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  1. I was honestly shocked by today's case. From the first few minutes I was convinced that the defendant was just trying to get away without paying rent, and her presentation confirmed this to me. I fully expected the judges (especially Corriero) to feel sorry for the defendant and figure out ways to not give the plaintiff any money. Then I was was shocked - The judges saw through the defendant's nonsense, even Corriero!
  2. Absolutely, Corriero was totally off base with his reasoning (which he just pulled out of a part of his anatomy). Tewolde really raked the defendants for their sloppy handling of this situation and the way that when they paid the tickets (miraculously 30 minutes before she was served, yeah right) they never told the plaintiff (after the defendants had stalled and delayed for months) and caused the plaintiff a great deal of inconvenience. I am disappointed with the other two judges for blowing off the hassles the plaintiff had to go through because of the irresponsible actions of the defendants. Please, let Corriero's departure come soon.
  3. My only comment to add on this case is that the plaintiff is an absolutely horrible person.
  4. I just watched the Simmer Down episode. Same people, same problems, same miraculous happy ending, just different names and different dates. The only modestly interesting thing I noticed (I am easily amused) was when they showed the owner two months later, his beard apparently over the two month period grew out white resulting in an unusual two tone look.
  5. I agree that the plaintiff came across as pretty shifty. However, the defendant was a totally pompous ass, or at least played that role. I haven't seen anyone in an ascot since the Mr. Howell on Gilligan's Island, and he likes big (and sort of archaic) words like "nefarious", which I haven't heard since an ancient Batman episode. I will give him points for actually knowing how to use these words, unlike so many other litigants. I really wonder about this case, both litigants came across like characters in an old sit-com; they both seemed to be smarter than the normal litigants we see on the court shows. I wonder if they went home together and smoked some weed and laughed their butts off. Anyway, the case was actually interesting.
  6. I will sure be happy when Corriero is gone. His reasoning is squishy and he can't hold his own against either of the other judges. His departure can't come too soon.
  7. This is one of my favorite episodes because it has one of the stupidest claims from a defendant that I have heard. Defendants are complaining that in the BnB they were staying in got too hot because they were in the upstairs part and apparently the only thermostat was in the lower level and this let the upper rooms get too hot. The female defendant kept repeating that her husband almost died and got heat stroke (that is severe and a 911/ambulance situation if true). However the noteworthy claim was that it was so hot in the upper bathroom that the water in the toilet was "boiling", this said with a perfectly straight face. I guess the defendant has never of 212 degrees (or 100 if you go Celsius). The amazing part of the case was that the defendants stayed in the BnB through three of the hottest months of the year. If it was as bad as claimed (ignoring the boiling toilet claim), JJ was right that they needed to get out of that place even if it meant sleeping in the car or in a shelter.
  8. I recorded this episode and just watched it. The show is very formulaic and this one was a perfect example. Totally dysfunctional personnel issues, dysfunctional owner and management, everything is a hopeless mess. People who don't need a talking-to from Ramsey, they need psychiatric help, if they are really as shown in this show. Of course, it wraps up with the unsurprising Gordon Ramsey Miraculous Final Seven Minutes and everything is hunky-dory and everybody loves everybody. I just can't believe that this place was as screwed up as shown and everyone lived happily after due to Gordon's magic. Why do I watch? I think I have drifted into "hate watching".
  9. Actually I would like to have seen this specific tow-away event. I have a feeling that this classic Rolls Royce Silver Shadow might not look very good in real life, maybe more like the abandoned cars the guys on "Road Kill" find in barns or under trees where they have sat for 20 or 30 years. As dumb as the plaintiff was (box of rocks level), even she would take a decent Rolls to a real specialist for repairs, not a guy who didn't even have a garage to work in. Maybe she is rich and dumb and loves having Rolls, Jags, Mercedes etc. even if they don't run, or dumb enough to keep a non working Rolls for status rather than a shiny new Honda for probably the same cost as maintaining an ancient Rolls.
  10. I will note that D,D and D always seem to find places with good cooks and good food, places not in dire need of total change. That show makes me hungry when I watch it.
  11. Neither do I. The defendant was all over the place in her stories but I am still remembering the picture of her car parked way over the parking divider line. But she is totally honest in everything she says because her zodiac sign is "Leo"? The plaintiff was a lot more laid back than I would have been dealing with this self described "good neighbor". Personally, I suspect that the defendant often parks badly (and doesn't seem to have a good memory) because she drives after putting down half a dozen Mimosas with her girl friends at the bar. She also looks and acts like some people I know who have had a serious drinking problem.
  12. I recorded this episode but thanks everybody, I don't need to waste an hour on a complete BS result. In a real kitchen Kyle is either going to get laughed out of the kitchen or eaten alive by the line cooks. It is a harsh environment and Pillsbury Doughboy with his squeaky voice isn't going to cut it, he has no ability to project authority to working crew. Gordon may carry him as a figurehead (of something or the other) but that is all.
  13. Wow, today’s defendant was a real piece of work. I don’t remember any litigant who is such a complete irresponsible, lazy, self-centered, clueless, delusional parasite. She can’t be bothered to complete and use the cosmetology training she scammed her aunt for, but does occasional manicures out of her apartment so everything is OK with her. She is a complete failure as an adult and is perfectly happy about being such a worthless person, scrounging off of her aunt, grandmother and anyone else she can suck money from and feels no guilt about this. Disgusting. For once Corriero understands this kind of person.
  14. I have always liked the blindfold palate tests because they are directly related skills needed to be chefs, and the results are pretty much cut and dried. However I despise the junk part of pouring sticky food products and shooting breakfast cereal on other competitors. It is inherently stupid, not fun or funny, and wastes time. I also watched Gordon cut open one steak that was supposed to be rare but the centers were raw (bluish/purple), same with one of the beef wellingtons that I watched closely (and rewound to watch again) same problem, the whole center (about 1/3 of the meat) was raw. I also watched him send out scallops that were slightly browned around the edge but visibly raw and gelatinous in the middle. Finally, I wasn't watching the red team very closely but from what I saw Anne Marie communicated OK but Amanda literally ignored her when Anne Marie asked her repeatedly about timing for something. Oh well, another week gone by.
  15. I really disliked both litigants but I think I disliked the defendant more than the plaintiff. If the defendant has a legitimate prescription for pain medicine but is willing to sell/swap 130 pills, does she actually need the medication or is it just a way of making money (illegally). I wonder if her doctor knows how cavalierly she sells the medication the doctor is prescribing. Then again, perhaps the doctor gets a cut from the sales? I hope not or we have just encountered three scummy people, not just two.
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