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Everything posted by abbyzenn

  1. I am sad to see the series end. I haven't always liked every episode but overall I have enjoyed the series. I did think this episode left things open ended in case they ever want to resume the series.
  2. Today's show made me think I'd never watch this show again. Yes Joe is back up Trump's butt. It was like one long commercial for Trump playing his speech over and over and over again and not once commenting on what he was saying but rather how he was saying it and how great this new team is and if he sticks with the teleprompter etc etc etc. As someone above posted why no analysis of what he said? No it's more important how he said it. Joe "Hillary lies, Bill Clinton lies ..." well Joe what about the lies Trump says??????? Joe once again talked about the Trump that has been on "stage" is not the Trump he and Mika have know for 15 years. I loved Donnie D's response here because he agreed that Trump is different in person but that is what scares him and that no way could he vote for Trump. Donnie brought up the point of how could you say all the mean and racist things if you don't believe it? Joe of course says Donnie is missing the point. No Joe YOU"RE missing the point. Joe also harped on how voters want change but by this point by head is exploding. You know Joe voters wanted change when they elected Obama and what happened = YOUR party decided while he was being sworn in that they would do everything in their power to thwart him. We're never going to get change in this country until the likes of McConnell are voted out or have the grace of Harry Reid and retire.
  3. NYGirl - just coming on here to comment that one of my pet peeves is when they take their dogs with them to look at houses. I just can't believe it (and I say that as a dog lover/owner.) I wouldn't want someone bringing their uninvited dogs into my house. That woman was nasty to her boyfriend. Re; Gouda episode. When the guy first came on with the glasses (he wasn't wearing them in his first scene) I thought it was a joke - like he was trying to be funny. I thought both of them were annoying. And once again we have the "I want charm something that shouts I'm in Netherlands, London, etc but it must have a master bedroom 40 x 50 feet with it's own bath with double sinks, an American side by side refrigerator, stainless steel appliances, lots and lots of closets, oh and did I say I want authentic charm!!!!"
  4. So agree that this show is repetitive - every morning it's POLLS POLLS POLLS. Why not have some real analysis of the numbers - especially since you have a panel of "analysists". But what really really annoys me is that Joe and/or Halperin, after crucifying Trump will always bring up either "it's still early yet" or "there'll be another Clinton scandal." I agree that it's too early to say it's over but in that case stop making POLLS POLLS POLLS first hour of conversation. Donnie D has been very reasonable. Didn't he use to be on a financial show? If he's the one, I liked him then. I did like that they actually showed tapes of Trump contradicting himself (For the Iraq invasion/against; get rid of Kadifi/shouldn't do it; get rid of Mubarak/don't get rid of Mubarak). The Clinton campaign should run this type of stuff as ads. It might also get thru to some of those (not the rabid supporters) who think Trump is more honest Clinton. Teddysmom - is Conway the one with the long blonde hair who looks far too old for such hair? I've seen her on a couple of shows and she's horrible. Can't answer a question about Trump without deflecting it back to Clinton.
  5. Well I've continued to tape every day this week but I can't get through the whole show(s). I do like it so much better without Joe. Mika is a broken record at this point about wanting Republicans pols/leaders to repudiate Trump. It isn't going to happen no matter what stupid/outrageous/frightening thing he says so I wish she'd stop harping on it. I didn't watch this show when they were all for Trump - but I did read the comments here - so I can't make sense of why they turned on him so. But I'd bet anything Joe is still going to vote for him. Donnie Deutsh has been good these last two mornings. Bob Woodward sold his soul a long time ago so I don't listen to anything he says. His last book was a whitewash for Bush and Iraq. I don't think Trump's kids (Ivanka and the two older boys) are off limits because all three are front and center in his campaign - they appear on tv shows shilling for their father.
  6. This probably won't come as a shock to you regular viewers of this show (I've only watched the past 6-7 days worth) - but this show is SO MUCH better without Joe. Mika hasn't been bad this week - although she does get on an issue and won't give it up - but I think she does listen to the others. Joe is just so full of himself - a trait he certainly shares with trump.
  7. Well I've continued to watch this week - or to be more precise I tape and then watch so there are parts I skip over - like today with Ben Carson. Today Mika was really beating a dead horse. And a word I hope to never ever hear again INTERVENTION.
  8. Watched the whole show again today. A lot of the same guests as yesterday. Mika actually said she's voting for Hillary! Joe remained silent. Madeline Albright - what a class act - I remember how wonderful she always was on the Daily Show.
