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Everything posted by JellyFishQueen

  1. So this ep makes me wonder. What is archer ethnicity? Russian? English?
  2. I wa thinking, did they show the triplet? I feel like they refference them but I was sad that they didn't really do anything or have influence on the plot line and no introduction to the three children.
  3. I really love the freak show reference here. The rain scene when the freaks were looking for Elsa was perfect homage to the ending of freak show when they attack the strong man. I do have to wonder Ryan Murphy killing someone who might be consider sweet. He killed misty in similar way on coven and now Maggie again. Misty help the coven by bringing them back to life and Maggie tried to warn them and come clean but still died tragically. That they died at the end of the season and not being the survivor girl, I wonder if this is all same universal they are doom to have tragic endings no matter what universe? Did the twins have a backstory yet? I ask this because when freak show started to air I read an interview with Ryan Murphy saying there would be one explaining what happen the night that made the twins and there mother leave Georgia I think the stare she mention. Cause I remember in first ep the mother was telling the twins they were to young to remember that night and for the life of me I can't remember if they did veil the backstory for the twins or I just missed it?
  4. I go to comic conventions and I dress as Batgirl and when I leave the hotel nd enter say resturant or retail store I get told to take off my mask for security reasons...HOW DO THEY GET AWAY IT!?
  5. So does anyone else think they'll have office cameo in the last season? Maybe Dwight, or Micheal?
  6. I kinda feel bads for the twins. I remember during my puberty/teenager angst days I didn't want anyone to see me let alone entire american tv audience. It must be tough for them having cameras on there every move
  7. Revenge Raaaaampage! I think I shall shout this every time I enter a room from now on. Also I hope not every ep is a mini action scene like last week. I get bored by the mission/gun fighting/ explosions. I liked it when the gang was more local and interacting together instead running for there lives and screaming. Like my favorite ep were the dinner party or when they worked in the kitchen.
  8. Mine=Blown! Dude I feel like this should be label as a spoiler! XD I was kinda bummed out that the gang were all falling apart. Leslie hates Ron!? Excuse me while I'll have a Vader moment, "NOOOOOOOO!" Also Leslie not keeping up with everyone? That is so not like our Miss.Knope. The reason why I loved Park and Rec they all loved each other. It wasn't like the Office when they were snapping and making mean jokes. Also Tom speech reminded me of when Tom was to post to introduce Leslie at business function when she was running for office but instead made it about him. And only read the speach to her at the end in private. It was same exact thing he did to Ben? Not really new storyline?
  9. I grew up in Maine, and currently still live here LOL. Word of advice don't go to a tourist resturants that serve lobster rolls. They never taste as good, there allot fishermen who gather, cook it and sell it only during the summer. They set up like a food local truck, and wicked cheaper then buying it in resturant and also support locals. Also they don't have the best practice for humanly killing a lobster. We had resturant in my home town called Linda Beans who PETA got upset with. Also selling blueberries on side of the road is a thing here too... Also I'm surpise I didn't hear about Kate coming to Maine, the radio stations here always go on and on about a celebrity coming to the state. So surpise no mention about it. Kinda went under the radar here.
  10. So I never watched this show before. The new season was my first time ever experiencing this show. Is it normal for Kate to always complain? She seems like a pessimistic when the children are not in the room.
  11. Give me your skin! I want that on a loop! ASAP! Just curious- With Park and Rec ending this year, does NBC have any more comedies left to offer? I remember my line up was 30 Rock, Office, Community and Park and Rec. And now...nada :( I feel so alone!
  12. I think you really hit the nail on the coffin. In boy meets world cory had no idea what the world was about and was learning from the people around him. Hence the title of the show. But Riley arleady knowing everything doesn't fit with the premise of the last show and current show mission to show a girl growning and learning in this day of age when she knows everything and acts like a grown up. Maybe its a classic kids show having the kids know everything and the grown ups don't. But boy meets world didn't fit that mode like other children tv shows having the grown ups acting dumb while children know everything. I have so many questions about the costumes they used in the history class. How much did those cost!? I cosplay and having a huge trouble wrapping my mind around this. Such a nip pick here but have those costume made!? Or buying the fabric alone...Just oy! Also those poor students I'm going to start calling Riley and her friends the golden 4 from now on.
