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Posts posted by JapMo


    I can believe they got 7,000 applicants.  They probably first eliminated everyone that wasn't somewhat attractive and had a decent figure, based on photos alone.  I also am pretty sure they counted out everyone that had been married before or had children, because that brings up a whole host of additional issues they didn't want to deal with.  They probably brought in a few hundred for interviews with producers and eliminated a sizable number who weren't charismatic enough for TV.  Then the psychological testing started, and I'm sure they were able to identify people who just weren't going to be able to handle this experiment. 


    I'm guessing they had a final pool of about 100 when they began filming the audition process and the "experts" got involved, and probably whittled that down to no more than two dozen, from which they had to make three decent matches.  And I'm absolutely certain that the producers have way more to do with the matches than the experts do.

    I totally agree with your last sentence. Maybe they didn't last year, but when it became a surprise hit, NOW you can see their influence. And I really do believe that's why we don't see the face to face visits from the experts. The show wants these couples to stumble around in the dark and get angry with each other and create lots and lots of drama. The experts were probably given free reign on who to put together last year, but I would not be surprised if the producers were right in there with them this year with their own agenda.

    • Love 1

    Yep, I said the same thing a couple of weeks ago about this show - maybe they decided to put the emphasis on the "experiment" for drama value rather than put together people who had any real chance of matching well.  Or perhaps they're testing the old adage, "opposites attract".  Having one thing in common while everything else is at odds is not a match.


    And that kind of fits in with the fact we have not seen any one-on-one contact with the experts. They talk to the camera a lot, but who knows when that took place? Might have all been done in a room a week before the weddings. That way they don't have to pay them for their visits, which I felt was so well done last year. And why wouldn't they want the experts around besides having to shell out more money? Because they want more time for the couples to mess up, IMO. That creates the drama. So the show actually wants as much conflict as possible, while IMO the experts really have good intentions and want the couples to succeed.

    • Love 3
  3. From their SMS accounts,

    it sounds like they are together and aren't hiding it.

    In his most recent tweets Ryan admitted he was being selfish and not taking her feelings into account. Apparently we have another week of this and then it's good? But who knows.


    I'm really surprised that the couples are tipping their hands so early. Last year you couldn't get any information out of them.

  4. I think I saw last night what I've been saying for a long time....Jaclyn is always "on", and last night we kind of saw how tiring that is for Ryan. He's not just an introvert...he's SUPER introverted. He doesn't like to draw attention to himself and is very very laid back. Jaclyn is like a hurricane coming in to a room. I love her, but I could see him pulling back because she's so in his face. I still maintain she's not that attracted to him, but now it's kind of like a mission for her. She's married, and she's going to make it work come hell or high water. Ryan has alluded several times that he wants it to be a positive experience even if they don't stay together. I think it's not just the location problems that are making him unhappy, but that she's a cool person for a short period of time but not the type of person he wants to be married to for the rest of his life. Oh well, we'll see.

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    Is it me or is it becoming harder and harder to find good parts in this season?! One thing that I did like was when Jaclyn realized Ryan's pulling away a bit. She seemed to stay reasonably calm, reminded him that they're in it together for the time being and both were smiling. That little thing puts them light years ahead of the other couples. It's unfortunate she chose to grind him into the ground about paying for groceries. Hope they're able to work out something regarding the old mama and the young niece...

    Jessica and Ryan le Douche. Still feel the same about them. Run, Jessica, run.

    Regarding my favorite weirdos, whose idea of great fun and exciting, bonding times (and coming out of their comfort zones, of course) are snow angels and pillow fights, I was really disappointed to learn that the blonde he was at the restaurant with was not some side piece. D reminded him that she agreed to move to Jersey after two years. She also said twice that she would never live in Jersey so never wins. She seems to want this a little more than he does yet Joe C. blamed her earlier on for bringing her mountain of relationship related baggage on the honeymoon, and he seems to defend creepy Sean. I can't for the life of me understand why the experts liked him so much. I have to admit, I'm curious as to how big and badly this pairing will blow up. This isn't juvenile jerkiness like Jessica and RD; there seems to be some epic ugliness with both bossy Davina and seemingly "sensitive" Sean. His constant analysis of his feelings makes me nuts. I didn't think human beings could possibly use clichés more than Vaughn and Monet but I was wrong.