  9. Years ago I sometimes caught snippets of this show but I've been reading this forum (and previously TWOP) for years and enjoying your comments. Tuesday I actually watched the first hour and today I watched the entire show. I loved seeing some of the commentators I watched years ago, mostly on other MSNBC shows (Mike Duffy, Chris Clizza, Steve Korrnacki, Ben stein - the only guy missing that I use to love to watch was Ezra Klein but someone did quote him!). I thought I'd get whiplash from all the guest commentators - why have most of these people on for only 2-3 minutes? I swear some of them only got to say one or two sentences. I didn't mind Mika. But Joe gets on my nerves - what a blowheart. After reading all your comments about how Mika and Joe were in the tank for Trump it was funny (not!) to see Joe seething against him today. What a blow heart. I'll probably turn in tomorrow just to hear what they say about Hillary's speech.
  10. Just finished watching the second part of the first story. What a sad and depressing childhood those children had. Still liking the show.
  11. I caught my first (and last) episode of this show the other day - the one with the developers who wanted to build their own resort and had $7 million to spend. I can't remember what country Costa Rica? Belize? Anyway I couldn't even make it thru the whole episode. Although the show is called Island hunters I thought it was about looking for a place on an island not looking for an island. No way would I want to live on a one-acre island (and I say this as someone who previously lived on St Simons Island in Georgia and now lives on another island - Oahu). You can't even go for a decent walk on such a place. Plus I can't imagine being there during storms - don't they have hurricanes there? With global warming and the rising seas how much longer will such an island even be there?
  12. My PBS station just started showing this. Really enjoyed the first episode. Lovely scenery - especially the waterfalls.
  13. Surprised that no one has commented on the new season (3). Just finished watching it - unlike past seasons this was one mystery for the whole six episode. Was surprised at the ending. I thought it very good. Love the scenery. Quite a few familiar faces as guest stars
  14. I do like the show but it is rather slow - wish it moved just a bit faster. The scenery is gorgeous and the music is haunting. This is also one show that I have to watch with closed caption because those accents are really hard to understand. I remember the main guy from Primeval.
  15. I would say the woman in Germany was definitely working for the US military. That group they were having a meal with at the end were all Americans. I rolled my eyes when she said they needed 5 bedrooms - for a family of 3 - because of all the guests they'd be having. Who has that many people come at once unless it's a holiday like Christmas. That kid was annoying as was the mother.
  16. So glad someone found the real story on the Broome lady. I kept thinking something was off about her story. I thought the house she decided on was very weird. One building for your kitchen/living room, another building for your bedroom, and another still for your bathroom. I just can't imagine living in such a situation. And certainly not when there's snakes around!!!!!
  17. I cringe every time I hear one of the actors talk about what a fabulous writer JF is. This episode was just such a mishmash much like the whole season. Too much time wasted on story lines (the hospital) or characters virtually no one cares about (Denker). Inside of spending so much time on that (and I'll include the racing scenes, Baxter and the court, first scene of Moseley teaching, how many visits with Larry Grey's finance and a whole host I can't list) JF could have developed a reasonable Henry/Mary story line. Henry came with a marriage license?????? How many times have they actually met? This series took place over a very short time not a year so that relationship just doesn't make sense. I would have preferred it ending with Mary getting Downton - which has always been her goal since Season 1 - and maybe seeing Henry - not rushing into marriage. Edith has no one to blame except herself. She had numerous chances to tell Bertie but she didn't. Edith did gloat at the breakfast table - Tom even tried to tell her to back off - but she didn't. She did say SHE WAS GETTING MARRIED and Mary couldn't stand to see her happy. Sounds like even if she hadn't told Bertie before she accepted his proposal at that breakfast table. Plus the Bertie/Edith relationship was also very rushed. It seems like it was only the second time they were together and he said he was in love with her. Edith rushes off to London once again without Marigold.
  18. Haleth - I was laughing about that same scene - Baxter helping Cora put on her robe to walk the 20 feet to her bed. If the Crawleys were really serious about saving money they'd cut back on the women's wardrobes (of course that would cut off one of the reasons I watch this show). There was at least 2 different robes that Cora wore during this episode. And Mary and Edith seem to have a coat for every occasion - I mean how many winter coats do you really need. I'm sure any one of their dresses (including the day dresses) cost more than they pay one of the servants for a year. I also thought it was funny that Cora was dressing for dinner with her long gloves when it was only her and Edith at the house - Robert confined to bed, Mary and Tom were in London. Although he doesn't have his own story line, Tom is in more scenes and getting more dialogue that the past 2 seasons. Has anyone else noticed how blue his eyes are? Maybe I'm just noticing because he's actually getting camera time instead of just standing in the background moaning about how he should leave Downton but his eyes are really standing out this year. For the life of me I can't figure out why Mrs. Hughes married Carson. She's been this long without a man she could have gone a few more years. It would have been better to run a B&B with Mrs. Patmore.
