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Everything posted by StayingAfterSunday

  1. You are so right about first-impressions and physical attraction. Watching a trio of MAFS couples who lack physical compatibility/attraction is not very entertaining when there are no sparks to keep the interest burning. I think one reason Season 1 might be considered successful is the obvious physical compatibility between each couple --okay, with the initial exception of Jamie and Doug; Doug, however, seemed manly (as opposed to Neil and even David) and had a winning personality and a great sense of humor, which had the potential to compensate for any perceived physical shortcomings. All of the elements were present in Season 1 to keep viewers interested and satisfied.
  2. I really do not think Tres is all that, either, but he is definitely superior in looks to either David or Neil. Here's what baffled me to no end when I first turned on this show and "met the matches." The relative unattractiveness of all of the men (again, Tres scores slightly higher -- ok, considerably higher -- than the other two) threw me for a loop. What are the execs./producers thinking?? I mean, come on, now, when Neil was initially presented via video or photo (not sure which) he was sporting a full, Blackest- Black rug on his face. He looked like something that had escaped from the Bronx Zoo or ISIS. Not sure which, but either choice firmly placed him in a high risk/potential threat category! Ironic, considering his ultra-passive nature. I don't like to go on and on about physical appearances because of what most of our mothers once said to us as children; you know the one: "People can't help the way they look." Still.... I do not find Neil bone ugly, though. I just wish he'd get the slickest, sharpest electric razor or maybe buzz saw? he can find and get to work on that furcoat covering his face. It's not the least bit appealing, and hiding behind it won't prevent Sam from finding him during one of her search and destroy missions. David is a pudge in the making, as someone else observed. I am distracted when he talks because of the way his top teeth sort of overlap his bottom lip. Makes him look like a young child, for some reason. And while he seems like a very nice guy, he sure lacks sex appeal. I like Ashley and think she is pretty, but I empathize with her lack of physical attraction to David. Thank God for the $100K payoff at the end. One thing I did notice about both David and Ashley was that they visibly loosened up during their restaurant dinner. Therein lies the trick, I guess, to surviving a spouse whom you can barely look at. Drink until you can no longer see his face. Not an original bit of advice, by any stretch, but oh, so true! Samantha: (I'm skipping my hate speech on Sam since she's been already covered by (un)popular vote too many times to count. Nothing more can possibly be added). Vanessa. I find her to be pretty, but I did not think of her as African American; rather, I could have sworn she was Indian (Asian). I was once friends with a girl whose parents had emigrated to the U.S. from Northern India and Vanessa could pass for this girl's twin sister. I keep thinking of Tres specifically saying he dated mostly (exclusively?) white girls, so it did seem rather oppositional for the experts to have chosen a woman whose description fell outside those specs. In any case, Vanessa is a very pretty young woman with a dazzling smile and great body. Tres, being the "playa" he fancies himself, will undoubtedly fail to appreciate his pretty little wife's beauty, personality and warmth once he makes it to the five week or so mark - or, come to think of it, once he makes it to third base. But what could anyone expect? He seems on the immature side - nothing wrong with that, though, as he does seem to have a pleasing personality and some charm. He just needs to be let outside to play some more until the player label no longer applies. He won't stay good looking forever and, come to think of it, for being so tall he looks as though he could develop a bit of weight problem later in life. I guess at this point he could be aptly described as "husky." Imagine having to buy food and feed a guy of that size!
