David is. Maybe what she's really saying is I can't believe how he keeps pretending we are a couple. David may have just decided 'screw you, I'll act all in so no one can say I didn't at least try to make it work'. I think David is saying what the producers are telling him to say, but he knows Ashley isn't the right girl for him.

    • Love 11
  3. Did you see how Neil made sure he didn't touch any part of Sam when he laid down on the bed, LOL? He's just like an obedient dog. Soon he'll be bringing her the paper in his teeth. And he uses the excuse that the house has a basement for crying out loud and that's why they have to move. Is the basement scary or something? Most people want basements when they buy a house.

    I can't even muster up enough energy to half-heartedly rag on Ashley. She thinks she's so clever not doing or saying anything embarrassing on camera, but she's now seeing, in the present, what people really think of her monosyllabic personality. She didn't realize how good she was making David look. Serves her right. She deserves every negative comment she gets.

    She reminds me of that other Georgia born dishrag personality named Ashley.....Ashley Wilkes from Gone With the Wind. LOL...and Scarlett fawning over every crumb of attention he meted out. Looks like present day Ashley has turned the tables and David is perpetual also-ran Scarlett.

    • Love 10
  4. I loved it...had no problem disassociating JLo on American Idol with JLo's Hallee on Shades of Blue. Jennifer is a good little actress. Not Oscar worthy, but she'll hold up her end of the show. Ray Liotta was great. His complete father figure involvement in his staff's lives is fascinating. Was rather surprised, however, that NBC allowed the word "prick" to come out of his mouth. Not offended, just surprised.

    • Love 3
  5. SAM: She couldn't express to Dr. Pepper in front of Neil what she really felt. She doesn't see him in a sexual way at all. Can you blame her? A previous poster nailed it when they said he has no expectations. He's fine with anything. He reminds me of a guy I dated. Really nice guy...easygoing. But that was the problem...he didn't have any opinions about anything. He was fine with whatever we did. Everything was 'wherever you want to go....whatever you want to do'. The breaking point was New Years Eve when he picked me up and said 'where do you want to go?' I hit the roof, and I do not get mad easily. Sam needs a stronger man and Neil is not that guy. Don't think Neil is gay, but did anyone see the limp wristed handshake he gave Sam's dad at the shooting range? These two might stay together for awhile, but I don't see them long-term.

    ASHLEY: This person has not been pronounced dead yet, but it's just a matter of time. There is no life behind those eyes, no pulse. It's one thing not to be attracted to your husband, but David is bending over backward and she's acknowledged that many times. Throw the guy a pitiful bone and at least hold his hand once in awhile Ashley. I'm sick and tired of hearing how shy and introverted she is. I call BS. You don't go on a reality show looking to marry someone at first sight and then whine constantly about how you hardly know the person and they need to give you some space (think Grand Canyon). David deserves better. He's not bad looking and I would bet in real life he's not as needy and desperate as he comes off right now. I don't know many men that would work this hard with someone who is clearly phoning it in. If there's any justice in this world, Ashley will pay for what she's doing to David and all the guys she's interested after this show is over will tell her they can't date a cold fish. She'll be stuck in the Twilight Zone forever, reliving this over and over again, LOL.

    VANESSA: It's like she's waiting to find fault with him. Who knows how drunk he was? I can't hold my liquor...two drinks puts me to sleep. Maybe Tres is the same way. He wasn't "passed out" so much as extremely tired. Vanessa needs to stop hovering and waiting to pounce on every word or nuance that confirms to her that Tres isn't ready for marriage. I like these two. I hope they can figure this out.

    • Love 9
  6. Nine years....yeah, a woman doesn't hang on to a relationship for 9 years unless she's pretty sure there's going to be a ring and white dress at the end of it.  I would think the experts zoned in on this and should have really grilled her about it.  She must have said something to ease their minds.


