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Everything posted by allyj128

  1. LOL yes. Rational people doing rational things.
  2. My good friend met a Brazilian woman through his good friend /coworker (also Brazilian). He moved mountains to learn Portuguese and she took English lessons almost from day one. They dated long distance for two years and then started the visa process, at which point they were both fluent in the other language. So yeah...either of these two idiots could have bothered.
  3. Don't be intentionally vague then get cranky when people press you for details. Ugh. I'm so over seeing those deliberately vague "I'm telling you all I can, you don't want to be spoiled, trust me!" non-spoilers, then the bitching about how much flak they're getting for not giving more on my dash. I wish they would just shut up already. Can't have it both ways. That said, I love that they've at least made August interesting now that they've brought him back. The spoiler photos and script tease, plus images are at least intriguing this week. Charming's face at precious baby Emma is amazing. And teen Emma coldly ripping out Snow's heart is awesome.
  4. I'm on board for that, though. Based solely off the flimpse we had of her in the finale. I liked her sass.
  5. So gross. So SO gross. I'm with you. Also, I'm with everyone who is yawning over this Robin/Rumple/Regina/QoD BS storyline. This does not sound terribly appealing.
  6. Lana's fangirls have significantly too much time on their hands.
  7. From that Zap2It article: Don't worry, OUAT, my expectations re: Emma's feelings are just not that high anymore. Especially since you're calling her relationship with Regina a freaking "girlmance". Ugh. No. Just no. That said, Colin is insanely adorable.
  8. I just snorted so loudly in my office that the people walking by asked if I was okay. God bless Alt + Tab to quickly hide what I was doing. That musical is amazing. I was going to bold the parts I really wanted to emphasize/agree with, but it was your entire freaking post. YES! Colin did SUCH a good job here. It was amazing. I was all, "EMMA! You KNOW something is wrong! Run after him! Oh, and now we're at the creepy Apprentice's house without Hook. Of course." Sigh. Her putting the heart back in his chest was lovely up until she ditched him to go drink with Regina. My headcanon is that is post-coffee drinks and a cigarette type of moment. Because otherwise? Emma, honey, we need to discuss priorities when you have that gorgeous pirate pining after you.
  9. Cruella looks AMAZING. I want to go hang out with her in her corner of the Enchanted Forest. There's gin and sass over there.
  10. PREACH. I was so FREAKING ANGRY when I heard those comments. Ugh. Just last season in Neverland she claimed to have NO regrets at what she's done. Ugh. Sorry. I have some Regina rage. I think she's made some change, and did the right thing by saving Marian and sending Robin packing, but she still has a long way to go. Well done, Belle, for finally living up to your Disney cartoon version and being strong and badass. I finally like you again. Way to force Rumple out of town and take back your life. That was awesome to watch. My Captain Swan-loving heart was cheering, too. And my shipper heart is already plotting the sheer amount of fic we'll be writing and seeing this hiatus.
  11. I posted my first OUAT drabble on FF: https://www.fanfiction.net/s/10880897/1/The-Realization and AO3: http://archiveofourown.org/works/2747231 Sharky - I loved the start to Jail and Bail!!
  12. Oops, you're right. For whatever reason I thought this conversation was in here, but it was in the Meet Market. My bad.
  13. Thanks, everyone! brighterthansunshine28 on both tumblr and ff.net (haven't *yet* written and CS ff....but you never know). I'll be following y'all shortly! Oh, and I haven't totally figured out this whole tumblr thing. Who else in the OUAT fandom do you follow? What other cool tumblrs do you follow??
  14. I caved and finally got a tumblr. What are all of y'all's tumbler's again?? I need to figure this bananas new world out. On the plus side, it will theoretically make me so much more relevant to the college girls I advise. They are all obsessed with it.
  15. Anything is better than the dreaded "Killy". *shudders* I don't know if that's just me, but if I see that in a fic, I'm assuming it's written by a 14 year old, and abandon with all haste.
  16. Thank you! Glad I'm not alone in my cluelessness on that front! I've been trying to figure it out but couldn't put it together. Some acronyms are easy. Some are not particularly self-explanatory.
  17. I've seen this abbreviation before but don't know what it means (I miss TWOP!). What does BDO mean?
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