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Everything posted by BluBarbi98

  1. I'm going to have to find this show & episode. I love the evolution of the show and I've been a fan for years!
  2. I like Last Chance Kitchen but would respect it more if it became a contest for a lesser prize. As it is, I don't think it's fair that chefs can use this as a way back into the competition after competing in one simpler challenge than what the chefs are doing on the main show. Just from a rest perspective they're going to have an advantage over the chefs that have been in the main competition from the beginning.
  3. I wouldn’t even know how to start that chart because it’s so entwined. 😂
  4. No just them! I LOVE cruises but am not old, although friends say I have an old spirit. LOL. I agree Buck & Taylor are better as friends.
  5. Gina Torres is tall too and most of Nancy's scenes are with Tommy so I don't think the actresses/character's height really stands out there. I did notice that she's taller than TK but it's not as significant as it is with Mateo. Overall, I don't mind the height difference but I agree with the poster who said there seems to be a maturity distance between the two characters.
  6. My mom bought a puppy version of this for my grandmother this past Christmas and she loves it. When Kate walked out with the Cat it really made me emotional.
  7. That's a good point about the MN team specifically and her character generally. To clarify, I didn't mean it as the show thinks Meredith Grey is only better than all of the black medical professionals within this showverse but it is striking to me that all of the people objecting were the black characters. Just like the episode when she had Covid and all of the main black characters were standing by her hospital window gushing over her. Visually these choices are...off. At least for me. ETA: Even though Catherine was inappropriate for getting dressed up in scrubs to yell at her in an OR, I think she had the best leg to stand on about leaving while the residency program is in trouble.
  8. If the rest of these series is going to be Meredith Grey vs All the Black People because they can't run the hospital without her, the producers should just end the show right now. I don't know who thinks this storyline is a good idea because that was just painful to watch and not even remotely entertaining. In other musings, is Amelia no longer concerned with the goings on about Leo? I know she was only technically involved with his birth mom but wasn't there a period where they were considering Leo her child too? When she remembers she has a kid it's only, Scout now. Also, also: I did like Bailey standing up for her right to take vacation days even in the midst of the hospital's crisis but hate that she used Meredith's leaving as part of her justification.
  9. That was a lot sweeter than I expected and I'm okay with this result. Also, Uncle Nicky for the win! Like, I don't want to know but ... I want to know!
  10. I don’t know. I think Phillip drank the Kool-Aid so I think he’s just on the general family chat with everyone for now. ETA: I agree that Beth keeps in touch with Toby. She’s probably the only one who can see that he got a raw deal although I think if Rebecca was lucid she would have counseled Kate.
  11. Definitely not! If I were ever invited to a Pearson event I'd say hi to the Big 3 and make a beeline to this group because they actually seem like the fun Pearsons. And even though Nicky is a blood relative, I can totally imagine him being like, "Can you believe this?" in the same tone that Beth told Deja the family always has drama when they were at Thanksgiving. This I can see! That fits all of their characters. I hope Miguel doesn't die before Rebecca. That's a real thing that happens to caretakers who neglect their own health.
  12. LOL!!! We'll have to agree to disagree in this one instance but I do agree with this sentiment generally.
  13. I see your point too but I'm not quite sure if you're saying Randall is in the group text or he's not. A few months ago my grandmother had a mild stroke (she's doing much better) and after she was stabilized the first thing that happened was a group text to the entire family alerting everyone because we're spread out over several states at this point. Before that though, my mother and aunts (the children who live in the same state) called my uncles who live in 2 other states. I just can't imagine siblings not reaching out to another sibling with something major like this and her mistaking Kevin for Jack is a big thing. I get that things happen quickly but in the 3 days (I think that's what Kevin said) that this started happening I can't believe that neither Kevin nor Kate thought to update Randall. I'll give you Miguel caring for Rebecca because he seemed very stressed but I also think it's unfair to penalize Randall for living on the other side of the country by withholding news. I doubt that he's the relative NOT asking about her health so for something major like this to happen in the the few days he doesn't ask and the other siblings not thinking to share it with him proactively just strikes me as really odd and a writing choice to make Randall seem like a jerk.
