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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Jeff yes, Laura no. She figures sticking tight with Jeff now is her best survival strategy for the 60 days (oy!). They were put together at the start and I don't think it would help her to piss him off. I'm feeling some TV karma coming their way, or maybe it's just indigestion 🙂
  2. Damn this show! I can't poop now without thinking about Aesha's "biology lesson" 🙂
  3. Jordan: Good bunny catch in the wasteland. That's a lot to process before it spoils. The milk drinking was something new. That head soup looked disgusting. I'm glad I don't have to eat it. This is why I go camping in hotels 🙂 Woniya: Licking the birch tree. Ok. Strong shelter is a must. They all seem to have nice shelters that we didn't see being built. They're going to need lots of insulation. Nathan: Having weird dreams already. Nice fish. He seems to be having trouble. Should not have eaten those raw fish eggs. He seems to have recovered ok. Barry: How did he cut up the can? Lure works well. The hook not so much. He seems obsessed with money. Brady: Weird dreams. Nice crop of blueberries. Nice ox head. Good lure fabrication. Ray: Interesting trap. Needs some work. Good shooting! The isolation is already getting to him. You shouldn't get too attached to dinner. Michelle: No fish on the barrel, bummer. Good job snaring the grouse. Looks like the fire might take her out. Should have built a nice hearth.
  4. Cracked egg kills Team Fun. When Becca went over the ditch, I thought I saw that bag crunch a little, but with camera angles, etc. I didn't know. Oops! Then not checking them. Triple detoured themselves. They thought smart to bring back 12 new good eggs, but not good enough. Aaaaah, Amsterdam. $88 Cool! When did they last mention money for a leg? Then it didn't matter. Maybe next leg? More OOH bunching (sigh) Bicycles are not my friends. At least it's pancake flat there. Lazy/dumb Nicole can't pedal and makes Victor do all the work. "Udderly ridiculous" lol Good one, Phil! Very cooperative cows 🙂 Tyler/Korey beat Colin/Christie's time. Afghanimals beat them both. I love Phil, but the UTurn isn't really a surprise when you give them a warning in the clue and after the cast has been obsessing over it for the last couple legs (sigh) "Happy Birthday Nicole" Karma, or just payback? I see a fight brewing for the next leg. The judge let whining Nicole off easy on that ditch jumping. Then Victor does the rest all on his own. That may have been the difference. Please TAR gods, don't let her win. I love the additional challenge to get to the pitstop. Not happy how it pissed off the locals. My guess is production got punked by perfect weather bringing out a big crowd they weren't expecting. A rule I have always lived by: "Don't f**k with the locals". Tyler/Korey got lost but recover. "Boyz in boats!" rofl. I love how Phil toyed with them at the mat 🙂 Colin/Christie are tough, strong favorites for the win, but anything can happen on that final leg. Two hour finale next Wednesday at 9 EDT, after a Big Brother.
  5. Nice to see Mila in a hot shit soup of her own making. She's the villain every show needs. I must say her restaurant meal looked awful, but she ordered it. A little karma to start the evening. Maybe a producer spoke to the staff? "Sexy Hitler" lol. horndog. Still lazy. Hannah nails him. Does the absolute minimum to not get fired. I've worked with them. Joao managed to not over indulge and turn obnoxious. Impressive. Steps us well to help the interior. Then Mila pulls out the classic non-apology apology bigots are so skilled at. Travis doesn't go for it. Then she serves crap for lunch and lies about it. Frozen shrimp from Vietnam and crabmeat in a can doesn't qualify as "fresh". I wanted Sandy or somebody to look in the trash and nail her. Hannah handled it all well. Anastasia (and Mom!) to the rescue. Mila haz a sad. Aww. Badmouths the salad, overcooks the steaks. She's so awful she's becoming a caricature. Aesha is still very weird, but is funny as hell. I'm glad Colin wasn't seriously hurt. He's funny as hell too.
  6. I loved Rylie whining about how hard it is without Manu. You just know Manu was working her ass off, picking up all the slack. Christina seems good at taking orders. She has to. Gets taken out by a UTI. Bummer. Getting flooded in their "shelter" was hilarious. A little karma? How many days have they been working on that thing? Of course Laura is prepared to restart the fire in a howling thunderstorm. I'm surprised they aren't trying to patch the boat better. Maybe the stuff didn't work? Jeff is just too intense for me. Nice fishing haul. Duke, James, Gabrielle set sail for a better site, right to a shark. Yikes! Goldilocks indeed. lol. Did Jeff or Laura not tell them the others were down the beach? A crappy shelter is better than nothing. They'll find Rylie eventually. I'd rather they didn't. The new gang of 6 seems pretty together. Risky float trip for Max, scores coconuts. Iron gut eh? I was waiting for him to keel over. Looks like he's done, but tune in next week!. "His coconuts are bigger than mine" rofl. I remember peeling like that when I was a kid back in the dark ages. Thankfully no skin cancer.
