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Such A Flirt

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Everything posted by Such A Flirt

  1. Getting rid of Cody was total BS. There is no way Gordon is even considering Declan. Or someone in a purple wig.
  2. Another pointless episode. Damn you, Spader (and pretty Ressler) for making me watch this crap! So what the heck is going on with Megan Boone? I'm almost starting to miss her! (OK, not really.)
  3. They only kept Amber for The Drama. She can't lead a kitchen if everyone hates her. Plus she is delusional. I'm glad Nikki got an offer, but that was very predictable. As for Jason or Jay: he'll always be Smurf to me. (And that S7 stuff with Holli was icky.)
  4. Cody is totally winning this. Otherwise, Kori. I'm fine with both. Delusional Amber should be next to go. Doesn't Mary-Lou have purple eyebrows to match the wig? Yikes.
  5. I wish Barrie had gotten eliminated (again!) last week so Jen would have had a chance to stay. Marissa and her hat are clearly next. And I know he can't help it, but I could do without Jeremy sweating into the food.
  6. I think the final 2 will be Kori and Cody. Jordan and Marc should be next to go. Or maybe Amber; she keeps saying so-and-so is not a leader, but neither is she.
  7. I like Fake Liz much better than the real one. Can we keep her, please? None of this episode made any sense - once again. I feel like I'm doing really bad drugs every time I watch the show now. Can't believe it's been renewed.
  8. Adam is just too perfect, at this point. Don't get me wrong, I love Fichtner - heck, he's the reason I started watching this show. But he's turning into a fantasy character. I'm always expecting some bad news or terrible secret, like he's cheating on Bonnie or something. Wendy kissing that guy in full view was really inappropriate, so I wasn't surprised he turned out to be a creep. It would have been better if she had dumped him instead of the other way around.
  9. Yeah, they're clearly keeping Marc around for The Drama. Wasn't it Declan who once said he was like an annoying mosquito? Indeed. I won't miss Adam's nasty beard. He deserved to leave just for that. So glad I wasn't the person cleaning up the set! Waste of food again, too - unless those were fake cherries. And weird how some got shower caps and goggles and others didn't.
  10. Nikki and Cody called the correct 4. So we can already guess who the black jackets will be. Amber and Jordan are exhausting with their constant drama, and Marc is so annoying. None are leader material (and neither was Lauren). And that "reward" (except for lunch with Gordon) looked more like a punishment.
  11. Wow, Thea does look scary now! What the heck? Jen also had a makeover, but she's lovely and not Joker-like! Seems like they're getting rid of the older contestants first. Not sure that's a coincidence.
  12. I know it wasn't real, but I had to look away. And then I had bad "Homeland" flashbacks with the henchman. There were way too many elements in Lizzie's "plan" for it to work as perfectly as it did, so it was beyond ridiculous. Did Megan Boone quit and they just don't know what to do, so they're not announcing it yet? It's so weird.
  13. What the heck, Syann hitting on Beardo? Ewww. Kori and Cody are looking like the favorites now.
  14. Apparently it's "Subito", i.e. "Right away" in Italian. This episode was indeed total Cringe City. I hate seeing guitars getting destroyed. And Josh was clueless, so I was pretty sure he was next. Too bad it happened on his birthday.
  15. I like Kori, but her dish looked like vomit. And yay Peter for self-awareness.
  16. I hope Skip is eeeevil. Certainly looked that way when he was getting the money. How can Liz just trust him? Stupid. As much as I love Spader, I'm ready for Red and Liz to just kill each other at this point. Why do those 3 clowns (Ressler, Aram & Cooper) even care anymore? Oh, right, Liz is supposedly irresistible! Whatever.
  17. I'm actually starting to like Cody; who would have thought? Adam looked and sounded high in his talking heads. That nasty beard still needs to go.
  18. Urgh. Please tell me Liz and Ressler aren't going to become a couple of doomed lovers on the run.
  19. Fabiola and Jordan were clearly the two who had to be called out; I don't know what the others were thinking. But Lauren does need to get over herself. And I could have done without seeing Drew's butt.
  20. I think her name was Robyn; same hairstyle. Please tell me all that dropped shrimp was fake? Plus all the meat you see in the background during talking heads. Josh (?) looks like he could be Gordon's son. And holy anger management issues, Drew! So very creepy.
  21. Beard Dude (Adam) is gross; I can't believe Gordon is allowing that in the kitchen. And urgh, I can't believe the Smurf is back! (I don't even remember his name - the guy with the blue hair from Season 7.) One of the dudes (Drew?) is seriously creeping me out. And yeah, Declan won't win because he's over 40 and overweight.
  22. That was quite... surreal? Though I certainly appreciated the effort. Yep, the best part was Amir's pup! What a cutie! Those brothers must have been Stormtroopers in a past life. Like, not one good shot, even when Liz was standing right in front of them? Cartoon Ressler really didn't look like the real thing. And I just had to laugh my arse off at Bat-Lizzie at the end. ETA: So, Red's secret illness... brain tumor?
  23. My favorite part was Ressler's ''yeah, I know I'm pretty - but you're not my type!'' Hey, Tom Wopat! I knew the dude looked familiar. So sick of the Rostova drama, seriously.
  24. The entire episode, I thought they were getting ready to kill off Ressler. I was confused by one of the flashback scenes: if Teen Ressler was blasting Soundgarden in the car, how could the cop not notice he was there? Like hell Liz got rid of the body by herself. Called Reddington is more like it. Though he did pass out last week - so, huh, any news on that? I was so sure Liz and Ressler were going to start making out at the end; really glad they didn't, but they sure seem to be going in that direction. Urgh.
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