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Everything posted by SlothLoveChunk

  1. This episode drove me crazy. While I can empathize with the chaos their household must be, I was face-palming myself every other scene. As the mother of a toddler who started her escapades of escape, climbing, and just a utteral destruction before age 1 (my oldest was pretty chill so the second's personality there is for a loop), a little bit of baby proofing and limits could go a loooong way in that house. Sure, their little farmhouse style baby gate looks cute, but they admitted the babies escape it all the time. Get an ugly pressure mounted one with a baby proof latch and you will be good. My oldest was 3 when we got ours and she figured it out quick so it shouldn't be an issue with her older boys. Figure out a way to childproof that bathroom door for Christ's sake. And if it is truly such a unique door that none of the hundreds of safety locks will not work on it, put a freaking lock on the toilet seat. While not pretty, good old painters tape would solve the baby in the air duct problem. I see a dozen things that could be fixed in less than an hour and dramatically improve their life, so it was so frustrating to watch the babies get into things they shouldn't repeatedly. I was also confused why they needed to bathe each child individually at the sink after their messy dinner. I have a bathtub that is smaller than the standard size built today, but I could easily fit three babies in there at a time. Not sure why they couldn't tag team to do something like that. Mom is probably crazy overwhelmed, but the whole household just seemed so laissez faire, especially with the energy of the older boys. I prefer the rigidity of the Busbee house!
  2. And here I was feeling like a horrible mom for letting my two kids watch TV for an hour each day when they get home from school/daycare to give me time to get dinner/laundry/cleaning going after work. I'm glad there are stories like these to make me feel better about my parenting!
  3. It's very possible, and likely, that they did plan a nap into their days. But get 5 overtired toddlers after 15 hours of travel and new time zones...things will likely not go to plan. Hell, sometimes when my toddler is extremely over-exhausted and I put her down for a nap thinking "she's going to sleep SO good" she ends up sleeping for horribly for 1/2 of her normal nap time and the cycle perpetuates.
  4. Yeah I loved how Diego was all "I'm done holding her now" and immediately went to his phone. He thinks he's such a genius, but can't even figure out just HOW bad that looked. A simple "Oh, I'm sure grandma is dying to hold her...here you go" would have gotten what he wanted and looked 1000% better. I just can't even with this kid. And when his parents both started cracking up when he described the "area" the doctor cut, I was not impressed. They acted like he was such a cute and precocious little boy, when in fact he's a self-absorbed, narcissistic, horrible human. It's no wonder how he got that way.
  5. Laura's parents seem like the type who NEVER talk about emotions. Makes for awkward family gatherings with tension in the air, as you could see from Anna's little birthday celebration. There was one moment where Anna was stepping around her mom to get out of the kitchen and those two seconds told me a ton about their family. Anna was obviously upset with the whole situation, but she's learned that expressing any dissatisfaction with her parents is unacceptable. So she bowed her head and awkwardly walked past her mom, who slightly noticed her daughter's weirdness but didn't care enough (or didn't care enough to address i, lest having to deal with the inevitable emotions) to do anything. The entire family is emotionally stunted, and Laura is likely the black sheep of the family who rebelled against the status quo by distancing herself emotionally from her family (hence the "Anna's got to get over this" mentality) while also fufilling her emotional needs in "unexpected" ways. It hit so close to home because it mirrored so many interactions in my own family.
  6. I agree with you about Amber. She's very naturally pretty. But I've noticed she has a HUGE mouth, and only ever eats HUGE bites of food. I noticed it in the scene with her friend on the dock. She was eating melon and put a chunk the size of the Titanic in her mouth. I was honestly amazed. Noticed it a few more times since. Once you see it you cannot unsee it.
  7. Oh man. I traveled on a plane to visit my family at 7 months pregnant with a toddler in tow. And spent 5 days there with 4 kids under 3. Felt weird all week but sucked it up and trudged on. On the morning we were due to leave I felt utterly exhausted and OFF and asked my husband to take me to the ER. They told me I was fine and just over-tired and pregnant. Flew back home and doctor ordered some tests. Raging mono infection with an enlarged spleen to boot. I felt so much empathy for Danielle during that scene.
