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Posts posted by JapMo

  1. LOL Monrey, I thought the same about Bridey's obsession with getting on the front page.  'I get the front page AND a byline.'   If she had any talent she would have made the front page many times.    

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  2. Totally thought the finale was crap.  Was I the only one who thought there was an ungodly amount of commercials...like twice what they normally had?  I'm guessing they had to do a hatchet job on the finale because they were pretty sure the show was being cancelled.  It deserved to be cancelled, but they could have done a better job.  So many things that didn't either make sense or need to even occur, but this is my biggest one:

    - What was the point of Hank?  Bear with me on this, because I know everyone likes Andrew McCarthy.  But except for the first couple episodes, which had great character development and we saw all this backstory in prison and there were tons of questions about if he really took Adam or not, the writers did nothing further with him.  Along about episode 4, I started noticing that all his scenes were self-contained...in other words, they didn't progress or even affect the rest of the storylines.  Oh sure, he had arguments with John and Claire when they took their trash out, and you could see he was struggling with his pedophlia (not sure that's a word) but the writers never decided on what they wanted to do with him EXCEPT show that he didn't take Adam.  This show had waaayyy too many characters, so the airtime wasted on Hank eating cake and Hank cleaning off his garage door was especially annoying.  I thought Hank discovering the abductor was Doug was ingenious and was really expecting the character to become an instant celebrity.  But they do nothing with it.  All this promise and nothing.  And so last night, with the finale, I thought we would finally get some reason why Hank is a main character.  But what do we get?  Another long scene of Hank struggling with good vs evil, taking a kid home in his car and nothing happened.  Again.  A good 5 minutes wasted which could have gone to further another story or two.  Hank needed to be written off the show around episode 3, IMO.   I can only assume Andrew McCarthy wanted to play this character and the show really wanted Andrew McCarthy.  No surprise.  I guess they wanted Zach Gilford, too, but then did nothing with his character either. 

    -One unrelated thing....the show heard our cries and killed off Bridey....but did they have to do it in the finale?  Couldn't they have done it sooner?  Hell yes, Willa did it.  And if the show got another season, I believe Danny would have been charged with it.    

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  3. Can you imagine a waitress getting all up in your face like that broad did to Bridey?  And then for Bridey to show all this conscience now about sleeping with Danny and Willa?  Please, producers, there's no way you can redeem Bridey.  She's the most obnoxious character on the show, only second to Nina and I know no one else feels this way, but third comes Agent Clemons for me.  Really want this guy dead.  But c'mon...clipping off someone's thumbs?  And she did the first one lickity-split?  Can you imagine how hard that would be to cut through a bone like that?  It would have taken several tries and would have been anything but a clean cut.  Anyone who has ever cut up a chicken can attest to that. 

    The waitress said her boyfriend took her kid.  Hmmmm...now where oh where could he have stashed the kid?  I still feel Jane is involved up to her neck in this, and after last night, I'm starting to think maybe Hank was also involved, too.  Show of hands....how many of you would just stand there like Claire did when Hank said he was also "watching" Adam and not slap the sh*t out of him?  Just the thought that he was leering at her kid should have made Claire want to beat his ass.

    Loved the dialogue between Danny and Willa when he's saying "are you crying or are you laughing?"  That was so genuine...nice bit of writing.

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  4. Don't buy for a minute that Jane is innocent in all this.  I think Pocky is doing this all for her and she's been fully aware and wholeheartedly complicit in everything he's done.  I'm in the minority here that I'm not happy that the FBI guy is still alive.  Totally ridiculous that she's keeping him alive, especially that she's climbing down ladders, etc. to bring him food when she's 9 months pregnant. 

