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Everything posted by Brooke0707

  1. I am absolutely horrified, perplexed, and ashamed. I had a sexual dream about Jim Marchese last night. I do not find him at all attractive and I never thought of him at all past watching the episodes. This is so incredibly embarrassing!! I may have to quit the show. First it starts with dreams about Jim, then it could be Richie. This is way too dangerous.
  2. 1) I think it's really disturbing that Dina spent some time imaging the wakes of her family members. Like hate them all you want, but imagining their deaths is on a whole other level. 2) Teresa - just stop. Stop. We get it, you're a perfect. No, you never hit below the belt. Calling someone a prostitution whore and talking about someone else's blubber...is, well, perfectly nice behavior. Repeatedly implying that someone is elderly as a means of putting them down...yeah you're a ray of sunshine, Tre. She just cannot admit to anything. She is going to prison for her crimes and she still does not think she can do anything wrong. Oh and even now, she just can never give her family any credit. Melissa says she called and texted Teresa, and Teresa is like "she texted" and looked all confused. She is just the worst.
  3. I don't really care where the show is set. I'd enjoy seeing them come to LA and feed the RHOBH, RHOOC, Shahs of Sunset, Vanderpump Rules staff, etc. though. Each episode would be more obnoxious than the last. Vicki would spit out the meal. Most the women wouldn't want to eat anything and would just want shots. That's the reality tv culture I want to see, haha ;)
  4. I'm really looking forward to next week and seeing where Beth has been. The hospital looked so creepy. I don't think Carol or Beth were with Daryl because I don't see why he'd have to tell them to come out and he looked upset/unsure, so I think it's someone else. For a bit there, because Bob's death was dragging, I thought maybe they would show him as someone who is immune - not that he wouldn't die necessarily, but that he wouldn't turn. But, they didn't go there. Maggie and Glenn looked pretty horrified. That said, I don't think they're smart going with Abraham. Eugene's story sounds like a joke. Maggie never once thought about Beth either. Meanwhile, she was going insane when she thought Glenn was out there. I was surprised they killed Gareth so quickly. The scene was really disturbing, but they had to go IMO. These people would only threaten other humans, even if they left Rick's group alone.
  5. I could definitely be remembering wrong but I thought normally the secrets revealed are shown after the reunions. And last night was secrets revealed part 1 (implying there is another part coming), yet next week is the reunion, right? Anyone think that Kathy looked WAAAAAAAAAAAAAAY bizarre in the promo? It could very well just be her makeup, but she looked like she got another nose job done and her eyes looked different (I think that was likely just the makeup). I don't want to see Teresa back. I don't want to see her have fabulous dinners, go on vacation, etc. when I know how much she and Joe unlawfully took from others. Sorry, I never agree with Heather Dubrow, but Bravo needs to cut her off IMO.
  6. I'm really confused why this was a secrets revealed episode and not another episode that they could have stuck in earlier on. This wasn't a random mix of scenes - most of it was the AC trip and Joe taking care of the girls while Teresa was gone. I don't get it. If they thought the footage was interesting enough to air, why didn't they just air it as part of the story.
  7. Padma was nasty as fuck in the preview. She feeds off cutting others down. Blech, wish they'd get a new host/judge.
  8. My impression was that Carol wasn't necessarily being cautious about Terminus as much as she was going to let Tyrese and Judith have it because she knew Tyrese didn't trust her. The distrust came pretty immediately after they saw that guy referring to killing Michonne and Carl.
  9. Re other characters being erased so that Carol could be badass...I can see where that perspective comes from. I thought that the episode was wonderful and I was on the edge of my seat the entire time, but the amount of things that had to go exactly right for Carol to save the day in multiple ways was a little borderline Mary Sueish. I mean I know that typically a Mary Sue isn't a killer, but in the zombie apocalypse world, I think that trait (when used toward killing bad guys) can be seen as being too perfect as wrong as that sounds. But, I don't think the writers went over the edge and it was just borderline - I wasn't rolling my eyes or anything with what Carol was doing. I also think, despite what SG said about Carol not needing to do this for the group to forgive her, that this was to counteract what she did to Karen and David - if not for the group, then for the audience members who didn't like it.
  10. I think I am forgetting something from last season - what made Tyrese have...performance issues...when it comes to killing?
  11. Maybe Teresa wanted time to talk with Rino off camera to figure out how they wanted to approach this on camera/what had happened/etc.
  12. If she doesn't know them, she shouldn't say that it was rude not to be invited to the house of someone she doesn't know. They're all on the show together. They may not be friends, but at the very least they are co-workers. Now, if Teresa doesn't want to care about her co-workers and doesn't mind listening to/repeating gossip about them, that's her call, but given how long she has been on this show, she should realize that her co-workers may not want to see her and may get pissed at her. I don't know if Teresa owes them an apology necessarily, but it's the same thing each year. Each year people come to Teresa with horrible news about people she knows and each year. she doesn't chime in for the most part, but she doesn't really stand up for the people being gossiped about either. At a certain point, people wonder "well ok, you didn't come up with the rumor, but why do people keep going to you with bad stuff to say about others while you just sit there silently." Maybe because they know you won't challenge them and will be a good means of spreading gossip...