  19. Just saw a quick interview with Allen Leech (Tom) at the SAG awards - the interviewer mentioned that Tom had just come back and Allen said "looking like he had eaten all of Massachusetts" Pictures of Allen from just before he began filming this season, of which there are tons since he was on the Hollywood awards party circuit for the entire month of Jan 2015, and pictures from two charity things that he did in April (when he'd have definitely been filming) don't show him so heavy. I think Tom was in more scenes in this episode than in all of last season. Which to me is a very good thing! After that lovely Gwen Sybil remembrance scene last week I was surprised that Tom brought up Sybil again this episode. He will never move on from her. Loved all the scenes filmed outside the Abbey this week. Why is it just now in the final season are we seeing the grounds. Loved the two scenes that showed the "house" in the background. I'd rather watch paint dry than Sprat/Denker or Daisy.
  20. I can't believe how nice all the apartments have been for the last two college student shows - the one in Sweden and the Glasgow one. I don't recall seeing the kitchen in the first Glasgow flat, but the other 2 as well as all 3 Swedish ones were very nice and modern looking. Laughed when Vet girl complained there wasn't a dishwasher in the one - how hard is it to wash dishes for one? And she strikes me as the type that has a bowl of cereal for dinner and I certainly don't seeing her throwing parties! Kinda funny how thru out the show it made it seem like she didn't want or need friends but the closing scenes she was walking around talking to a Scottish girl so she was able to make at least one friend.
  21. I agree Andorra, I hate Edith. I don't have a lick of sympathy for her and I'm tired of her constant whinning, woe is me attitude. Bertie was definitely too nice for her. Although I do think he was like Edith in being a somewhat misfit, he wasn't a woe is me type of person. My other contrary opinion is that Lily James is a lousy actress with exaggerated mannerisms and facial expressions. I have to laugh whenever I see her walk - there's a scene in early season 5 when she goes to see Tom at his office - the exaggerated walk cracks me up. During the first season I was taken with Bates and his backstory. But I certainly lost all interest in him in season 2. I never really thought about Sybil until I rewatched Season 1 and when I saw the scene where the other half of the cheerful Charlies comes to get money from Carson and Sybil walks into the room in her blue riding outfit and I thought WOW What a beauty! I don't get why that whole season was about Mary the great beauty because I don't think she was that but I think it was more because of the hairstyle. In Season 1 the only one with usually pretty hair was Sybil.
  22. I loved the luncheon scene with Gwen. It showed that none of the family (other than Tom of course) really knew Sybil. In the episode when Tom and Sybil announce their intentions Cora says something like "have we forgotten who she really is" and this showed that that didn't know her. Loved TOm's facial expressions while Gwen was talking about Sybil - showed that for him Sybil was his one true love. Also loved Robert's expression when Tom said "Sybil was a lovely person" - he looked at him like he finally realized the depth of Tom's love for Sybil. Funny that someone above mentioned Rosamund's hair because I thought the same thing - hate those tight waves around the front of her hair. I'm finding Michelle Dockery's voice (the tone) off putting this year - it's more affected, like she's acting. I know it's not her real accent but I never noticed this in previous years. Agree that Daisy is a waste of space.
  23. When I wrote "original characters" I meant those still on the show - not ones that have left. To me someone like Denker adds absolutely nothing to the show (other than my annoyance). Story lines are sometimes rushed or even non-existent because time is taken up with such dribble. Certainly more could have been done with Tom's character. For that matter, we could have had an scene or two of him in Boston - not that they'd actually have to film it there - it could have been a scene in a room in his flat or office. I don't get why this series Mr. Carson is so "mean" towards Thomas. And I certainly don't see what Mrs. Hughes sees in Carson - atleat not to the point of wanting to marry him. I did like Mrs. Hughes explanation about the differences in the classes wedding receptions.
  24. I thought the scene with Thomas at the job interview was one of this show's best. The acting was wonderful and I loved how it showed both in dialogue and visually how times had changed. I loved all the drama over Mrs. Hughes' wedding dress. Another way to highlight the differences in the classes. Of the 3 children, Sybbie is the gem (of course I realize she is older). I loved the expression on her face while Tom was holding her - it's like she had a secret that she wanted to spill - and the expression when Donk picked her up. I don't get why JF had Tom go to Boston for such a short time - it would have been better if he had gone to back to Ireland and realized there were no jobs for him there. Considering there are so many original characters and so much that could be done with them I will never understand why JF brings in new ones like Denker and wastes time on them. Bertie is too good for Edith.
  25. Glad I'm not the only one that thinks Edith is horrid. Surprisingly Robert was the only one that showed compassion for the Drewes - even Cora wanted them gone and made some nasty remark in the car along with Edith. If I was Mrs. Drewe, on my way out of town I would have posted a notice on the post office window as to why I was being forced to leave and the truth about Marigold.. I thought Mary was being very kind when she said how nice it would be for Mrs. Drewe to see marigold at the pig farm. But whiny Edith of course only feared about Mary finding out her secret which really what does she think Mary will do? Only Edith could be handed a magazine and an apartment and still be whiny and oh is me. Gregson worked full time at the magazine why doesn't she -- I don't blame the guy for being resentful of this woman who only drops in every now and then and complains. Love when the show goes to locations outside of the house.
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