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Posts posted by JapMo


    I agree that Jessica is a bit naive, but feminine and demure are not adjectives that come to mind for me.  I think she has a "bad attitude" from years of bad relationships and high expectations that most men are probably doomed not to meet.  I see her as one of those tough exterior/over-sensitive interior people I identify with being from New York myself.  It's a protective shell one develops when one grows up in a certain urban environment.  I think she may only look feminine and demure because she's holding a whole lot back.  She wants to look agreeable to everything but she's really not.  Then she tells it to the camera, not to Ryan.  That's how it feels to me.


    I think if someone keeps having the same bad relationships with men, which Jessica said she has, you would think said person would do a little introspection and ask themselves why they keep hooking up with men that treat them badly. NOT go on a reality show and be paired up with a total stranger. I'm sure it would be an attractive thought to let someone else

    "scientifically" find your perfect mate, but after you think about it for awhile, no...that's not the way to do it.

    • Love 2

    I think Ryan's problem is he is not comfortable in front of the cameras.  I noticed during this episode that he would glance in the direction of the camera's and looked really uncomfortable.  I think that is why he had the blow up in the last episode.  There are things he is not comfortable doing or saying with the camera's around.  I would bet he is more at ease when they are alone.


    Just my thoughts.  I'm going to watch on Tuesday to see if he does the same thing.


    Butterbean, you've said what I have thought since they stood on the altar (podium, whatever) and recited their vows. He looked sooo uncomfortable being in the spotlight. He wouldn't look in the camera, which made it look like he was avoiding Jessica. He does not seem like the typical reality show person who loves to air their dirty laundry in public. I think Vaughn was kind of like that. Also, I don't agree that he's not in to Jessica. It seems to me he really likes her. Ryan has got old school tendencies; probably inherited from his grandpa. He is very in to being the man who supports the woman. There's a lot of people who would laugh at that, but it's actually kind of sweet. There's not that many guys who think like that anymore.

    • Love 5

    I don't quite understand the negative opinions of Jessica. I see her as a bit naïve, but at least she's sweet, and not in that weird "hurt sweet" way that Sean is. That's a lot more than I can say about Jaclyn, who seems to pride herself on how she keeps her distance from people, and puts up an annoying air of invulnerability. Jessica comes off like she actually has a soft spot for... someone. Probably not Ryan D(bag), but someone. I'm surprised she's not taken already by a genuinely good man.


    She is feminine and demure. That's rare in this modern world. Her faults can be forgiven in my view.


    I think she does have a soft spot....for Ryan. As goofy as it sounds, I believe these two have the most chemistry between them. Whether it's long-term or about to explode, I see that between them. I still hold to the belief Jaclyn is faking it and telling herself she's falling for Ryan R. And while RR has made many comments that she's very attractive and he wants to consummate the marriage, I still don't see anything more than that coming from him. Can't read Sean & Davina right now. They're both so unusual they might actually be good for each other.

    Yes, I agree that Jennifer is very feminine and demure. Which surprised me when I read (have not actually seen myself) that she puts a lot of suggestive pictures of herself on Instagram.


    Thanks for correcting me. His grandparents did indeed raise him and this could explain his spoiled brat attitude always getting his way. 


    Something that also bothers me is that he seems to idealize his grandparent's RH but never talks about that of his mom and step father (who hasn't appeared on the show yet). I wonder if he resents his mom for his failed relationship with his bio father? who knows.


    Both Ryan and Jess are somewhat immature , with Ryan being the most immature with a good dose of asshole in him. I' don't think they will stay together but at least the likelihood of success is 100 times higher than Davina and Sean.


    Yes, the familial connections with this group of people is kind of confusing. Ryan D idolizes his grandparents and only because she was at his wedding did we even know the mom was in the picture. Where's his real dad or stepdad? Maybe they just didn't want to be on camera. And then (to me) there was that confusing reaction Jaclyn and her sisters had when her father came in to her room right before she got married. She seemed so surprised...like she didn't expect him at all. Top it all off with Davina's family refusing to come to her wedding. Now that's the second time (Courtney being the first) that the family refused to see their daughter wed. It's not like they disapproved of the groom because they didn't know him. Most parents, even if they can't stand who their child is marrying will show up to support them on their wedding day.

    • Love 2

    Ok I'm at the beginning at the episode. She wants to save money on food and offers to cook what he likes. And Ryan answers ever so gracefully "I'm OK with that, I'll compromise".