  8. Haters gonna hate, but I LOVE the name Hazel. Helps that the quint with that name is so adorable too. Usually names are cyclical and once the current generation birthing babies doesn't have personal connections to people with that name, they come back in style. Bet you dollars to donuts that in 25ish years we're going to see a lot of little babies named Barbara, Patricia, Kathleen, and Susan. Funnily enough, I have two girls- one named Riley and one named Paige. So Riley is definitely my favorite quint (her personality is SO much like my youngest's it's incredible). I was pretty snarky about last season- about how scripted it all seemed, how they seem to have boatloads of money and designer matching clothes...but I'm actually really enjoying the current season.
  9. This season definitely has me interested, but mostly because I hate the majority of the cast. Ally and Josh are the only people I find tolerable. Their girls are adorable, and they seem pretty relaxed parents (I especially like that he cleaned up his kids' mess at the restaurant instead of expecting an employee to do it). They're definitely too "gosh golly" for me to every imagine being friends with them personally, but seem like good people. Jamie and military guy- holy smokes they're both unlikable. He spends hours at the gym EVERY day and buys a truck on a whim? She appears to not work, and does what? Plays house 50% of the time with some kid that's not hers? She appears to have a permanent scowl on her face, but not as bad as... Autumn!- girl is crazy. Crazy eyes, crazy hair. She seems completely incapable of seeing things they way they are. Her husband/boyfriend seems like a guy who does whatever he wants, whenever he wants. I give him 6 months before he bails. And I'm sorry, but unless you're SUPER crunchy granola (which they don't appear to be), to think that raising a baby on a boat is insane. Mariah and Raymond- poor Raymond. He seems like he's an okay guy. She seems like a prima dona and I'd honestly be shocked if she's had less than 3 cosmetic procedures to her face already. Her face looks plastic (and it's not the poor makeup application, which is AWFUL). Brings us to the triplet parents- I despise them. Maybe it's because I hate mega churches. Maybe it's the way she talks (she almost looks like she's had a stroke...sort of Drew Barrymore-ish). Maybe it's the fact that her husband was handed a job by her father and how their entire existence is propagated by folks giving them their money in the name of the lord. And yet I'll keep watching because I can't turn away.
  10. I can judge her for the teenage pregnancy, the allowing/engaging in the crazy momma drama, and being too young and immature to stand up to her ridiculous mother....but I'm leaving the TV alone. From the small snippet of video I saw posted she actually seems like a pretty good mother. If she has the TV on at all times and doesn't engage with her son, then sure I'll judge away. But having it in the background or making a video with her kid there isn't neglectful parenting. You can't interact with a baby EVERY second of the day. And who says that the other 99% of the time we don't see him in a video he isn't on a play mat or playing with developmentally appropriate toys? I have a 4 year old who watched a little TV as an infant (not all the time, and mostly just when I needed a break and flipped on a 30 minute show for me while she played or dozed off an on in my arms) and she's A-OKAY. In fact, she's the youngest in her preschool class (birthday riiiight before kindergarten cut-off) and she's starting to read, can count to 50, and has started doing addition and subtraction. And she's bilingual. My youngest is a year old and is being raised the same way. I refuse to judge this teen mom for having TV on (unless it's ALL the time and she's not doing other parenting necessities because of it), not feeding her baby organic food, or not doing 1 out of the other 5000 things moms get judged for doing/not doing on a daily basis in this society. If Timothy's basic needs are met, he gets a few stories read to him weekly, and he gets some love and interaction throughout the day he'll be just fine.
  11. I see it differently. I think Jenelle knew she could hold her own with Nathan, so she would fight with him whenever she felt like getting her way. Same for all her other boyfriends. They were all losers, and not above domestic violence, but I think Jenelle always knew she'd win out against them both physically and emotionally. She knew she could twist things around and use their anger as a pawn for her ultimate benefit (even if it meant a few bruises along the way). I think deep down she knows that David could kill her, so she keeps the peace. It might look like they get along better, but really we're just seeing the calm right before the sh*t storm. Could take a few months or a few years, but it's coming.
