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Posts posted by JapMo


    I can't help but feel that Jaclyn was given the wrong Ryan.  I think she is exactly the type Ryan D. was looking for:  an attractive bigmouth Jewish/Italian wife from NYC who can dish it out and take it, thoroughly devoted to husband and family. Instead she got Baby Ryan.  


    I also seem to like Ryan D. more than most, maybe because I knew quite a few like him growing up in NYC... and because I can't imagine being married to someone as passive-aggressive as Jessica.  Six weeks with her and I'd be certifiable.


    Jaclyn's type is better for Ryan D, but I'm glad they weren't paired together. I've liked Ryan D since the first episode and I still hope he and Jess can make it. But you're right...he needs Jess to come out of her shell a little more.

    • Love 2

    Davina had more genuine fun with those Jersey boys at the bowling alley than any of the time spent with Sean.

    Agreed, very dubious that they are friends of Sean.

    Probably some guys from his  beloved Tuesday Bowling League who were paid to show up.

    Couldn't you see Sean throwing a hissy fit when the producers wouldn't let him wear his magic bowling shoes or use his special hooking, strike throwing bowling ball.

    As usual, he has excuses in the ready for his poor performance.

    Davina, put that excuse with the others preferably the furry purse from the skiing honeymoon.


    LOL, I could see from where he was placing the ball on the alley that he throws a huge hook...and he tried to compensate with the house ball by spinning it, but it wasn't moving. Don't know if Davina was as bad as they acted like she was, but he stunk.

    • Love 1
  3. Stereotyping here, I know, but the two friends who showed up to bowl with Sean & Davina......OMG, they looked like they just walked off the docks. Or work for a place that loans money and breaks kneecaps. These guys are HUGE. Just could not imagine metrosexual Sean hanging with them. And then, LOL, they're giving them marital advice. I got a good laugh out of it.

    • Love 13

    There were banana socks and a beer bottle opener for one set of gifts (both helpful when living in a basement).... and... er.... um.... I think another bottle of perfume?  Someone stopped at the corner drugstore on the way to filming, methinks.


    That might have been the part where I dozed off. I don't remember it.

  5. - Jessica got Ryan D an engraved money clip and he got her some favorite perfume and they went to a fancy restaurant

    - Sean got Davina a Bible and she got him a rosary and they went bowling

    - I can't remember what Jaclyn and Ryan R got each other....I hope it wasn't the overcooked steak. And what did they do together? Was it that pseudo sexy photo shoot? I thought Jessica said she set that up to try to jumpstart their sex life.

    • Love 3
  6. After watching last night's show, I can only assume there's been some major editing done. JesRy had all their dirty laundry aired big time, and now all of a sudden everything is great? No...what probably really happened was they did argue and fight, but they also had some good moments that the show refused to air. Now we're all left scratching our heads and thinking...how did their relationship go from dead in the water to pretty decent?

    Same but different with JacRy. I believe he refused to show any conflict while the cameras were rolling. Things were being said last night that we were not privy to, like the fact he said there was a time a few weeks back when he was certain it wasn't going to work. We saw him whine a lot about being homesick, but no real arguments or conflicts with Jaclyn. Last night I listened to all his chirpiness about their relationship and thought...'you're a liar'. It's like Monique said in her assessment of them in the commercial...they don't have any chemistry. The photo shoot was awkward at best. I was embarrassed for them. And a minor complaint but how do you mess up a steak? With two people watching it? That steak wasn't burnt...but it looked as tough as an elephant hide. Of all the couples, I hope these two don't stay together. They are fake and are putting on an act.

    Davina & Shawn...no way do they give us that much of a clue that they are not going to stay together unless they really are. The show is trying to convince us there's no hope for these two and you watch...at the very end Davina will say she'd like to stay married.

    • Love 2

    There's something "off" about the way they kiss.  There seems to be no warmth or tenderness in the way they kiss.  There's no lingering or apparent enjoyment in the actual kiss.  I'm having trouble thinking of a word to describe, but "forced" comes close, almost as if they are doing the obligatory grandma-who-smells-like-mothballs kiss.


    I don't have a problem with their kissing....but I have to close one eye when Jaclyn & Ryan kiss.


    Yes Mama Ryan seems like she'd be a great person to get to know.   I loved her saying  (after Jaclyn & Kayla left to the craft store) "well that was nice" to her little dog. 