  7. I'm male and could not agree more! These "tough guys" whining is as embarrassing as it is constant.
  8. Coincidence? Or producers like the sound of it 🙂 . I think I've heard that term somewhere else recently, but can't place it.
  9. Donny - Just no. Yes you are arrogant. Nice shelter, lots of cut firewood. The muskrat bites back! lol. Now he's all humble and taps. Bye Felicia! Jordon - Planted in a crappy burned area, bummer. Nikki - Weord free spirit type. "I sleep in on Christmas" Then she cuts herself. haha. What is with these so-called "experts" that makes them so careless. She seems to be healing nicely. Ray got a fish. Cool. Yes, cook that thing through. Eww. Michelle - I like her too. She seems to have skills and determination. Her stand up was funny. Good idea for use of the barrel. "go catch me some fish!"
  10. You would have to be quick to avoid the flying debris 🙂
  11. ...and tipping you over $1000 for 2 days "work".
  12. Totally agree. The victim thing got her the BB win (over a truly vile abusive dude) so she's sticking with it as much as I hate it.
  13. Once, I think. Spellcheck is my friend 🙂
  14. OMFG! I can't believe CC forgot their gnome. And survived. Wow I love airport drama! Sorry Nicole, you picked the wrong line. Usually there is a queue, but not today. Then the woman clocks out. rofl. Then they pull a stand-by out of their butts and arrive 3rd. Ay carumba! My busboy experience would be useful to deliver those drinks. Split is beautiful. I'm not good at snorkeling, I tend to choke. Good switch for TK. The poem on the boat is not easy, but more controllable. Not looking good for CB. They need to focus. It's such a strange feeling to not despise any of the last six standing. I like some less than others, but would be OK with anybody winning. Roadblock is hard. Drum Major Floyd kills it. The Korey - Nicole temporary alliance was beneficial to both of them. Then Christie arriving saved the Afghanimals, and herself the same way. The end was really rushed. Friends had 2 dalmatians. Challenging dogs. eta: The episode free of Reilly drama is like the fresh cool breeze tonight.
  15. I'm sure Mila will produce more fireworks. They are already fighting and haven't even gotten liquored up yet 🙂
  16. That was fun! Nice finish with Chef Barfy's homophobic little rant. These guests appear to have no clue what first class is like. This isn't it, yet they seem happy. That microwaved meat looked tough, unless they have really dull knives. "Naughty schoolboy slapping me ass on the bridge" lol Jack's pretty useless, but I love the accent. Who owns the property at the private beach? They need a better spot. Ugh. Chef Barfy is incompetent. An hour late to throw that lunch together. What has she been doing since breakfast, where all I saw was some ugly thick sliced meat? No tequila!!! Then throw 2 bottles at once? And try to catch them together? Toss them both out of the frat! Then of course karma blows up a storm. "I'm not a butcher, I'm not a baker" She's barely a cook. I made better cakes in Home Ec class with powdered milk and eggs in high school. Duncan Heinz makes a great cake. As Ana showed, it's not that hard even from scratch. Now she's insulted the guests know she didn't make the cake, Stop it! She escaped blame for that dreadful icing job. Almost as ugly as the nachos. Aesha is pretty weird. Colin, google NZ Kiwi, it's your friend.
  17. I hope it works out for Manu. She's just great. Rylie was on my last nerve. Manu showed amazing restraint dealing with her. Really, why not use the already down bamboo now, and incorporate the "super" green stuff as needed later. We'll see if Jeff & Laura's isolationism foreshadows some karma where they need the others. Not likely, but you never know. Russell seems to be really trying to be decent. Time will tell.
  18. And this is just what the editors chose to show us! You just know there's more. With all the hair flying, assorted licking, and pawing of the food, safety seems to be the last thing on her mind. Have we seen her wash her hands? ick!
  19. I know it doesn't diminish the "ICK" factor at all, but wouldn't frying the steak kill any germs she imparted to it? Not so much with the finger licking. Gross. I've worked in labs for 30 years so it's ingrained in me to never lick my fingers, even when cooking. Then I always wash with soap after handling any raw meat.
  20. This. With Colin now in his "zen" mode, her determination really shows.
  21. I didn't like the concept of this U-turn vote, but am very happy how it turned out. Now that the "Swiss Democracy" fig leaf is gone. May it never return.
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