  12. I think I had a different take on the Jace/baby scene. When Jenelle went to talk to Jace he repeated "it's just not right" twice before finally just giving in and saying "yeah, a new baby is good". I think there's more going on than what is assumed. Do I think that Jace is confused, hurt, and betrayed by his mom having another baby? Absolutely. But what I REALLY think happened is Barbara had found out about the baby a day or two before from her coworkers and social media. She likely was livid and upset, and knowing Barbara and how she doesn't make the best decisions when it comes to Jace's emotional stability in regards to his mother, likely already told Jace about the baby before Jenelle did, and likely complained to Jace about how "it just isn't right!" I think Jace was repeating what he heard Barbara saying. Likely he KNEW it wasn't right and had several valid reasons he could have hashed out with his mom, but the kid's 7 and it's easier to just give in. Totally assumed here and maybe it didn't really go down this way, but I have an inkling I'm more right than not. Either way, poor Jace is doomed in adulthood.
  13. I'm an equal opportunity time ice cream eater. But I figure that dinner time is right around 5:30/6 for most people, so unless they ate dinner at like 4:45 the kids are either eating ice creams FOR dinner or will be too full from ice cream to eat a proper dinner. Which is totally fine as a summer treat every once in a while, but it's weird to actively make that choice when filming.
  14. I just started the latest episode and it's getting harder and harder to like this family. The episode started with immediately talking about how expensive the quints are. Of that I have no doubt. But I also don't think you have much room to talk when all 6 of your girls are continuously decked out in boutique designer dresses and rompers, you live in a mansion, and drive what is basically a bus. Here my husband and I are with our two kids struggling to pay daycare each month, both of us working full time, squeezing two car seats into subcompact cars because they're paid for and we can't take on a car payment, and the only boutique outfit my daughters have seen was gifted at Christmas by Nana. My husband and I have it good compared to a lot of people. The Busby's have it REAL good so it ticks me off to hear them lamenting on how much money they spend.
  15. My husband walked in on me watching this after putting our daughter to bed and said "why do you watch this crap??" I didn't have a good answer. Ironically, he sat down and watched about 20 minutes worth. When I cringed at Piper being shown onscreen and said "I'm sorry, but that child is by far the ugliest kid I have ever seen on this show" he thought I was a horrible person for berating a child's looks. Until he watched her horrible mother and saw Piper's "glam" photos...then he said "yeah, I see what you're getting at". It's funny because both my husband and daughter are gingers, so I have a natural affinity towards redheads and even I didn't find Piper the slightest bit attractive. And was it me, or did she seem to be eating something in EVERY scene they showed? That pre-teen needs to put down the starbucks and candy. Candence was a spoiled brat, and almost as ugly as Piper. However, she was very well spoken and seemed to have quite the personality. If her mothers gave her ANY sort of discipline I could see that kid going far. I actually thought Kaylee (Kay) was really cute. She might not be 6; she did speak very well for her (supposed) age, despite the stumbling, but I found her personality to be refreshing. For the 5 minutes of screen time her mom got, I sort of liked her. My grandmother, mother, and MIL were all nurses so I have an automatic soft spot in my heart for nurses and find them to be no-BS, down-to-earth, and caring women for the most part. Hoping Kaylee's mom continues to fit into the mold I put her in. Put me in the group that actually sort of likes Cambrie after last night's episode. I judged her harshly at first based solely on her looks (she looks inflatable), but after seeing more of Jamie and her "Sassy" squad of moms Cambrie looks like a class act. She may be inflatable, but she's professional and doesn't play into the drama the other team so desperately wants to start. And as much as I find Kim to be a complete ditz and Selyse to not have any pageant potential, the ganging up on her was completely uncalled for. I seriously never encountered 1/4 that drama in high school and was shocked that grown women with children could be SO nasty. I'm so glad I surround myself with better people than that in life that until now I was oblivious how horrible some women can be. I don't give Kim a pass on Selyse's horrible last pageant; Jamie is a horrible coach for sure, but 2 hours of watching past Toddlers & Tiaras episodes could have clued Kim onto the fact that you need to provide music, practice your routine, and show up on time. Really not rocket science. I think if she DOES end up switching teams she'll frustrate Cambrie to no end with her cluelessness. I'm still disgusted by the new format. An episode should contain cute kids saying ridiculous things off the cuff, crazy pageant parents, the actual pageant, and crowning- not this manufactured drama bullshit. Okay, done snarking.
