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Anne Thrax

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Everything posted by Anne Thrax

  1. I had similar sentiments when, right after Kim was arrested at the Beverly Hilton, Monty immediately started tweeting such nonsense "I don't believe it -- Kim is sober, she's never violent, she's a GIVER!!" (well, that last one was after her shoplifting arrest). Then I knew for sure that Monty is one of the biggest enablers in Kim's life. I mean, he makes everyone feel so good about who the "real" Kim is, her "real" wonderfulness despite the abysmal way she treats her family and the fact that her utterly dysfunctional life refutes his every word. I believe Monty was the one who was the source of Kim's pill popping during Season 9, and I also believe she didn't have to steal them - that Monty was voluntarily sharing his stash with Kim, his long-time drug buddy. But because he's seriously ill and constantly spouts such supportive, sweet twaddle, nobody calls him on it.
  2. Because there's something wrong with an grown man who sees himself as "the child".
  3. Oh, and Ryan -- the only people who have the right to claim dibs on Tamra's earnings as "family money" are: 1) her minor children, and 2) her husband Eddie. I'd have loved it if Tamra's retort to "Eddie's not my father" was "No, Eddie isn't your father, but he's MY husband. Did you notice that where you're staying right now is HIS house? And now that we're on the subject, what has your father done for you lately? Nothing? Then you should start making it a habit to lay off Eddie."
  4. The poor guy behaves as though he hasn't had a decent meal lately. I'm guessing Tamra's skill set does not include cooking.
  5. Rainney wrote: I have to ask because I have seen a number of people call Ryan this bit I am not sure why. Why do some refer to Tamra's son as "Rapey Ryan"? See the episode entitled "Naked Wasted" (S4.E8), so titled because Tamra said she was serving extra-strong drinks to Gretchen in an attempt to get her "naked wasted". During the episode, Gretchen indeed got shitfaced, When she staggered over to use the bathroom, Ryan followed her in. It turned out Gretchen was not so hammered she'd go along with THAT, and politely said no to "making out" with him. Afterward, posters thought it was pretty low down of him to attempt to take advantage of a woman who was so impaired; hence, "Rapey Ryan". Sorry -- it was WireWrap who asked that.
  6. I was finally able to view this episode today, and there are a few things others haven't mentioned yet: 1) Vicki's outfit: Nobody in OC wears fur (or faux fur) anytime ever. Unless it's the dead of winter and you just got back from Mammoth or Vail or somewhere that's damn cold. 2) No wonder we haven't seen Shannon's back yard: The pool is too large for the little space it's been given on her massive property. Way too much pool to patio space ratio. And that roof or whatever the hell that was covering it?? Just no. 3) Meghan's hair: She must have just given up on it when it was time to leave for the party. I mean, she's in the bathroom with the curling iron doing god-knows-what. Then she shows up at the party, and it looks like she just rolled out of bed - WTF?? It's obvious she's the only one at the party who did her own hair. 4) Marty, Sandy's date: BIG red flag when a man that age has no children - and then says HE'S the child. Yikes. BTW - I thought Sandy's outfit was just fine for a blind date, a first date, any kind of date. WTF was Tams talking about for chrissakes?
  7. Oh, no doubt such behavior would be outrageous. But you've obviously never lived with a narcissist. Outrageous is where they go when they believe they might not get their way. Because the way they see it, NOT getting what they want in any given situation is simply not an option and they never give up the fight, even though they might feign.
  8. I would say that if Briana works shifts in two different hospitals, she probably gets two separate W-2s at tax time So it's perfectly accurate for her to say that she has two (part-time) jobs. It's not that uncommon.
  9. Because Briana is bored to a coma in Oklahoma. in OC, Nana takes care of the kids while Briana goes out with her friends.
  10. When you're dealing with a world-class narcissist such as Vicki, the plan might be that after a day or two, Brooks just shows up there with an excuse why he has to be "home" now. Briana already told her mother that she would never want to throw a sick person out of their bed, so it wouldn't surprise me a bit if Vicki had in mind to pull such a number. With Bri and the kids all settled in,Vicki would use it to try to shame Briana into not making poor Brooks leave again, in hopes for her daughter to solve her predicament by just putting up with it.