    Wow.  Danny's been on a 10 year bender yet his brain is still sharp enough to figure out....just from a stuffed animal...that Bridey is sleeping with his sister?  Or did I miss something?  Because I was shocked he was able to figure it out with so little information.  Speaking of Danny, the actor portraying him, Zach Gilford, has a bit of name recognition, so why is he always on so little...and doing the exact same thing over and over?  The most interesting scenes with Danny last night were ten-years-ago-Danny.  An unknown actor gets the better scenes over an actor who has been in several tv shows and movies?  That makes no sense.  The only conclusion I can draw, and it's pure speculation, is there's some kind of problem between the actor and the show, and they are just giving him the absolute briefest air time in order to meet their contractual obligations. 

    I liked the scenes of 10-years-ago Danny, but they should have come 5 episodes ago.  Every other character is so much more fleshed out, and we're just now seeing how Danny reacted to his brother's kidnapping.

    Liked Andrew McCarthy's portrayal of Hank last night, feeling he had the upper hand.  And his comment to John....'ask your girlfriend'....loved it.

    I think they are setting Bridey up to be murdered (hooray), which might be why the FBI agent was spared.  That might be their season finale cliffhanger.  Unfortunately, I don't think they will get another season. 

    • Love 5
  5. Another good episode. Really liked the boats and having to get the key from a block of ice. The ending was sad...watching that poor woman just pass out from exhaustion and cold. But you could tell after two rounds of pushups or whatever they called it that she was fading fast. Thought it would be the other woman (the one who came in last on the obstacle course) that would have rang the bell. She didn't look like she was trying very hard at first, but it might have been a good strategy to conserve her strength. Maybe she knew she didn't have a chance against the woman who's father was a Marine.

    I like how the people going into the final challenge aren't the "losers" of the bunch like in most reality shows. They are really trying to win for their team and are pumped to be selected. It's a really good show, IMO.

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  6. I came here to see what the comments would be about Jimmy & Kara, and surprisingly, at this point, 99.9% of the posts didn't even mention them. What wasn't said actually says a lot. I think she sparkles and he is so flat. I see no chemistry between them at all. They need to keep Jimmy with Lucy. That actress has enough chemistry for both of them.

    • Love 3
  7. While the show is moving along better and adding more intrigue, I keep noticing that every episode about 20 minutes into it I ask myself "what is the point". Is it shock value just for the sake of shock value? I think my problem is the show started out as a pretty straight arrow kidnapping mystery and now it seems to be all over the place with characters getting goofier by the minute. And speaking of goofy...

    - It's no wonder the FBI guy didn't tell the police broad where he was. She couldn't find her way out of an unzipped Ziplock bag. The ridiculous "disguise" she wore on the bus (hiding her 'fro under a ballcap)and then STILL losing Adam when he only walked half a block. Note to cop: After kid gets off bus, flash bus driver your badge and demand he let you off right away. But no, moron patiently waits until the next stop to get off.

    - Claire makes the tough, John Wayne walk all the way to Hank's side of the street with a look like she's going to kick his ass, and then says "Thank You"? What was the point of that?

    - Danny finally shows up half-way through the show and shock of all shocks, he's tying one on. This guy could rival Norm from Cheers for scenes on a barstool. Give this character a story....AND NOT WITH THAT DRIP BRIDEY. Oh please please please let Bridey be the next face that meets a cast iron skillet.

    • Love 2
  8. I actually liked the episode, too, OKerry, because contrary to what another poster said, it seemed to me that there was some genuine feelings of love between Jamie and Doug at the end of the show when they were on the bed. The looks Doug gave her I don't think were fake. And Jaime seems to be doing everything she can to try to save their marriage. Yes, I know she's still effed up with this "best friend" person, but last season for them was so terrible, and I'm seeing improvement this season.

    Courtney has never been a goofball. She's always had a good head on her shoulders. So this ring debacle is totally out of character and I'm not buying it. Also, any woman who would do such a thing in the heat of an argument would IMMEDIATELY be thinking OMG, what the hell did I just do??? and rush for the plunger and be making up a story right then and there in their head that they dropped the ring accidentally down the sink. C'mon, ladies, you know I'm right. But for most of the show, she blew it off until the end. Yeah, this is reality show manufactured drama, and C&J are just going along with it because they want to buy their own place and the money from these 3 seasons will make that happen for them. I still think their marriage is pretty strong.