    I don't think David is really overweight...at least not enough to be a turn-off.  Ashley's changing looks freak me out more.  She goes from tons of flowing curls on her wedding day (fake) to severely straight and somber now.  Vanessa's hairdos are really wacky too.  Here's a very cute 25 year old that is darling with her real medium length hair yet she chooses to look years older with a highly exaggerated (fake) bun piled high on her head.  Ladies...men don't like all that fussy stuff.  

    • Love 1
  7. Someone said Neil was "effeminate".  I couldn't agree more.  And I also agree that he kind of prides himself on not trying to change and be more attractive to women in the normal way.  Everybody's ragging on Sam and deservedly so - let me point out something about Neil.  IMO Neil is lazy.  He could NOT have been getting any action with that grandpa beard he was sporting AND HE KNEW IT.  Hence it took one comment from Dr. Pepper to get him to shave it. Why?  He signed up for this show so they could find him someone and he wouldn't have to do any of the work.  He just wants to be married.  So you got your wish Neil...how does it feel?


    I don't remember Ashley actually saying she doesn't like to have fun....I thought she said David likes to do little kid things but she doesn't.  If I'm wrong, it won't be the first time.  But regarding Ashley, as others have said, she's not into him and IMO has already given up.  To me it was very rude to sit in the car and ignore your husband and look at your e-mails and then pull the 'I'm shy-you're a stranger' card.  Ashley is VERY aware of the cameras and has probably promised herself from the beginning that she would not do anything to look bad on TV.  Fair enough, but look in your medical book on how to disengage stick from butt.  Because lady, you are a total drag.  I'm still holding out hope she will come around, because David is not ugly by any means and has a cute demeanor.  But I think about the future....if they did stay together and she really was such a lifeless bore...how could a people person like David ever truly be happy with her?  He'd have to drag her to every function where she'd sit in the corner and send off 'leave me the hell alone' vibes to everyone.  She may have better manners than Sam (my 2 year old grandson does) but she acts totally shocked that she's married to a stranger...even though she signed up to marry someone sight unseen.  Is this the kind of brainiac we want working in the medical profession?    

    • Love 6
  8. Please do not attack me for what I'm about to say, or flag me. I have a pretty good sense of humor, but I can totally see why Sam was turned off by Neil's "onesie". Why would he do this? Because he's quirky and has a dry sense of humor? No. Because he knows he's not good looking and proceeded to commit couples suicide by immediately PUTTING HIMSELF in the "friends zone"...or child's zone, I don't know. Not all of us have to have a "manly man", but let's face it ladies...we don't want a wimp either. And if Sam didn't think it before, she sure does now with his little stunt. Put yourself in her place for a moment. This guy has nerd written all over him, and at first, second, and third glance, he's not remotely attractive. So you need to buck up (which Sam appears incapable of doing) and say I'll look past all that and try to find out where we are compatible in intelligence and personality. Then he immediately puts this picture in her mind of a grown man wearing a toddler's jammies. She's at fault, but so is he.

    That being said, I don't have any problems with David. I think he's kind of cute. A couple posters said he and Ashley were boring. I say Hallelujah. That makes them a REAL couple. Because most of us lead boring lives...it's just how life is. So if they can continue to grow together, I see a good chance for them.

    Think Vanessa overreacted to Tres last night. Like another poster said, you could almost see her deflate when he said marriage was not actually on his mind when he applied for the show (how's that again?). OK, Vanessa, be a little disappointed, but don't jump to conclusions yet. Maybe you are the woman who makes him want to commit and have a family with. I hope so. I'm keeping an open mind about Tres at this point.

    • Love 8
  9. From the little we've seen, I think Neil is the perfect person for this kind of "experiment".  He wants to be married, period.  And because he's not super attractive, he probably isn't super picky, which is why, IMO, he seemed supportive and even participated somewhat in the goofy antics of Sam.  We might see in the next 6 weeks that Neal puts up with a lot from Sam because he wants to give them every chance.  Doug from the first year really wanted to be married; David said he wants to find a partner.  There are men out there who really want a wife and family.  The show shouldn't have to deceive people into trying out.


