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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. Just rewatching... Ashton interrogating Courtney at the bar. Courtney: "Dumb question. What is this an interview at McDonalds???" LOL
  2. That was BS I could smell all the way on the east coast.
  3. scare a class of 4th graders. My 4th grade teacher scared me 🙂
  4. Wow! I wish Aaron had gone instead of Jason, but I'll take it. Did I see him vote Jason? wtf? Tommy can go anytime too. Donuts? I do my Survivor with vodka, so this may be a bit disjointed. Stupid of the old Volkai on the new Larro to win that challenge. Starstruck Elaine almost loses the advantage. Smart play confiding with Elizabeth for help. What if she just reached out, stopped the sand from flowing, and said "Now let's talk"? After 39 seasons, hundreds of challenges and millions of posts: Enough with the chickens. Kill them all (humanely) now. Have a feast tonight. Be done with it. Dan is pawing everybody's bags? Emerging target.
  5. Timing is everything... Some fun stuff here: https://www.cheatsheet.com/entertainment/below-deck-captain-lee-and-kate-chastain-live-tweet-about-chef-kevin-and-it-isnt-good.html/
  6. That whole business confused me too. He made a mistake not telling Ashton first, but I can understand the adrenaline rush of fear and the desire to just fess up to the captain and get it over with. We have no idea where Ashton was or what he was doing at the time.
  7. Please no. I want something fresh, not aged...
  8. Kevin really needs to get over himself. He should have been fired after turning his back and walking out on the Capt. Then he doesn't make enough food after "emptying the freezer". Doctor tells Brandy to stop drinking, so after 12 hours in a coma she wakes up and demands champagne. Good job Courtney getting Kate on it. I'm loving her deadpan snark. The sparkling water was clever. Abbi tries to drink herself out of a job because she's too chicken to quit. It's not your boyfriend's sailboat, but he's not paying you $800 a day.
  9. "When the hosts asked (Helen) about her interactions with (Chef) Martin last season, she seemed hurt he mocked her. “After the episode, he basically ridiculed me about me being in my heels and my nails,” she said. “I can cook and I’m an amazing hostess. I just wanted to be in the kitchen and watch what he did. And we were having a great time and he steps off the air and says that. I’m like, ‘Are you kidding?’ Like he was having as much fun as I was.” " Chef Unicorn was just another horny billy goat.
  10. What do you call the person who finishes last in the class in Medical School? Doctor
  11. “Bing, we’re bros!” Hey Tommy, a 4th grader should see through Aaron’s bs. What! No IOI. Has this dumb “twist” fizzled faster than others ?? Rob and Sandra had better offers or production couldn’t think of another “lesson”.
  12. That challenge was too sadistic for even my perverted enjoyment. Noura dragging useless Karishma up the hill after her bold victory prediction made it worth it.
  13. That was awful. Applebees. Never been there. Not a fan of chain restaurants. Proves it’s all frozen and can be shipped anywhere
  14. I thought Janet would be smart to stay close to Tom and use those connections for herself down the road.
  15. I think Janet/Jamal made a huge mistake. Useless Karishma turns on her old tribe in a nanosecond, she will do the same to you.
  16. Ashton was lucky he got that tender back afloat on the receding tide. Must pay attention to these things. Not a very good place to land. I wonder why they couldn't have found a better beach. The area looks littered with deserted islands. It looked rather treacherous for the guests to climb around all those rocks as well. Then you really couldn't go swimming or surf walk.
  17. Courtney is really growing on me. Unintentionally funny indeed. Abbi seems to have one foot out the door. This scene is not for her. Kate is declaring war on Kevin. Hoping for good fireworks! Brandy is quite the piece of work. Chugging everybody's mimosas for breakfast after sleeping through dinner. She may be tossing something like valium into the mix.
  18. He definitely assumed that, but he should have been prepared for them to come back with nothing.
  19. As he forgets to procure the food to cook.
  20. I admit that, but I still can't stand him. (He's not worth the effort to hate.)
  21. Sort of saw that coming. Wow. "You wanted a blindside, you got one". Ouch! Another idol goes unplayed.
  22. The primary and his wife are returning, with a new group of their closest friends.
  23. Courtney is such a bitter pill. She needs to find another line of work. At least none of this crew seem to be mean drunks. So no Ashton Abbi hookup. Another misleading preview. How did her radio end up in the wheelhouse? Or did she leave it somewhere and Lee found it. She did realize it was gone and was looking for it, unlike just ignoring it.
  24. It's hard to tell with the editing, but she seemed to just wander off without anybody noticing. I thought grabbing some ashes was proof enough, the film crew can back up he was right there 🙂
  25. Karishma! If you were worried about about solely representing a billion Indians knowing what TV SHOW you were signing up for, maybe you shouldn't have signed the 500 page contract. She is horribly annoying, but an important number for the girls alliance, for now....
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