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Everything posted by ban1o

  1. Josie's complete lack of screen time confuses me. Is she not in the main cast?
  2. I might be the only one who doesn't dislike Grundy. It's just a tv show PLL and Dawson's Creek did the same thing with the teacher student relationships.
  3. This episode was pretty bad imo. Surprisingly Laurel was definitely one of the positives of the episode which is weird lol.
  4. mmm they could be doing flashbacks or something lol. My issue is they all made it very obvious that Roy was going to die and now it seems like they are messing with us. I don't know what to think lol.
  5. I don't know Marc Guggenheim answered a question on tumblr that directly talked about Roy dying.I don't think he would do that if Roy actually was dying. And no way on earth are Felicity and Diggle dying so IDK. Unless who ever dies is just temporary.
  6. Yeah don't necessarily think it's someone on the team.
  7. lol Brandon tweeted to vote for Olicity on that poll. That was nice of him haha.
  8. Mmm I'm kinda confused by the supergirl show. I haven't read much about it but will it take place in Metropolis and will Clark Kent/Superman have cameos? Cat Grant and Jimmy Olsen typically Superman characters at the Daily Planet. Or are they just making their own mythology? Maybe I'm wrong but I don't think Supergirl has ever really stood as her own character in comics so it will be interesting to see what they do. The suit is okay. It looks a lot like the classic one in the comics except darker. Don't really see Melissa as Supergirl but I'll give her a chance.
  9. Haven't read the article yet but I though it was because they weren't selling g enough toys? That's what I heard at the time. But I guess those 2 things are associated.
  10. oh yeah I totally think the rough patch is Ray finds out what she does in all her free time with the Arrow and that she been "lying to him" it will be worked out by the end of the episode though lol.
  11. haha true. I wonder if it will be over something stupid or big.
  12. I wouldn't believe it if I were you lol :P
  13. Mmm I keep flip flopping but now I'm leaning on the "It's not Roy dying" side. I actually agree with the theory someone posted earlier of Stephen and Colton's tweets being a little unrelated.The death could be Akio. I assume for the next few episodes Oliver will be spending a lot of alone time with him. And I definitely don't think Felicity is dying lol. The "for the last time" thing Stephen posted about on facebook I think was referring to Laurel, especially since Katie hasn't been filming much. I don't think she dies but I think she goes away to do something temporarily.
  14. Scribbles: personally I think they've completely misused Merlyn this season and have made character's act OOC or weird to make him more relevant/on the heroes side. I do like John Barrowman though.
  15. Mmm it really could be Merlyn then. Because if he dies in 3x19 then it obviously isn't affecting his role on Arrow lol.
  16. yeah Felicity is definitely in 3x16. I doubt she's in it that much though.
  17. who's the villain in 3x16 again?
  18. I'm thinking maybe Ebenezer Darrk. He's a member of the league of assassins and I fee like they will stretch that storyline to next season. Not sure if Felicity's dad is related to it but it's possible.
  19. This person hasn't been brought up much but anyone think that there's a chance for Malcolm to die?
  20. So I guess it's likely that Roy is dying,. I am still surprised that the cast and MG are spoiling a major character death so early. They didn't do this for Tommy, Moira or Sara.
  21. lol if that is it, that would be hilarious trolling. Guggenheim did say the last 4 episodes wouldn't be in the foundry right? I'm pretty sure it gets blown up or something based on Stephen's picture.
  22. yeah this is possible as well. They could be referring to something else entirely besides someone dying. Although I think the actors would have to realize those tweets sound very ominous lol.
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