  3. Yes to this. Carly's emotions seem so shallow as to appear non-existent and her former habits do suggest she's always been one to be on the self-indulgent spectrum, so to speak. Maybe she and Suzie's marriage was one based on similar life styles, i.e. drinking, maybe? Carly clearly stated that she never enjoyed sexual intercourse [with a woman]. I noticed those peculiar fingernails, too. I also thought Lathan did sound very much like a male when he spoke; I also thought his body type appeared more masculine than feminine. What had me confused, though, was his exquisitely tiny facial features which screamed "XX XX XX XX." I could not reconcile that tiny, refined nose and mouth and delicate facial bone structure with the rest of him. (for what it's worth, Lathan Toland's bio on Wikipedia and IMDb lists him as "an American actor" from Evansville who was cast in one independent film before "co-starring" with Ben on "Becoming Us." He's also listed as a musician and artist, and his height is given as 5.6 and a half inches.) By the time Chris was added to this strange assembly of characters, it began to strike me as more of a freak show than anything else - a very contrived one, at that. For that matter, I'm not convinced Chris really identifes as a man. In the end, though, I'm left wondering why these two don't just come to a resolution and become lesbians. They are both female, after all. The gender who's who can come later. I, too, find it so unconvincing that Chris identifies as a male. I would find it impossible to refer to her by a masculine pronoun.
  4. Perfect word! Coquettishness. That is exactly the best word to describe the way she was acting -- and I do mean "acting" -- when she and Doug were in the batting cage. ...and the more I think about the "my ex" thing with Jamie, I have come to the conclusion -- besides the fact that the girl really does lack self awareness - that she is one of those people who preface every noun with "my." For instance, have you ever gone into a store such as Best Buy, Staples, etc., etc., and asked the "associate" where you might find the HP Laptops or whatever? The answer you get in return is, "My HPs are in aisle 5 and my Acers are in Aisle 6," and so on? Another example: You have a friend whom you've known most of your life. When conversing with this person she brings up her sister, Emily, whom you have also known almost your entire life. But does she refer to "Emily" as Emily? Never! It's "my sister this," and "my sister that...." I am thinking it must be an egocentric personality trait, but it sure does grate on your nerves when hearing it every five seconds from Jamie on every episode.
  5. I'm thinking that the show will stay on the air for a while as long as Michael and Nina are willing; if this should be the case, then they should be able to save enough money for a bigger house, one large enough to accommodate all of their sons and daughters-in-law. I don't know how this works, though, and it could be that the eldest or first-to-wed pair (Christian/Maria) will be the first to move out, into their own nest. I do get the feeling, though, that in gypsy or Romani culture the more the merrier, and the more babies the better, and that there is usually at least one married son or daughter (with spouse and children) "in residence." Another observation: For all his protests suggesting otherwise, I think Maria is starting to grow on Christian. Either he has become resigned to the arranged marriage idea or he has actually begun to appreciate Maria's deeper, subtler attributes rather than simply focusing on the negative. It is certainly understandable that Christian would need to adjust to Maria's personality, considering the female role model he has been accustomed to his entire life: The very vocally-expressive Nina. Even if Christian has learned to accept Maria's reserved personality, it's anyone's guess how all of this will play out in the face of parenthood. As others have pointed out, though, Christian and Maria are fortunate to have almost guaranteed support from extended family: Nina, Michael, and maybe one or both sets of grandparents. As much as I like both Nina and Michael - and their sons, particularly Christian and spunky Peter - (has Jimmy turned into another ghost child, a/k/a Jacob Roloff?), I think Nina can be intimidating; she actually frightens me when she unleashes a tongue lashing on one of her boys or on Maria. She clearly has established herself - and not Michael - as chief disciplinarian of the children, which surprises me. I wonder if Christian's whispery voice and submissive demeanor when speaking to his mother has anything to do with her somewhat harsh manner during these reprimands. Peter, on the other hand, will not be silenced for long; that's the impression I'm getting, anyway. As a middle child, he will give Nina a real run for her gypsy money. As a matter of fact, during the episode break that showed Nina crying into the phone, I was almost positive she was crying because she'd just learned that Peter and "my girl" were the expectant couple. A shotgun gypsy marriage would have really turned this show on its head. And finally, one more comment, this one re: Josh (Josh/Meghan). I just have to say that I do not really get the feeling Josh is "acting." His attitudes about Meghan's role in the marriage have leaked out more than once thus far, and during the little after-work chat with his colleague, Josh almost came right out and said what it was he missed most about Meghan's absence, implying that he missed her keeping things straight at home (translation: cooking, laundry, writing out the bills, taking care of adorable dog, etc. etc. etc.). He clearly misses his business partner, cook, laundress, administrative assistant, and go-to-girl. Someone needs to tell Meghan that she can quit that job at the gym: She already works full time for Josh.
