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Everything posted by rainsunmoonshine

  1. How would the psychological well-being of your child be helped by becoming homeless? I just watched this episode and I have to say it was horrible- I can't wait until they're out of contract and the show hopefully ends!
  2. Some of don't have a dryer (very few days in Perth, Australia that you would be unable to hang things to dry due to weather), but hanging clothes doesn't take that long anyway. :-)
  3. That's just outright disgusting!! The only story-line I'm enjoying is Chelsea/Aubree because she's actually being a parent, she's not relying wholly on others and she seems like a functional human being. Most importantly she obviously loves Aubree very much and cares well for her. Jenelle/Jace is just a disaster.
  4. How did Jana show her resentment? Does Josie have developmental delays or a disability or something? I'm from Australia, don't have cable so I've only seen a handful of episodes.
  5. I'm Australian and I think it is pretty common for both engagement and wedding rings to be 18k gold. Mine and my husbands are!
  6. Sorry I know this is from eons ago in the thread but I've joined recently and just reading through and couldn't let this slide...some of us have summer in December! I'm from Perth, Australia. :-) I think it is to place emphasis on the seriousness of courting. This is true, but perhaps not always for a bad reason. I was comparatively young at just turned 26 (in that we were the first engaged and either the first couple to get married or one of the first couples in our social circles) and now (at just under three months off 28) I don't understand why so many of my friends are single- but only because they're great people, who deserve all the love and companionship in the world!!
  7. Oh all four of the girls are delusional in one way or another, but so are most people- pretty hard to cope with all the harsh realities of life if you aren't a little bit deluded!
  8. What has how Leah looks got to do with her situation, her parenting, her work or her as a person? We all have been through times we had hairstyle or wore clothes that we loved but didn't truly flatter us, surely? What makes her so unworthy of a long-term partner? Evidently if he asked her to marry him so he wasn't just looking for a physical relationship.It takes two to make a baby- two. If a man won't wear a condom he's an idiot. If he double wraps he's an idiot (increases breakages, in case you were unaware). If you don't want a baby and you're not using at least one type of protection you're an idiot. I don't believe that any significant percentage of women lay 'pussy traps' for men and find it truly offensive that others do. Who are generally the ones who get left holding the baby (as 16 and pregnant has repeatedly shown us)- the women! Why would someone try to set up that situation for themselves? I'm sure child support doesn't come close to truly covering the cost of a child/ren. Personally, I think we've seen some tremendous growth and growth in all of the girls over the past 5 seasons (plus 16 and pregnant).
  9. Well it will- without that reality- check you may well have continued to do it! I'm 27. I don't know anyone who has lost a license due to DUI- due to speeding/other infractions building up, yes, I know three people. I'm from Perth, Australia and our limit is 0.05, which is lower than at least some US states I have heard of. Driving under the influence is just plain stupid and age is absolutely no excuse. Jenelle is smart, I believe, but obviously has some self esteem and mental health issues. I feel really sad when I see her searching for a relationship to fill something inside herself. I can't believe she's ever had a positive male role model in her life. Barbara obviously does her best but hasn't raised Jenelle well. Her whole story just makes me sad.
  10. Thanks CakeLeigh. Very thorough explanation (which I did find interesting) and good to know that about Australian dancing. I think the show will have to finish soon- I'm certainly enjoying a lot less than I did!
  11. Hi. As someone who never really took any dance lessons (I was/am a musician) and who lives in Australia I was wondering about the competitions the team/girls are entered into. Are these prestigious competitions? Would the girls actually face serious competition?
  12. I. Marlene King went to Pepperdine University. I'm Australian, so I have no idea how that ranks. I loved this episode- it really did make me want to see what is next.
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