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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. I'm hoping she's using him for a meat shield and not buying his BS (crossed fingers). Noura so reminds me of Abi Marie. A wrench in everybody's game 🙂
  2. Janet is my Jersey home girl. She reminds me a lot of my favorite aunt. I don't think she'll win, but I'm happy she wasn't booted tonight. Maybe Karishma will overplay and fail to make final goat.
  3. Boom! bye Aaron. Boom! bye Missy! Hahahahahaha!
  4. He really overdoes it. I also notice he always says "it's just a whatever....". Like he doesn't have any confidence in what he's serving.
  5. No, being "Smashton" does not excuse your behavior. Courtney still bringing the deadpan humor. Simone crushing on Tanner is cute. All sorts of crushing going on. "Put me in coach!" Kate is being very patient with Simone. I love her enthusiasm, but she has A LOT to learn. Wow. Kevin needs to get out of the way and over himself. Pirates, arrgh, no. The guests are gross, but not living up the their hype. Yet. Hope Brian can get his knee fixed.
  6. It was all set up until Kellee failed to play one of her TWO IDOLS.
  7. She drank the Kool-aid and dismissed Feely Dan's groping.
  8. Same old story. The "alpha dudes" bro up and the "catty" women attack each other.
  9. The saddest thing about tonight: Had Kellee played an idol, Feely Dan would have been gone and Part 2 would have been something completely different. Probably better.
  10. I'm stuck with local Jersey boy Dean 😞 It's not like Long Island or New Jersey have a shortage of assholes.
  11. I'm a guy and I agree with all of this. Disgusting behavior all around. Lots of men are pigs and too many women enable the pigs.
  12. Kellee!!! You got voted out with TWO idols is your pocket! You have made the Pantheon of Survivor Stupid, but still not stupid enough to beat Eric. Ivy League graduates are seriously overrated.
  13. Brian's dad looks like a real rough character. He's done well to over come this. Abbi: "I don't know what's next!" Kate: "Um, the airport"
  14. Kate & Ashton. Ewww! Poor baby can't get his dick sucked. Waah! Club looked really wild. (but I hate crowds) Amazing bartenders. Bye Abbi. You won't be missed. At the risk of being crass, fuck your feelings. Lee is rightly pissed. She had no clue what she was signing up for and can't stick it out for a month. Happy Tanner's illness isn't serious. All sorts of nasty bugs in that part of the world. Waterpark looked fun. Much nicer beach than the other one. Sorry Simone. You made yourself laundry queen by showing a talent for it. I've managed to get out of some crappy jobs by being bad at them, like how Courtney irons 🙂 Credit to Kate for getting her out some, but the work still has to get done. Kevin is lucky the tongue went over and Lee was happy. Guess he'll be around for awhile. Don't be putting mushrooms in my drink. I am very impressed how well these guests held their liquor. Always well buzzed, but never falling down trashed.
  15. I hope the editors are setting Feely Dan up for a big crash and burn.
  16. Elaine made a "random" pick out of the bag after she was sent to IOI because her tribe decided to sit her out at the reward challenge and then TPTB say she drew Janet (whew). There is absolutely no proof that she actually pulled Janet's name. But, I lean towards production not interfering because so many of these "twists" like this have fallen flat over the years, but there's really no way to tell what's "fixed" and what isn't.
  17. No, but being right in this game is no guarantee of getting what you want. Perception among the other players is everything.
  18. Jamal always seems to be "mansplaining", even when talking to other men.
  19. She was covering her ass when the inevitable finger pointing of who voted for who happens. That whole IOI with Janet was excellent. The only one - so far - to actually listen to the lesson, weigh the options deliberately, and make an informed decision.
  20. BOOM! Great blindside. Well played Kellee! I liked Jack. Collateral damage. I would have preferred Jamal leaving. His smug conviction that he's the smartest dude on the island has annoyed me from day one. And he teaches at an all girls school? Find another school, parents. Noura brings the crazy. She's Abi Marie goat material. I love Janet.
  21. And exactly how does Kevin know how hard everybody else is working? If he's always watching them, he's not doing his job. Did I see him trying to help out on deck? He should go label his spices. My guess is that title goes to the invisible Engineer. I've worked with whining martyrs like him. Not fun.
  22. Abbi: "Rules are just not my forte." Start your own business or find a sugar daddy. "Engaged by text. My eyes are rolling off the boat." Courtney delivers! LOL! True love in the twenty teens. At 36 (I think), Kate is right at the edge of X ers and Millennials. Older people have been whining about "kids these days" for centuries. It's stupid. Now she's planning her divorce before the wedding. OK. She and her hair won't be missed. A boatload of party girls! Here we go! They held their liquor very well. Brandy could learn something from them. Pace yourself, honey. The davit repair seemed to go quickly and effortlessly. Kevin is the baby to 3 sisters. That explains a lot to me. He's been doted on forever. Thinks he's the hardest working person on the boat. Please. Have some more whine. Now he's going to really knock it out with a 10 course "extravaganza", making lots of work for the servers. Was there any meat on any of those tiny, tiny plates? The guests seemed to like it and that's all that really matters. I don't like gnochhi. Too thick and pasty. Never had tongue. I'm told it's great, I would probably try it, but don't spring it on me for my meal. Poor Tanner. "I thought this was f*****g done" Been there. The whole Ashton/Brian thing has me confused. The ladies loved the lap dance though. Give the people what they want.
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