  13. I wish Chester was at the start of the series, had a small role and being unotice but had a much larger back story at the end.
  14. So...can someone please explain the timeline of Archer? It's in the 1960's right? But the modern day refference throw me off. Also does anyone else think that the soilder daughter Kieko will hook up with Archer later down the season?
  15. I am serious having a huge giggle mess here. Reading these post regarding Mohammed and calling him "mo" I just keep on thinking about the three stooges
  16. Wow- Roberts bad acting truly shines in this ep for me. It felt like she was purposly doing a bad actress. All I kept on thinking with each scence was, I'M ACTING!!!! Seriously how is she related to her mother? Acting gene got skip?
  17. I wonder why the sharks invested in the massage product when they didn't a few seasons back when a little boy had a bow tie business? Maybe because he was a little younger then she was? His product seem more better, and great story behind it and more universal. Her's was just meh... Something I would see in Bookstone but would never buy.
  18. It actually pisses me off that Ryan Murphy has made all the seasons connected. He just has a habit of jumping shows later down the season. *cough glee, *cough Nip/Tuck I just feel betyral for some reason the more I think about this. 1. It doens't make sense AT ALL. Just the timeline alone, once the character dies in Asylum do they just go back in time and live in Freak Show? Only to die again? At least Coven was set in modern day and you can somewhat translate recarination but for Freak Show and Aslyum they are just to close together. 2. People have theorize the therapist was the Doctor from Asylum, I hope not. The way he was acting it didn't fit with his canon character on Asylum. 3. I don't mind small cameo from past shows just don't make it all connected part of a major story. 4. Does Murder House have any connection? It feels like Asylum and Coven are connected to Freak Show and Murder House is the only stand alone season. Heck they only have 3 cast members to return, I really miss the two characters (The mom and dad) they were at least more interesting and complex then the twins. To me it seems like Sarah Paulson has this major Mary sue powers; I didn't mind it in Aslyum because she was new and so was the character. But her Mary Sue character really shined through ever since Conven and Freak Show and I'm really tired of her and Jessica Lange wanting other stronger characters to take the spot light. 5. As much as Coven annoyed me with it's numerous drop storylines at least it interested me! This ep was just blah, blah, blah.
  19. I made a comment last week ep that Chelsea is a hipster. She really is... Yamir and Chelsea just seem so different and at the end of the day I don't think they can get past this. They are young now but major life perference may cause issue towards there marriange. I just see Chelsea working in a non profit somewhere in Portland. Yamir working in night scene more city base, just major difference and don't see them making scarfice and may hold grudges.
  20. I might be the minority but I found this ep to be borning. Ironic as it is I thought cartman was just rehasing humor. Come on! This is cartman! He needs to be more evil then a floating screen effect from Superman.
  21. I wish Danny didn't invite his father to the wedding. He knew how he felt and it just added misery to his fiance special day. When it should of been joy, but that "father" was just weighing on amy mind.
  22. I just kinda felt this ep to be borning... Also were are the twins? Did they mention that? It seem weird that they weren't there. I just felt everyone was talking, and talking and nothing happening?
  23. So random thoughts about this ep... Amy looks amazing! Like she has never aged at all. Allen...should dye his hair, It looks werid. Joshua sounds british, it is werid. Also that romance between him and Maya? Super creepy because of the age. He must be in late year of high school? And Maya second year of junior year? Where can I buy a Corey and Shawn christmas ornament? So this xmas ep, aired the same time on Riley character bday? Shawn looks hot!! Joshua is to darn cool to be a brother of Corey and Eric. No offensive! Also maybe because I'm old, but Joshua looks so tiny compare to Corey and Eric when they were teenagers. Or kids these days just slimmer and tiny? I was kinda suprise to hear boyfriend jokes on disney channel. So were is Morgan or Eric? No callback? No refference? So is Shawn and Riley related? I was little confused when Riley said her father had a second family and Shawn went "ooh" I am confused.
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