    I've wondered from all three seasons what happened to the ones who weren't selected.  Even though we only saw snippets of them, there were some that really were genuine and just wanted to be with someone.  I would have loved for the show to contact all the potentials that weren't chosen and offer up the invitation for them all to meet. Not including any opinions from the experts…just have one of those singles things but anyone who shows up is serious about getting married.  I mean,who knows.  Maybe some lonely people could find a little happiness…maybe even permanent.

    • Love 9
  10. I was pleasantly surprised at how far they got on the first episode. It seemed they weren't even at the church on the first episode of Season Two...can't remember about Season One. Last night they were already reciting their vows. I do think the experts learned their lesson from last year and really tried to find people who actually want to get married. And likewise, most of the candidates really seemed to want to be married. Quick thoughts:

    - Did anyone think Tre did NOT look happy upon seeing his bride? Everyone else was fist pumping like he hit the jackpot, but he did not look pleased. I got a deja-vue from last year how Ryan said many times how pretty Jessica was when he first saw her, but many posters felt from the get-go he looked disappointed. I agree with someone that Vanessa's hairstyle did not compliment her at all. A much simpler do, with her hair around her shoulders, would have been better.

    - Can't help it....David reminds me soooo much of Sean from last season. Easygoing, seems like he would fit with many people....hope he's genuine. He's the "David" that's been mentioned here many times, right? Someone who was at their wedding posted about it, and wasn't there a comment he was in it for the money? I could not get that out of my head when I watched him, and kept thinking "phony".

    - Didn't like hearing the word "quirky" so much from the experts about Sam and Neil. Reminds me of how much emphasis was used to pair Davina & Sean because each were bullied and unhappy as kids. Look how that ended up.

    Hopefully the experts will stick like glue to these 3 couples and really be there for them, which we didn't see last season. One last thought...last night's very quick shot of Jessica and Jaclyn might be the very last time we will ever see anyone from Season Two. I wonder what they are all doing now. Considering how the show has repeated the episodes from Season One over and over, it's funny that they have completely shelved everything about Season Two.

    • Love 2
  11. I can't believe that Jason's father doesn't know that the Jason Carrion on TV is his son. Even though this program is a relatively minor reality show compared with Duck Dynasty or Housewives of wherever, someone somewhere must have seen it and reported back to his father. So I do believe they are manufacturing drama on this, but just watching Courtney and how emotional she was with Jason leads me to think maybe it is on the up and up or maybe Courtney didn't get the memo that it was all fake. Whatever, I am banking that Jason has been contacted way before this from his relatives and he already has seen them.

    As for Jamie, good grief. STOP SAYING MY EX!!! It is so annoying. Doug should have put his foot down from the get-go that he didn't care to meet The Ex in any way shape or form. They don't need to meet and they sure as hell don't need to be friends. Jamie isn't stupid...she knows this is ridiculous. The show wants drama and this whole thing was invented.

    One good thing to come from this show....you can really tell that Jason and Courtney truly love each other. There's no faking that.

    • Love 4
  12. I know most would disagree, but I do really think Jamie WANTS to love Doug.  She probably has never had really strong feelings for him but everyone keeps saying he's such a good guy and really loves her, so she's been waiting for the feelings to come.  And because they haven't come, she creates feelings in her mind when he does something nice.  Her demeanor and comments about how great Doug was for setting them up to volunteer at the dog shelter was kind of over the top, IMO.  She needs to ask herself...have I given Doug and this marriage a real chance, with no outside interference or residual childhood trauma clouding it?  I don't believe she had, but if she can honestly say she has and she still does not have the type of feelings you must have for a man you call your husband, then she needs to end it.  And the same goes for Doug.  I still, after all this time, have a bit of doubt as to what his real feelings toward her are.  I would like to see these two work out...but if it's not there, it's not there.