    LOL, oh Kareem, I was trying mightily last night to remember all the cutsey sayings that were flying out of Sean's mouth last night, but there were so many, I got exhausted.

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    Ryan D. is no prize but I found myself sympathizing for him because I too feel like Jessica is a brick wall.  The way she talks over him and never lets him speak is unbelievable and so frustrating that if anyone did that with me I'd storm out too.  I think he is getting a bad image because she's pushed him to the edge.  He's not THAT bad a guy for the right woman, but her issues are like flaming red flags to me.  I'm usually one to side with a woman in these things but not so with these two.  Everything he said about how she makes him feel is how she has been making ME feel for weeks on end, so I tend to think he's more OK than she is.  He's still douchy and not evolved enough for me, but then again Jessica makes my blood boil.  She really needs to grow the fuck up, seriously, and stop bringing her baggage into this relationship.  He is looking far worse because he can't even talk to her without her closing down and not listening to him.  She puts him on the defensive and when he tries to explain himself she makes that impossible.  I have been saying for weeks that she does nothing but make him the bad guy and vilify him and then HE says it on camera himself!  I don't see him as being so bad to her if she would just stop being a brick wall.  When someone acts that way there's really nothing you can do and it's so frustrating that you end up acting just like Ryan.  Anyone would.  Mother Theresa would, seriously.

    Neither of them were listening to the other in their arguments last night, but I did notice something. Jessica in anger said he thought she was beneath him because he had a BMW and made a lot of money. Now where did that come from? I just don't remember him ever acting uppity towards her in that respect.


    There is a lot about Jessica that makes me roll my eyes. I can't believe she was a casting holdover from last season when there are so many things about her that make it clear that she is neither marriage-ready nor camera-ready (I say that because of her career aspirations). I cringe when she opens her mouth and I'm a native New Yorker. She seems like a kind person, albeit not the brightest. .

    I can't say anything about Ryan D. that hasn't been said, but I thought th picture of the grandparents on the nightstand was an odd choice. If I were Jessica, I would not want to look at that picture while in bed for obvious reasons.

    I didn't realize that adults still pulled "the silent treatment." How childish. I think that if I were dating someone, a stunt like that would be a deal breaker.

    Hate to say it, but the silent treatment was my MO with my husband. Probably because I saw my mom do it to my dad. But that was what was surprising to me...usually dudes don't do that. It's us women that pull that one. So when Ryan not only did it, but continued to do it for what seemed like a long time (but could have been maybe an hour or so) was unsettling. I have liked him and them and have defended them regularly in posts, but last night's episode was disturbing. I really felt the producers should have pulled back a little on them and not shown as much. It was just too private. And while I think Ryan did/said some really crummy things last night, I felt throughout the episode that she must have said something that REALLY ticked him off. He's a real macho guy and puts a lot of emphasis on being the man and the breadwinner, and I think it hurt him that she implied that he was stealing money from their stash. And you knew she knew she went too far, because she began to backpedal. But to say she should know what he was upset about...well, that's not a good argument. He wants her to spit it out...but then he won't do it? Well...you'll all be shocked when I say this but I still feel they have a chance. No, I'm not saying it because I can't admit defeat. I still see something between them. We've seen a lot of crap between them, and it seems like it's been non-stop. But if it was this bad all the time like it's been shown, I seriously believe one of them would have moved out already. Yeah, this was a disturbing episode, that's for sure.

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    I think they are both very insecure people.  Sean tries to keep his self esteem up by seducing a lot of women.  Davina

    does it by being very successful in her career and having money and material things.  Of course neither of those work.

    You either like yourself or you don't.


         I don't know what Davina's feelings toward Sean are at this point, but she is clearly more invested in making this work.

    I think they both take rejection and failure very hard.  I agree with those who are saying that Sean was willing to act interested

    as long as he had an attractive woman to have sex with during the 6 weeks.