  6. Yes, these mystery relatives were, no doubt, contacted before any television exposure occurred. For Jason's sister's photo and full name to be clearly splashed across the screen implies that she was consulted beforehand and gave her consent. Even if the storyline of Jason wanting to meet his paternal side of the family is somewhat contrived, it is at least very realistic. I do believe Jason is authentic in his wishes to know more about his father, even though I, too, question the wisdom in discovering everything, particularly his mother's part in this (as others have posted above, what if his mother was, in fact, the "other woman," thus making his birth the result of an extramarital affair?) About Jamie's incessantly referring to her old boyfriend as "my ex:" How weird. I have always thought of an "ex" as an ex-husband or ex-wife, not an ex-boyfriend, especially one who was not exclusively committed to you (as in the case of Jamie's "ex." ).
  7. I wonder if Nina is simply becoming frustrated with Maria's flat affect as well as the apparent "divide" between her and Christian. Nina admitted early on that she was the main facilitator in arranging this marriage between Christian and Maria. I think she mentioned Maria's attractive physical appearance as one of the factors on which she based the match. The similarities, then, between Maria and Christian seem rather limited: They are both reasonably good-looking young people, and they are gypsies, or "Romani" people with mutual cultural practices. Their personalities, however, seem to be continents apart. It's very possible that Nina is seeing Maria in a more realistic light (and vice versa, of course), and her real feelings are starting to emerge. About Josh and Meghan: Ever notice the way he informs Meghan each morning that "I'm going to work." He expresses this in such a way so as to suggest that he is the productive one of the two. He does not like the idea of going out to "work" while she has all day to play at the gym and flirt with strange guys. (that's the world through Josh the Doctor's eyes. And, unfortunately, I speak from first-hand experience.) Poor Meghan.
  8. Maybe that's part of it. I hadn't realized he had a wad of chew between his gums and cheek! Gawd. Okay, so that excuses part of his social ineptitude. There is something more, though, that doesn't seem right. Robyn's observations regarding his "poker face" coupled with Kody's odd expression (and scowl) as she said this this made me wonder if they, too, harbor some reservations about the suitability of this "match," i.e. Maddie and Caleb. It is a huge red flag, IMO, to see someone making little to no effort to socialize with his significant other's family, particularly in the initial stages of "courting." My God, if he is this apathetic so early in the relationship, what on earth can be expected in the future? It was awkward and infuriating to watch his total failure to respond to Kody's attempts at humor when telling the story about Robyn's father. Adding insult to injury, the "double date" with the gregarious Logan and his girlfriend only served to underscore Caleb's indifference to making any sort of favorable impression on Maddie's family. It was infuriating to watch him sit there, vapid and emotionless, as Logan attempted conversation. Caleb's willingness to provide support to his late brother's family seemed to provide ample reason for Kody's approval after Caleb put forth that eloquent request for Maddie's "hand." Just goes to show that he does, in fact, know HOW to articulate his feelings and go beyond the dead-pan face. It's just easier, obviously, to stuff a wad in your cheek and sit there like a stiff. Ugh.
  9. I really like Logan and his girlfriend and feel they will do well wherever they go. She appears quite adaptable and willing to assimilate, at least to some extent, into Logan's multi-member family. Madison and Caleb are a puzzling couple to watch. There is something about Caleb that doesn't seem right. Madison would do well to think twice before marrying this man. Caleb strikes me as the type of guy who would just love to get several thousand miles between his young bride and her family. While Maddy (from her youthful, limited perspective) might wish to distance herself from a huge bunch of intrusive family members, this thought process is not realistic, particularly in this situation. By no means are the Brown kids mistreated or grossly unhappy. They seem loved and, like it or not, there is a cohesiveness there that, no doubt, fosters a sense of emotional security in the children raised in such an environment. I could see Caleb discouraging - or even forbidding - Maddie from further involvement with her family once he makes her his wife. I don't trust him.