    I do worry that she doesn't look well.  I'm sure the shock of loosing a daughter to cancer, then having to raise a young child again has been very hard on her and I wish her well.


    Neither she nor Kayla look particularly healthy. Kayla looks pasty. Of course it could be the camera lights, and as a child she doesn't wear any makeup. But from the first episode I thought both she and his mom look sickly.


    I think that Jaclyn must not stack up in the sack for Ryan. He is backpedaling as fast as Wylie Coyote.


    Davina and Sean are fascinating to watch. Needy, self centered control freaks who spew self help love language baloney. They both want what they want and don' give a rats behind about anyone else. And who could live in that broom closet of an apartment? 


    I am buying Ryan and Jessica. I don't know why but I am!


    I'm still keeping my fingers crossed for Ryan & Jessica. I know people say they are actors but oh well. Really don't care about the others. Like Jaclyn individually, but not with Ryan. Sean & Davina bore the heck out of me.

  10. For weeks we've seen nothing but bad in the JesRy relationship. Last week and especially this week it's all good. I just think it shows how producers can manipulate stuff. By moving things around and showing things out of context, we may have not seen the true picture (what am I saying, it's a reality show). The same for Davina. Has anyone noticed for the last, I'd say 3 weeks, Davina has talked to the camera several times, all wearing that green leather jacket. Apparently it was all done in one sitting, yet they make it seem like she's responding to the things happening as they are happening.

    Also, after weeks of showing JacRy as seemingly getting along and fairly happy, last night it's stated from Ryan himself that he had been very messy and threw his clothes around their apartment because he didn't really care about them as a couple and didn't think it was working (I'm paraphrasing but this is what I thought he basically was saying). When did that happen? I think Ryan has made a point that they not look bad on camera, so maybe if they did squabble it wasn't where it could be recorded. Because to me there's a gap with them. They appeared to be doing OK (even though I didn't believe it) and then there's drama about him being homesick and then not pursuing her sexually. And now, magically, it's all glossed over. Jaclyn did tell his mother than sometimes she (Jaclyn) can be overbearing or loud or something to that effect, which is exactly what many of us posters felt was a turn-off for Ryan. So maybe there's more here that they haven't shown, but why wouldn't they? A theory: they found their two problem couples, S&D and JesRy, and they need one "sure thing" like they had last year with Jason & Courtney.

    Speaking of problem couple, have you noticed that JesRy are always featured last in their sequences? I remember this from soap operas. The couple featured last was the most favorite on the show. By favorite it could mean they create the most drama which conveys to higher ratings, like Doug & Jamie were last year. And as such, they possibly are headed for the spin-off, along with Jaclyn & Ryan. Sean/Davina may be the question mark. Just speculating, of course.

    • Love 2

    I am totally confused and a little bit afraid as to why someone would bother to hang three BLANK picture frames?!?!?  I would love to know how a forensic psychologist would interpret that.  My take on Sean and Davina is that they really, really, REALLY want this to work, but it just won't.  It just will not work with them. 


    Poor Dr. Pepper must have thought, after leaving all the home visits and seeing the woefully empty fridges, "we're/they're screwed".  It really did seem as if none of the couples actually live in their apartments - they just show up for the filming and after filming go on their merry and separate ways. 


    All of the scenarios featured seemed totally contrived.  The mattress shopping (they were laying sideways to test?), the pottery painting, the puzzle.  And I'm thinking, of course they are contrived, because these couples do NOTHING together in real life so production has to come up with something to actually film!

    I think of all the couples, Ryan & Jessica seem to be really living together. I was really surprised when Jaclyn said she has been living out of her suitcase. The look on her face was like...Busted.

    • Love 2

    Ok, the Legos were kind of cute, and then the space room was a nice gesture on Sean's part of something that was meaningful to Davina. But another puzzle, Davina?! Come on! This is just getting weird now! Their living room is the width of a hallway and they already have a wall of toys...with no kids! I'm thinking playing below the Mason-Dixon Line is that they literally took a road trip down south to a toy store.

