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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I just noticed Mollie drooling over Asston, telling chef lady? she wanted to have his babies. Ew.
  2. We'll see. The previews for this show are always very misleading.
  3. Just re-watching how giddy Simone was at the prospect of Kate not coming back and thinking that a new chief stew was going to magically appear and make her life rainbows and unicorns, or something.
  4. Well that was boring, as expected. Most of the fun is the interactions of the couple, whether they fight or get along. Same thing happens when one taps out real early and it's just dull.
  5. Courtney has done the work to earn it. Kate should have demoted Simone while she was at it.
  6. So she should have done it behind her back instead?
  7. "Just a bitch", so she deserves the abuse. OK.... She is superior to everyone else on this crew. So the whining gruesome foursome of douchebrus call her a bitch because she won't kiss their little boy butts after being assaulted. Too bad, so sad. Simone hates her because Simone is incompetent on service and has shown zero capacity to learn it. Courtney and Rhylee have no problems with her. They were smart to duck during this latest display of toxic masculinity.
  8. Basing this on the customary practice that the tip is 10% and each charter appears to be 2 nights, (6 meals), with 8 guests comes to about $10,000 per night per person. That's some expensive pizza. In 1999, I went on a 20 passenger "yacht" for week in the Galapagos. $2500 a person, our cabins weren't much bigger than the yachties bunks. It didn't matter as we were tromping around the islands all day. The way those dudes got us in and out of the zodiacs 4 times a day puts this crew of incompetent deckhands to shame. The chef rocked every meal. The galley was a floor down and after the crew did the serving, he would stick his head up to the top of the stairs to see how we were enjoying the food. Way cool!
  9. Yes, Courtney has slid from deadpan dry hilarious down to "I'm over this, so I'll pout." It's a shame. I think she's getting bored with Brian too. That's a good thing. eta: Courtney's behavior doesn't make Simone any less whiny, annoying and somehow entitled.
  10. My fantasy is after Asston makes his "man down" speech, Lee says "you're right. Pack your knots and get off my boat".
  11. Pure speculation, but I think production gave Kate a nice pile of ca$h to come back. I hope she terrorizes them all and especially whining Simone.
  12. Whiny Ashton and the fishing drama. The poor baby just feels so soory for his awesome douchbru self. Who parked the boat there? Rhylee didn't. Expecting an Alaska fisherman to know all about fishing in Thailand is just incredibly stupid. Looking for another excuse to bash her. She's been totally "calm", so far.... Maybe the new accommodations will wake Lee up.
  13. I'm a grown man and there's no way I'm sharing a bed with another grown man. The couch would be better. Whoever booked this this screwed up.
  14. Chef douchebro serves pizza to guests who specified "no cheese", then says "fuck them". I hope this private chef rips him a new butthole.
  15. Asston totally sucks, and Kevin and douchebru Tanner are getting on my last nerves with their sanctimonious bullshit. ETA: He doesn't remember. How convenient!
  16. Thanks for that. Asston just wanted to goad her into yet another fight to prove his superiority. As an attempt to assert his "Authoritai!", it was a dismal failure. I was never a "boss", but that is no way to get your stated objective from an underling. He needs to jerk off more since nobody will suck his dick. (For free. It's Thailand. He can afford to pay for it.)
  17. If he didn't get any hookers pregnant, she's probably thrilled with her baby. Ugh.
  18. I think he looked more scared than sincere. As @DeeplyShallow said above, it's all about him.
  19. Capt. Lee chimes in from the Twitterverse: "I have no excuse for the behavior of either of those boys, not men, boys. Tanner, you can't even talk let alone think. Ashton, you have crossed the line so far its unbelievable. You both should be ashamed of your actions. Lucky I wasn't there or neither of you would have been." Stay tuned......
  20. Kate will be back. Ashton can go any time. "Smashton" was just itching to fight with Kate after assaulting her - again. Too bad the van window didn't break. Ashton is right about the knots, but is a terrible teacher and manager. Blowing Riley off, then yelling at her is not going to create the outcome he wants. You shouldn't lie to your mom on TV either. The boys get more dickish every week. No Kate, you are not the only one who works. That soup looked horrible. Good they finally fixed the fan after the cloud experience. That "date" was a dud. What time and effort did you put in Brian? Calling for a cart? He gets whinier every week. Phuket looks extremely wild.
  21. I like to think the other winners will want to vote off one of them right away. Always split up couples. Survivor 101.
  22. Great it's all returning winners! Every one of them had to cut a lot of throats to get there and won't hesitate to do it again! Nobody is a "starstruck" newbie. Has great potential.
  23. Sorry CBS/Survivor, I don't think this lame vow to do better will make this mess go away.
  24. I want to like, laugh, and cringe all at once 🙂
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