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Everything posted by watch2much

  1. I think Scott displays a lot of restraint in being able to limit his speech to the occasional sarcastic comment. I would have turned on her and unloaded by now. The constant complaining.....he was carrying her pack up the stairs and she was complaining.....yes the ladle thing appeared to be difficult, but she had most of the circle cut out before Becca finished it, so she was able to do it. She's princess that apparently can't even endure a modicum of discomfort.
  2. "I don't understand why some teams seemed to be able to find a local who off the top of his/her head could list where the three royal doors were and what streets to go down, directions, etc. Yet Shamir and Sara seemed to be running around lost despite asking a gazillion people where the door was." I wonder if it's how the people they ask are approached. We know Shamir can come off as an impatient jerk. If he was demanding and inpatient, maybe people weren't inclined to help him. Some people complain about the lack of help from natives when traveling but they haven't even tried to learn a few words of their language or show some deference for being a visitor in their country. I've found if you just learn to say "excuse me, where is?" in the native language in a polite fashion, people will go out of their way to help you. We saw that in the past with teams like the Cowboys who were always so polite. humility and courtesy go a long way.
  3. I also agree. What I always found interesting was observing how the relationships between the team members fared while under so much stress. I actually used it a tool to show my child how some people always respected their partner no matter what--and he should aspire to be in relationships like that as opposed to those that blew up at each other and made personal attacks at each other. I was sorry when the variety of the couples declined. I miss older racers, parents and children, etc. I was fun to watch. This time it's not a pleasant viewing, though I will watch it all.
  4. the two of them are on my last nerve. Vanck reasonably wanted to try to find out more information on exactly where the doors were and Ashton wanted to just leave and run around. What an idiot. Ashton's a rude little bitch--denigrating him while he's right there as if he's nothing to be concerned about and she does everything correctly. And Brooke. I knew when she fell and was holding her elbow it was going to be nothing--and she made her partner with a crippling fear of heights do the task. then she pisses and moans about "how hard" her task was. I would never want her as my lawyer....does she fold when a case gets too tough?
  5. Shamir is supposed to be a power lifter and he couldn't handle the desk? he's such an idiot. And I knew Brooke's elbow would be just fine....she made her partner do the scary height task because her elbow was supposedly so bad, yet less then 24 hours later there was no visible problem with it. wish Sara and Brookes partner could be together...I bet they'd do very well. Sorry to see Olive and Seth go. They were fun to watch and I enjoyed how they handled themselves. I would have been happy to see them win the whole thing. I like Floyd. While I don't approve of what Becca did, I can imagine thinking you're safe and then being thrown back into stress mode would be difficult. I will reserve judgment until I see how she behaves in the future. Needless to say, Redmand and Matt are jerks, with Redmand being the bigger jerk of the two. But, I have to give them credit for their race performance. Still I don't think they are invincible and there's a lot of race left and there's bound to be some tasks they find difficult.
  6. I was ambivalent about the death of Peter Quinn. I will miss the character but there was no way they could ever script it so he could be "normal" again. He was not going to improve and it was painful to watch as it was. He was a breath of air when he was in a scene, though. The others seem rather tired and boring.
  7. I felt this way, too. Katie had her family, but Maddie had to rely on her own wits to keep her son alive. but having seen how loyal Nolan was to his wife, she should have been more wary and prepared for the worse.
  8. just a random thought since he's a powerlifter and body builder (see his profile) maybe he took some testosterone booster supplements (legal) that affects his mood and pain level in that area. I hasten to add I have no proof and the supplements are available over the counter but here's what one article says about possible side effects: Testosterone is associated with aggressive tendencies of men. Higher testosterone levels are shown to increase aggressive tendencies of men. Testicular pain is another side effect associated with testosterone booster.
  9. just read Shamir's Q&A from his profile: What qualities do you hope your partner has? Unwavering effort and drive, win or lose. As long as they give it 100 percent, it'll be a great adventure. I guess he should have added, because I won't be giving it my 100%.
  10. but it was the degree of annoyance that was telling. Sara was definitely concerned at that point about his temperament. and in fairness to the travel agent, how often does she have a room full of people all clamoring to get the earliest flights? some people get bad cab drivers, he got a slow typist. being on the third flight didn't hurt the winners of the leg. I, too, had wished there was a penalty. I didn't think the Swole Sisters ever got a chance to show what they could do. They looked like they could have been good at tasks if they could have just got to them in a more timely manner. As to the woman with the elbow, I'm reserving judgement on her until I see how she is next time. She strikes me as something of a drama queen. Lots of people have hurt themselves and pushed through tasks better than she did. As she said, it wasn't her dominant arm.
  11. I agree. Many times I've thought the actor playing Isaac would do a much better job.
  12. I also agree. I think the close up performances of Andrew Lincoln and JDM were exceptional. They both nailed that scene.
  13. agree. so much better actress playing Sasha and tonight she was especially good. The other two are about as interesting as a dish rag.
  14. I agree. I stopped watching the original Blacklist long ago. Almost didn't watch this one but have become hooked. Hope it makes it.
  15. he should never have shaved the beard. He looked much better then.
  16. watch2much