  10. No, I don't believe they were "arranged," either, but I do think it's more than possible that they were simply introduced by their respective parents. I'm guessing both sets of parents knew each other on some level, superficially or otherwise, before Josh and Megan became a couple. It would not surprise me if Josh's mother initiated and encouraged the relationship. After all, a newly-graduated doctor-son needs a wife before he picks up and relocates to complete a Fellowship in some strange town. (I say this from personal experience, and feel qualified to say that this type of union is not an "arranged marriage" in the traditional sense, but, in all likelihood, it is a marriage based on convenience and opportunity.).
  11. I was literally in stitches over the Dr. Pepper episode in which Pepper characterizes Jamie's treatment of Doug as "abuse." Jamie's unhinged response was priceless; for a minute there I wondered if she were having a seizure or if Pepper had inadvertently detonated a covert explosive by accusing Jamie of abuse. What added to the absurdity - or pathos - of this scene was Doug mechanically stroking Jamie's shoulders during her blubbering meltdown. I was waiting to see if Jamie would bare those teeth in one final showdown of hostility and snap Doug's hand off, right then and there. I mean, really, if she is not into him physically then I would think any prolonged demonstration of affection would repulse her. Incidentally, I think it's only fair to add that I like Doug and feel as though a loving spouse could very easily look past the superficial, physical imperfections. Honestly, though, Doug is not a bad-looking guy at all, in my opinion, to say nothing of his impressive physique. I remember the early episodes of the show and see a striking difference in Doug, then and now. Doug's personality nowadays seems to reflect the emotional weight of living with a shrewish, self-absorbed faux wife. He now appears tense and nervous -- almost skittish at times- and the levity and humor that had made him rather endearing in the beginning are all but gone. His attempts at contriving something "fun" for him and Jamie by way of the his and her bicycles did hold promise, and for a few seconds there it actually appeared as though Jamie's enthusiasm was genuine. That is, until her conversation with whomever it was, during which Jamie could not remember the color of her bike. As a "footnote" here, I wanted to add a word or two about Neph and Jasmine's inclusion in the show. I find Neph to be amusing, and am waiting to see the fallout generated by the impulsive, short-sighted decision to live with Neph's mother (and brother?). Neph is a character, I can see it already, and this girl, Jasmine, could easily be his alter ego. I'm not writing those two off just yet....
  12. Maybe I'm giving her too much credit or perhaps I'm just not so trusting. To me, Meri = Dumb like a fox.
  13. Too funny! "...joory business anyways." Sounds just like her! How about that Meri's "so cool" attitude during that olive-branch offering from Jenelle? First off, I agree with those who thought Meri looked as though she is on some sort of sedative or benzo. I lost count of the number of times she started a sentence with, "I...." followed by an exhausting pause before uttering yet another mundane, non-earth-shattering statement. It was hard to say whether Meri is simply demonstrating more than a tad of self importance, or if she is depressed and feeling overwhelmed. Regarding Jenelle's proposed peace treaty with Meri? I think it's financially motivated. Meri must know this, which is why she played with Jenelle the way she did, daring her to reveal the real motive behind the mission. Jenelle, the ever-practical one, most likely has concerns over distribution of assets in the event of a severed sorority, and sees an advantage in keeping things copacetic with Meri (not an easy task). For what it's worth, I have NO clue how property is distributed in a polygamous household in the event of a break up or a re-organization, so to speak, if one or more of the wives leave(s). But I bet Jenelle has a pretty good idea. About Kody. Oh, my Lawd, has he never heard of "thou protesteth too much?" We get it Kody: You don't want a big wedding spectacle, you don't want an audience, you want to slip into the shadows of anonymity and 'seal the deal." You are being considerate. You are thinking of your other wives - the Chief Financial Officer, Jenelle, and the other one. The one you can barely stand to look at (let alone -- uh - sleep with). And Robyn... I feel compelled to express the unpopular opinion as I do not think Robyn is the catalyst for all the crap that's "going down" in Browntown. It's no secret that Meri orchestrated the Robyn-Kody match knowing full well that doing so would further strain the sisterhood. Merri is classic passive aggressive with moments of low-level aggression expressed outright. I believe her fascilitating - no, encouraging - Kody to take on another wife (even if it meant sacrificing her own position in the sister wives' hierarchy) was done to spite Jenelle and Christine. Meri is no fool, and she must have known that Kody would fall all over himself for the new, updated addition to his wife collection. Pretty clever, Meri. I wonder, though, if in the end she hasn't bitten off her nose to spite her face?
