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Everything posted by Racj82

  1. I still don't care about none of these characters. That murder wasn't crushing for me because I gave almost no shits about her. She was harmless and didn't deserve to die but I was not moved. I was staring right at the screen and barley remember what happened because I could barely gather the attention needed to follow. This show just is not good. It's Pretty Little Liars light and that is a extremely dumb show too. But, at least, for a while I cared about the girls. I totally thought this would ending up shutting Scream Queens when it comes out this fall but I can't see how that show will be worse than this.
  2. So, I'm just doing a round up of podcasts I listened to this week. First, I have to give a shout out to two podcasts from right here on Previously TV Extra Hot Great - They did a great recap of Hollywood Game Night. One of my favorite shows. I'm so glad to hear other people talk about this show. Again With This - This is the Beverly Hills 90210 rewatch/podcast. This is by far the podcast I laugh along with the most. Just great stuff. Even if you doidn't watch the show, you will love it. Beyond that: True Murder - The crimes Paul Bernardo and Karla Homolka is covered. Man, this was a dark case. Paul, 25, targeted a 15 year old Karla. He got her to do whatever he wanted. When ti came time to marry her, he had a issue with the fact that she was not a virgin anymore (thanks to him) and wanted that for the wedding night. How they resolved this and the crimes committed in the aftermath are the stuff nightmares. But, it was a interesting listen. The Canon - Animal House vs Revenge of The Nerds is covered. Both co host take one movie and argue over which college romp belongs in "The Canon". While every discussion these days melts to call it the rape movie because of the moon bounce scene, it was still a interesting listen. Solid points made by both parties. F Your Show - This week in fantasy drafts for things other than sports, we had a draft for your ultimate 90's cartoon block (six cartoons of your choosing from in or around the time period). Also, there was a tournament to decide TV's best dad. The Dad tournament was interesting because deciding and talking about Cliff Huxtable without seeing/talking about Cosby was really difficult. The Brilliant Idiots - Charlamagne the God and Andrew Shultz (from Power 105 and various MTV shows), discuss the Tyga/transsexual topic, the Florida State quarterback punching a woman, a hilarious story from Char's bodyguard and more. Hey, Do You Remember - This week they covered Camp Nowhere. The 90's comedy about kids who lie to their parents and run their own summer camp with no adults. Perfect 90's cheese.I did not realize Avery from Nashville was the lead here. As usual, the hosts take you back to the time period. This time, it's recalling summer camp stories and their memories of the movie before they get into it. Happy Hour - The four co host get a little more heated than usual. Not in a crazy way but discussing the Florida State Quarterback, Cosby, and other topics brings up some interesting viewpoints. We Used to Be Friends - The Veronica Mars covered this week covered what is considered the first misstep by a lot of fans. The episode of the first season where Veronica investigates the disappearance of her female neighbor (played by Jessica Chastain). They cover the flaws of this episode really well. My biggest problem is no Wallace. V not telling Wallace anything about her more personal issues kind of bugs me on rewatch. The next episode has shows how much Wallace means to her though. The Leap Back - This Quantum Leap podcast covered the utterly bizarre season 4 finale in which Sam jumps into someone he knows closely and the plot in may ways just says fuck the rules we established. They go bonkers for this one. Best of Friends - This "Friends" podcast covered the first two episode of season three. Including the much loved "The One Where No One is Ready". Last week that had on the guy who played Mr. Heckles for a full interview. There were some others but were either older podcasts or wrestling related. Not sure if anyone cares about those. Anyway, that's it for me this week.
  3. Someone said they find it hard to watch this show knowing so much of the off air news about these people. All I literally meant by my response is I don't have that problem because I don't follow these people. I don't follow them on twitter. I don't google them and I don't read articles or click links about them. So, it's not a problem for me. Not judging anyone else and I'm not trying to speak for anyone else. I watch the show and that's it. I'm like that way with every show. Like, people find themselves skipping out on shows because of something a showrunnner said or because they find them to be a douchebag. I don't want to know any of that. I just watch the show. I treat reality and written programming the same way in that regard. It has to be a big story for me to know about it.
  4. I don't. I couldn't be bothered to follow these people when Teen Mom isn't airing. I don't follow anybody but especially not these fools.