    I swear I want to reach across the screen to smack him upside his head. He gives me "I was raised by wolves" vibes and yet his mom seems so normal.


    He can't even say thanks. I will be very annoyed if they stay together cause he is such an inconsiderate asshole.


    If his mom is so normal, why wasn't she raising him? I say that because he has constantly talked about how his grandparents raised him...not babysat him every day while she was at work...but raised him. Where was she in this mix?

    I'm hoping they stay together, but I'm not going to lose sleep over it either way.

    • Love 1

    Did you see the preview with Ryan D storming out again? That is just his machismo MO, and unless Jessica wants to live that way she better say divorce at the end of the experiment, cause he is not gonna change. I think he does talk the talk and can be very reasonable when his buttons aren't being pushed at other times. He would not be for me, however.


    I'm waiting to see why he stormed out. I like them both and think they have a chance (yeah, I know...I'm one of the few), but Jessica has already confided that she has a pattern with men in her life that they cheat or don't treat her right, and I think she's kind of like Jaime (a la the cigarrette issue) that once something happens she blows it up in her head that 'oh, here we go again'.

    • Love 2

    If Davina said Manhattan is a dealbreaker, and the "experts" didn't vet Sean in terms of him being OK moving there, then I place the fault completely on them.


    I do also think that there is a deeper issue going on between them that Davina hinted at - the move being a smokescreen, or something to that effect.


    Time will tell....


    Something sticks in my mind during her interview with the expert that she said she would NOT leave Manhattan. She was very emphatic about that.

    • Love 1

    If Jessica called Ryan out for all his shit, they would've had about 5 arguments by now. She has been put in a position (by the "experts") where she has to bite her tongue a lot in 2 weeks. How the "experts" can justify that, I don't know.


    If you're counting one of those 5 arguments as the closet incident, that was so insignificant I wouldn't even call it a difference of opinion. He said he'd like to take the whole closet and she made a choking/sarcastic laugh, and he asked why she was laughing and she just shrugged and then he said did she want some space too, and she wouldn't acknowledge him and it went on that way for maybe 15 seconds. I didn't think his demeanor or the way he sounded would warrant her to bite her tongue for fear of unleashing his anger.

    • Love 2

    Last time Jessica spoke up Douche blew up and lost his shit. She knows that she has to pick her battles with this guy or else they will be fighting 24/7.

    A closet isn't worth unleashing the beast. Unfortunately some relationships are like that, you vent in your corner and you don't discuss every single thing.


    I bet if she did highlight his every douche act (there are many), he would probably see her as nagging.


    Last time? Wasn't that the only time? One fight and now they're battling 24/7?

    • Love 2
  10. I, too, was startled that Jessica complained about the only thing she had in the closet was her wedding dress.  I thought...how stupid if you didn't have a lot of space to put the one thing in there that you won't wear anymore.  But then I remembered...she's a newlywed.  Of course she would do that.  It's still very important to her.  Give it a few years and she'll realize it just takes up space.  


    One of the posters above said this year seemed different - I agree.  It just doesn't seem as interesting. I think it's the selections. They're all OK...but just lacking in something.  I think I even like Vaughn & Monet more than any of these couples.  I'm still rooting for them, but not as invested.  Last year Jason & Courtney had such a sweet romance going on right away, and then you had Jamie being a total bitch to Doug so he was easy to root for.  I just remember at the end of the show when they had to make their decisions, I was absolutely convinced Jamie was going to ask for a divorce.  If you can call it a nail biter, that was what that was for me.  For this year, it's kind of like they selected three strong, dominant people (Davina, Ryan D and Jaclyn) with 3 passive people (Jessica, Ryan R and although he can be pretty strong and dominant too, I'll put Sean in here too because he constantly self-analyzes himself and bends over backwards to be accommodating).  And of those 3 passive people, it's like they're generic enough (especially Jessica and Ryan R) to be paired with probably a lot of people.  Last year you had a real doormat in Doug, but Jamie, Vaughn and Monet were anything but.  Jason and Courtney were so in sync with each other that I wouldn't call them passive or aggresive.

    • Love 2
  11. I get you really like Ryan and feel compelled to defend him. Myself and many others do not like him. Paychex is sleazy sales much like pharmaceutical sales.

    I do not know the man. I do not feel compelled to defend him. This is a show I like and have followed since day 1, and I like to interact with others who also follow the show. I enjoy reading comments on this board because it makes me think and read different opinions. In that vein, I realize most of the postings about him have been negative. That's fine...everyone is entitled to their own opinion. What bothers me is that so many posts are making the leap from what was actually shown on the TV to speculation and out and out declarations of pretty serious statements that include he's abusive, is not attracted to her, isn't ready for marriage, has checked out, thinks less of her because she slept with him right away, and more. 