    • Love 2
  13. Jason is trying to throw some money his friend's way, so he got the show interested in Neph.  You know Jasmine is not one bit interested in Neph.....she's interested in being on TV.  No woman would want to pick up and leave her life in another state to move into a mere acquaintance's 150 sq. ft. bedroom and cohabitate with his brothers and mother. 

    • Love 5
  14. The way Jamie was trying to explain it to Doug was so bizarre...."Me and my ex just had such a great relationship and I think that maybe I might have made a mistake that might affect my whole life" ...blah blah regurgitate blah.  How can ANYONE who has any sense of decency tell that to someone they profess to love?  Doug was so hurt.  You could see it in his eyes.  She basically told him she thinks it might have been a mistake to marry him.  If he is really still with her, I think there's some agreement between them or something else is going on, because I don't know any man who would allow someone to humiliate them in front of millions of people again and again and again. 

    • Love 7
  15. Someone on MAFS thought Neph's life would be interesting.  They should be tied to a chair and forced to watch him 24/7 for a week.  They would be running for the scissors to poke their eyes out.  Everything about him, the new girlfriend, his family screams FAKE. 


    Jason thinks his father is scum for leaving him and never contacting him again...yet he has such a strong desire to meet him.  To do what?  Kick his ass?  This whole "problem" is soooo convoluted.  I enjoy watching Jason and Courtney interact in their daily lives and don't need this boo-hoo my grandma died and I still miss her and couldn't share that with you manufactured type problems.  Doug/Jaime are the big downers on this show...let Jason and Courtney be the young, crazy in love kids they are and don't try to find problems where there aren't any.


    Loved Doug's brothers reactions and comments about Jamie.  Here's one guy who isn't impressed at all by her and thinks she's not worthy of Doug.

    • Love 9
  16. - Like someone else said, Jamie being attracted to much older men is common from someone that didn't have a father figure when she was growing up.  What I'm surprised about is that he's only in his late 40s....many times it's 25+ year age gaps. 

    - I think Courtney & Jason are really cute, and I don't find them boring, but I can see where people think that.  These two are riding this out, not to be famous so much, IMO, but to make enough money to have a better life.  Maybe buy a condo or apt outright in NYC which they would never be able to do on their present salaries.

    - It's one thing for Jamie not to find Doug super attractive....that feeling can grow if everything else is working.  But you can see she doesn't respect him.  Maybe she did at one time...maybe she never did...but if respect for your partner isn't there, you just can't fake it.  You can see it's manifesting itself in all her interactions with him.  She doesn't think he's worth having sex with, she can't quit harping on that agreement about the car loan he has with his parents, she blows up over his messiness.  The fact she's having thoughts about another man AND tells her husband about it????  Good grief...stick the knife in a little farther why don't you. 

    - If Jamie wasn't attracted to Ben Flajnik (does anyone think he's attractive?  Doug is waaayyyy better looking than him) she shouldn't have tried to come on to him.  It makes sense though, since The Bachelor, IMO, is more a competition between the women as to who is the prettiest/hottest than anything to do with their feelings for The Bachelor.  BUT if Jamie has never had any feelings or ever really tried to make hers and Doug's marriage work but rather was just using it as a launching pad for a career in show business, I think that's despicable. 