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  9. Oh, Ina123, that was in my neck of the woods in suburban St. Louis. Kid's name was Shawn Hornbeck. He was abducted for like 4 years and apparently came and went as he pleased most of the time. Even got on the special website his Mom set up for him so he knew people were looking for him. Not sure if it was Bill O'Reilly or Glenn Beck (maybe neither but someone on TV) criticized him and said he had numerous occasions where he could have told authorities but he didn't, implying that Hornbeck enjoyed the freedom and did't want to be found. Of course the media jumped all over that. But haven't heard about this kid, whose now, of course, an adult, in a long time. Hopefully he's doing well.

    • Love 1
  10. Had mixed feelings about this episode. Liked the pace, there were a lot of beautiful shots of sunrise/sunsets, leaves, etc. But having gone the distance with this show, I'm disappointed it's about a women's political career and what she and her crazy daughter will do to stay on top.

    - Can anyone explain the Viewer Discretion warnings during this episode? The only scene I thought was going to need the warning was when Hank put that bag over his head. I clearly thought he was going to pound it while reading some porn, but instead he actually tried to kill himself. To me that didn't warrant the warnings. If anyone has watched Shades of Blue, that show had a guy going down on another guy. There was little left to the imagination, and I don't believe they had viewer warnings throughout the show like this one did.

    - Agree with another poster, why is there so little Danny? Zach Gilford is being wasted playing a character that is wasted all the time. We keep seeing how Willa has carried her guilt around for so many years...what about Danny? Yeah, he started drinking, but is that all there is to it? The other family members have all been fleshed out so much more. The writers need to show the downward slide of Danny. Surely he felt tremendous guilt too...he was the oldest.

    - Could it be Ben wasn't really abducted but was there because he wanted to be? I know there were shackles, but if he was shut away for longer than 10 years, his mental growth was stunted. Hiding that money in a motel light socket was something I don't even know if a hardened criminal would think to do, but it didn't come from a 10 year old mind. Likewise being able to find his way to Adam's house. To me there was just something odd about his behavior with the real Adam...i.e. he didn't seem like he was that upset about being locked away like Adam was.

    - Ina123, you mentioned a young abducted boy escaping in real life with a younger boy who had just been abducted by their captor...you said you wonder what happened there. I'm not sure if this is the incident you were talking about, but it did happen many years ago. It was also made into a very popular TV movie...I Know My Name is Stephen. Stephen Stayner was abducted for 7 years and when the pedophile who did it brought home another little boy. Knowing what he was going to do to the kid, Stephen brought him to the police station. Sadly, Stephen was killed in a motorcycle accident 7 years later, and his older brother was convicted of murdering 3 people many years after that. The little kid grew up to be a cop, but died (not in the line of duty) in his early thirties. This was so well publicized it probably isn't the story you were thinking about, but it's the only one that comes to mind for me.

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  11. EXACTLY, Ina 123. It was stupid in the first place that they would think the guy would show up with Danny sitting with Adam. But as soon as Adam is looking up to the second floor, surely even a security guard would have been able to spot Mr. Pockmark staring at him.

    LOL, it occurred to me when Adam said he had to wear the checked shirt, which to me looked flannel, that Al from Tool Time would be the guy who shows up.

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  12. - Agree with another poster that it's odd their one ace in the hole...that Adam isn't Adam...would be revealed so soon. With better writing, they could have dangled that "is he or isn't he" in front of us for probably another whole season.

    - It's one thing to go a little cuckoo, but a person as tightly wound as Willa wouldn't stay under her desk ALL DAY. C'mon. Also, Zach Gilford and Allison Pill had a little chemistry going on under that desk. If she wasn't his sister...Hey, sue me. I can't stand Bridey and she's already had the brother and sister. They could be on the rebound, LOL.

    - I'm also thinking there's more going on with the pregnant lady. We're all thinking she's clueless, but what if she knows a lot more or maybe she's the nut job and he's getting little boys because she actually can't get pregnant.