    And most salesman are considered sleazy...it's a perception that goes way way back to the snake oil salesman in the late 1800s and probably earlier than that. I worked in a casino dealing cards for 8.5 years. Many people thought that was immoral and sleazy. I tried to tell them it was not Mafia run anymore and everything is on the up and up, but they wouldn't listen.  


    Okay, folks, it's getting too heated in here.


    Let's all stand up, stretch, say "it's only a TV show and I don't know these people," and go look outside the window at the beautiful budding trees for a moment.


    It's either that, or I make you all hug it out.




    Don't kick me off. I like it here.

    • Love 3

    Uhm...his behavior during the honeymoon is enough for me or anyone else to detect an asshole. If his way of showing a partner affection is flipping her off a jet-ski, he's an asshole. And he asked "Why is that funny" in a very defensive tone. He steamrolled her with the closet situation and yes, she should have spoke up for herself but had she done that it would've been a huge blowup. Did you see the preview for next week? The guy is a straight up bully.


    The question I responded to said Ryan was an asshole about the whole closet thing. You're going all the way back to the honeymoon, which was 2 episodes ago, to validate that point. Two episodes ago he was, IMO (because I tend to shy away from generalizing that anyone else or everyone else agrees with a statement) immature and kind of a jerk. Again IMO, he's been decent the last two episodes. I did not hear him say "Why is that funny" (I actually thought he said "What's so funny" but I didn't tape it so I can't be sure) in a very defensive way. His voice didn't sound hard or angry or irritated to me...it sounded like a genuine question. And I didn't see any steamrolling going on when he suggested he take the entire closet. I thought it was a little selfish to even think that a woman wouldn't want at least 1/4th of the closet, but he is a little selfish but how many men aren't? That's something that can be fixed, and Jessica could have teased him and said "oh right, yeah...like I'm going to let you take the whole closet". And you are totally assuming that she didn't do it because there would have been a huge blowup. They have had one argument that we have actually seen, and though it was a doozy, it was over two weeks ago in show time. I don't think that should be held against him forever. And yes, I have seen the preview for next week. There is another argument, but are you inferring that it's automatically all his fault? The preview shows he's angry, but I didn't see anything that showed he was a bully. You're opinion of him is your own business, but I try to give people the benefit of the doubt, and although he was presented in a pretty damaging way on the honeymoon (a lot of it was his fault, I agree), he seems to have been trying very hard these last two weeks to be a good husband. If he had been dismissive of Jessica's apartment and said "I won't live here" some people on this site would have been screaming about it, but he was very accommodating and said he would have no problem living there. I think that shows unselfishness and an ability to compromise. I don't see an abuser or a bully. Maybe future episodes will show something different but for now that's how I see it.


    Dr. Logan said he's an entrepreneur and he said he's a business consultant. He says POS and Payment solutions to companies. Any Joe Schmo can do that job. This guy is ridiculous. My college friend was a MORON and worked for Paychex. Also on Ryan's Resume. What a joke.


    Why is working at Paychex a joke? It's gainful employment.

    • Love 6

    Davina has the ability to make absolutely everything about her. Yes, Sean is acting very overwhelmed, and instead of asking him how he's feeling she makes it about how she is feeling. Something I've learned in marriage is there are 2 people with 2 sets of feelings. This feels very much like two individuals that are stuck together. I was reading things about Sean online and I don't doubt he's a playboy. He seems totally uninterested in being fully committed. That said, Davina feels too high maintenance for me to even begin to share a life with someone. It bothered me when she was talking about how much more successful she was than him. She was going on and on about how men resent her. I was single once too. I made a ton of money too. And it was NEVER an issue then and isn't an issue now. Because 1. I don't discuss it 2. my husband and I share all finances 3. I still let him pay for everything so he feels like the chivalrous man providing for his family. Any modern man would not have an issue with a woman making more money now. I've also learned that financial stability is fleeting. Who knows if she will have a child and leave that behind. It's temporary Davina. Stop letting your career define who you are. That's why people don't like you! 


    Ryan D and Jessica. OMG this woman has absolutely no spine whatsoever and he's a controlling jerk. What the heck was with his velour running suit? Is it 1985? I felt like I was watching a Cyndi Lauper Video with that get up. I detest him as a human. I feel bad for her. But Dr. Logan was right that unless she asserts herself every single man will steam roll their way right over her.


