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Anne Thrax

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Everything posted by Anne Thrax

  1. I certainly get what you're saying, Ms. Blue Jay. But I somehow enjoy the concept of a woman being independent enough to choose and consume a young guy sexually. Maybe that's what the men don't like about it -- they're not the ones in control at that point LOL!
  2. Oh yes there is -- how about Sugar Daddy? It's been in use long before Cougar. And there's no shame in being a cougar. Older woman, younger dude? It's a lot of fun if you can play the game.
  3. This is solid gold! Thank you. I don't remember seeing Dorinda's sister, but you've put into the perfect words the essence of the woman who is Dorinda: "Sits and Eats Like a Trucker". Hats off to you, Chickabiddy!
  4. I'm confused about what real estate deal you're referring to above. I've seen almost every episode multiple times and I never heard Mo or Kyle say anything about real estate transactions he was being sued over, much less that an explanation to the viewers would be offered at some point. Nevertheless, I made my point and I don't believe Mauricio owes anyone any explanations. If we're talking lawsuits, he'll have to answer for his conduct in court, and we'll have definitive results in due time. Just remember, allegations are NOT proof of anything.
  5. I don't get ya. What are you basing that statement on? Because I know for certain that there are lots of laws and DRE rules in California keeping everything honest and above board. If some people choose to skirt the rules and make shady deals, it gets around soon enough. And here's why: in real estate transactions, it's not that hard to prove things in a court of law because of the extensive level of documentation involved in the buying, selling and financing of California real estate, high end or not. And if you get whacked a few times in court for shady dealings, it becomes known. Something I'm pretty sure Mauricio keeps in mind.
  6. We don't know Mauricio, or have any direct knowledge of his integrity with regard to how he conducts business. The existence of a legal dispute over a real estate transaction doesn't just automatically equate to shady behavior on Mo's part. That would be like saying if someone gets arrested by the police or investigated by the FBI they must have committed a crime. It's simply not so. I've seen plenty of frivolous/meritless lawsuits come down the pike, and if Mo was that shady his business wouldn't be as big as it is for the years it has been around. This is not to say people don't lie or make mistakes, but so far Mauricio has managed to settle whatever legal battles he's had with his reputation intact. That indicates to me that the guy probably conducts his business honorably.
  7. Whatever the deal is with Tom and Erika, I'm willing to bet it was all discussed out in the open long ago when the prenup was negotiated.
  8. I thought Teddi did just fine teaching her daughter correct etiquette. To be accurate, Sutton said "Ladies don't have to shake hands". True, that used to be the case. But if Slate was my child, I would have said, "Mrs. ___ is correct, there was a time when that was proper. But today both girls and boys shake hands when they're introduced."
  9. I agree with every single word here (except about Dorit's outfit LOL).
  10. Does anyone else think Leah's sister is wearing a wig? I usually have an eye for things like that, and I can't quite put my finger on it, but something about it just does not look right to my eye. IDK, the bangs look way too thick to be natural, the color looks too dark for her eyebrows and complexion, and the way it hangs on the sides of her head looks the tiniest bit off to me. Leah's hair, on the other hand, looks completely natural to me (maybe some extensions but it does look like it's mostly her real hair).
  11. I guess I'm not liking Garcelle very much this episode. Is she determined to make it even more obvious how much she dislikes Kyle? She's being a big bitch to her - I was glad they had footage where both were engaged in a conversation, with Kyle showing interest in Garcelle and asking questions. And really, Garcelle - throwing bread at an awards banquet?? Wonderful example for your sons. Sutton's biggest fear with online dating was being sold into sex slavery?? Honey, they're not looking for old ladies. And she shows up wearing another atrocity that I'm assuming is couture and cost more than most people earn in a week. Kyle needs to dial back the "feelings" b.s. It's getting monotonous. And I'm still wondering why the hell she was wearing that whatever it was. Credit where credit is due, Kyle's house is gorgeous and was decorated so nicely. Teddi looked cute for once. Little Cruz is the picture of his dad. I thought Rinna was walking down the street wearing her dressing gown -- I was surprised to see her wearing it to the BBQ. Denise is the one who's giving legs to the thing that happened at her party. She's awfully thin skinned and still butt hurt about it which seems extreme, especially when we see the footage of her 15-year-old joking about it. But for whatever reason, she insists they "were affected by it". Now she's like a dog with a bone, making passive-aggressive digs and then walking it back when she's called on it. But there's no issue here -- that Aaron is as stupid as he is good looking. Was he the only man at the table? Dorit is walking around in a sheer dress with her underwear showing (fabulous, darling). Could she just wear something normal for once? Her little girl was really cute, and I was surprised to see how tall Jaggie is (or was last Fall, I guess). I enjoyed Rinna going down the slide with Teddi's kids. They all looked like they were having fun.
  12. My son and daughter in law live in Southeast Texas and the hotel he works at never did close, and DIL is in the pizza business and she never stopped either. Here in California we're starting to have openings of restaurants and haircuts this week (have my appt. on Tuesday - my hair is so gray and long I can't stand looking in the mirror).
  13. He might have graduated Yale, but we may never know what kind of grades he made while he was there. One thing I am sure of is he didn't get accepted on his own merit alone, being the son of Gloria Vanderbilt.
  14. I so agree with you that Richard would probably be repulsed seeing the way Dorinda is blaming all her faults on his death. And NOW she's sniveling about John too which I guess is to be expected since at this point she was with John longer than she was with Richard.
  15. Can you imagine the stories they could tell on their mothers? Excellent idea!!
  16. For all the good it did. Leah, Ms. Full of Herself, thought "this is a sweet gig, maybe I can get my sister in on all the goodies too". I think it was poetic justice that after she rammed her sister down everyone throats, they both complained they didn't even have a good time. Next time Leah wants to ask sis along, I bet the answer will be no! Clearly the sister has no influence over her so why bother?
  17. Because she doesn't want to think of her daughter behaving the same way she does. Because then she'll be Leah's problem child as she was her own mother's problem child. And Leah doesn't even want to THINK about how seriously that shit would change her carefree life.
  18. There was one thing I found really enjoyable. Just before Leah and her sister went to the bar, Leah, all full of herself as usual, boasted to the camera "obviously this guy is going to take one look at me and my sister and forget that those women are even sitting there". And as soon as they come over, the guy immediately shuts down both Leah and her sister and jets out of there -- I think I replayed that one at least 5 times it was so damn funny!! Not as fabulous as you imagined, eh girls? Also, Elyse's imitation of Dorinda was epic!!
  19. Oh Denise, come off it. "I play sexy characters on TV and some people think that's who I am, but that's my work, that's NOT reality". I like Denise and I think she's doing a fine job mothering her brood, but let's not cloud our perceptions. If we hadn't already heard multiple references to her husband's anatomy and their sex life, I might be fooled by her Mother Superior act. But if you think about the fact that for ages Charlie Sheen has been a sleazy horn dog, there must be something of reality in the "sexy characters" she plays that would not just attract a man like Charlie but to see him as a desirable marriage partner "by the second date" (quote from her). My guess is Denise is every bit the horn dog that she and her behavior have indicated she is, but isn't liking how that looks on TV.
  20. My mother told me never to pair pink and purple unless it's Easter and you're the Easter bunny.
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