    I dozed off last week, as I did this week, too. How do Jess and Ryan suddenly have this wonderful relationship?! But it's still f'ed up if Jess is saying she only likes the Ryan of the last two weeks, and if he ends up acting like how he acted 2 weeks ago ever again, it will be over. Can she really be THAT naive?! Even Hitler and Jeffrey Dahmer could hold their shit together for 2 good weeks.

    Hot pockets, BBQ chips, and beer poured into champagne flutes?! This was day 34 and the first time Jaqueline "cooked" for Ryan?! (What happened to the chicken and condiments they bought on their shopping trip when they fought over paying? Well, at least she put hot sauce on her Hot Pocket.) But she was bragging and gushing about how she made Hot Pockets because she wants to do wifely things--which is just highlighting that she's not.

    And the whole meal looked disgusting.

    • Love 1

    The only ones I still like are Jaclyn and Basement Ryan. I'm far less hopeful for them than I was a few weeks ago, but at least they are watchable/don't seem to hate eachother. Ryan is only going to want a girl that will want to live on the same block as his mother so that nothing about his life has to change. I think Jaclyn is far too independent and much too much personality for him handle. She deserves a better match, not a guy who perpetually acts like he's waking up from anesthesia.

    OMG, your last sentence is so funny and so accurate. My pet nickname for him is "slug". 

    • Love 3

    ITA.  Everyone (including the experts) say that Sean and Davina need to get out of their heads - Well I think Jaclyn is perpetually stuck in her head too.  Because she wants a relationship SO BAD she is rationalizing that Ryan is the guy for her and therefore goes ahead with everything she wants that goes along with that, including sex, etc.  Ryan is so afraid he'll hurt Jaclyn's feelings if he levels with her but I agree with you that she has convinced herself that she has feelings for him because she wants a relationship so bad.  I think Ryan senses this and doesn't operate that way - He needs to have feelings for her first before getting on board with pursuing everything that goes along with a real relationship.  I think Jaclyn is a thinking type (per the Myers Briggs definition) and Ryan is a feeling type, BTW.


    She's an "in your face" gal. When she sensed he was backing off, she must have blew up. The way she described that she became so angry at the thought that he might not be attracted to her, you could see she wasn't just angry...she was furious. I think both got in it for the right reasons and not because they want to be a TV star, but I also think Jaclyn is absolutely determined no to come off looking bad. And bad to her is being the couple who decides to divorce. That's why she is doing everything she can to convince US and HERSELF that he's the right guy for her. Ryan wants to be honest, and even though he can't express it verbally...by not having sex with her I think he's making a statement. He had a lame excuse for pulling back because he was supposedly homesick. Now his lame excuse for not having sex is because he doesn't feel a connection to her yet. While it's admirable, I don't know many guys who would admit that on national TV. You've said she's a smotherer and I agree. She's a totally cool person but it's become a contest to her. She's not listening to what her heart is telling her.

    • Love 3
  15. Last night was the first time I actually turned the channel to something else several times, and I have been a faithful viewer since Day 1. I've liked Jessica and Ryan (I know, I know) since the beginning, but either they edited it to look that way or Ryan just majorly tipped his hand when he said something to the effect that if you really like someone you will cuddle and hold hands, etc. What's that supposed to mean? If you really like someone...but not your wife, Jessica?

    The other two couples were such a turn-off for me. Over and over Jaclyn would SAY how she's blushing because she's attracted to Ryan and how they have fixed their problems from last week, but it just sounds like words. I don't believe she feels it. She does not want to be the one to fail (i.e. divorce), so she's doing everything to convince herself that he's such a catch. Ryan R, on the other hand, came closer to revealing his real feelings but backed off, so that at the end he was phony smiling and acting like they'd made this giant leap to solving all their problems and living happily ever after. He does not know how to come out and say she's not the right person for him. But you can see it. And by the way producers...could you make it any plainer you are manipulating these people by having Jaclyn "fall" into Ryan's arms? Oohh, big strong Ryan caught little petite Jaclyn and now she's going to realize he's the man and she is the woman.

    Speaking of manipulating....what a coincidence that Jessica thought of putting notes out for Ryan and lo and behold Sean puts out notes for Davina! And again Sean is psycho-babbling on and on about how he must take charge la-la-la-la-la-la-la-la (that's when I put my fingers in my ears). Question....why, when he's obviously sick, would Davina think that's a good time to fool around? These two are like the walking dead.