  16. Add me to the list of people who HATE the new format. I was expecting classic T&T; what I got was some cheerleader/coaching manufactured-drama. This is not what I signed up for. My DVR also cut it off early so I ended my viewing with a dismal hope that maybe it was a 2-hour episode and I missed the juicy routines, tantrums, and meltdowns. Here's a list of things I had NO interest in seeing: -More than 2 minutes screen time with any coach total (so about 90% of the show sucked). -A kid spewing on her mom, then the floor, then her mom's hands. Also the disgusting snot coming out of Celeste's nose. I'm pregnant and queezy already as is. I'm watching Toddlers and Tiaras- NOT Tosh.0. -Mom spread eagle on the couch. Things I wanted to see more of: -Oh, maybe the TODDLERS and the TIARAS (get it together TLC). -Crazy Celeste's mom. That woman is a hot mess and definitely a few brain cells short. -The practicing at home, the pageant, the routines, and the crownings. I'll probably stick it out for another 2 or 3 episodes, but if the format stays the same I'm peacing out with no regrets.
  17. $465 a month in food stamps for 3 people wasn't enough?? One of which was Leah who probably ate nothing but 2 Pop Tarts and 6 Mountain Dews a day (with the occasional Cheetos bag I'm sure). I'm not sure where Mama Dawn was shopping, but I can feed my 7-months pregnant butt, my overweight husband, and my daughter really well-balanced foods that include meats, fruits, veggies, and ice cream for under $400/month (and that's shopping at a "normal" grocery store, not someplace like Aldi's).
  18. This special had the opposite of the intended effect. I really disliked Barbara the more I watched. She just seemed so "on" the entire episode. I almost was expecting her to break out in tap dance at any moment. She laughed WAY more than any scene warranted, and it grated on me more and more. I honestly think she was tipsy the entire episode. I agree with everyone about that stupid producer. The minute she opened her mouth I was thinking, "Does this woman live in Bizzaro World and not watch the same show we do each week?" She was either trying to stir the pot, or is even crazier than Jenelle herself. Ashleigh DID seem like a calm voice of reason in the Evans household. However, even Jenelle appears lucid and sane in 1 out of every 10 scenes so I'll have to see more of Ashleigh to make my verdict.
  19. Lots of days I sit down after my kid goes to bed and think, "I fed her and watered her. She didn't break any bones today. I'm pretty sure I didn't do anything that will result in her need for therapy down the line...I killed this mom thing today". But would I actually ever post that on social media? Hell no. Other days when I get out the hose and we spend hours chasing and spraying each other in the front yard, I think "Man, I don't do this enough with her. I'm a shitty mom". Being a good mom means not telling the world you are one, and constantly never being sure if you really ARE one.