  11. One bedroom apartment, in a decent neighborhood of course, $1,800/mo. and up.
  12. I doubt this comes as a surprise to Briana -- she's lived with her mother since birth. Children usually know who their parents are better than most others. For instance, as Michael showed us in Ep. 13. I think Briana expected this as standard operating procedure for her mother; Vicki is simply starting her usual Plan B, kill the kid with kindness and the kid is sure to knuckle under. Narcissists have whole bags of manipulation tricks that they use again and again. Probably because sometimes they work!
  13. I think you've hit upon something here. I've noticed on a couple of occasions how David slyly undermines Shannon in front of the girls. At first I just thought it was his cluelessness that made him say things like that, but when he slipped in that gratuitous reference to his "smashing pumpkins" past, I saw it as a direct challenge to Shannon's taking them to task for their TP-ing while on the sleep-over. The comment was obviously gauged to curry favor with the girls by portraying himself as the understanding parent while making Shannon appear the tiresome and un-fun parent. I know he's said other things in front of their daughter(s) to place Shannon in an unfavorable light, I just can't remember them right now.
  14. It says "in lieu of our recent loss". Guess homegirl doesn't know what the term "in lieu" means - possibly really meant "in light of"??
  15. Wow - I had a completely different take. In fact, asshole Jimmy went a ways to redeeming himself in my eyes in this episode after he basically said the same thing everyone else hass been saying: shut up Meghan! He totally took charge and completely shut her ass down. Which needed to be done after she behaved so childishly, and then didn't seem able to grasp how wrong she was for inserting herself into Brooks' personal business and then causing scene after scene over it.
  16. I think once a day Shannon goes on a vodka-fueled crying jag, and it just so happened that day it came on at dinner with Vicki and Brooks.
  17. I was thinking the same thing when I saw their smug little asshole attitudes towards their parents. Judging by the kids' complete contempt for both of them, it's obvious that David and Shannon have never even attempted to discipline them for anything before. If my ten-year-old spoke to me the way Sophie did (Adelaide wasn't as defiant or mouthy, but she'd get hers too), or refused do as she was told, I would have marched straight to her room and gathered up all her electronics - phone, tablet, computer, gaming station -- EVERYTHING the kid has been given, and lock it up somewhere secure. Then I'd clear everything out of her closets and dressers except one week's worth of the most basic clothing. Then I'd finish with the screwdriver and hammer and physically remove the door from her room. Those children would get a lecture on what I as a parent am obligated to provide for them, and that the only time they will be permitted to leave their rooms is for school. Period. They would be informed what it will take on their part to earn these items back, one by one, or that the status quo will become permanent until they turn 18 or graduate from high school - whichever comes first. And they'd also be informed that if they ever smart-mouthed or refused again to do anything they were directed to do, they'd lose everything they'd earned back and have to start all over again. Of course, parents MUST possess vigilance and a stronger will than their children in order for this method to make a lasting impression. That's why having children too late in life is not a good idea. They're lucky they didn't have my Dad. Or great-grandmother. I remember once when I was about 8 years old watching my great-grandmother (in her mid-60s at the time) chase my 13 year old uncle around the yard with a bar of soap in her hand. She finally did get him down and wash his mouth out with the soap. I never heard him sass her again.
  18. I have to admit those blue leather gloves looked hideous! At first I thought she was wearing something for cleaning the loo!
  19. That website isn't very reliable. Every day they have at least one article that contradicts something posted earlier on that site and touted as a major scoop.
  20. I like how Vicki is SUCH a revisionist!! She was so disrespectful to Donn when she refused to allow him to go to Chicago with them when she visited her family nor allow him to Mexico when she took her kids. Now, all of a sudden, she's unhappy that her "man" can't enjoy family time with her. She's a complete ass!!
  21. Yes, I thought it was overacting of the worst sort. But that she came up with "wake her up" suggests to me that in her own mind, Vicki sees herself as FAR more important than actual death, and Mom, goddamn, you better wake up now and attend to my need.
  22. Vicki has not just taken a hands-off approach, she's limiting her particpation sharply -- didn't she say that she didn't want to be around when he'd be "violently ill for 5 days"? Talk about shallow as a driveway puddle. I mean, she takes all this credit for standing by her man when he's sick, but when the going gets tough, Florence Nightingale has to take herself a few thousand miles away so as not to upset herself over this thing.
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