    Ryan R and Jacklyn. I like them still. But I still hate his accent. She's trying. It does feel a bit forced. But I liked that they compromised. Compromise is key in marriage.


    LOL, I can't stand how RR talks. Whenever he talks, it sounds like he's got a stopped up nose. Is that a NY accent? I'm from the Midwest, but the accents I've heard in movies and on TV don't sound so congested like he does. It drives me nuts.

    • Love 1

    I didn't love Davina's behavior in this episode, but the thing is, Sean told the experts he'd be okay with relocating. Time to put up or shut up, Sean.

    I wasn't too bothered by Ryan and Jessica for once, but they hardly even look at each other. It's kind of sad.

    I'm worried that Jaclyn is more into Ryan than he's into her.

    LOL, that's never going to happen.


    I hate everything about Ryan D. His face, eyebrows, voice, the hat he wore, the velvet track suit, and that bossy, steamrolling personality. He is a total toolshed. Jessica is gonna flip soon. I can sense it's coming. They won't make it to the end of the experiment. Davina and Sean probably analyze bowel movements and how they feel about it. They don't talk like normal people. I hate her and he's a prick. Ryan R is growing on me

    I like Ryan and he's done nothing improper the last two episodes. The one that should flip soon is him...at Jessica. She's a whiner that already is convinced Ryan is going to turn out just like her other boyfriends so doesn't speak up for herself if she doesn't like what he is doing but rather, waits till he's not in the room and then complains to the camera.

    LOL about S&D's OVER-analyzing. Davina is trying to complain to Sean and he practically hands her the shovel and says "are you saying I just need to get out of my own way blah blah blah" and after a big long speech about it there's a pause, she looks relieved, and breathes out "Yes", as if that is really what she meant. 

    • Love 4

    It was so bizarre how Ryan D kept repeating over and over 'you want the dresser, take it, it's okay.. you already took it.'  Huh?  It's like he had created a situation where he was doing her a favor by pretending she wanted the dresser all to herself, so he deserved the closet all to himself.


    He asked her several times if she was OK with it. He didn't create a situation.....he explained that he has a lot of suits he wears for business. To me, business takes presidence over less formal wear for closet space IF you really wear the stuff all the time. If it's something you need for your job. We've all said he's a bit selfish and this would have been the point that (and maybe she did and we didn't see it) Jessica spoke up and said she'd need some of the closet too. But I shook my head when she didn't say anything to him but made a point to complain on camera. That's not the way to do it.

    • Love 7

    Davina is very unreasonable. I think Sean would've felt a lot better if he weren't the only one making sacrifices. Then she gets pissy because he has to work? I would have bounced for 2 days too. This woman is too much.


    Did Ryan D. really get pissy at Jessica for laughing about something during their little closet debacle? He is such an ass.

    He absolutely did not get pissy. He said he would like to take all of the closet and she could take all of the dresser if that was OK with her, and she sort of snort/laughed. That's when he asked her, in a very non-threatening, non-abusive way, why she was laughing. She would not say she wasn't in favor of it and speak up...she just withdrew into herself and then expressed her anger in private on camera. I like Jessica, but I don't like the fact she's so quick to "categorize" Ryan, like 'oh that's what ex-boyfriend #2 used to do. And why is he an ass? He was perfectly willing to live in her apartment...she's the one who wasn't mature enough to handle it.

    • Love 8

    I thought I was the only one who isn't 100% crazy over the Ryan R/Jaclyn pairing. I think editing is making them look so match better than they actually are. i understand that production needs a couple to "root" for, but there are many dysfunctions in this pairing:


    1) Ryan isn't Doug. Doug was charming, personable and sexy. Ryan comes across as tense and aloof.

    2) I didn't see Ryan making any effort to interact or accommodate Jaclyn's family. His family is important. Good, but how about you make an effort to get to know the other side

    3) IMO he is using his niece as a crutch to not move out.

    4) I don't believe Jaclyn is 100% genuine in falling for him. You don't laugh at the gift your SO gets you, if you like the guy. I thought she was a bitch but given the above, I can get why she would not be into him (although I still think he looks better than she is). He's a nice guy, but will that be enough? I think they might stay together but I’m not convinced that they are good match.