    Maybe that's why his mom was so against him doing this. She might have suspected he wasn't in it for the right reasons.

    • Love 3

    I don't think Ryan ever recovered from his poor first impression of Jessica.  The manner in which Jessica conducted herself at their wedding was poor.   Ryan seemed so disappointed with who the experts selected for him...it was easy to see in the way he was contemplating her looks & reacting to her endless hysteria.  Her demeanor was not appropriate for a wedding.  When she met Ryan at the altar she was practically humped over with giddiness...and her incessant laughter with her mouth wide open was in such poor taste for a church wedding.  The minister even said something a couple of times...like this ceremonious occasion is to be taken seriously.  Once she said this in a very loud voice..."Oh, this is going to be fun...this is going to be fun!!".  As the ceremony ended and they posed for a quick pic at the altar, she did a thumbs up and mugged to the camera with her mouth hanging wide open once again.


    Then her comment to Ryan within minutes of the wedding ending, about the fun he'll have taking off her dress later that evening.  He was absolutely stunned...but responded by saying...that's a nice dress.  She also kept him waiting in front of the crowd at church for a full 30 minutes, due to having dress problems...that would seem like an eternity considering the situation.

    I just did not see that at all. I thought Jessica looked spectacular and seemed so sweet and ladylike. To me Ryan didn't seem disappointed at all, and he said more than once in the voiceovers that he thought she was very pretty. And at their wedding, I felt both conducted themselves very appropriately.

    • Love 6

    In the living room scene with R+J, Jacklyn's sister, bf talking about the time line for a baby, Jacklyn is definitely on the fast track and Ryan wants to save and plan, be more fiscally prepared.

    Having just gotten out of the twilight zone (refuse to type the over used "f-zone" phrase) any baby talk is woefully premature at this point of their relationship so I think this is another intervention by a M@FS producer to spice up the story line.


    Oh thank you Humbleopinion...I don't think I can take the "f-z" phrase again, either.

    • Love 1
  11. Sorry but I have to correct this - Jessica is a receptionist in a law firm.  There is a big difference between a legal secretary and a receptionist.  Depending on the firm, she could just be the cute young face sitting in the chair smiling and greeting guests.  A lot of times receptionists want to become admin. assistants but lack the skills and polish so they are passed over and only given menial tasks instead.  I suppose it could vary by the firm, but nothing so far about Jessica has made me think she is more than the above.


    It depends on the office, but a lot of receptionists for big firms do a hell of a lot of work...it's not really menial. Especially if you have guys who don't have secretaries dumping their work on you all the time. And then the secretaries act all snooty or they overcompensate and gush over every little thing you do. Oh don't even get me started, LOL.


    In the first episode, Ryan said he met women at casinos but in the "Moving in" episode, he said he was a saver. I hope I'm not confusing him with anyone else but I'm pretty sure he said this. I don't know what a self admitted saver would do in a casino.


    I worked in casinos for nearly a decade. A lot of people go to the casino for a night out. They spend maybe $100, drink a little, play Blackjack, lose it all and are fine about it. If a single guy comes in, they might check out the cute girls and try to sit with them at a table, strike up a conversation, but I never saw any of them leave together. Most women are not interested in finding a date there. They just want to play slots or table games. The casino is what you want it to be. People who are lonely will come, sit in front of a slot machine and play for hours. Some people come and listen to the music and drink. It's the perception that if you go to a casino, you will become addicted. It definitely happens, but in Ryan's case I peg him for someone that plays $100-$200, sits at a table because he thinks he understands how to play (they all do....hardly anyone really is a good player) and shoots the sh*t with the dealer.

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    I think the problem is that Ryan didn't just marry Jessica, he married Jessica and her 1893878373 suitcases from her last relationship.  Also, Jessica didn't just marry Ryan, she married Ryan and his 191871790303 suitcases, from seeing his grandparents and thinking their relationship was the best.  Both of them are carrying way too much baggage to start a new relationship.  


    Jessica needs to put down the baggage of her last relationships, meaning, "Don't do to me what the last guy did."  Ryan also has to realize that his grandparents probably married at a time where women HAD to get married for financial reasons.  I mean, my mother couldn't even get a credit card in her name until the 1970's.