    - You just knew the cops were going to blow yet another chance to catch the guy.

    - Andrew, Andrew, Andrew...just because you direct a show doesn't mean you can stop time. That bakery chick is 30 years younger than you. And regarding the character of Hand, either sh*t or get off the pot. Let's see some kind of connection to Adam in the present, or maybe with Willa. Because I'm getting tired of this character real fast.

    • Love 1
  13. This has been a can't miss show for me all year, and the last two episodes have been epic. I agree with another poster...JLo looking straight into the camera at the end after she had just snapped Miguel's neck was chilling. That look said Harlee is not above doing anything to protect her daughter, herself, and her job/crew. Great show. Stahl is a creep, but I think the actor is hot, and the physical explosion that's going to happen when he and Harlee do the dirty (and I'm sure they will) is going to be a sight to watch. I can't imagine how Woz is going to protect his crew next season and keep the feds off their back, but I'm sure they will find a way. After all, do they ever really work, LOL? All they do is put out fires all day long for the dirty sh*t they got into in the first place.

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  14. Never watched the Flash so didn't know what to expect, but LOVED it. Thought Barry, Kara AND Winn were so cute together. Speaking of Winn, I don't know how the actor (or the actress playing Siobahn, for that matter) could keep a straight face in their scenes together. SO MUCH MAKEUP. Wow.

    OK, I've said many times I would like to see Winn & Kara together, so my opinion on this can be challenged, I admit. But I don't see any chemistry between James and Kara, even though everyone on the show was beating us over the head with it (they used to do this on the soaps all the time when they wanted to put an actress and actor together, and it's just lazy writing). Melissa gave the last scene everything she had, but there was a second or two when Jimmy said "what are you trying to say" that something should have kicked in, and for me it didn't. I used to like James, but he's being written now as such a drag. Actually, I still think he has chemistry with Lucy (who wouldn't?). Don't know why, but the shiny brightness of Kara just doesn't mesh with the conflicted brooding James.

    • Love 4
  15. The editing on last night's episode was horrible. Waaayyy too many unimportant scenes. At this point, the show needs to really step it up, and it's not. So many scenes with John and the lady cop that offer no new story. We get it, they still have a relationship. Move on already. Speaking of story, is there a point to Danny? While I like the actor, he's being wasted here. One or two throwaway scenes with Adam every episode, and the obligatory family member calling him a drunk, does not give him a purpose. I'm glad he's suspicious of Adam, but do something about that suspicion, other than turn to that idiot Bridey. And on that subject...if she was any kind of reporter, why would she be wasting her time with the siblings? Frankly, I'd go after either the father or the pedophile next door. IMO they have a TON of secrets in their closets.

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  16. Holy mother of......what a mess:


    - First off, LOL that the Governor invites Claire to lunch and tries to tell her she can't use the biggest thing she's got going for her (mother of kidnapped child) as her campaign cornerstone.  Yeah, right...this is the guy who is running against her and she's going to listen to him?  Even though he's incredibly hot?  Well, on this show that might make a difference, but seriously, how stupid.

    - Man, I was hoping the person beaten to a pulp on the floor wasn't the kook next door but Bridey, the incredibly unethical reporter.  Can't stand the character.  Also, how did she know the earwax from that Qtip was actually Adams?  Just because it's his room and his wastebasket doesn't mean it necessarily came from him.  With something so important, a REAL reporter would have been 100% sure it was his.  But not Bridey, of course.

    - Speaking of Bridey, kudos to all of you for recognizing she was the object of Willa's rather...um...passionate attack of her bedspread.  I didn't realize it was Bridey she was using as her focal point.  Besides watching someone service themselves on TV, was there a point to this?  We already know Bridey is a slut.

    - One of the reasons I started watching this show is because I like Zach Gilford (Danny).  But he's barely on.  Rather than have him hang with Bridey, I'd love to see him try to find Alex, the female best friend of Adam's before he was kidnapped.  Maybe she could shed some interesting light on this mystery.  Whatever...he's being wasted, as well as most of the cast.