    • Love 6
  16. I love this show and thought last night's episode was darling. I don't dislike the Duggars and don't want to compare the two families, but when I saw the first episode of The Willis Family, I do have to say I kept thinking why these kids seem so much more sophisticated than the Duggar kids. I think it's because they have been brought up in the entertainment business, and been exposed to more things (good and bad). Even though some of the Duggar kids have had cameras on them for their whole lives, they aren't professional entertainers. Yeah, someone (JimBob or a trust fund) gets money for them appearing on camera, but they don't actually perform like The Willis family.

    • Love 1

    They also say "growing" a lot which I find hysterical. "We're not growing" or "My goal is for us to continue growing in this relationship." They definitely have their favorite phrases. 



    I agree with this. I didn't watch last season so I have no frame of reference but I feel like we're being TOLD everything and SHOWN very little. Like there was no discernable change to me in Ryan R.'s behavior so the change in his relationship with Jaclyn and her feeling like he was checking-out didn't carry much weight with me. Davina complains that Sean is not "with her" but we haven't seen that. We never saw her watiing around for him when she expected him or something similar. I find Jessica and Ryan terribly annoying but at least I understand their relationship more because we're actually seeing the things they talk about. It's just been strange for me.

    I couldn't agree more with your comments. I, too, was scratching my head about the overemphasis that Ryan R is pulling back soooooo much. I can understand why, but they really haven't actually shown it other than he bored all Jaclyn's relatives last week with his non-stop account of how homesick he is. But he's a boring guy, so what's new? And yeah, Jaclyn has stopped saying she isn't attracted to him and pretended for the cameras to really have the hots for him, but I'm not REALLY seeing it. And Davina and Sean seem like they are always together. Last week they ran in the park and went shopping. Now for some reason she pouts that he's not with her? Whatever.  

    • Love 1

    I agree.  I felt like this episode was helping to pad the series out or to make how things really turn out look more "dramatic" at the end.   Like they give us stupid misleading stuff and skip over the real stuff so when they finally show us what happens we're surprised.  Dumb show.



    I thought she said she didn't think she was better than other people, as if she was implying that Ryan thinks he's better than other people.  But again, this is coming from her inferiority complex and perhaps a genuine reaction to Ryan's superiority complex, especially to her.



    I think what happened to turn Ryan R. off is what he said in his talking head - That until they had sex Jaclyn was holding back, but afterwards she suddenly became so into him that it overwhelmed him.  I could imagine that it must have felt a little creepy, desperate and unexpected.  Jaclyn is too much even when she's holding back but to suddenly act like she is THAT into him must have felt like too much all at once.   She was doing OK until then but way to scare a guy by suddenly letting the floodgates open and turning into a clinging vine!  The way she almost swallowed him whole jumping on him and grabbing him with her legs last week said it all!  And she probably ate him up in bed, too.  He already was worried last week about her voracious sexual appetite.   I think this does have something to do with an introvert versus extrovert thing, but I think it goes way beyond extroversion with Jaclyn.   There's like a creepy neediness she has been hiding but couldn't help but let out of the bottle after having sex with him.  It's no wonder Ryan was turned off!



    Yeah but it bothers us more because we're New Yorkers, lol.

    I've said all along I felt Jaclyn was faking her attraction to him, and watching last night I still feel that way. She said to Ryan "How can I forgive you?" For what? For pulling back a little? Or for not wanting to be a phony like she has been? Ryan seems afraid to actually say why he now has reservations, so instead he gives lame excuses like he's homesick. Throughout the episode, he apologized over and over about his behavior, but kind of just threw his hands up as to the reason why. I think he's afraid to admit that after getting to know her better, he doesn't think Jaclyn is really the right person for him. He has nothing but good things to say about her, but he doesn't even try to contact her when she's in Florida for 3 days? This, to me, is very telling. As for Jaclyn, my feeling is she does not want to "fail", as in divorce, so she's throwing herself in to this with everything she has. I know posters will not agree with me, but of all of the couples, JacRy to me are the least compatible. You have The Bickersons (JesRy) who argue a lot but still seem to have some chemistry going on. Then The Ear-Benders (S&D) who can't stop talking ABOUT their relationship to actually be IN their relationship, but who actually seem like they could be compatible. But I don't see any ray of light in JacRy's relationship. No, they don't argue much and no, they don't talk it to death much. But they also don't seem to fit with the other person. Fundamentally, they just don't fit together. IMO of course.