  20. Woman with diagnosed BPD 13 years ago and many years of Dialectical Behavior Therapy under my belt here. Based on my personal experience, I think that Jenelle displays some very classical symptoms of BPD. She can't stand to be alone and rushes from one relationship to the next. She clings to whatever man she's with with the vengeance of 1,000 suns. It might not be "love", but in her mind she absolutely NEEDS the man-of-the-month in her life. Then she does the very typical "I hate you; don't leave me" behavior at the first perceived act of abandonment or slight from her partner (either real or entirely imaginary). Her boyfriends are never decent guys who did something bad at a certain time. They're either the best boyfriends on earth with no faults whatsoever, or the most vile, disgusting human beings on the planet (same goes for most of her "friends"). She vacillates between those extremes, "loving" and fighting with her partner until the relationship dissolves due to the craziness. And while it's true that the majority of BPD patients have had horrible childhoods riddled with sexual abuse, I'm living proof that predisposition, insecurity, and parents that are unable to nurture or show emotion but otherwise were "good" parents (not sexually abusive or even what many would consider physically abusive), can definitely produce a BPD child. Add the fact that Nathan has accused Jenelle of self-harm, she('s) abuses(d) drugs, and has extremely unstable relationships with everyone around her and my armchair diagnosis is BPD. Again, I am NOT a psychiatrist; just someone who can recognize a lot of my former symptoms in Jenelle. Thankfully, therapy and plain old growing up and maturing did wonders for my BPD. I'll never say I'm "cured", but my symptoms have been so stable for so many years that no one would know I have a BPD diagnosis. I work in a fulfilling career, am happily married to a great guy for 5 years, have a 2 year old little girl with another on the way, and my illogical emotional "outbursts" happen once a year (if that) and are self-managed once I use my skills to realize my reaction is not typical for the situation. I REALLY hope Jenelle matures and is able to lead a stable life, if only for Jace's and Kaiser's sakes.
  21. This is going to be the dissenting view, I'm sure. Let me preface this by saying I hate Jenelle. Since season 1 she's shown herself to be a narcissistic spoiled brat with an obvious personality disorder. That being said, this episode was one of the first times I have ever felt a glimpse of sympathy for Jenelle. She was infuriating and laughable because every other sentence that left her mouth was riddled with so much irony I'm surprised it didn't come back and smack her between the eyes. BUT, when she was complaining to her mom about not being "nourished" and loved as a child, I truly think Jenelle feels (and probably justifiably so) that her needs were not met by her mother when she was young. Barb probably did the best she could at the time, but it's apparent that it fell far short of what was needed to help Jenelle develop into a stable adult. And when Jenelle was relaying the scenario back to Creepy Dave she said something to the effect of "I told her I wasn't nourished or loved as a child, and she laughed at me. She laughed in my face" and then she burst into tears. I felt like that was one of the rare, RARE moments that Jenelle was crying because she was truly hurt and not crying out of manipulation or to gain sympathy (which is her normal MO). This moment of empathy for her was sandwiched in between my utter disbelief at her statements such as "she never does anything for me" (um, except RAISE YOUR SON) and "She doesn't have time for me but can leave to go to New Jersey" while Kaiser was hugging her (um...didn't YOU just come back from New York after abandoning Kaiser with your flavor-of-the month's sister, and aren't you leaving AGAIN for Spring Break soon??).
  22. I finally got around to watching this last night and O.M.G. I couldn't contain my rage during most of it (mostly towards Leah and Jenelle, although Kail had her moments). 1. Chelsea- let's just all agree that Adumb is a loser. If he truly cared about being involved in Aubree's life, he would have at least looked at the date of the dance once Chelsea mentioned it, saw he had other obligations, and called to tell Aubree he was sorry that he couldn't be there. To just not show up or call or text shows everything you need to know about Adumb and his MO. I've always felt very "meh" about Cole. Felt like Chelsea was pushing the "here's your replacement daddy!", and that while he seemed nice, he might just be in it for the money/publicity. This episode changed that. I really think he loves Aubree. His voice may be annoying, but I think he'll always be there for that little girl. 2. Kail- yeah, she's pretty heartless. She was actually spot on when she said she was a robot. I think she's capable of emotions at certain times and very certain situations when she thinks she's "supposed" to have emotions, but otherwise she's just cold. I hate Javi. But at least PRETEND to miss your husband when he's deployed. Seriously. 