    - It takes Claire all these years to finally tell the cop to keep the hell away from her husband?  Speaking of John, he doesn't give Claire the expensive jewelry for Christmas because he didn't think it was the right time???  Gee John, when would the appropriate time be?  Groundhog Day, anniversary of Adam's abduction?


    I'm in this for the long haul, which I don't really believe will be much longer, and because I guess I did something bad in a previous life and I need to be punished. 

    • Love 4
  17. Please help.......Last night was the first time I've seen any of this season's episodes.  I've watched this show from the beginning, but for some reason I kept forgetting about it this season. 


    What I need to know is.....what is going on with Riley & Danny?  Didn't they hook up or profess their love at the end of last season?  The show I watched last night didn't have them interacting at all.  She was just with Ben.  I WILL stop watching for good if the show continues with the Riley/Danny/Ben triangle (not really).  Enough is enough.  Anyway, can someone fill me in?  Thx.

  18. This episode was a toughie for me because I've tried to stay committed to the show and this one was all over the place. 

    - Too much back and forth in time.  It's not necessary to identify that it's 10 years ago if preteen sister (can't remember her name) is in the scene.  That's evident. 

    - Thought Andrew McCarthy with the puppies was WAYYYYYY over the top.  It was honestly repugnant.

    - Listening to Claire ramble on the 20/20 show clone, I thought she committed career suicide, but no...she's the darling of the internet.  Whatev.

    - Clue to show...Bridey is not all that hot.  Stop having every male fall at her feet. And what was with that outfit?  Looked like she was on her way to Funkeytown.

    - Show of hands....how many of you knew...absolutely KNEW...that Adam was going to pull something out of some secret hiding place in the Chamber of Horrors?


    At this point, there's so many unappealing characters that it's hard to say who is good.  Really liked Hank until this episode.  The father being involved with the cop after all this time is ridiculous.  He did a great job taking out the trash last night...that's about how interesting he is to me.  I can't put my finger on why, but I just don't think Joan Allen is the right actress for this role.  Every time she's on camera it's like a wet dishcloth slapped me in the face.  The female cop is truly awful, awfully written and the actress is just not making her believable for me.  Would love for the reporter to wind up dead...hate the character and do NOT want to see her hook up with the alcoholic son.  Probably the best character IMO is the daughter.  She has a very different look...not pretty, not ugly, but you can't take your eyes off her.  I'm marginally rooting for the older son, Danny, but him running to the reporter's house to give her a story dropped him in my view by several notches.  When he found out she was a reporter, he should have dunked her head under the water for a few minutes.   

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  19. I would venture to guess that the reason Pepper didn't ask Ashley harder questions, and because David wasn't present with her, is because Ashley threatened not to come if they did.  Dr. Pepper danced around the topic, but she did ask one hard question, can't remember which one, and you could literally see Ashley stiffen.  Wouldn't surprise me if she got up and left the room. 


    Ashley really plastered on the makeup, but what about Dr. P's dye job?  Jeepers that was some extremely blonde hair.

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  20. Adam Warren "Scrapbook"


    - copy of his dental records

    - bloody tissue he used when he cut his hand playing with glass

    - his toddler bib with spit-up his mom kept under her pillow for a decade

    - Age progressed photo of Adam at 25

    - Sympathy cards from his fake funeral

    - Obituary notice in engraved frame

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  21. Agree about the dental-records-in-a-scrapbook lie was hilarious. I actually thought at first he was at a free clinic getting checked out for an STD.

    I don't think it would have taken much for that reporter to get Danny to spill the beans about his suspicions. But no, the writers take the low road and have her use sex to get a story. Shame on you, Bridey. What would Lois Lane say?

    I'll continue to watch, because it's at the same time on Sunday night that Secrets and Lies was, and I loved that.

  22. I relate to 8 year old Adam who used to hate eggs.  When I was a kid, I couldn't look at an egg in the morning without my stomach churning.  As an adult, I eat them almost every morning.   

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