  5. Well I can''t knock the show for getting Gronk on here. The Patriots literally just won the Super Bowl and Gronk is the most recognizable person that team not named in Gronk. In a league where it not rare to not even know what a player looks like but still be a fan, people know what Gronk looks like. He's not a rando set up. He's the best in his position in the whole league. If you don't watch sports, then you wouldn't know him. Beyond all that, I'm not sad to see Da'Vonne gone. She's just too emotional for me. There is no way she can handle this game. The twin twist blew up. Shocking. In a house where you have very little to do, twists like this make no sense. Little changes will always be noticed. I'm sure there are more twists to come. There is no rule to say you get one twist.
  6. It doesn't have to be scripted at all. The person doing the catfishing contacts so all the messiness was on him. It also gave a logical reason for why he kept dodging for a change. The baby mama was always involved. And he had pulled this off with the girl bringing the baby mama, he could have talked his way in while minimizing the drama for a little while. Of course, if production hears this story, they are jumping on it. They don't have to write anything. They can let the trashiness come to them.
  7. Sounds like a typical reaction to a season of Big Brother to me.
  8. Philadelphia was a dumb movie to use anyway. Out of all the movies he starred in as the lead, they choose one where he is supporting actor. The celeb round just seems so easy to me. Unless it's something real easy like president - Identify the gender and race. Identify what they do (comedian, actor, musician, etc). Then you go to their most recognizable tidbits. If they can't get it after a few hints. Skip. Kim Kardashian - Famous female reality star. Married to Kanye West. Had a sex tape released with Ray J. Denzel Washington - Male, black actor. One a Oscar for Training Day. Just starred in the Equalizer. Played Malcolm X Justin Bieber - White, male singer for Canada. A lot of people hate him. He gets in a lot of trouble. He dated Selena Gomez. In some cases you can do it in a few words. Channing Tatum - Magic Mike Mike Myers - Austin Powers of Waynes World Tom Cruise - Mission Impossible Seriously, let me at the celebrity round. I would straight murder it.
  9. It's not true at all that someone always picks a celeb from their team. There have been a bunch times where someone went for the right celeb regardless of team.
  10. I think you will enjoy them a lot. Black on Black Cinema can be un-PC at times but it's all in good fun. They also can get very insightful among the jokes being poured out. Their latest podcast covering Lean on Me starring Morgan Freeman was a great listen. I was glad to hear someone else disturbed by the shot of a student bashing that teachers head into the floor over and over again. Damn, i was like six when I saw that. My parents didn't care about R ratings (unless there was sexy times involved). Every other week they spend a good half hour talking about a certain topic. This week they finally got around to talking about the NAACP Rachel Dolezal nonsense. The way it ended had me laughing until tears came out mu eyes. The discussion was very intelligent everything but it looped to somewhere in the end I was not expecting. With Hey, Do You Remember, the episode that sticks out to me is the Adventures in Babysitting story. Chris, the main host, had this crazy multi layer story of him trying to woo his babysitter with the help of his young sister that is a hoot. That's all before the movie talk which was great as always. I'm still in love with Elizabeth Shue based on the first scene in Adventures in Babysitting.
  11. Yawn. I'm still not even interested enough to start throwing out killer theories and stuff. It's just on.
  12. I only recall his height being a real running joke during the basketball episode where the show also made it a running joke. Anything taking the character down a peg is fine by me anyway. Everyone gets made of fun of hear. It's all in good fun. Cindy's "I just can't take this" moment was the best. Carol went hard for that moment. I will never be ashamed or cringe at my enjoyment for this show. I'm also the only straight guy I knew that ever watched it. But, I do not care. I got swept up in the drama. The show is entertaining in awful and awesome ways just like most shows of the 90's. It amazes me how many shows don't realize from the jump that viewers want drama they sink their teeth into. Rather or not Brandon can find a job is not something people want. Start with something interesting from the gate. Yeah, I saw Brandon in this episode simply not wanting to deal with reality. He understood what was going on. I really hope there will be a podcast dedicated to the Unauthorized 90210 movie coming to Lifetime.
  13. dont change anything about the clips. One, they are hilarious. Two, some people aren't bothering to rewatch so the clips help paint the awful picture. Three, as someone who is rewatching, hearing people react to clips I found hilarious are part of the fun. I don't need them to be shorter either. This podcast is so great. My only cringe was hearing the word mansplaining because I can't stand that term in any context.
