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Everything posted by rho

  1. I did! But then I googled "angry dance teacher" and found out she was actually in prison when this was filmed...so yeah... I don't know, I mean, the worst day of her life was when there was traffic on the way to PaliHouse to meet Lisa. Where does a bad cover on a third rate magazine fall on the Kemsley Scale of Champagne Problems?
  2. That would be a really good game for Andy to play with her on WWHL
  3. This episode was such a bust. But I am very much looking forward to Camille's 15yo blowing the Hadidnts out of the water next week at NYFW.
  4. Lisa looks like Cinderella's evil stepmother flanked by a drunk stepsister on either side
  5. I adore Kyle but omg she is so off base right now. I kind of hate that she's calling Dorit out on the snitching and shit talking because now she might become more conscious about it and there will be no one to hate watch anymore
  6. I'm still laughing at Lisa grabbing Kyle's crotch to get her purse while they shimmy out of the rain. I could have watched a full hour of these women trying to navigate a little drizzle
  7. Oh burn!!!!! You win the internet Ivygirl It's so relaxing. You should really try it! The Vanderpump kids are always using Priv. They usually have really great deals for first timers
  8. Okay, very serious question, has Lala actually ever fucked anyone up? Because she keeps threatening to beat people up but I just don't think she'd actually do it. I mean, with those nails she sometimes has trouble picking up forks and cocktail glasses. I really don't think she can even form a fist at this point. Or would it just be another slap fight?
  9. This really can't be said enough!! Ashley is violently insane!!
  10. Scheana's the girl at a sleepover that has softball practice or whatever in the morning and yells at everyone because they want to have fun and stay up late.
  11. I forgot to mention my favorite part of this episode! Kristen wondering what to do with the $700 check Stassi gave her. Even though I know the coven are truly awful assholes of the worst variety, they are still so fun to watch!
  12. They act like passive aggressive roommates who keep eating the other's Ben & Jerry's pints out of spite
  13. That's what that was!!! It took every ounce of strength not to gag at the sight of it. You'd think working in a restaurant for a decade maybe she would have learned how to cook something edible.
  14. "I am so happy that Ashley is back" - Stephen, the high prince of spilling tea Who knew Lauren wasn't the crazy twin?! They're both batshit drama queens. How refreshing!
  15. I can only imagine his dick would fall off
  16. Lol! He probably thought of it first. I'd have to be pretty drunk to enjoy a weekend with Scheana and her renaissance mantoy
  17. It's a shame everyone was wearing sunglasses around the pool so we weren't treated to the chorus of eyerolls during Scheana's Rob monologue. New game: Drink every time Scheana talks about Rob!
  18. Now I really want to know which one is handier, Katie or Rob?
  19. It's a work place drama like many other that don't stray from the main set (Superstore, The Office, Veep, etc come to mind). But they did go to the strip club for the kiddie birthday and there are other opportunities. Like if the planes are grounded and they all get put up in a craptastic casino hotel off the strip. I'm not sure it would make much sense to go to anyone's house. It would be a stretch for the crew to be invited to a passenger's home. And flight crew are pretty notorious for not owning much. Often they bunk with people on opposite schedules to save money since they're rarely home.
  20. I wish I could heart this a million times. Dorit is
  21. I think she's very whimsical and it can be hit or miss. Lucky for her, the toasts were always a hit. I think the other chefs need to be looking at their own food and trying to figure out why they can't make something that tastes better than fancy toast. But I do agree that Carrie's toast would be more impressive if she actually made her own bread, or got creative with the crostini like using fried polenta or baked yucca. Anyone on a paleo diet can come up with a pretty decent version of fancy toast every week.
  22. To clarify, I don't think there is anything wrong with being a serious person. I've worked with many and I've actually been surprised by how many performers (both more and less famous than Erika Jayne) have virtually no sense of humour and are business all the time. And then miraculously on stage someone entirely different comes out. I think her feelings and demeanor are very valid, especially based on the tiny tidbits we get of her upbringing. That said, it doesn't make great television. She's on a reality show and by being so guarded, she comes off as disingenuous. I think if Rinna, with her TMI and incontinence ads, abruptly left complaining about PMS it would get totally glossed over. But because Erika has a history of being cagey I can see how there could have been come confusion about the intent to stay over or not. And again, it really wasn't THAT big of a deal until Dorit snitched on the others and blew the whole thing out of proportion.
  23. I think maybe she herself noticed how shitty she was received last year and is taking a step back. Luckily with Dorit on a rampage, she can do that. There are no pots left to stir. But I like her this way much better.
  24. So true!! The whole thing felt oddly manufactured and they probably would have gotten away with it too if it hadn't been for Dorit's poor acting in the morning, dropping MAJOR hints that something was wrong until Erika finally indulged her. I think they just can't have a trip without some drama. I think that's the best way to put it. It does seem like Erika is forging friendships with some of the other women. But what strikes me as odd is that she NEVER seems to have fun. She is a very serious person which totally contrasts with her "job" as Erika Jayne. Even rehearsing with her gays or when she was packing designer clothes for NYFW, all of it feels like a business transaction. It's hard to tell because she's always dressed like a 6yo who got into mommy's closet but she doesn't ever seem to be enjoying herself very much.
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