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Cherry Cola

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Everything posted by Cherry Cola

  1. The Hoh performance would have been better if it was Carson doing it. Because he is funny. Toddrick is mean. Ugh. Can we have new celebs when this season is over? I love to have BB to watch. So lets keep it on all year. Summer season, fall season etc.
  2. I always wonder how Soap opera people work all the time, but sitcoms don't.
  3. Good. He seems so manipulative. That whole convo with Chris kirk was stupid. Todrick had no trouble throwing Shanna under the bus.
  4. Yay! I'm seriously loving this show. It's so fun!
  5. Boo. Bye Carson. He is my favorite houseguest. Fun, charming, kind and over the top. Loved him on the show. Glad its almost over now, because I don't care who wins anymore.
  6. Did Lamar come on the show to voice his love for Khloe? Yeesh. I think he is lucky he is free of that trainwreck coven of a family. Carson dissapointed me. Sad to see Shanna leave.
  7. Carson is so funny. His bath segment was glorius. He just seems nice, smart and funny. I didn't want him nommed!! 😕 I guess if he goes I will root for Shanna. Or Lamar ?
  8. I thought maybe Chris Kirk needs glasses or something. Marai's speech was rude. I would vote her out too. Is Todrick's shirt supposed to be in style and more people wear this type of shirt? 😄 I'm loving Carson and all the snark. He is fun.
  9. Lamar! No no no! Stay away from the K klan. They are evil. He said he would do anything to get back with Khloe?! Is he nuts? I'm liking the group so far. Carson is my fave, for now. He is over the top, but he owns it.
  10. No way. Hannah was way better. I got the sense that she cared. With Jenna I dont.
  11. I noticed that!!! 😄 I just watched this reuinion today. What a buffoon sandy is. Is she a captain? She only mentions it every other sentence. Hannah looked beautiful and kept it classy. Malia is nasty. I quit watching the season when Hannah was fired. Went straight to the reunion. I will never watch another Med season. Sandy is just terrible.
  12. I am on season 4. Does anyone else notice Hannah will blink just one eye a lot? Is it stress? I haven't seen that before. I'm glad she is married and has a child now. I hope she is happier.
  13. Me too. People like that disgust me. He may have more money, but that doesnt make him better than anyone else. Is fairy bread gross? It looks gross.
  14. This is hilarious!!!! I would get tired of the swearing, but as long as she wasn't drunk, I think Rachel would be fun to work with. She is at least not boring!
  15. UTI's and kidney infections are not contagious.
  16. I'm working my way through all the seasons. The reunion was totally dull. Andy says um way to much to be a host of a show. That is a total pet peeve! Rylee angry face is so scary.
  17. I am many years late to the party. But, I adore Ben's accent. He seems like he could be a love child of John Lennon. Although I don't know his age, so not sure that could be. 😄
  18. I agree. That was also her woe is me face in Downton Abbey too. Not too much range there, I don't think.
  19. I think he was pissed, so he was hitting below the belt. It was delicious tv, but hope they make up.
  20. This is still going?!?! I was just checking in to see who won. I thought it was finally over!
  21. Sad that Clare is gone. Did Tiff demand that people say happy birthday to her son? I think I am done. I know no one cares when people express this. But I'm over this season. It's so dull. And I despise the cookouts racist strategy. This season fizzled out.
  22. I'm reading the book now, and just found out it will be a show. How cool! I'm excited.
  23. I've never seen that in my life! Not saying it's not true. Just haven't. Weird.
  24. When I see forms there is always Hispanic and White listed, separately.
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