  14. Here are my thoughts about this episode: Kate: I loved the dress and she looked great but I'm glad we didn't have too much focus on her because I'm still hurt over how she and the Pearson brothers broke down Toby. Phillip: Someone on an earlier page mentioned that he seemed to get along better with Kevin & Randall than Toby and I think it's because he doesn't seem to expect a position in the Pearson family as his own person. He's just Kate's husband, Phillip Mean Jerk. Toby's second biggest problem - after not being Jack Pearson - is that he expected to be a member of the family as his own person, not just Kate's husband. That would have meant that when Kate was wrong, the brother's would side with or defend him sometimes but we know that was never going to happen. Also, Toby had a big attention-seeking personality and I think that set Kevin on edge. Kevin doesn't get to pull out "Mawwiage!" at an event with Toby because it would be two big personalities competing with each other. Phillip is the complete opposite which is why he'll fit in fine. Beth: Her look was fantastic from top to bottom! I liked her and Madison together for a bit but the detective bit went on too long. To my point above about Kate's husbands I don't think Beth suffers from this as much because she's been around the Pearsons half of her life at this point and she gets their weird family dynamic and she withdraws herself from the Big 3 drama. Also, while she's chilling at these extended family events, there is no doubt about where she and her children fit in Randall's life. Kevin Now that he's had his kids I no longer care who he's married to in the future. The Family Picture/The Missing Pearsons: I understand that there are multiple pictures taken at weddings but since this was the only one we saw, it was very glaring that Randall's children weren't there. Especially when you recall how close Kate and Kevin were to Tess & Annie in the earlier seasons. I agree with whoever said that they could have aged up Deja and put in 2 extras as the other daughters. And the fact that we saw Jack at the reception but Kate's children weren't in the picture was odd too. I don't know who looked at this and thought, "Yep! That looks good". Rebecca: We've all had bad haircuts. LOL!! I am glad that she was able to perform her song and count myself among the people who never realized that the show had theme music. Miguel: He's great and I'm glad that the family is getting along with him and respecting him but I do have a bone to pick regarding the vineyard. Randall tried to bring up the subject several times and it would have been so simple to say the first time, "Randall, I know you have questions and concerns but I really need a break and I really want to do this with you because you actually enjoy wine. Let's talk about this later." instead of having his rant at the end. I know that Randall is pushy but there's nothing about his character that makes me think he wouldn't respect that request to put it aside for the afternoon with the promise to talk about it later. Randall: I'm also going to defend him on correcting Rebecca. There's no way he would correct her if he knew in advance that she had deteriorated that week and that the doctors advised that the family to just go with it. I actually thought it was cruel to both him and Rebecca that he was finding out about this development in the moment AFTER he upset her. We know that Randall adores Rebecca and would never intentionally upset her so the writers could have still had this scene with everyone being uncomfortable with Rebecca mistaking Kevin for Jack without making Randall the villain in the process. Also, I think he was looking for Rebecca's medicine and while it was intrusive, I don't think he meant to invade Miguel's privacy. There is no defending that wedding speech. The Siblings: Even though Kevin has built the compound, I don't think that Randall's branch will stick with the tree once Rebecca is gone. They'll gather for big events but I see the East Coast Clan drifting off, especially his daughters. For a while now we have not seen the daughters interact with the family at large, even when they're all together.
  15. So I'm going to defend Randall on this point. I don't think he was trying to change the care Rebecca was getting but better understand it because he's an overthinker and he has to know all aspects of all things at all times. I actually thought it was mean-spirited and exclusionary for Miguel, Kate, and Kevin to know about this decline and no one thought to tell Randall about it in advance. Of all the things we know about Randall Pearson one of them is that he loves Rebecca Pearson very much so I can't imagine him ignoring a call or text related to her care.
  16. It would definitely be Nurse Lucille or Sister Julienne. They have such soothing personalities.
  17. Wait! So we've lost everyone but Zoe, Aaron and Doug! I really like Yara but don't think her character has always been served well in the series and I hope they starting presenting a mature or maturing version of her. I really was starting to like Jazz without Sky so I'm bummed the actress is not returning.
  18. Yeah, Aaron & Zoey as end-game just never made sense to me and I felt like that was a forced ending. I really want her to find someone who challenges her selfishness AND really supports her goals. On the other hand, Jazz and Doug were the best couple within the group and I thought the series was ending so I'm glad to know it's continuing and can't wait for them to get back together.
  19. I knew of "The Rock" but was never into wrestling and only started getting into Dwayne Johnson the actor, so this information about his family is really new news to me. I'm surprised by how much he's sharing about his dad. It does seem like there would be moments where having Rocky Johnson as a dad would be fun but mostly stressful.
  20. I love this show, because of the Irwins. There are other zoo shows that I watch, "The Zoo", "The Zoo: San Diego", "The Aquarium" and one about the zoo in Ohio but the family is the draw to this one. I don't have Discovery + and am glad new episodes are airing. I agree that they're incredibly earnest people and it comes off saccharine sometimes but their sincerity makes it bearable. Robert can be over the top sometimes but so was Steve and I agree that he feels like he HAS to be Steve 2.0. Also, his dad died when he was so young so a lot of what he's learning about Steve Irwin is probably through other people and old footage when Steve was "on". I'm always amazed how young Robert is when they mention milestones he's reached so I think that as years go by he'll figure out who he is vs. who he thinks he's supposed to be.
  21. That's what happened to Jeevan! I'm so confused how he and Kirsten never found each other again.
  22. It seems like I've been waiting for Lucille & Cyril to get married for 10 years now so I'm was immensely pleased that they're engaged although, I do get the impression sometimes that Lucille is into Cyril because of lack of options. I agree that her coloring has been off the last few episodes. I love Trixie and love that she genuinely cares for her patients while also being a fashion plate, I'm sorry she's meeting her future in show husband this way but I'm convinced that hot, rich, widower is her romantic end-game and am here for it! I agree with others that the show shouldn't rush their relationship. Kooky Sister Monica Joan annoys me but I love competent Sister Monica Joan. I'm glad she's back and hope she stays. I wasn't really that impressed with the new midwife and hope we get to meet the other student midwives.
  23. Agreed! I think this was the real issue he had with her wanting separate bedrooms and him deciding to move out. Michaela has OBVIOUS anger issues that ABSOLUTELY need to be addressed but Zach is NOT honest with himself or others about how he's contributing to the situation. If he really is fearing for his life then he should leave and should have left weeks ago!
  24. I’m just watching this show and agree that he is GORGEOUS❤️❤️❤️
  25. One of my pet peeves on the show has been Sky & Jazz ragging on Zoe. Sometimes it's warranted and sometimes it feels like low-key jealousy. When Jazz started in on Zoe again tonight, I was immensely pleased when Zoe stopped her. Woke little sister (LOL and thank you @Superclam) is annoying me too. Did we need a new character? I hope she gets better because right now she's not gelling for me. Ana's watch was a stupid plotline but might have been the levity needed to relieve some of the pressure of the episode. I'm glad they tackled this subject from Doug's perspective because it can be extremely hard living in trauma all of the time. I have Doug moments and know people like him. It's important to not look away but also to understand how this effects us holistically.
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