    S07.E12: Say Yes

    Thank you for saying what I felt through out the entire episode. I even fast forwarded through some parts. What a snooze fest. I don't find Rosita or Tara at all interesting. The new group with the lady with the weird hair do nothing for me. Sasha is only mildly more interesting. Do we have to wait for the final to see something interesting?
  17. anyone else think there's more chemistry between Nicole and Isaac and her and Eric? Maybe Isaac should have been the lead character...he's really good.
  18. I totally agree. I don't care about most of them. and I'm so bummed by the arc that Carol's on. She was so badass and it was great to watch. now she's a potted plant. and I could stand Daryl's dirty hair if he'd just push it out of his face.
  19. I'd actually like to Cyrus as avenger against all these people. Abby's expression when the President asked her if she understood showed she'd be on board to join Cyrus. When Cyrus was telling the guard how to get power it was the old, calculating, back stabbing Cyrus. The show needs some kind of focus and that would supply it.
  20. I finally watched last night and then made sure my DVR will never record another episode of this nonsense. I know it seems weird, but I think Nick and Sonia have a better chance than Tom and Lilly. Nick and Sonia seem like they actually like each other as people and they make each other laugh. Sure Tom and Lilly have the physical done, but that will fade. Remember the old adage-- marry someone you like because you will fall in and out of love with them so you better like them. I like how Sonia and Nick's families seem to get along well. I just see more promise for them. Tom keeps praising Lilly for things she changes...giving away clothes and shoes.... living in an over 55 community I see a lot of marriages that have been successful, and a sense of humor and friendship are evident in the most successful. face it, physical beauty is long gone.
  21. After watching this episode and the "experts" advice, I have even more respect for Heather deciding to protect herself and to get out as soon as possible. They are trying to convince these couples to stay with people that would have been weeded out early in a normal dating process. They were supposed to have been matched based on some compatibility, but what that was is not apparent...just their differences.
  22. I agree. I was horrified by the episode. But just as Rick and his crew have sunk to levels they never thought they were capable of, a psycopath like Neegan sunk even lower. Why should his army revolt. He has other groups bringing him stuff every week and they benefit from it. I wondered why Abraham didn't go for his throat. He knew the bat was going to be swung....
  23. I believe he also used the word "ignorant" about her when she resisted his alternative medicine suggestion. I think if you think back over what we've been shown, Lilly has done more to show Tom she cares about him. So what if Tom moved into a real house? big deal...he actually had full size accouterments. Oh, yeah, and he brought her a bunch of pitiful looking flowers.
  24. While I think watching Nick and Sonia is painful, I think there may be some genuine caring there. I think maybe off camera they may interact better. Nick just always looks so uncomfortable on camera and for that matter so does Sonia. She admits she finds him funny and they seem comfortable together at times. I kind of think they could work out the rest. You know, like some women who gave up hoping their mates would pick nice gifts for them and so just go out and buy what they want and tell their spouse to wrap it. But they appreciate that their husbands make sure the oil is changed in her car.... Lilly, however, should RUN FOR THE HILLS. Tom's constant picking and her desire to make him happy (and believe me, he will never be happy) will wear her down until she'll become a shadow of her former self. I was married to someone like that. I had a profession, dressed nicely, was happy and married someone who seemed to "care" enormously about me. Then the constant nit-picking began and nothing made him happy anymore. When I finally went to a divorce lawyer. I was wearing a $12 dress from dollar general. You don't realize it's happening. Everything has to be Tom's way. There's nothing wrong with the way Lilly is and if she loses her profession, she'll be dependent on him. She can find someone to experience new things with without giving up her own identity.
  25. YES! I picked up on that, too. She used the word intimate....not affectionate. I think Derek pressed the issue too strongly (perhaps after smoking) and that was the major issue. And Derek is still throwing jabs at her....more subtle, but he's doing it just the same. Even criticizing the letter she sent him. I don't blame Heather one bit for protecting herself. Maybe she actually felt physically in danger from him. Something bad happened. He always acted like "we're married, let's have sex". that would have been overwhelming, especially with the smoking. btw, it's interesting that Sonia kind of likes the dogs now. So Sonia, run from Nick and get yourself a nice little foo-foo dog....total unconditional love without the hassle.
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