    • Love 5
  17. Jamie is a prude....I don't think she's faking that.  In fact, I don't think she's comfortable with anything to do with sex, considering what she probably saw in the way of sexual conduct between her mother and the men she brought home when Jamie was a child.  Both new episodes and episodes from last season's Married First Year allude to the fact she is not sexually aggressive at all and Doug expressed disappointment even back then.  Who could forget how clumsy and awkward she was when she tried to show her sexy side to Ben Flajnik on The Bachelor?  Maybe Jamie is running scared.  Doug is getting more upset with her about her lack of interest in the bedroom (you could tell Doug did not come totally clean with Dr. Pepper as to what really is not happening between them) so this former flame of hers is looking pretty good right now.  I'd venture to guess he was so perfect because he probably didn't expect much from her in that department.  One tiny problem...Jamie wants children and in order to get them she has to have sex.  I know nobody else feels this way, but I do feel sorry for Jamie.  A LOT of her problems are associated with her upbringing.  She'll get a child out of Doug and then they'll hit the skids. 

    • Love 1
  18. There's certain things about Jamie that I don't think she fakes: 

    - the love/hate feelings she has towards her mother

    - her modesty and straightjacketed libido

    I've posted since the first season that I believe she was sexually abused as a kid.  Her inability to allow anyone (male) to get close to her is not surprising from someone who was molested.  That comment she made in last night's episode that if she could she'd sleep in a different room than Doug is very telling.  Maybe she doesn't really love Doug, but I submit another theory for your consideration.  This is a person who had a really awful childhood and came to mistrust everyone, especially men.  She said she wanted to get married and wanted to belong to a loving family.  She got those.  While she knows Doug is a good guy and a good husband, she can't stop finding fault.  She admitted to her friend that the grass is always greener somewhere else for her.  Now all of a sudden she had a long term relationship with another guy and old feelings for him are resurfacing.  Really?  How convenient.  I have a degree in armchair psychology.  To me this is a classic case of someone who has such low self esteem (even though she puts on a big act of being so confident and in control of everything) that she doesn't feel she deserves to ever really be happy.  So she's trying to mess it up for herself.  Doug is good for Jamie.  His dad was right...he needs to ignore her nagging and just let her know he loves her.  If I was Doug I would tell her 'I know what you are doing and knock it off'.  Doug needs to call her on her sh*t and tell her to grow up and quit thinking Prince Charming is right around the corner because he's actually sitting on the couch in front of her eating a big old sandwich and leaving his crumbs AND his dirty dishes all over.  We've said this many times about a lot of the individuals who elected to do this experiment, but I think Jamie had waaayyyyy too many emotional problems to be selected to participate on this show.  Red flags should have been dropping all over the place.  She needed intense, long term therapy...not a trip down the aisle.

    • Love 3
  19. Sorry, gang...I haven't posted in so long I forgot how to do the quote thing...so I just cut and pasted:


    "I think you nailed it Jamie knows he is a good guy underneath all the immaturity, and during the first season the public loved him and told her how lucky she was to be matched with Doug, so she talked herself into loving him...... what she seems to be realizing is that just because he's a good guy doesn't mean he is the right guy for her, if they accept that they will never have that chemistry then they could probably have a satisfying marriage but Jamie seems to be missing that spark now and it is only going to get worse the longer the relationship especially if they bring children into the mix as those little angels put a strain on even great relationships during the first few year in my experience."


    That is sooo true.  I think to a certain extent she did talk herself in to it.  I kind of feel sorry for her, because there's nothing worse than having these feelings and not being able to tell someone.  I mean think about Monet's reaction.  Pretty much be happy with what you have because it's a cold world out there.  Everybody telling her Doug's a great guy and really loves her and she really hit the jackpot.  And all the while she's smiling and pretending that she feels the same, when inside she's screaming 'But I don't feel THAT way about him'.  I know of what I speak.  I had a boyfriend that to this day my family still loves.  EVERYONE loved him and told me how lucky I was.  And he was perfect...except he didn't do it for me, you know?  And we stayed together probably 2 years longer than if I had been honest and broke up with him in the first place.  He was heartbroken....he had planned his whole life with me.  Twenty years later I went to his sister's funeral and we went outside and talked, and he told me I was right to do what I did.  He said I had been giving him signals for a long time but he was so scared of being alone that he ignored them.  He actually wound up apologizing to me.  We both married great people and still run into each other occasionally.  But the biggest thing I remember from that time is that I couldn't tell anyone how I really felt because they would think I was a bad person for having those feelings.  That...and the sick feeling I had in my stomach every time he was nice to me or someone said what a great couple we were.  I realize it was guilt...I felt so guilty for not having the feelings for him that I should have.  Whew...when I think back now on that I remember how unhappy I was.  Maybe that's why Jamie is so bitchy to Doug at times.  She's just unhappy.

