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  1. He took her to the hospital too - which I kind of questioned. I can't imagine hospitals allow animals in, except in specific circumstances. I think so too. I've liked Marion all along and can't quite understand the hatred. But hey, I've hated a character every one else on a forum liked before, so I get it. They just seem to be a very good couple to me, and frankly hotter together than Will and Angie. As for rebounds - I've been rebounding for 40+ years with the guy I thought would be a fling. So I'm fine with rebounds. πŸ˜‰ Looking might fine, I think. Hope he doesn't turn out to be bad news.
  2. Ouch...hope it's getting better now. I hated Gatsby too, but after dismissing a couple of other choices, Zelda came to mind and viola!
  3. OY! What a maroon! I seemed to have taken the "answer" from the clue instead of the answer. I'll change it immediately. Thanks for the correction.
  4. I had no idea about anything except his artwork, I even thought the dates were wrong but I went with it anyway. I'm just surprised I remembered his name.
  5. Week 25 – February 24 – Invitational Tournament 2 Asterisks 121. *AMERICAN AUTHORS - Enlisting in the Army in 1917, he was sent to Camp Sheridan in Montgomery, where he met the woman who became his wife (F Scott Fitzgerald) 122. *WORLD GEOGRAPHY - Located on an island, in 2016 this world capital began following 2 different time zones (Nicosia, Cyprus) 123. PRESIDENTIAL ELECTIONS - The only 2 Democrats to be elected president between James Buchanan in 1856 & FDR in 1932 (Grover Cleveland in 1856, Wilson in 1932) 124. ART & ARTISTS - Born in Amersfoort in 1872, he helped found an art movement noted for the use of straight lines & primary colors ((Piet) Mondrian) 125. FAMOUS NAMES - As a young reporter in Appleton, Wisconsin, Edna Ferber interviewed this hometown celebrity originally from Hungary (Harry Houdini) 2/5 and one * for me this week. Corrected Presidential elections.
  6. I definitely did not know it - and it escapes me today, despite having heard it. Same Great Britain is technically an island (at least according to Sporcles quizzes) So, it's definitely not like you said Paris. 🀣 Me too. Which is how I got to Wellington (they're part of Oceania on my Sporcles Quiz) I'm identifying the source of my knowledge, just in case Sporcles is wrong and some of you know it. That way I'm not to blame if I'm wrong. 😁
  7. I've had later...πŸ˜‰. It's always a trial, moving to a new computer. Glad to have you back!
  8. Come share my single serving cookie with me...😊
  9. Thank you @Prevailing Wind. Let's put the two links together: Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie
  10. Here is the Washington Post link: Single Serving Chocolate Chip Cookie there is a paywall if you don't subscribe. Message me if you can't get through it. You and me both, Shrek.
  11. Week 24 – February 17 – Invitational Tournament 1 Asterisk 116. LITERATURE & SICKNESS - Still around today, this strep infection that causes a rash has terrible effects in "Little Women" & the "Little House on the Prairie" books (scarlet fever) 117. SUPREME COURT DECISIONS - This landmark case was reported in the N.Y. Times not on the front page but in "News of the Railroads" (Plessy v Ferguson) 118. *THE ANCIENTS SPEAK - He wrote, "I must make the founder of lovely & famous Athens the counterpart... to the father of... glorious Rome” (Plutarch) 119. THE SOUTHWEST - The 4-syllable name of this city is almost identical to its namesake town in Spain, except that the Spanish one has an extra "R" (Albuquerque) 120. COMPOSERS - Yale takes credit for starting a commencement tradition when it gave this composer an honorary doctorate in 1905 (Elgar) 0/5 for me this week. So here's what I'm bringing
  12. Since there were a lot of questions, I tried out the single serving cookie recipe. The pictures are below. I used M&Ms instead of chopped chocolate because I thought everyone knows how big a regular M&M is. To me, this is a BIG cookie. But then I've been chowing down on GS Cookies which are tasty, but kind of small. The bottom was crispy and the rest chewie. Though that could be because I didn't wait for it to cool completely. 😁 Anyway, judge size for yourselves:
  13. I would think that, except that he hauled out the "that's criminal conspiracy" statement. I can understand Nolan's POV, as well as Bailey's (despite the fact I hate her, and hope this leads to her leaving the show). She could certainly feel it was self-defense, despite using an intermediary (who was going after him anyway).
  14. My parents were, if anything, too helpful. Not to get specific, but Mom used some geometric directions, which looking at my less than useful Ken doll, I couldn't figure out. At least they are somewhat similar. I used to always get Pollock and Calder mixed up for no good reason. Hubbie's a Purdue grad, watching a Purdue BBall game right now, so it was pretty obvious in this household as well.
  15. I haven't made it yet. Judging by the ingredients, I think it's a big cookie. But I haven't had the right chocolate around the house yet. I'm sure you could split them in two. I don't think I'm gonna share, though. (still, you could double the recipe to make two). What no melty ice cream? Mmmm, gnocchi. I love gnocchi.
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