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Everything posted by Crucial

  1. Why not take the money the guy got and take the burgers back he was given (or what's left). I don't understand why they don't show taking the money stolen back -however fake. Still we see money taken.
  2. The child is adorable, no doubt about it. She looks really, really happy around children/cousins. Whomever is putting a smile on her face then kudos to you. I hope it continues. Every child deserves to be happy.
  3. How sad is it that the wax figure looks more than the real Kim - especially the eyes. And add to that, we all know there is more surgery in the 'real' Kim's future. How are they going to dumb down that wax figure??
  4. That's just it. No one is going to stop her. That's the real sad part of this family. Everyone is so hungry/obsessed with their looks. This is what breaks me heart that no one at all, no one thinks this is wrong. Anyone who is signing papers for this child to have the surgery should be shot. I'm not kidding, they should be shot or in jail. Kris or Caitlyn looking at you. My fight is mute anyway, the disgusting garbage of parents don't care and are too self involved with themselves now. But, hey, I think they wer both on the same page anyway with their last child - surgery, implants, sexy photos, Kim K surgery, money train. She went with it since no one in the family objected. Wow.....a family you want to avoid. Money wins and souls lose.
  5. That's beyond creepy, almost scary. She's altering her looks to look exactly like Kim. That's not normal at all. Where is Kris, Caitlyn, or her family telling her to look like herself not the sex tape, pose nude at the drop of a hat, pimp herself out sister. This young girl is not living her life, she's re-living Kim's and hot sad is that. I actually think it's been pounded into her head this is what you have to do. Kylie doesn't have the model chops of Kendal and that disgusting piece of manager Kris guided her daughter to this. Why shouldn't she. That pig Kris has a younger version of Kim she can sell for a few more years. This is where my Caitlyn hate comes from because she could have had the balls to stand up to Kris. This exploitation isn't just one parent it's both who are at fault. The one who did it an the one who let it happen.
  6. I have to take back any bad opinion I had of Curtis Stone. I just watched a few of the episodes of Master Chef and the one with the high school students, I loved how he was with them. I didn't find any of that smugness I thought he had. I'll have to go back and re-watch some of these shows since my views on him aren't as harsh.
  7. I actually thought Holly would be the annoying one since I saw her on The Apprentice but she was ok. I liked Margaret. I hated her home for the gross factor -maid to clean that stuff. Keep your fun way but leaving that trash is gross. I liked all the families. Margaret's way worked for them. At first I felt bad for Ryan. When she was talking to Margaret and Rodney cut in with the "how to put cheese on tortillas" was wrong. Didn't like him. I'm glad they spend more time but why did it take this show. I want to blame editing and they weren't like that. I hope Ryan got so much more attention than we saw or knew. If not, shame on your Holly and Rodney. A child pushed aside because sports isn't her thing. Again, I hope I am wrong. That's my only complaint
  8. Oh crap, I put my comment in the 2013 thread regarding the Scott flipping his wig on the fish with tongs. I love what you posted Bastet, I wish I could give it more likes than just one.
  9. He actually posted on facebook about that and how you have to respect people and the food. He must have gotten a lot of grief for that. He was a huge, huge ass to the young chef. What about the respect of the chef you just bitched at? But what I don't get is the episode after that, one of the chefs has a place where she has Do It Yourself kill of animals (and people can bring in their own to be killed). He thought that was fantastic. My thought was the chef is showing people how to slaughter animals (yes, it's chicken, turkey, etc) but are they going to treat them with the respect they deserve - according to Scott. What if they can't follow through with the technique. People want to watch the process fine but having them actually do it when they may not follow through is not humane at all. I did love the comment to him about his pasta freak out.
  10. I honestly don't know how she considers herself to be a feminist. I make fun of her a lot because I think she is nothing but a joke whose mother was able to sell a sex tape into a multi million dollar franchise. I don't consider her a smart business woman, I consider Kris a smart business woman who has guided Kim all the way. Kim should thank her lucky stars Kris is her mom because she surely would not be what she is today. (Damn you Kris, lol) I'm sure Kim is smarter than she is portrayed but then again she is portrayed to be pretty dumb and self involved. That being said, I'm confused how she claims to be a feminist - unless she is just spitting out what the A-list actresses say they are. She wants to be known as a sex symbol (and business woman). She takes her clothes off at the drop of a hat for anything and everything (magazines, selfies, twitter, instagram, etc). She's doing it to get likes, followers, and people to call her a MILF and sexy. If your end goal is to be known as a sex symbol 20 years from now and have a billion followers, you are really a feminist. Don't get me started on her whole seminar on objectification of women. She has to have been the talk of what not to do. Reminds me of the I Love Lucy episode where Lucy wanted to be a writer and the publisher wanted to use her story of what NOT to do. I'm probably part of the problem because I click on those stupid sites. Restraint, restraint, restraint.