    I like Jaclyn and think she's been honest and is truly trying to make it work....to the point she is not listening to her own feelings. Your Point #2 is something I noticed as soon as it aired but no postings on it....he was all for getting together with her as long as it didn't inconvience HIS plans with his family. He has all these traditions...hey, you know what new husband? You've got a wife now, and she's front and center and you make new traditions with her. As far as her laughing at the gift, for me it was the way she couldn't seem to stop laughing. Just like she seems to laugh (rather loudly) at everything he says. She's faking all this and the cracks are starting to be evident. Bottom line, they are both nice people and maybe on paper they look OK but with no physical attraction by one of the partners the other one is going to start to hate them. It's just human nature as in essence you are rejecting them.

    • Love 1

    I agree with those who have little hope for Jaclyn and Ryan B.   I don't think any of them will make it this time.  I could change my take on this though!  Not unheard of.  


    Never made a snow angel, eh?  And you put that in "out of my comfort zone?"  Oh my.


    I can see JesRy and S&D at least making it thru the first 6 weeks and trying to make it work. But I believe that Jaclyn is not going to continue to fake how she feels about RyanR. In the previews for that final episode, he appears to me to be the most pissed off. And yes, I know they are all told not to give anything away, but there's just something in his look that says it all. Jaclyn made a BIG mistake telling him she wasn't attracted to him at the altar. Unlike Doug, who took constant abuse from ball buster Jaime because in his heart he really believed he could get her to come around, I don't think Ryan is going to give Jaclyn many chances. Once he feels sufficient time has passed that they should start becoming intimate and she pulls back, he's going to blow up.


    I am going on the record that Sean and Davina NEVER consummate their "marriage."


    I think that will actually be Jaclyn & Ryan R. Once he puts pressure on her to have sex, she's going to have to admit to herself that she just isn't in to him. I give her an "A" for effort, because it has to be an effort to be married to such a boring guy, but she's kidding herself that there's something between them.

    • Love 2

    Ryan seems to be really dismissive of others' feelings - in the last episode, when his mom was describing what a difficult time she'd had that year with her mother's death, right on the heels of her father's death, and Ryan followed up with some "it's in the past, hopefully they're in a better place, it's the circle of life" speech. It just seemed like a really cold and unfeeling thing to say. 


    He seems really uncomfortable with others expressing emotion - like whatever's happened, they should all just move on and get over it already. No discussion!


    I didn't find anything cold or unfeeling in the way he acted at his mom's house...or for the entire episode for that matter.

    • Love 1

    It is pretty 'stand-up' on Jaclyn's part to marry into this 'family' of Kayla, Mother and Ryan.  Not all partners would be game for joining a situation like that.  (I hope they went over her willingness to be involved with such a close 'pre-existing' family during the selection process).  Jaclyn was super when she delivered and accepted gifts from Mother and Kayla.


    Did you forget that she didn't know she was marring into this family?


    The show's creators seem to view marriage as a form of therapy. I think they are mistaken! They match these couples with that in mind, hopeful to help the individuals overcome past traumas or develop new coping skills, for example. Doug helping Jamie, Courtney a new mom for Jason, Monet to make Vaughn more social.


    Ain't that the truth. Jamie should never have been selected as a candidate with her trust issues, and what was Jason even thinking making such a commitment when his mother was dying of cancer? Yes lucky for the experts, it all worked out.

    This year, however, their explanations of why they paired people together were doozies. I particularly shook my head at the bullying connection that they saw as something Davina and Sean had in common. And both Jamie AND Jessica's acting/modeling aspirations should have sent up red flags immediately.

  24. "I think Ryan Douchebag/Jessica is the worst pairing because they are so obviously the complete opposite of each other. In this episode, there was a scene where Jessica was knocking on Ryan's door and he goes, "Who is it?" And she responds all exasperated with, "It's me; why can't you just look through the window?" She didn't even get the joke!"

    EXACTLY. It's a joke people say to each other all the time when they know who is on the other side of the door. I expected her to laugh. I didn't think she sounded exasperated but she seemed taken aback that he asked.

    • Love 1
  25. Finally, someone else who isn't totally turned off by him. I keep reading these negative posts about him, which is everyone's own opinion and I'm not saying anything against that, but I keep wondering what everyone else is seeing and I'm not. I don't think he's bad at all and I actually like them together and hope they work out. I would much rather see her with this Ryan than the other Ryan. There's a lot of baggage Jessica is carrying around from past relationships that she won't let go, and I hope she won't let that get in the way with Ryan. He's said over and over he's totally committed. I'm rooting for all the couples too.

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