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Everything posted by Maelstrom

  1. CLUE! Count me as another person who loves that movie. 🥰 I can recite all of the dialogue with it as I watch. ”Professor Plum, you were once a professor of psychiatry specializing in helping paranoid and homicidal lunatics suffering from delusions of grandeur.” Just like Marlena!
  2. Welcome to the land of Kdramas, OogleEyes. They're highly addictive, that's for sure. I've yet to watch one live since I don't think I could wait from week to week, so I commend your patience. And I'm still burned from Memories of the Alhambra, which I started watching before the final episode had aired - I won't be doing that again (nothing like investing 16 hours of your life only to be majorly disappointed with a crummy ending). Right now I'm watching Bride of the Water God (aka Bride of Habaek), which is fun. I've been curious about It's OK Not to Be OK since I enjoyed the lead actor in My Love From the Star, but haven't watched it yet. You'll have to let us know what you think!
  3. My DVR decided not to record the special even though it acted like it would, so I missed it. Sadly I'm not surprised to hear I didn't really miss anything. I can understand needing to narrow their scope (100 years is a LOT of skating to cover after all) but still. Why not just have a special about the current "big names" in American skating if that's all they want to show? Sheesh.
  4. Ah, thanks for the links, justmehere! I was thinking I'd have to trawl through YouTube to find anything. Much appreciated!
  5. I don't believe Jill Wagner has ever played an evil robot or the devil's mother, so that helps differentiate them, to me at least. And writing that out makes me wonder how Tricia Helfer even ended up in Hallmark-land to begin with... I watched the Lindy Booth/Justin Bruening one last night (I don't even bother learning the titles) and was pleasantly surprised. Still chock full o' tropes, of course, but better than I expected. I always like Lindy Booth, and Justin Bruening has actually improved from his days on All My Children. Also, that star ornament was gorgeous.
  6. Thanks for sharing your thoughts on this show, ElectricBoogaloo - if Disney ever loosens their claws and gives non-subscribers access I will definitely be checking it out.
  7. And kitties! This is my favorite holiday fluff movie hands down. Fun, likable leads who act like adults, cats, and a touch of humor. I actually bought the dvd so I can watch it every year. Joining in with everyone who liked Sugar and Spice Holiday - an unexpected treat! No pun intended.
  8. You can always tell the Canadian boys who grew up playing hockey! I recall seeing Niall Matter and Michael Shanks in a few movies over the years where it was extremely obvious they'd spent a lot of time playing hockey. I'm all for this too! At least it might offer something slightly different. I see Ali Sweeney has one coming up sometime this week, I set it to record since she's one of my faves (Sami Brady FTW!) Beyond that, I have to say that I'm so over Hallmark's Christmapocalypse. At least the Lifetime holiday movies offer up a few laughs and surprises in their fluff.
  9. Especially considering Sonny needed a stepladder to have a hope of staring Martin down. I hope they don’t have a lot more scenes together, I hate missing out on Michael Knight and I HATE watching Sonny (I know, that goes without saying, but it can’t be said enough).
  10. Whoa, so nuLucas wasn't just a matter of not being able to get RC and needing a last-minute replacement? Um, OK then. I would ask why this show continually ruins and gets rid of everything I like about it, but it's what they do best sadly. Also, they can't give me Brad back (with Britt!) and then take him away from me, it's just too cruel.
  11. I found an hour on regular NBC (not the sports network) Sunday morning - time will tell if it actually airs...
  12. Sooo.... anyone here in the US know if NBC is going to deign to show more than an hour of Cup of China on network, or is full coverage only for Peacock subscribers? Let the schedule scavenger hunt begin. *insert my annual rant about how much NBC sucks here* Finally catching up on Skate America, and Keegan Messing looked great! He really impressed me - I never used to have much of an opinion about him one way or the other, but in the last few years he’s really come into his own. He was on his game here - his FS almost made me like Guns and Roses for a minute. So happy we got to see him shine. (in other news, I still miss Jason 😢)
  13. Just watching from home I find those cutouts wildly distracting - I keep looking at them instead of the skaters: "Hey, is that a cutout of Bea Arthur? Nah, they wouldn't want to pay for the likeness of a celebrity. Is that a kitten with a placard written in Japanese? Must be a Yuzuru fan. Speaking of, there's a Pooh Bear knock-off. And another. Oh, wait, watch the skater. Hmm, sure are lots of Geico lizards watching this event, too. Hey, is that another one of the man holding the Nathan sign? I wonder if there are any duplicates out in the 'audience.' Oh yeah, watch the skater." Sad. Still, it's definitely better than nothing. Any word if Cup of China, Rostelecom, or NHK are still going to happen? And I'm with everyone hating the music. Thank goodness for the mute button.