  14. Guys, it's one date between Sheriff and Lydia's Mom. It doesn't actually mean anything. If they do want to go with the Sheriff and Scott's mom they are going to want to slow burn it. Also, there is no way Stiles would not figure out his dad was setting up a date with Scott's mom before he had a chance to be told. The important part of this whole ordeal was seeing him ready and actively trying to date.
  15. Let me know what you think of them. I literally have no one to talk about podcasts with. I never listened to that episode. I have a habit of not listening to podcasts episodes about movies I'm not more familiar with. I watched Reindeer Games once in the 90's. That's it.
  16. I heard about that one via another podcast but haven't checked it out yet. We Used to Be Friends is fairly new. It just got to the sixth episode of season 1 I think. They also do a Buffy podcast "Dusted" Now Playing is a really fun podcast to get into. Their website goes over every franchise they have covered so far. Recently I've been watching Stephen King movies as they review them for their King retrospective. The "Before.." series was not the usual movies they cover. Most art house style films to don't carry on like this series. But, it was a very fun and interesting listen. I appreciate those movies even more now.
  17. And I'm still not interested in this version of Sarah. There are interesting ways they could have went with this but they didn't. I also don't really care why this Sarah comes off like a petulant child most of the time now. All I know is I don't like it. I don't need Sarah to be acting like the new teenage John Conner from T2. Now we have a Sarah I can't get into AND a John that is much different than I would have liked. No thank you.
  18. Looking at my list podcasts I follow on a regular basis: True Crime: The Most Shocking Killer is True Crime History - The hosts speaks with the authors that wrote about these terrible crimes. Some dark but interesting stuff. JTE Movie Thinks - Part of the Schmoes Know Movie network. JTE sits down with a guest and talks about the last movie the guest watched. it could be any movie that was not watched for work purposes. JTE has no idea what the movie will be. Denzel Washington is the Greatest Actor Ever Podcast - This has already been talked about here but it's a lot of fun. You don't need to be familiar with Denzel's work to enjoy this (although I am familiar). The Canon - Devin Faraci and Amy Nicholson discuss whether a movie should be allowed in the Canon. Should be a movie preserved and highly regarded or basically gotten. It's more of a how does this movie hold up to it's praise than anything. Afterbuzz Tv (various podcasts) - Afterbuzz TV gives aftershows for just about any show you can think of. They have a panel sit down and cover the newest episodes. Sometimes with a guest from said show. It's a lot of fun. The crew that covers Scandal, Empire and Ballers are my favorite by far. F Your Show - Back from a long hiatus. This podcast takes the concept of fantasy drafts and applies it to things you love from the 80's and 90's (their favorite decade). For example, they will recast the cast of Friends. Every person (usually three people) gets a go per round. They can draft one new Ross, Rachel, Chandler, etc. and they let the fans decide who did the best recast. They also do things like draft the perfect 90's teen movie. So, you have to draft a jerk, a female lead, a male lead, a nerd, a set of parents, etc. It's a lot of fun. Happy Hour - The panel that covers Scandal and Empire for Afterbuzz TV gets together and talks about various topics. Mostly involving black related topics. Very insightful and funny We Used to be Friends - The Veronica Mars podcast. They cover the show episode by episode. They watch the episode live and comment. Angela's Yee's Lip Service. Angela Lee of New Yorks Power 105 radio station and her two friends have very frank discussions about sex and dating with a guest from the music world. The Sunnydale Stacks - A Buffy the Vampire podcast. If you love Buffy, you will love this. Hey, Do You Remember- A must listen for movie fans. Three friends get together and discuss a movie from their childhood and sees how it stacks up as adults. They start off talking about their memories of the childhood in relation to movie which the main host always nails with his very unique stories from his younger years. Now Playing Podcast - My favorite movie podcast out there. They cover franchises. So, they will go through all the Mission Impossibles. All the Terminators. All the Marvel Movies (even gems like the Before Sunrise series) and give their ratings. The Source Fed Podcast - The gang from Youtubes SourceFed channel just get together and talk about whatever they want and have tons of fun. Where My 40 Acres Podcast - Talking about various news stories, hip hop albums and reviews. Just a lot of fun. Thinking Sideways Podcast - The three person panel covers a different unsolved case and gives all the facts as well as their theories on what happened. The Leap Home - A podcast for Quantum leap. Funny, funny stuff. Race Wars - A bunch of comedians get together and talk about race related stories and bust jokes. Always a good listen. How Did This Get Made - Already been talked about here. Black on Black Cinema - The rare podcast that covers black cinema. (It's hard as hell to find podcast about movies starring black people). These guys are freakin hilarious. The Attitude Era Podcast - Reliving the popular years of WWF one PPV at a time. Twilight Pwn: A Twilight Zone podcast. Episode are chosen at random. We Hate Movies - Already covered here. Film Sack is another good movie podcast in the same vein. Go Bayside! - The podcast is done but this Saved By the Bell podcast is the reason why I got into podcasts in the first place.