    Yes, I agree. And I think they can do this. But they need intervention from the experts. Jessica's pity party is always just simmering under the surface. Ryan's foot-in-the-mouth disease needs to be toned down big time. They don't see their flaws...especially Ryan. I thought the experts were very helpful last season but I'm surprised they haven't done one-on-ones with these people yet.

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    If the marriages are legally legit, then I see Jessica and Ryan staying married past the 6 weeks only because the show needs 2 couples for their "Married at First Sight: The First Year".


    That could be true, but I would think most people would give a marriage more than 6 weeks, even under these extreme circumstances, unless they are completely incompatible. There's always that thought that you want to try everything before throwing in the towel. In Vaughn & Monet's case, they were both on the same page....GET ME OUT OF THIS ASAP.


    I think deep down Jessica wants a "take charge" kind of guy so that she can twist things around and engage in table turning to make it look like the guy is victimizing her.  She is acting on the show like she wants sympathy so that people will think the guy's the villain and won't see the big problems SHE has.  I personally see her as one of those martyr types who carries a cross so that everyone can see how put upon she is and how unfair it all is to her.  But that's just a cover for someone who is deeply angry and looking to get back at men for whatever was done to her by a man that made her feel victimized, maybe in childhood.  I agree she wants to wear the pants in the family.  She is the one who wants to de-masculate, de-throne and get even with a guy in "payment" for whatever she has fantasized he has done wrong to her, so that he's the scapegoat for whoever in her past victimized her.  She wants to do this so that she can be the one in charge, not the guy.


    I did find it telling that as soon as she got back from the honeymoon, she invited her friend over to talk crap about Ryan after they supposed had made up. I know the producers might have pushed her to keep the "blow-up" going, but I thought that was a crummy thing to do.

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    JapMo, are you saying all three couples opened cash gift envelopes? From the show itself? I missed that.


    I don't know if it was cash except for JesRy. But I'm pretty sure S&D were looking at cards together...now whether there was money in them was not discussed. Can't remember about JacRy. But as I said, I don't remember any references to that last season.

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    You know what I thought was weirder than the sudden angry explosion over the wedding money? The fact that the wedding money was discussed in an earlier scene at all. It came out of left field.

    In that earlier scene, Jessica and Ryan discussed eating out, cooking, grocery shopping, then, suddenly Ryan said, you can keep the wedding money. Jessica said no, that money is for both of us, to do something special together.

    At the time, I wondered, gee. Nobody ever talked about cash gifts before. I actually assumed few people would gift the newlyweds anything at all under the circumstances. Wait the full six weeks, at least! Why throw away a girt or cash on people who might move on after six weeks?

    Was Jessica like Connie Corleone with the lace bag collecting the cold cash on wedding day? Did her stepdad and mom do a very foolish thing and write a big check?

    But, gotta tell ya, when the pilfering of the $100 and the $30 exploded into a mushroom cloud, I did get VERY suspicious, simply because the discussion earlier seemed totally random. You know? Like a storyline setup?

    And then we got kinda comical. He said, you moved my sweatpants! She said, you moved the tv! Ironing on the bed vs ironing on a plastic endtable! Stupidity.

    I don't remember the couples getting anything last season, or at least they didn't show it. All they seemed to have was the one envelope that told them where they were going on their honeymoon. So when they all had envelopes this season that they were opening up, I was kind of surprised. But you are right about waiting to see if they stay together. Of course you can do that if you are a friend or like distant relative like a cousin, but if you were a parent or sibling, you'd really have to cough up right away so it wouldn't look like you were convinced they were nuts.


    I don't really like them as a couple either. Jaclyn is super annoying to me and her interest in Ryan feels forced.


    Got to love her for trying so hard, but I feel the same way that she really doesn't have feelings for him. Many times opposites attract, but in her case she needs someone who is at least in the game. Ryan seems perfectly content to blend in with the potted palms. Also, I question his true feelings. His compliments last night just didn't ring true to me. Did anyone else feel that way? He tells her she's the best person he's ever known...something like that. She was totally taken aback by that. Touching, yes, but really? A person you've known for 17 days? It would be one thing if we have seen that puppydog idolization that Doug had/has for Jamie, but I haven't seen that from him.