    • Love 7
  20. Watching Jason and Courtney on this new season, I feel their marriage is pretty strong.  The biggest plus for them, IMO, is that they both seem pretty crazy about each other.  I agree with everyone about Neph...less is more where he is concerned.  Regarding Courtney, I think her 5 minute conversation into the camera at the beginning of the show was to explain her odd behavior towards the end of the first First Year season where she was so bitchy and unhappy.  She may suffer from depression, who knows.   


    I read Jamie's blog that was posted above and found it very interesting.  Unlike some on this site, I feel Jamie is more genuine this go round (but of course it's only the first episode).  The blog was an eye-opener with her admitting they were not getting along at all.  I do think Jamie has grown to love Doug, but I don't think it's the fireworks and body tingling type of love that Jason and Courtney have.  She realized he was a good guy and he loved her, and I think she began to loosen up and give him a chance and grew to love him, but when she's walking down the street and sees couples in advanced stages of PDA, she probably wonders why she doesn't have that.  It's a common thing with marriages that are long term.....but at least we HAD that.  I don't think she has ever had that with Doug, and at age 29 she still wants it.  AND she really really really wants a baby.  Now here's where I fault Doug.  If anyone remembers the very first show where Doug was in the backyard with his brother and talking about why he signed up for the "experiment"...he definitely said at that time he wants to be a father and thinks he could be a very good one.  I got the impression then that he was anxious to have kids.  Now if he told Jamie that, then I can see her being severely disappointed that he's now pulling back.  Those items on his bucket list?  His mother was right...they are LAME.  He came up with them, IMO, to stall Jamie.  At age 29, I can see Jamie getting nervous about her biological clock.  She has got to be devastated that he's retreating like that.  In the first season when they hooked up, I thought Jamie was a bitch and Doug was the saint.  In First Year I, I began to think Doug was only in love with her looks and the fact she didn't want him, and now that he had her he wasn't that interested anymore.  Now after one episode of First Year II, I'm thinking Doug is a lot more immature than I thought.  Not because he doesn't want a baby, but because he's not manning up to that and being honest to her. 

    • Love 2

    The premise of the show drew me in, and the personalities kept my attention.  It's surprising that in Season 2, all 3 men were such immature, flawed persons.  They must have all put on quite an act to convince the experts that they were ready for marriage, when, in fact, not one of them was anywhere near the level of maturity, responsibility and commitment marriage requires.  All 3 were tremendous disappointments, with Ryan R being the worst of the group--he was still lying through his huge teeth about wanting Jaclyn in his life at the "6 Months Later" show.   With the exception of Jessica who lowered herself to Ryan D's level with her $100 bill moment of madness, the women seemed more willing to take on the daunting responsibility of marriage.  Jaclyn, of course, is the most attractive of all six participants with her insights, her intelligence, her sense of humor, her great energy, her sense of fashion and finally, her beauty.  She lit up the whole set on the "6 Months Later" show, just as she had lit up Ryan's home on Christmas Eve.  She did not deserve Ryan R, and I hope she finds a truly fine man of integrity in the near future.  If it was anything, MAFS was certainly entertaining.

    Good post. I'm with you in that Ryan R was the biggest surprise and disappointment. He pretended to be onboard with so much, and even looked extremely nervous during the decision period that he was worried Jaclyn was going to say divorce when he's said stay married. Now I think he was only worried because he thought she might doublecross him and rat him out.  

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