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Everything posted by comosedice

  1. And I will say this, I expected your skepticism. What reason would he have to lie about death threats? He's been getting mostly love on social media. He doesn't need anyone's sympathy. I am glad he's blocking and not engaging unpleasantness or attacks on him. That's not a strike against him in my book. I think it's pretty established that he doesn't like Bryan, so liking "shady" comments is par for the course. He should probably also ignore those. That's a waste of time.
  2. Well, Peter has been getting death threats and other nastiness thrown at him for not feeling ready to propose or say I love you to Rachel. Crazies are on both sides. Rachel should have sent Peter home or become cool toward him when he made his feelings clear to her about proposing.
  3. Just curious, but what makes Peter a "dimwit"? Is it saying "Rachel and I's?" Anyway, I disagree with you that Peter has a fear of commitment. Commitment-phobic people do not stay in 2-year relationships. Peter has expressed that he wants to date Rachel (and I assume exclusively) not propose marriage after three dates. How does one get fear of commitment from this? When I and my partner decide to date only each other that's a commitment. Common-law spouses (no engagement or marriage) have certain rights and can claim certain assets upon the death of the other person or the end of the relationship because they've been COMMITTED to that other person for years, cohabiting, sharing in successes and failures, maybe even having children. A ring does not guarantee commitment and should not be used to measure it.
  4. Are you absolutely sure about this? If a person tells you a term you are using is offensive to him/her, it doesn't hurt to listen and stop using it, unless, of course, your intention was to offend. I'm ignorant about the usage of the word uppity. I have never used and don't plan to. Well, he doesn't know that it's not correct grammar. I can't hold it against him. Those who know should correct him and explain why it's wrong. I know I don't know everything, so I try not to be quick to judge others for the same.
  5. I am choosing to interpret this as you knowing the signature work of the family's surgeon.
  6. Lol! The Bryan cheek defense squad coming through. None of this changes what my eyes are seeing and I have no interest in digging into his family tree or any other part of his life.
  7. In the country of my birth we have 'bush doctors.' They reside mostly in the rural parts, but you go to them for herbal medicines and special baths. Anybody can call him or herself a doctor if they want to.
  8. Are we actually using kids with baby fat pictures to prove a point? I would like to direct you to some pictures of young Jenners and Kardashians. Cheek implants are supposed to make you look youthful, you know, like when you were a youth. Anyway, I've seen those kid pics and I don't see the pronounced cheeks.
  9. His mom had the "cheeks" too. They're like the Kardashians. Same surgeon probably.
  10. Maybe she likes douchebags. She sees their douchebagginess as confidence.
  11. Maybe she also knows that her daughter will do whatever she wants. Some parents will let you fall on your face to learn a lesson because telling you 'no' will just make you defensive and want to do it more.
  12. I am glad you clarified that uneasiness is your equivalent of fear. It isn't mine and I thought the family just found Bryan's spiel rehearsed lines, hence the questions about his sincerity. I understand perfectly why the sister laughed and told him he's only met them for an hour when he told her that he "LOVED" the family. I question what kind of weight the word love has for him. He seems to just throw it out.
  13. We see things differently because I think he is into her. He said he wants to continue their relationship, date before proposing. If she shared his stance on things, she could easily choose him and then there would be no Bachelor gig. Everyone is talking about Peter becoming the Bachelor like it is guaranteed. It isn't.
  14. I actually think being nervous because you want to make a good impression is normal and expected especially when you are being questioned? I thought as the day progressed he relaxed to the point where he was playing with the toddler (who remembered his name was Peter). My only issue with Peter is I wish he would soften some of what he says. Rachel could have sent him home right when he told her flat out that they were not in agreement on a fundamental issue, but he said it anyway. He was also very direct in saying that was not in love with Rachel to the family. Saying that he was falling in love would have been enough.
  15. Bryan's questions were no different from the others. I think the way he answered them was what had the family bothered. He was asked about how he would handle conflict between his mother and significant other because he created an opening for that question. I don't think he handled it well.
  16. The editing is what it is and we are all victims of it, including you. Interpretation of the editing is what varies. I do not like Bryan based on what I've seen of him and that affects my interpretation. You do not like Peter, which also affects your interpretation of the editing. Nobody here is completely objective no matter how much they think they are. I believe Bryan will be Rachel's choice at the end and that makes me think less of her. I hope Peter is eliminated in the next episode so that I can stop watching. I wish Eric all the best. He seems like an earnest, likeable guy. I think that's the case as they showed his sister in the hometown visit.
  17. Shawn could not stand Nick. His body language around him was so tense. I always felt like he might pounce on him if Nick accidentally brushed up against him. That was hilarious. I'm glad Peter isn't showing that kind of hostility. Whether Rachel and Bryan make it work or not will not matter to me because I will stop caring as soon as Peter leaves.
  18. Well, I'm glad I got this video evidence to show me that Dean has his own unfavorable opinion of Bryan and was not just mirroring Peter's. I would love to know what the other men thought/think of "the physician." I won't assume anything. Does he even have any post-show friendships with any of them? Not that this matters because that wasn't why he was on the show.
  19. Which interview was this that Dean said that he "had to be anti-Bryan" because of Peter? Poor little Dean can't think for himself when it comes to Bryan but has been perceptive with everything else? For a man who isn't into Rachel as you are wont to claim, Peter is showing some serious signs of jealousy toward the main competition.
  20. I don't quite get what is wrong with what Peter's mother said. She said her son was mentally and emotionally ready for a commitment and for kids. What this meant to me was that he was mature and able to take on these responsibilities at this time in his life. On the other hand, he was not ready for a proposal or marriage now because he has doubts and questions about his relationship with Rachel. This makes perfect sense to me. People are acting like she said he was anti-marriage or not husband material.
  21. Yup, on Instagram he showed a picture with one of his friends and captioned it with something along the lines of it being their 10-year anniversary as friends. I would bet that Peter felt compelled to mention that out of his 10 friends eight are black because Rachel asked him if he has ever dated a black woman. I personally think he has very strong feelings for Rachel and that was why he wanted his friends to meet her and accept her. Why are people so intent on finding things to hate about Peter?
  22. Nothing wrong with a familiar face among 25-30 strangers. I have no issue with this.
  23. The mom I think Rachel can handle. It's the impotent son who will cause her grief. Imagine your man never taking your side or becomes a boy afraid to stand up to his mother to defend you. Rachel better push for them to live in Dallas.
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