  14. It does seem that each episode plays more and more to that ending. If they do end up together it casts such a shadow of fakery on the entire show. If this was going to be the final "wrap" (Chris&Kerri) maybe the directors coached Chris to put on the standoffish-attitude towards Kerri. To kind of throw us all off. How clever, huh?
  15. Ha! Right; you forgot the fake ass, though. Yes, yes, Yes to this! it is just so horribly obvious. I can't see them together. Dan seems kind of young, not just in the way he behaves, but I think he looks quite a bit younger than Elisa. She has such a sly, cunning look about her. She makes me uneasy. What I do wonder, though, is why Chris likes to say he and Elissa have so much in common? What is it that they have in common? Having their hearts broken by their significant others? So far I cannot see Chris with any of these girls. And definitely not Kerri. I agree with blackwing in that Chris regards Kerri as a sister. Why is it, though, that so often these kind, personable, nice-looking guys like Chris do not go for the girl who would be the "logical choice" by anyone's estimation? Rather, it seems that the sought-after guys almost always go for the one with the "I'm special; look at me!" attitude. One of life's little mysteries, I guess.
  16. Right. If the show wants its legacy to reflect any sense of credibility, however, Chris and Kerri had better not end up together in the finale! That would actually disgust me as it's clear as day that Chris is so not into Kerri. It would not shock me, though, if Chris did select Fallon in the end. Fallon supposedly does some modeling in the NYC area; isn't this where Chris' ex-girlfriend went? What blew my mind was Kerri's most recent assertion to Chris that went something along the lines of, "if you feel the way I think you feel for me," or something that suggested he had the same level of romantic interest in her that she had in him. What a bold presumption on Kerri's part, considering he's given her nothing that would indicate romantic attraction -- his interest has not gone beyond friendship and kindness. People believe what they want to believe, I guess, and Kerri certainly fits this mindset. As for Dan, I think he's easy on the eyes, too, as Snarts mentioned above. There's a paradoxical quality in him -- on one hand, he seems quite impulsive and immature, and on the other, he comes across as very "take charge/manly," which is what I think Kerri likes about him -- combined with his physical appearance, of course.
  17. Yes, I see what you're saying. It's just that adolescent girls can be very persuasive -- and persistent. I do have to wonder how long it will be before Maddie protests against the home schooling. Is she being taught by a private tutor? Surely Melissa is not her teacher.
  18. Well, she might be the most popular 12-year-old right now because of her ALDC fame, but I predict Maddie is going to dump dance like an old banana peel once she "finds boys." I laughed at an older episode of Dance Moms where Maddy turns up her nose in an "ugh" kind of way when paired with a boy for one of the dances. Couldn't help but think that this yucky-boy reaction will soon be a distant memory. She's coming up on that boy-crazy age very soon. And I'm willing to bet that boys will replace dance as her passion.
  19. That is a brilliant idea! Who knows? Maybe this idea will become a reality --- or whatever the networks define as "reality" these days.