  11. For me, I didn't think she rocked it. For me, I don't think anyone over 60 looks good in a mini or low cleavage bearing dresses (Kris - looking at you with the cleavage bearing stuff). But that's just me. When I first saw her, I thought she's too old for the outfit. I thought she looked good in the dark blue dress, wasn't a mini, but she looked much better in that one (I thought). Her taste in clothing is much better than any of her Kardashian family for sure. This is the dress I mean. I guess it's not really dark blue. She looks amazing http://www.justjared.com/2015/06/30/caitlyn-jenner-flaunts-some-cleavage-for-broadway-night/
  12. I don't get why she felt the need to do that to her face. She was so beautiful then, with Reggie.
  13. From the plastic, re-designed face to her fake re-designed boobs, which one were people staring at more. My guess is the face since she's shown the fake boobs at every turn she can from her instagram to the magazines.
  14. I really doubt the fame monger would warn anyone but it's funny how she thought her career was over..dare to dream. Everything about her life is scripted from twitter/instagram/her show/paps. She's a fame whore who will go down fighting until the end. Too bad there wasn't a revolt with her then. http://www.usmagazine.com/celebrity-news/news/kim-kardashian-thought-her-career-was-over-following-divorce-2015266 The pics of her with the too small top and saggy boobs is just gross. Sloppy and gross
  15. I liked both couples on this one. At first, I thought Rain was going to be one of those airhead groupies but I liked her and I was wrong. I loved her dog and I wouldn't want anyone touching/playing with my dog either. I'm glad she got a ring although I don't think they will last but I hope they do. Gunnar and his wife (and family) I liked. I liked how hands on he was, especially when he came into a ready made family. You'd never know it, if they didn't say it either. So nice. Gunnar while I liked he must have been confusing his career with someone else because his recollection was not what I remembered and I think what most did also.
  16. I'm glad she had a nice Father's Day since it was her first as Caitlyn. Nice she had a group surrounding her and I think that's important for her. Because I am such a bad person, when I first saw the photo, I actually thought Caitlyn was Khloe. I'm not saying that to be mean or funny, I actually thought that was Khloe. Glad it's not just that K group too and his other family was included.
  17. Ok so it's something Kim is hosting, not some big thing, LMAO. For $40 you can hear a useless talent tell about a porn tape, reality show, getting married 3 times, pose nude countless times, print a book of pics of herself called Selfish (hahahaha). And she is talking about objectification. Is she giving her dumbass followers pointers? A no-talent hack decided to do a seminar and rented out this place. Talking about objectification...WTF. Why does she get this opportunity to talk to potential gullible people. Just say no people, just say no. http://www.people.com/article/kim-kardashian-west-objectification-live-lecture-event
  18. I wouldn't be surprised if he did but I bet Kim gave her some 'help' on what to do since Kylie wants to be another Kim. The girl doesn't look 17 and she doesn't look like she's even in her 20's. Honestly, Kylie looks close to the age of Kim. Shame on Kris and Caitlyn - you both did your daughter no favors at all. Oh wait, yes you did you taught her what's important. And that's obvious here.
  19. I liked Marc this one (and on Guys Grocery Games too). I guess I just like his personality. I thought he was having fun but I can see him annoying some. I almost turned off because I thought Alex would be crowned (I like her now but she gets by I think too much in these competitions - Guys Grocery Games too). I wanted Aaron to win so I am glad he did.
  20. It was go seeing Tre. Wow does he look great. I loved his first dish, it looked great. I thought he should have won. Can we take a break from Sunny and Giada please. Annoying with those teeth together is too much. I do like this show better than Throwdown though. Less annoying people (Sunny and Giada)
  21. I complain but I do love this family, For this last episode, I would have charged Savannah more than $40 for gas and coming to get her, lol. $20 for gas ok but it would have been $60 for getting her, getting gas and taking her back, lol. But I don't think she ran out of gas and spent money. Still I loved it.
  22. I'm wondering how many takes they had to do with Kim during that whole thing. She's only going 10 years into the future? She probably would not be able to handle going ahead 20-25 years. Shame on you Glamour for using Kim. Shocking there was no mention of Kanye or her 4th (or 5th) husband. But hey, at least she mentioned how many followers she expected her future self to have.
  23. Donatella (sp?) and Karine are the worst on this show. I'm watching a few shows on Hulu and Netflix and don't care for either. Donatella, I remember from Next Iron Chef and she was such a delicate flower when she ate something or her 'choking'. I find both of them exhausting. I'd much rather actors be judges rather than the food critics because I find the food critics just so obnoxious. They seem to want to be so edgy in their critiques that it is just so irritating. You're a blogger and self proclaimed "food gal" you know your stuff. Please.
  24. I wish I could believe you but I don't think they are that great at being comedic. I think some things are staged but both kids have that blank look. The talks they have in the kitchen, at the table, etc. I think that's them (and that's fine). If you are playing dumb you hold back but being dumb you get it all and I think you get it all with these kids.
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