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Anne Thrax

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Everything posted by Anne Thrax

  1. Yep, I think you're right about that! I had a thought just as I was posting this that the ep I was referring to might have been the next one. (Slapping my own hand)
  2. I'm one of those who has an equally long-term marriage as yours, but I try never to bring it up or brag on it, and if anyone else does, I do what I can to soft pedal it. There's nasty shit in everyone's marriage that lasts such a long time. We simply managed to keep it together thru it all, where others have given up. I don't hate on anyone who decides to give up -- I've come VERY close many times to doing so myself. Like last week . . . . :->
  3. Um, I dunno about that. I thought that scene in the restaurant the Girardis dining with another couple (can't remember now who the other couple was) when they were engaging in dinner conversation, Erika started to interject something while her husband was talking, he cut her off abruptly with "I'm talking here" or something on that order. Definitely not respectful -- in my book anyway -- and IMHO was a huge tell into their (unequal) relationship.
  4. Thank you, Walnut Queen, for setting the record straight. I knew she didn't call her sister a "goddamn alcoholic" in the limo. It must be soul-suckingly awful to have put yourself and your spouse out time and time again for such a shitty, ungrateful sister and then constantly be blamed for bad things you didn't do.
  5. I don't remember Kyle ever being the one to bring up Kim's behavior. And Kyle never tried to prevent her cast members from talking about Kim -- she said she simply didn't think it appropriate for her to be discussing Kim's issues with people who don't know her that well. There's nothing disingenuous about that.
  6. IIRC, there was proof on in-house video of at least a couple of the SH incidents. When Ken was informed of that fact by one of his employees, he instructed said employee to destroy the video(s), which of course is a horribly crooked thing to do. THAT'S why the plaintiff was awarded big-time punitive damages. And they were imposed against Ken and Lisa individually, mind you. They DID try to argue their LLC should be charged with the punitives -- not them -- but it didn't work. And my guess is Ken will be refraining from doing anything like that again anytime soon.
  7. I can't remember where I read it, but I think that Li'l Conrad was absent from his sister's wedding because the UK denied his application for a visa due to his criminal record. Could be the same reason for Little Kimmy too.
  8. What I thought was even weirder was Ken's reply to Lisa's pun: "Who from?" Correct me if I'm wrong, but don't you do "69" WITH someone? If it's FROM someone, it ain't a "69".
  9. Laws governing dog bite in California are not statewide, but usually city or county ordinances. I know in both Los Angeles and Orange County no dog gets any "free" bites. Mr. Thrax just finished a case where a 1-1/2 year old pitbull was ordered euthanized after his first bite. The owners had considered re-homing him outside the jurisdiction, but poor Chester ended up getting the lethal injection. Of course, I also feel for the poor lady whose leg required 40+ stitches.
  10. Gigi's father is no slouch himself in the influence department. It's not that big a jump to conclusion that Mohammed and his long time friend Georges Marciano (founder of Guess Jeans) had a big hand in Gigi getting that first high-profile modeling job with Guess.
  11. From what I saw of that book, I thought the artsy nudes were all taken by professional photographers (don't all pro photogs want to do nudes for their "private collection"?) during YoFo's modeling heyday, and that she simply cherry-picked a couple dozen and had a remembrance book made up.
  12. I think you're giving Bella way too much credit as to the "long game" comment. My take is that Bella has lived her entire life in Gigi's shadow, and because she's young and with the assistance of plenty of plastic surgery and family publicity, she's making hay while the sun shines. But IMHO, Bella is, at her core, a loser. I know I'm sticking my neck out, but my crystal ball tells me that Bella will get caught up with her flash-in-the-pan fame, fast guys and hard drugs (heroin, cocaine or both) and come to a bad end. Eventually. Doubt my cynical opinion, okay. But any 17 year old who gets busted for drunk driving on an already suspended license is in a pretty bad way already.
  13. You are SO right. When the controversy first started about how sick Yo really is, it occurred to me that suffering her father's sudden death at such an early age might have been the catalyst for her hurt little mind to put together the pathetic = extra attention equation. Then she grew into a lovely young woman and had no need to be pathetic to get ALL the attention she craved. Now that the bloom is somewhat off the rose (she's still damn attractive), she's reverted back to that behavior (my daddy's dead - can I have a cookie?).
  14. Since she's presenting herself as eschewing all the toxic chemicals present in things such as make-up, nail polish, hair dye, and whatever all else, I wonder how she made her hair turn darker overnight without showing any tell-tale signs of her roots growing out. I mean, her hair is now a much darker shade plus obvious highlights. Chalk up one more bunch of B.S. from YoFo.
  15. Vicki will still probably be able to rely on Tamra for friendship and a semblance of a storyline, if only because of the fact that Tams has between little and nothing in the storyline dept. herself.
  16. Is that right -- did I miss this? In my book, there's a difference between planning and footing the bills for an actual wedding where the bride walks down the aisle and they are pronounced man and wife, and throwing a party to celebrate a new marriage. I just don't remember an actual wedding being held, but I could be wrong.
  17. Vicki threw a wedding for Briana?? I was under the impression Briana and Ryan eloped. I wouldn't blame Briana for preferring Donn to Brooks. It really DOES matter quite a bit whether one's mother is in a destructive relationship or a healthy one. I would be troubled too if my mother was spending thousands upon thousands on a man who I knew for certain hasn't always been kind to her. Donn married her mother and stuck by her through god knows what before they were on the show. His track record for how he treated her children probably counts for a lot too. Brooks is clearly a user and views Vicki as a sugar momma. No shame in Briana calling it as she sees it. And vice versa -- if Vicki thought Briana's relationship was unhealthy, there would be nothing wrong with her saying so to Briana. But there's a major difference between marriage and an on-again-off-again love affair, and should get more respect if only because people took vows.
  18. From your lips to God's ear, dear. The place is a total sewer! The only thing they got going for them tourist-wise are a bunch of decayling temples. And those "poor little children" are deliberately pimped out by their PARENTS. Yes indeed, mom and dad send the little youngsters to town to sell their -- whatever they can sell, and of course give the money to mom and dad.
  19. You might be on to something there - didn't Vicki say during a recent episode that she's had numerous surgeries to remove tumors in her inner ear?
  20. IKR -- my mother used to have a saying "she could fall in a bucket of shit and come out smelling like a rose". That's Tamra.
  21. No I don't think that's it. And anyway, I seriously doubt that Vicki is a true fan of the cock. I think in her lifetime, Vicki has done what she has to pretending to love it in order to ensnare male attention. But the truth is, Vicki's enormous narcissistic ego is the only thing that really matters to her. And big egos need to be fed -- a lot, and often. So my theory is that what Brooks really does for her is constantly feed her ego, tell her every day how amazing she is, sympathize with her victimhood while cheering her on in her good fight, and quote Hallmark platitudes ad infinitum. To Vicki, that's the Love that her Love Tank always needs more of. And Brooks effortlessly manufactures that crap by the train carload. Keeping a man in her life who does that without any prompting is why the Vickster has advanced and embellished on the Brooks Has Cancer story at every turn. Makes perfect sense, doesn't it?
  22. Yeah - right after I read this, I remembered how she deep-throated that penis lollipop during the episode of Tamra's bachelorette party! Poor little sensitive throat that she has.
  23. No, as long as Monty doesn't mention the guy's name, he's safe.
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