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Everything posted by comosedice

  1. I wish this were funny and I could just laugh it all off, but these claims are getting more and more out there and are just freaking sad. I am waiting for Peter to be called abusive. The conversation seems to be heading there now that he's being lumped in with losers who hate women. Who knew Peter not wanting to propose to a woman he barely knew would bring us here. I'm always thankful for reminders of how ugly this world is and that none of what is spewed about Peter makes Bryan one bit likable. Also, kudos and blessings to Anthony, Iggy, Diggy, and Alex who were all in WI supporting Peter and raised $24,000 for the Boys and Girls Club. "When others go low, go high."
  2. This is projection. I'm sorry you went through what you did, but you don't know Peter (neither do I) and he is not your ex. I think we should all be cautious when things don't feel right with anyone, but it is also grossly unfair to be using your trauma to judge a complete stranger and make him out to be this manipulative demon. Also, the lead is not the only one choosing a partner, so Peter wanting the people (family and friends) who are important to him to meet the woman who could potentially become his wife is not a bad thing. I don't know how this was twisted to be something awful. I understand why some innocent people get murdered sometimes. It's because the other person is haunted by their past and that's all they see. All you need is the slightest resemblance and you stop being you.
  3. How do you mess with someone's head who has already made up her mind? She said she knew from when Bryan met her parents. There is nothing Peter, who she supposedly did not want, should have been able to say that would sway her or mess with her head, nothing.
  4. That article was just shit. There is no evidence that Rachel's race had anything to do with the public's reaction to how things played out. I assume the writer is neither a scientist nor social scientist so saw nothing wrong with forcing the issue of race to explain the negative response of a large, diverse Bachelorette viewership based on pure conjecture. I, a woman of color, am ready to move on to more pleasant topics and avoid having to look at Bryan. Rachel has made her choice.
  5. I agree with you, but it seems Peter is now being blamed for his friends' actions. They no doubt are trying to defend and support him, and going about it badly. If Peter is aware of it, he needs to tell them to cut it out and delete all of the of their offensive posts. Rachel and Bryan fired the first shots, but there should have been no response from Peter's camp. Just let them go around badmouthing him until people get bored.
  6. Isn't that on the merchandise he's selling? LMAO, she is modeling their merch. How lovely. Strike while that iron is still hot.
  7. So much truth here but I don't need Bryan to try and win me over. That kind of calculated move would actually make me dislike him even more. Don't you just love the claim of Peter "stringing" Rachel along. How did he manage to do that when as they say she was all about Bryan from the start and most importantly had the power to send Peter home when he unwaveringly stated his views on proposing? I think the root of a lot of the hate directed at Peter is his popularity. He didn't do a damn thing to Rachel but be honest.
  8. I don't feel bad for Bryan one bit. I never liked him but good luck to him selling his a Bachelorette mugs and t-shirts. The rest of this post just angers me, so I'll not go over it. I love Peter!
  9. Well, in the running doesn't mean will be. Neither Chase nor Robbie became the Bachelor out of Jojo's season. Man, I loved Reid. He was another one that struggled with the hasty "I love you."
  10. It is probably difficult for you to believe and you would probably never give him the benefit of a doubt, but maybe, just maybe Peter had seriously deep feelings for Rachel and is not over losing her yet. This could explain his "sad sack" appearance. I've liked Peter from the beginning, so I don't see him as the sinister manipulator who played mind games with Rachel. I think he is emotionally reserved but very direct. I appreciated his honesty. He laid his cards on the table and Rachel chose to keep him any way. If 17 yr old Peter's yearbook quote had not been made public nobody would be talking about a Bachelor audition because his behavior the whole time has not been pro-process hence all the talk about losing respect for him if he became the Bachelor or that the show is not for him. The more I see people try to destroy his character with their nasty baseless theories, the more my heart goes out to him.
  11. Well, in my organization nobody uses "Dr." We all go by our first names although the majority have PhDs. I'll take a gainfully employed, great human being; model or chiro doesn't matter. I make sure I keep myself financially secure.
  12. Should he have been bowing to Bryan because he has a Masters degree? The image is hilarious and ridiculous. I believe Peter didn't like Bryan the man and it had nothing to do with his education. If you haven't noticed, many people do not like Bryan and a few of us have PhDs. His 2-year Masters degree in Chiropractic doesn't make him special. Lol.
  13. Yes, one a minor and one an adult, but still, why talk about one but not the other when trying to discredit him?
  14. The man is in his 30s. When are people going to stop bringing up something he said at 17? Also, how is it that nobody talks about Bryan's more recent appearance on a reality show about being a player?
  15. How do you know Bryan isn't the type of guy she usually dates? She has said nothing to make us not think this.
  16. "unequivocally" huh? We shall see. The weird context was the same for her and every other man on the show. There is still no assurance that this thing with Bryan will go anywhere. We've been here before.
  17. Isn't this exactly what she is doing? Taking it slow, getting to know the other person, and seeing where it goes? She's essentially dating Bryan and there is no guarantee it will end in marriage. Besides the ABC-bought jewelry, how's this different from what Peter offered? How did he shade Bryan for months? We already knew from the show he didn't like him. He never hid it.
  18. I hope Peter is the next Bachelor and I hope if he's not feeling it at the end of his season that he doesn't propose there either. Rachel has been good at playing the Bachelorette game and saying what the producers want her to say. That she was telling Peter the Bachelor was not for him could very well be the message the producers want to get out because they are going with someone else. I hope I'm wrong.
  19. No death threat should be disregarded. When sane looking people are walking up to celebrities and murdering them at fan events, nobody can be trusted.
  20. The resemblance is striking. Miami Cheeks wishes. Poor, old, dead Abe being dragged into this. SMH.
  21. I think he gave her plenty. We just see things differently, period.
  22. Judie, thank you for posting this. I had no idea and from others account here of what Peter has been doing, I would not have guessed any of it.
  23. I think everyone goes on the show knowing what is involved and they can at the end decide to propose/accept a proposal or not. I doubt the contract the participants signed mandated them to propose. Isn't that the issue here? Peter said he's not ready to do that? All this maligning of his character for not wanting to propose makes no sense to me. So what if he wanted any of what you listed? Why didn't Rachel eliminate him? This is her show. I would not have ejected myself either. He doesn't hate Rachel. I think he really likes her but is not going to compromise on something he feels strongly about and that is to propose simply to placate Rachel. Like Peter, I don't fall in love with people I barely know.
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