  14. Josh Farris was one of my favorites, I always loved watching him. Such a beautiful skater. IIRC he had a lot of injuries, sadly. What’s the deal with his coach?
  15. I was really dubious about a live action version in the first place... but now with those rumors* and no Bryan and Mike... no thanks. I'll happily stick with the original, which IMO is pretty close to perfect as is. I wonder if this adaptation will even get off the ground anyway. * If there's even a kernel of truth to any of them it's a dealbreaker in my book
  16. That's great, Good Queen Jane, thanks for sharing! I can't imagine a whole year without getting to hold my breath every time Jason comes onscreen and hope that Yuzuru doesn't break anything else watch my faves. It's hard enough to be a figure skating fan in the US anyway (thanks for nothing NBC) so this is good news, however changed the GP may look this year.
  17. Too bad he didn’t just shoot the viewers to put us out of our misery. BlackberryJam, you’re braver than I could ever be, and it’s interesting to read your impressions after a few years have passed. Despite really liking some aspects of this show (early on, at least) it turned into such a colossal clusterfuck of an insult to brain cells that I don’t think I could ever stand to rewatch. Not even for Eric Balfour’s hotness.
  18. Six primal elements + dark/human magic. At least, that’s my guess. Either way, yay!
  19. Yes, yes, yes!! This is my main problem with this show these days.
  20. No worries, this can't be repeated enough! Days writers: Diff...er..ent? We're not familiar with that word. I would add Todd from OLTL to that list, considering he was about as vile a character as you could imagine early on. They took several years to redeem him, over the course of a couple different storylines, and even afterwards he was never a hero by any stretch of the imagination, something he acknowledged more than anyone. Characters used to be allowed to embody many shades of grey, but these days (and Days is especially bad about this IMO) everyone is either good or bad, black or white, period. It's infuriating to watch.
  21. Well, IIRC Steve is also is in that club, along with AMC's Jesse, and probably a bunch of other characters on any number of soaps. Maybe they regenerated, like Doctor Who. Since this show is basically a bad Sci-Fi channel original movie anyway.
  22. Ew. Boes, you're not helping make this nightmare less disgusting to watch. ;-) I blocked out a lot of that, so maybe you're right. But still. I call BS. Resurrection serum only works on dead people, Show. And it's not like Ben started to strangle Will and then got interrupted or did a half-assed job or something. Will was dead, D-E-D dead, as far as Ben and everyone else in town knew.
  23. I'm glad I'm not the only one seeing rage-induced flames at the side of my vision by this hideous vomitous mass of a "wedding." You know, I actually thought the episode with the Stefan/Jake reveal and Gabi's breakdown was quite good. So of course Show had to turn around and barf out several of the absolute worst episodes in its existence afterward. There are no words to describe how much I despite Ciara and her court of hangers-on at this point. Ciara, I'd say you're getting the exact wedding day you deserve. Claire, ditch this craphole of town. You can do a lot better. Also, Show, for the record Ben actually killed Will, he didn't just "try to." Will was in a fucking coffin and brought back to life. Therefore he actually fucking died. And on a related note, his having murdered Will is A) not funny B) not some little oopsie, and C) not funny. At this point I'm ready for 99% of Salem's population to fall down a giant hole and never return.
  24. Just finished Mary Anne Saves the Day and damn can I relate to MA - shy, nervous talking to people and crying when confronted about pretty much anything. It felt like watching myself, both as a child and even now as an adult (what can I say, it's been a hard year). But I also always related to Claudia's love of art, Jessi's love of dance, and Dawn's free spirit nature. So I guess that'd make me a MA with a moon in Claudia, and a Jessi and Dawn rising, lol. I loved this take on Dawn! I never knew she was so unpopular either, but looking back I can see that she was probably one of the least developed, so some changes would be necessary bringing her to the screen in the modern day. The way she and MA became friends felt so natural and easy it was really sweet to watch, especially after the way the others club members treated her. Having been on the receiving end of a bit of that behavior from my own "friends" as a kid, I was as thrilled as MA to meet Dawn. Random comment: I've known more than a few Aunt Esmes over the years and attended a few similar types of gatherings, but never saw anyone snap their fingers. Are they beatniks, lol? Still having a tough time seeing Richard Spier and not Shawn the demon/professor Kevin Cozner but his heart to heart with her at the end was nicely done. And as someone else posted awhile back, I loved the fact that her braids weren't a product of his strictness but rather a complete lack of other hairstyling ideas, lol. The first of the books I ever read was the first one, Kristy's Big Idea. I'd asked for the American Girls books for my birthday (anyone remember those?) but my grandmother accidentally got these instead. Even though I never babysat or even liked kids, I got hooked. I think ultimately because of what Annber03 posted upthread:
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