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    You're right - it's because many family members don't want to be filmed so you don't get the full picture. While they may have been there in different scenarios, they didn't want to be on camera so it appears as if their relationships are strained or non-existent. Also, a lot of it is edited out if it's not entertaining enough or doesn't fit. I know because I was part of it! None of us really had any notice - about a week - and this was all filmed during holidays and while we had to go on with our normal crappy lives like work.


    How interesting. You are a friend/family member of one of the couples. Well, I won't ask any more questions because I don't want to get you in trouble. But thanks for the explanation.


    I've noticed that they are the only ones this season who say "I want to make my marriage work". The other 2 couples usually say stuff about the "experiment". So I think that's a good thing for them.


    But then they yammer on and on about being in/out of the Friend Zone. That's even worse for me. People on this site call them "adorable". That's the last thing I see. Oil and water is more like it. I like Jaclyn but man is she "on". It's tiresome. Ryan's constant references to their sex life is sleazy IMO.

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  20. "Ryan seems like a nice enough person but I get a sense that he always has morning breath. There, I said it."

    You said it, HumblePi, and I second it. It's that nasaly stuffed up way he talks that not only is so annoying (NYers, clue me in if this is the way everyone talks, because I'm from the Midwest and this is not the kind of accent I hear on TV or in the movies) but makes him sound unintelligent. There, I said it! I know that sounds horrible, but every time he speaks I want to go DUH.

    • Love 2

    Oh, how I love my realty tv show guilty pleasures. I enjoyed last season so much. I couldn't wait for each new episode. This season, though, I just don't know. It feels like several people got what they asked for and it's making them crazy. Jessica is just straight up miserable. And I can see that Ryan isn't the nicest, most cuddly teddy bear, but she was very vocal about wanting a take-charge type of guy. That's what she's got now. I don't like either of these two people as individuals and definitely not as a couple. Davina confuses me. Sean irritates me. I honestly feel like the experts decided that since they both had bullying in their past they'd be great together. No, they're not. I am in no way minimizing the heartache I'm sure they went through as kids/young adults, but they reside too much in the past. People with broken pasts don't necessarily fit into the pieces of someone's present. I want to believe that Jaclyn is being sincere because I genuinely like Ryan R, but I don't know. I feel like she wants to be this season's Jamie but she's not as vulnerable, open, or sensitive as Jamie was/is. I'm on the fence here. I want to be more invested like I was last season, but so far nothing has clicked.

    Maybe Jessica should have been put with Ryan R.

    Jaclyn might have worked with the other Ryan.

    Davina and Sean need to work their way off my television.

    I wonder how Sean managed to make it through casting with him having a fairly recent DUI?

    NO....no one deserves a dullard like Ryan R. Regarding your statement of the DUI, is that against the rules for people trying out on reality shows? I didn't know that.

    I LOVED your phrase "People with broken pasts don't necessarily fit into the pieces of someone's present." Can I borrow that some time? Lastly, I have to agree with you how much less interested I am in this season's pairings than last season. I don't know what it is, maybe just too much talk. Just live in the moment, for heaven's sake and quit dissecting every little think (I'm talking to you Sean & Davina).


    I think Jessica's and Ryan's communication styles are different.  Neither one is disrespectful or better or worse than the other.  I just think that for them given their state of maturity at this point, it might be too hard for them to learn to understand each other without always conflicting.  My husband and I worked it out but we loved each other first before we had to work it out.  They are under a very different set of circumstances, and one which I think will interfere with them working it out.


    Where are the experts to guide them through this? Just a phone call away? I know it was New Years Eve, but Sean calling Dr. C on the phone was the first time we've seen ANY interaction between the couples and the experts, and I am positive they made house calls last year to each couple by this time. I think the first visit was by Dr. Pepper bringing the wedding photos. If they are doing it, fine...but I for one would like to see it. I enjoyed their interactions last season. And if any two people need help right now, it's Ryan and Jessica.