  20. I, too, think it's ridiculous that Kerri has such a single focus on Chris when he has given her minimal, if any, encouragement. He strikes me as a people person, just a nice guy, whose affable personality some women might misinterpret as his taking an interest in them romantically. I do think, as you do, that she is definitely getting the "short list" of dates. I couldn't really see her with any one of them. Mason was just fake and rehearsed in a very genteel way. Nothing against him, but he wasn't real, and he was too young and undeveloped for Kerri. I'm in Pa., too, right over the NJ border, and "a couple of..." is used a lot when referring to, well, drinking. As in, "I had a couple of beers." lol. I know what you mean, though, in general, regarding the tendency to use the phrase in a non-literal sense. In that case, I'm probably "off" a few years where Mason is concerned, except that the exact conversation I remember (the one he had with Kerri), he specifically said he was 16 years old at the time he began playing guitar. Maybe he was in error there, too. I don't know; but as everyone seems to feel, the producers maybe wouldn't announce his b-day as 21 if it was, in fact, 3 years younger than that.
  21. I'm still a bit puzzled over Mason's age of 21, considering he told Kerri that he had started playing guitar a couple of years ago -- when he was 16. (I'm slightly paraphrasing this, but my calculations put him at approx. 18 or so yrs. old, not 21. At least this is what I deduced based on a literal interpretation of what he told Kerri when she asked him how long he had been playing (guitar). If he really is even younger than the purported 21 y.o., maybe Kerri discovered this little "oversight," and used this as her reason to let him go. Just a thought... I just have to throw this out there about Fallon. Someone in an earlier post mentioned the fact that her skinny little limbs and generally thin body type accentuated her rear end, making it appear larger in comparison. I do agree with that, but am I the only one who suspects Fallon has had butt implants? She has been showing that ass off the way a 16-yr. old boy shows off his new set of wheels. I don't think you'd be peacocking around like that if you were sporting the butt you were born with. Anyone agree/disagree w/this? Yes, I so agree with you about Mason; he so obviously has his cowboy persona honed for the purpose of showcasing himself. Gag. I thought he sounded very stiff and rehearsed and, for that matter, wondered about his "drawl," too. Just seemed so contrived, the whole shtick he was handing us. About Johanna, a/k/a "The lady." I agree with you concerning her special request to Chris prior to "decision time." To say the least, she was definitely forthright about what she wanted and what she did not want. With respect to her appearance, I thought she was very, very pretty, but I thought she looked considerably older than most of the girls we've seen thus far on Nudie beach. She seemed more of a "lady" than a "girl." About the Italian guys. Yeah, I'd have to agree that there was a rather generous representation of the Italian stallions (well, not really stallions, but I'll be kind). There was Lou, Frank, Dom, Mark -- even Chris looks as though he might have some Italian in there. It's all good, though. Thought I'd mention something regarding Mark, the short, bald guy whom Kerri couldn't stand. He was on another reality show that aired on Logo network. back in 2008. It was called, "TransAmerican Love Story," and starred Calpernia Addams, a transsexual (m to f) who was tasked with selecting, by process of elimination, the perfect date for herself. Mark was one of the eight potential suiters/contestants, and was listed as being a 34-yr. old professional wrestler from NYC. As you might have guessed, Calpernia did not pick Mark. Incidentally, in that show he was cocky, argumentative and opinionated, a real turn off, ultimately, for Calpernia Addams. Oh, no, that thought actually crossed my mind, too, but I sure hope we're both wrong. Such a match (Kerri and Chris) would cast serious doubts on the authenticity of this show. There would have to be a whole lot of story taking place between now and the final episode for Chris to suddenly develop romantic feelings for Kerri. No producer could possibly expect viewers to believe such a turnaround actually occurred. In the final analysis, an outcome that pairs those two would just be too implausible and staged. If that, indeed, becomes the "final match" (Kerri and Chris), I swear, I will never watch this show again. I actually like both of them, but most definitely, I cannot for the life of me see them together, as a couple. I can actually picture Chris with Fallon more than I can imagine him with Kerri. Just -- no. Yeah, I, too, think Kerri swept the stage clean by discarding the other two potential suiters (Mason and Dom) in order to send the unmistakable signal to Chris that she has eyes for only him. As if it hasn't been all too obvious from Day One. This infatuation -- obsession? - whatever, makes me feel uncomfortable and embarrassed for her. While she projects the image of a self-contained, confident, mature young woman, this single-mindedness in her pursuit of Chris reflects an immature, willful personality. At least that's how I view it.
