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Everything posted by PaperTree

  1. So Sandy goes full psycho right off the bat. "What if she flushes it!!!!" "I care!" Right. Cry me a river, bitch! Hannah is better off getting out of there! So lots of dancing with "Maritime Law". I want Malia to have an anxiety attack. "Bugs just bugs the shit out of everybody." Yep!
  2. They barely have 2 brain cells to rub together. @icemiser69 "Kevin needs to grow a pair and stop whining. Anyone that whines that much can't be trusted in an alliance. That personality type will most likely do the bidding of those with the most power every time. If the power shifts, he will shift." YES! He clung to that evil Natalie until the end of his 1st season. IIRC, he had the chance to evict her and wimped out.
  3. Enzo and Cody are already on my last nerve. Those two blowholes can't get off my screen fast enough. Meow.
  4. Boom! eta: I noticed how Malia was constantly fidgeting with her hair and clothes throughout WWHL. To me, that's a real tell that the person is uncomfortable and trying to feed you a bunch of BS. She stopped whenever she got a softball question and put on that smug smile like "I'm so getting away with this".
  5. Thanks so much for that. Have another vodka, on me. I just did 🙂
  6. "Captain" Sandy has totally jumped the shark. Maybe he'll eat her. Nah, would taste too nasty.
  7. Malia should watch out for Bugs. Snakes eat rats, ya know 🙂
  8. I would like to see Hannah pack her bags and walk. It would serve Sandy and Bugs right. I would feel sorry for Jess. She seems like a good person, just a little "eccentric".
  9. Malia is a rat! Seems so proud of herself on WWHL. Bugs is such a nasty suck-up. She forgot to wear her table decor tonight. "I love the table decor on her head and neck" LOL! Run, Tom, Run! Sandy is toxic, Malia is a nasty bitch. He is making a huge mistake. We all saw this coming. The knives are out for Hannah. Sandy's "motherly" BS is really grating. To the whole crew's credit, they don't get blackout drunk on their nights out. Did we really have to see that back waxing? Princess Malia has to run and whine to Sandy so she can sleep with her squeeze. So now everybody has to move all their stuff around. Then she goes full rat. I hope some karma finds her. Valium is not a narcotic! Twitter should be fun tonight 🙂
  10. Rewatching this episode, I despise Sandy even more.
  11. So nice to see you back @Callaphera 🙂 He thinks he's Frank Sinatra.
  12. Information: I'm native born and lived all over New Jersey for 61 years. We have plenty of Cody/Enzo type assholes, but they are a minority. A loud and annoying minority. I hope Kevin goes. He went all in with evil, racist Natalie when he had a chance to do better. Keesha was totally screwed over by Memphis (and Dan) so I hope she gets some revenge.
  13. He realized he was a target so was forced to.
  14. I love music but would totally suck in this challenge. Cry me a river, Cody. waah, waah, waah!
  15. Cody's eyes are more deer in the headlights to me. Memphis is moving in on the moron.
  16. Nobody should play this "Safety Suite" right now. Let it fly.
  17. I forgot how much I despise Cody. And "meow meow" Enzo.
  18. Western Pennsylvania is the only place I have ever heard it spoken that way.
  19. Roland really is a cave man. “Fat is where it’s at”. Lost 44 pounds already! Dangerous fishing at danger rock. Is he going to just leave his net? Keeping the musk ox herd around so maybe he can pick off one later or having them charge you is smart. Amos has trouble with the net and ice. Wolfpack very scary! He’s going to freeze in that leaky shelter. Callie weaves a net. Impressive! Bitchy fishing spot. Nasty fall! She needs to find another spot. She won’t make it without fish. Will she survive to ice fish? Kielyn “No one should live without chocolate” 🙂 Lost 38 pounds! Going out on fresh ice like that is so dangerous! She does claim lots of experience though. Nice catches! Weather is only going to get worse. Maybe they should have started this earlier.
  20. I would rather have Hannah in an emergency than clueless Sandy.
  21. So Junior finds a nearby boat with not one, not two, but three spare fuel pumps aboard that they are more than happy to give away while Junior carries no spares. Right! Too bad they brought him back. He's still an a**hole. Loving Captain Harley. No drama. No nonsense. No overinflated ego. Takes care of his crew. I know a lot of posters hate Josh, but I have an irrational soft spot for him. Must be because of Phil. Casey is totally the brains of this operation.
  22. That would have been hilarious. Somebody needs to take Helicopter Sandy down a few pegs.
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