3. Leah- let's stir that pot a little more, huh? First off, Corey brought up the weight issue very calmly and you could tell he was concerned. He didn't phrase it as "this is all your fault" one bit. He merely said he noticed Ali seemed to be having trouble eating and appeared to be losing weight. Leah somehow gets in her head that Corey was berating her and tells her sister some crazy exaggeration of how how the conversation went down. Second of all, I don't know how tall Ali is, but 36 lbs at 6 years old seems very small to me. My daughter was barely 10% on the weight chart at 23 lbs right at 2.5 years old, and she's petite in height too. Second off, that whole Miranda issue was a complete non-issue. When Leah got that phone call she answered it almost in tears and then sort of thought "oh wait...I'm supposed to act upset AFTER I talk on the phone". So what if Miranda couldn't bring in Ali's bookbag right that very second? On a scale of 1 to 10 of "issues" I'd grade this a 0.0016. I couldn't believe the villainous things about Miranda I read on the Facebook Teen Mom page. People are batshit crazy and really are just sheep, blindly following where they're led. I guess not helping with a backpack is WAY worse than driving while high, texting while driving, repeated truancy to the point where the courts take away your custody, and not being able to feed your kids meals. 4. Jenelle- I second ALL the posters in here who can't believe Barb. I'm so torn because I love Barb as the loudmouth, sarcastic, New-England-accented CHARACTER that she is. I hate her as the mother and grandparent she is. There is no reason to even consider bringing Jace back to that house after what happened the previous weekend. It's like she's completely oblivious to how damaging and destructive Jenelle is to everything she touches. As Jace's gaurdian, it's her JOB to see that, and she's failing so miserably it's heartbreaking. As for Jenelle's laundry-list of medical issues? Oh FFS. Let me share something. 8 months ago I started having numbness in my fingers on my right hand. Doctor dismissed it, thinking it was tendonitis of some sort. It subsided. I've been very tired for about 6 months. I had mono for a third time (yeah, I am LUCKY) a few years ago and my fatigue is as bad as that. Last month, I started having night blindness in my right eye intermittently. Went to the eye doctor, who ran some tests that showed some mild abnormalities (but not enough to be instantly alarming). My eye doctor is very concerned about MS and wants me to have an MRI. Problem is, I'm 4 months pregnant. I work full time, and have an almost 3-year old. We've decided to wait to see if symptoms worsen before pursuing more testing. Know who've I've told (despite this anonymous board)? My husband. That's it. I don't go around complaining to all who will listen. I haven't told my parents, my kid, my boss, my friends...because why, other than for attention? That's all Jenelle is. A destructive, narcissistic, attention-whore.
  23. Leah's newfound "recovery" reminds me SO much of Hyperbole and a Half's "This is Why I'll Never Be an Adult". Link here for those who have missed out on this awesomeness in their lives: http://hyperboleandahalf.blogspot.com/2010/06/this-is-why-ill-never-be-adult.html Basically, Leah is just not built to be responsible. It's like it's not in her DNA. This whopping 180 of keeping a clean house, feeding her kids breakfast, and bringing them to activities? There's no way she can sustain it. The difference is Allie Brosh is not married, has no kids, and isn't on television (well, she dropped off the planet a few years ago so who knows what's she up to now) so her lack of "adulting" only affects her. Leah's lack of adulting affects her kids dramastically, and it's just so sad to watch.
  24. At my wedding, the only thing I made my bridesmaids pay for were matching dresses, but I brought them all to David's Bridal and told them to all decide on a purple dress they could live with that was under $75. One bridesmaid wanted to wear peacock feather earrings, which I wasn't thrilled with, but I figured that unless I was going to pay for specific jewelry I couldn't dictate their jewelry choices. I was super concerned with not putting my friends out and not being too demanding. Kail is obviously not one of those people.
  25. Gonna have to agree that Kaiser's weight could change dramasticly in a few years. I know some kids who were HUGE chunks as babies and thinned out considerably when they started walking. My daughter is a tiny petite thing who only got on the weight chart (2%!) when she hit 2.5 years old, despite being offered food at every chance. Some kids are just bigger than others, especially as babies. It all evens out in the end.
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