  19. I still prefer the Street Fighter reaction but that was classic.
  20. I feel like that is a lot of projection there. Da'Vonne doesn't seem like someone most people would to deal with. Whether that person be black, white or green. He could just not like her or trust and he has every right to. He shouldn't be trusting anyone. But, Day didn't pull Shelli out of harms way when she could have and they were in alliance. Of course they don't trust her now. Seems pretty logical. Her constant crying and stank attitude is already tired to me anyway. Just go away. Audrey will always be easy scapegoat because no one trusts her anymore. I'm sure something will be made of the black and transgendered women in the house being targeted. But, they brought all the targeting on themselves. Playing too hard too fast will get you burned.
  21. All of the versions of Sarah Conner have had a future put upon them they didn't ask for. Not even 1984 Sarah was annoying brat about it. Linda and Emelia were the exact same age when they first played Sarah but one actually felt like her age (while playing younger). The other feels like the age she's playing it just doesn't come off as well.
  22. The amount of screentime someone gets and the amount of people in the actual cast are two different things. And Mike and Harvey are the leads. So, that has nothing to do with male or female anything. That's the way the show was conceived. Rachel and Donna are on screen a lot of the time anyway. Jessica is the only one who suffers for screentime but I think it makes sense seeing as she's the boss we see.
  23. There was no waiting too long. There should have never been a sequel to T2. There should have never been a sequel to Terminator. But, at least with T2, Cameron did his best to make conclusion to the series. Now the series is beating a dead horse. It's all variations of T2 all over again. The bad Terminators want to destroy The Connors and create Judgement Day. The Connors and the good Terminator fight to stop judgement day and stay alive. Over and over and over again. It's played out. There best bet was to show us the actual war and they fucked that up too. They need to rebuild completely. Stop following the Connors. Put Arnie to bed. Look at the plot from a different angle instead of these cat and mouse movie all the time.
  24. Nope, I'm not giving movies like this a pass anymore. "It could have been worse". "I had low expectations so...". "Of course it's not better than the best movies in franchise but..." I personally can't do it anymore. This is not a target aimed at anyone else. But, I started feeling this way with Jurassic World. A passable movie for me that people seem to praise mainly for not be terrible. I know some people love it for genuine reasons but that World is a hollow movie with none of the heart, suspense or wonder of the first film. This is just more of that kind of blockbuster. It's passable. It's not terrible. But, that's not enough for me to praise it. I can't recommend it to people. I can't pretend like this is actually a need to see movie. There is no heart here. It's a money grabber. It erases the awesome first two movies which I'm not a fan of. Emilia is poor womans Sarah Conner. I don't buy the bond between "pops" and Sarah. We needed to see more of them together with her younger to fully invest in that. Arnold is too old for this shit. He's not bad in the movie at all but I'm tired of seeing him reach back for old glory and failing. Jai Courtney and Jason Clarke left no impression on me. I'm tired of the Connors. They need to explore some new people. The Sarah Conner Chronicles was the best follow up to T2 with ease. More characters to invest in besides the same old stand bys. We followed Sarah more which is always the right call. Cameron and Cromartie brought new layers to the Terminator lore that were interesting. They did the alternate timeline thing WAY better. I'll take Derrick Reese over this Reese any day. Most of all, I wont give this movie another thought in two days unless someone asks me about it. I need more than that in a movie these days. They don't have to be high art but I need to be interested in whats going on or give a damn about the characters. As a side note, that Bad Boys mugshot thing was one of the dumbest comedic beats I've ever seen.
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