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  1. I'm surprised none of the judges guessed Chris Daughtry. He has a very distinct singing voice. I knew it was him after a few performances. He was my choice for the win, but I love Wayne Brady so I'm happy for him!!
  2. I thought at the very end of the episode I saw Micah on the balcony.
  3. I thought the Rabbit mentioned something about the Sunshine State, so that made me think of the Backstreet Boys. Did anybody else hear this information?
  4. I’m hoping this is the end of the Nicky arc for some time. Absolutely bored with it. I’m looking forward to the Beth and mom arc. I see Zoe will be seen in flashbacks, so that should be interesting. I want to know more about the Beth and Zoe dynamics. This show used to be must see TV for me, but I find there are just too many plots covered. Much rather see the focus on the core family and their partners/spouses. The girl playing young Kate towers over the boys. Since adult Kate is much shorter than her brothers, as is teen Kate, they may need to address this next season. Young Randall is going through puberty with his deepening voice, so he probably won’t grow much now. He may need to wear lifts. This bothers me as much as the inconsistencies in the winter scenes. Plus, I think young Kate is a weak actor compared to the boys and all of the teen actors.
  5. I thought this myself. If he already had GHB in his system, and he didn't take drugs, then how and when was the GHB given to him? The investigators seemed to blow off the guy who was bothering him at the game I think there are way too many holes in this story. There was no mention of talking to the guys he was with at the Garden.
  6. I've wondered this myself. Both of his parents have dark eyes, but it's not uncommon to have blue eyed children, He has dimples like his dad, but that's the only similarity I've seen. If I remember correctly, his sister looks a bit like him.
  7. I am a retired teacher, but I’m not familiar with the acronym, RIF. What does it mean? Also, does anyone know if Danielle and her sisters see their dad, or if he’s alive? He is never mentioned.
  8. She is a piece of work. I pray she doesn't win. I guess Christian has been the most consistent, but the only one whose show I would watch is Manny. Christian is just too sloppy to me. I can't stand looking at his unshaven neck and chest hairs sticking out of his shirt. That turns me off big time. Manny engages me the entire time he is speaking. I realize he needs to learn/know the correct name of a guest, and he needs to engage with that person. I feel that can improve with more experience because his food is usually good and he's very charismatic.
  9. I remember two other cases where I knew someone who knew either the victim(s) or the murderer. My stepsister was married to a guy who murdered a young teen in Michigan. The case has been featured on many crime shows. He picked her up near a Dairy Queen. I never met the guy, but my stepsister and the guy/husband both knew the girl since she was a friend of the family . I didn't grow up with this stepsister as her mom & my dad married when we were older. The other case happened when Ted Bundy was in Tallahassee. My former apartment neighbor was very good friends with two of the girls in the FSU sorority house who were brutally murdered by Bundy. My friend/neighbor was supposed to visit the two girls that weekend, but she got called into work and couldn't make it. She was especially close to Lisa Levy, who had the worst injuries. She could never bring herself to even talk about this. She was so close to having her life ended that weekend, and that is truly horrifying to me.
  10. Over 30 years ago, I had a co-worker whose former boyfriend murdered a woman he met at a bar and left her in a park. I also worked with a couple whose daughter was murdered by a serial killer. Both of these cases were high profile in my area at the time of the murders.
  11. I was also happy Hannah won! I thought The Nutcracker was the answer.
  12. My show was preempted by the death of Barbara Bush. What was the FJ answer and who won?
  13. I thought this was a strange case. The grandmother was rather stoic. I just feel like we don’t have all the facts.
  14. I think the monetary aspect played a huge part in why Jerry wanted to take over the family farm. Even though he had practiced law and was in the Peace Corps, I thought the narrator stated that at that time Jerry was no longer practicing law. He worked hard to get his law degree, but maybe Jerry wasn't one to stick to one thing, and this bothered the dad. Jerry seemed like a free spirit since he lived in California and then would stay with his girlfriend in Cedar Falls. Strange. This was such a sad story. I still can't believe an uncle would kill his niece and nephew! So tragic!!
  15. I'm leaning toward "Her" referring to Rebecca. I'm not sure of the fast forward timeline, but I guess it's 15-20 years from now. Rebecca will be around 80-85, so I could see her being ill. I really hope it's not Beth, Kate, Zoe and especially Annie. They've already dealt with the early death of Jack, and dealt with William's death. Another possibility is Rebecca's mother, who didn't appear to be at Kate and Toby's wedding.
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