    • Love 2

    Yes, it bothered me when she said that she doesn't want him to use that word because she's not selfish. Hate to tell you Jessica, but everyone acts selfishly at some point. 

    I just don't know about Sean and Davina. There's something a little off about both of them. Davina's depiction of their relationship as her constantly having to be supportive of Sean because he's having difficulty adjusting to 'the experiment' does not compute from the 'Moving In" episode when Sean was clearly overwhelmed, and her response was a long list of, "I need you to, I need you to, I need you to...." She's exhausting. And I feel like everything she does is so over thought for how it will appear to others (not just for the cameras, but I think even in her normal life she thinks very, very hard about how she is perceived by other people.) For example the Legos; I think she bought them not because she thought they would be fun, but because she thought people watching would think how cute and fun she is to buy them. 


    ETA: Also meant to comment on Ryan R. He's a nice guy, but I just find him so dull. I really think he's the kind of guy who would be content living in his mother's basement all his life so he didn't ever have to leave his comfort zone.

    I've been saying that since the start about Ryan R. I can't imagine a sophisticated woman like Jessica finding ANYTHING interesting about him.

    • Love 1

    I know this is a stretch, but imagine this--Ryan and Jessica meet in some acting class and actually date and like each other, they contact the producers of the show to be put together by the "experts", drum up some dramatic fight scenes to keep people watching, then in the end make up and stay together. They get money and the exposure they want while the producers get viewers.


    That would be sad. Maybe that's why they are thinking of changing the location to Atlanta next season (only read this tidbit here...don't know if it's true). Because there might be less actors applying as the potential is in New York.


    I was actually thinking just this. If this season is an indication of future seasons, this is the FINAL season I will watch of it. The fighting is beyond uncomfortable to watch. Watching someone tell the other to "go F themselves" is disheartening. Putting strangers together with NO intervention in 3 weeks is maddening. Why are there even experts.  There is a lot of talk that it's one person worse than the other. Yes, they are both absolutely at fault. I have been In Jessica's shoes though. When you feel horribly about yourself, communication is really, really hard. And you settle for guys that treat you like garbage. For Ryan, he also doesn't seem to think too highly of himself or he wouldn't flaunt that he's got so much money or can spend so much on things. People that do that are not rich, they don't have money and they have low self esteem. The experts failed with this match. The show's premise was to show us what could happen when experts set people up in arranged marriages in the hopes it would be more successful than how we meet currently. Their stats are falling and their reasons for matching these 6 is really dreadful. We thought they would have mutual attraction to one another? Really? that's a basis. Physical appearance means absolutely nothing if the personalities do not click. And physical attraction will not sustain a relationship - IE Monet and Vaughn. I've disliked this match since episode one. And watching their fights made me cringe. In fact I played apps on my phone until another couple was featured.


    Last season, right out of the gate, you had this amazing pairing with Jason & Courtney. It was really magical. They were so cute and sweet, and they just merrily rolled along growing stronger and stronger. Then Jamie and Doug....we all LOVED Doug and was rooting for him, even though Jamie was really horrible at first. But she had REAL reasons for the way she was...you understood that drama. Vaughn & Monet...I still don't know why that actually failed, but at least they did it gracefully. My point being....I was really looking forward to this season's new couples. And I'm so saddened that the show doesn't appear to have taken as much care with the matchups this year as they did last. I still think they feel the same way, but last year you could really tell how invested the experts were. Was it Jamie & Doug...when Jamie said she wanted to stay married that sexologist started tearing up. That's what I'm not seeing this year. That tenderness and sweetness that the show had. This show became a hit and the experts have been pushed to the side. You can't tell me last year they would have paired two people who live 2 1/2-3 hours from each other together. They wouldn't have done it. The direction of this show has changed and you have 6 peoples' lives that have been affected by the greed of the show's producers.

    • Love 4

    Not seeing him linked (at least on Google) with Shahs of Sunset. Ryan Seacrest is involved with ath show, lol.   If you find links to this info, please post, thanks!  Brooklyn Nine-Nine?  That's not a reality show.


    I have a hard time believing Ryan D is an actor with the way he seems so uncomfortable on camera.

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