  22. I feel as though I have seen Mariah on some other show, but I cannot place her; it's driving me crazy. I don't find her funny at all; I think she's just plain weird. About Fallon and that unnaturally huge rear end; am I the only one wondering if she's had butt implants? She was showing it off the way a teenaged boy shows off his new set of wheels. I also thought her super-skinny legs looked mismatched with her big butt. Yeah, I agree with the opinion that Katie isn't "all that," although poor Kerri seemed to think Katie was beautiful. And what really ruined her for me was the way she spoke. Kind of tough, to go along with her "hard looking face." ha. I thought so, too, Charmed1. I couldn't see Chris bringing her home to Mom. And Frankie came across as another weirdo, shaking his dong like that, almost compulsively. (I can't help but wonder... oh, never mind). Then there's the baby of the group, Mason. Maybe my math skills need refreshing, but I'm wondering when 16 plus 2 became 21. I swear, after he crooned his little tune to Kerri on their first date she asked him how long he'd been playing guitar; he told her he'd started playing a couple of years earlier, "when I was 16." Perhaps he was just giving an approximate time frame/estimate, but then again, I do wonder if he's adjusted his age to suit Kerri after she disclosed her uneasiness about their age difference -- despite her appreciation of his supposed maturity. (*I noticed, though, that when Kerri picked him over Frankie, Frankie wasn't the only one who looked devastated. i thought Mason's expression was one of disappointment or -- homesickness?). Then there's Louie. What a no-class scum, telling this Fallon girl that she's his perfect type, blah blah blah, and begging her to take a shower with him. But the real chiller moment came later, after being very gently admonished by Mason for disregarding Kerri's feelings. The evil look on his face as he mocked Mason made my blood momentarily run cold... I imagine Louie can be a very, very mean drunk. Last but not least - and certainly not least in the male anatomy department, we have Chris who, with his enormous "package," seems to perfectly complement Fallon and her oversized derriere, a strictly superficial observation, of course. As an afterthought, I am growing a little weary of hearing these girls expressing their opinions on Chris' penis the moment they meet him or, as in Katie's case, during an intimate situation. Oh, and one more thing: Did I miss the point in the show where Chris romantically encouraged Kerri to an extent that warrants her fixation on him? I found it almost embarrassing to see her sit Chris down so that she could gain some clarity on where she stood with him compared to the other girls. I'm guessing this was another editing enhancement for the sake of drama. Let's hope so, anyway. Regardless, I think Kerri has a wonderful personality, as does Chris, but that doesn't necessarily translate into the two of them becoming perfect together. It will be interesting to see just who ends up with whom in this wacky dating pool.
  23. I just love her diplomacy. "I don't want you to move to Dover." Nothing like leading into it gently, Kail; then again, Jo isn't exactly the most tactful person, either. Besides the lure of her MTV check, I do wonder about Kail's appeal. There was Jo, then the farm boy, now Javi, and who knows what came in between? Pardon the pun. Now we have Javi worrying about Kail's "platonic" relationships with other guys. I don't believe Javi's worries are baseless at all. Here's my spin on what he meant by, "She's passionate." I think Kail is probably quite the fireball in bed. Something else (besides her MTV check) is attracting these guys, so much so that they're jealous someone else could steal her away! God knows, it's not her home cooking. Okay, on second thought, maybe it's the Mercedes.
  24. It is a daunting thought how quickly a person's financial securiity can go south, almost overnight -- and that's for someone who is responsible, grown up, and NOT an ex-teen mom. It's even more frightening to consider the economic future of these girls (with Chelsea and Maci being the very likely exceptions), once MTV rolls up the magic carpet. The whole bunch of them might as well enjoy the ride while they have it, because it's probably already nearing its final lap.
  25. An *absent father seems to be the common denominator in the Teen Moms' histories. For the curious (or for anyone who hasn't already seen this "he said/she said" re: Jenelle and her father): http://starcasm.net/archives/81088 *With the noteworthy exception of Randylicious, of course. An exemplary dad, to be sure.
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