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    I've come to the conclusion that Sean is a very small man, in several ways. I'm detecting a highly disingenuous person. He is always "on," in that I feel he's performing, speaking to, playing for the camera AND the crew.

    His "reality show" ambitions and proclivities were nicely illustrated at their New Years Eve dinner, when Sean proclaimed to Davina, "will you accept this rose?" With quite a flourish, too. Oh, and I've had MORE than enough of a grown man with gray hair bemoaning his childhood bullying. We are all products of our experiences and I'm sensitive to that fact. In this venue, to me, Sean comes across as an excuse-maker, crybaby, attention glutton. Jessica and Ryan D are both too immature and self-centered for marriage. They can't communicate because neither one truly listens to the other. Each person may be hearing but neither is listening. I did find it interesting tonight that when Ryan D once again invoked his perception of his grandparents' PERFECT relationship, he used the example of papa yelling, "just do it and shut up!" To grams! Ha! I'm getting more and more uncomfortable observing the golden couple of Jaclyn and RyanR. She does remind me of the new Jamie Otis in her efforts to portray her true love and happiness. Something or everything seems forced and camera-ready.


    So agree about Sean, and I've been trying to find the right word but you hit it...disengenuous. It's like he's reading from a textbook on "How To Bullshit You're Way Through Anything". He's sooooooo in tune with his emotions...soooooo willing to accept his faults and sooooo understanding of everyone else. Blech. Give me a good old fashioned fight anytime over this CONSTANT talking. That's all D&S and JacRy did last night. Talk, talk, talk about either how they are going to work on themselves and fix everything or how happy happy happy they are. If I hear the term "friend-zone" one more time I'm going to punch both Jaclyn and Ryan. Man, that got annoying. I am beginning to truly dislike RyanR. To me he is so boring. There is nothing interesting about him.

    • Love 3

    What is wrong with ironing on the bed? Why should she iron on that cheap table? So that the table's finish melts onto her clothes?


    This is the kind of thing a wife needs to tell her husband to butt out of (unless he wants to do the ironing). I iron on the bed all the time. I iron on the floor too. I have an ironing board but I don't want to drag it out for small jobs. As long as you have a thick towel to cover the heat, there's nothing wrong with it. I'm not sure if Ryan thought it was a fire hazard or what. But it's just one of those little things between newlyweds that happens.


    I said it last week, I'll say it again - Jessica wants everything to come to her.  She is unwilling to make any effort.  My mother would say she is going into this with her ass.  She is so focused on trying to find fault with Ryan that she invents things in order to make him the villain and herself the victim.  I believe him that he would not "steal" the money.  He was probably short on cash and borrowed it.  She assumed he took it and didn't intend to give it back.  Why would he need to take any money?  He makes plenty of money.  She really needs to get a grip.  I get it that the situation is causing them inordinate stress but man, her issues go way beyond that.  And BTW, Mr. Snarklepuss can act that way about things like ironing on the bed - I just tell him to go stuff it.  Don't sweat the small stuff.  Ryan can be a bit intrusive but I would probably act like his grandmother and just tell him to go blow.  He'd probably love it and just back off.


    Not only is she trying to make him the villian, Snarklepuss, but so is the show. Did you notice how little they were on the entire episode until the end? It was all Sean & Davina and Ryan & Jaclyn, until the very end. Ryan D. is a business consultant, right? I sure wouldn't want my clients to see me in such a bad light. I'm not saying he isn't at fault on some of this, but it seems since Day 1 the show has been trying to put him in the worst possible light.

    • Love 2

    I think Jaclyn is kind of laying it on thick in terms of her falling in love with Ryan. I could see myself behaving the same way, to convince myself, if I had married a stranger I didn't like and had to live with him for six weeks. I'm not sure if they'll stay together in the long run. When you put yourself in a situation as crazy as this one on national television, I think that you'll be very motivated to try to make it work.


    Oh, absolutely. No one wants to be the one that couldn't make it work. Whether they work or not, I find Jaclyn's behavior irritating. She's constantly laughing suggestively and IMO teasing the guy. If she really doesn't find him attractive, she shouldn't be doing that.

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