  13. Re the comments about hair... When Teresa was talking about how she got her hair done because she can't do it herself it made me so mad. What she really means is she can't get it to look as nice as a hairdresser can/flipped out all perfectly. Well, no shit, I can't either. I'm also not broke, yet I get by just fine blow drying my own hair. Getting your hair blown out is not some necessity. She is infuriating.
  14. Of course, smug Bailey gets it. Ugh. Wasn't it just last season she was at risk for getting fired and was all bat shit crazy? Please kill Maggie immediately. Hate her. Do not want her on my screen. I know it'd never ever happen but I am way more interested in seeing what Alex and Meredith would be like as a couple than Alex/Jo or Meredith/Derek.
  15. I used to love this show so much. I'm really disappointed with this season. The characters are like caricatures and it feels like most of the time, people are reading lines in an OTT way. All of Phil's and Luke's scenes were like this IMO (NG is horrible). I think that part of the problem is relying on the younger actors, whole were able to pull off certain things when much younger (or mute in Lily's case), and now, IMO they tend to just suck.
  16. Ok so it's not just me. NG is soooooo bad. Like middle school play, reading off a cue card bad. The kind of bad where I am reminded every single second he is on screen that he is an a actor trying to act. Plus, he mumbles/has a weird way of talking. I vote Luke goes to boarding school off screen. Unfortunately, IMO the child actors really are bringing the show down. Manny and Haley are the only ones that I don't mind.
  17. What in the fuckety fuck fuck?? Is Teresa claiming she didn't understand what pleading guilty meant? Way to throw her attorneys under the bus. That is how she operates though. She is never the one to blame. It is Bravo, her attorneys, the mystery people handing her shady contracts to sign, etc. And still they lie and lie. Yuck. They make me sick. They belong in prison and their sentences were way too lenient.
  18. Hey Teresa, when you owe $13+ million, you should do way more than "cut back a little." And SMFH, a dinner and stay at the Ritz Carlton = cutting back to these two frauds? SMFH. They should have received maximum sentences. Imagine Jim and Brandi as a couple...the toxicity would be off the charts.
  19. "It was the discrepancies between what the prosecutors listed as the couple’s assets and what Teresa and Joe presented to the court that led to the Judge’s decision for Teresa to serve time instead of probation. “If [Teresa] had put something down, anything, I think [probation] would have been fine,” Judge Salas stated. “She put nothing down, nothing.” Wow. I wouldn't agree with that approach, but Teresa and Joe are beyond beyond beyond stupid and their attorneys were in the wrong too IMO. Yes, attorneys know only what their clients tell them, but in this case, all they need to do is watch the show to realize that it is ridiculous for Teresa to claim she has $0 in jewelry/clothes/etc., for example.
  20. Maggie is horrible. Her teeth bug me. Of course, all her cases ended well (RME). I don't care about her. Way too much airtime. Really do not want to see this Meredith has a sister redo (and what is with how they make so many siblings/parents/etc. all surgeons?). Much would have rather seen Maggie running a scam or something.
  21. “Mr. Giudice, you’re a great dad. You love those girls. You would probably take a bullet for them. You would take a bullet for them. You should be proud of that, and every day you should hold that close to you ... have to give you credit for the live you have lived, at least to the people you have loved.” — Salas to Joe, on why she is not giving him a sentence at the top of the recommended range. What if Joe was single? Would he be shit out of luck? Lol. "You, quite frankly, display genuine remorse. At the end of the day, I think you finally got it. You finally woke up." — Salas to Teresa, after giving her 15 months in prison. I'd respectfully disagree. I think she was remorseful...that she got caught.
  22. Maybe, but she also says that this experience taught her to live/do things on her own, which again is a way of shifting blame and implying that Joe was the big mastermind. She was supposed to throw herself at the mercy of the court and be as apologetic as possible, but I don't think she did a very good job.
  23. I don't think Teresa gets what she has done still. "I know in my heart everything happens for a reason and I’ve found my reason.” People typically use that phrase when something bad happens to them that isn't their fault, but a fault of circumstance/someone else's fault/etc. Her saying that IMO is consistent with the crap that has been on the show where everyone is like "oh how can this be happening to Teresa?!" Yes, Teresa everything happens for a reason and here it happened because you and Joe broke the law, not because the federal government randomly decided to target your family for no reason. She says she takes full responsibility, but that statement alone suggests to me she still doesn't get it. Is the whole statement a transcription? Because it doesn't entirely make sense, is short, and doesn't express enough recognition of how wrong her actions were. Not surprising. She cannot admit anything, even when her livelihood is at stake.
  24. I think there is a good chance that Joe not only knew she would do that, but encouraged it. Their logic may have been to save one at the expense of the other. Thankfully, the judge didn't buy it, but I really think both of them talked about and wanted to try to throw him under the bus rather than spread the blame evenly.
  25. Did their lawyer or a PR person feed them the line about the "four beautiful daughters"? I mean, it's so precise and the same each time - not "our kids" or "our children" - but always the "four beautiful daughters." Sounds like someone sat down with them and told them certain phrases to use. And BTW, while it is horrible for the children, I think it should have NOTHING to do with sentencing. Having kids doesn't give you a pass to commit crime.
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